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1、专业英语四级(作文)模拟试卷 41及答案与解析 SECTION A COMPOSITION (35 MIN) 1 Fake products are very harmful, but they still enjoy great popularity. They have brought about a lot of social problems. Why can they get so widespread? What harmfulness do they bring to people? How to solve the problem? Choose one or two aspe

2、cts to talk about. Write a composition of about 200 words on the following topic: The Harmfulness of Fake Products 2 Low-carbon lifestyle means a kind of lifestyle that people do their best to reduce energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. It has been so popular that people mention it every

3、where all the time. Why is it so popular? How to realize it? Write a composition of about 200 words on the following topic; The Importance of Low-Carbon Lifestyle 3 Recently more people gain access to the Internet, and they find it becomes more difficult for them to protect their privacy. The cyber

4、manhunt, for example, is the nightmare to many netizens. Write a composition of about 200 words on the following topic: Say “No“ to Cyber Manhunt 4 Owing to the global recession, it becomes more and more difficult for most college graduates to find a job recently. However, some graduates open a new

5、path and prefer to work as village officials. Write a composition of about 200 words on the following topic; The Benefits of Working as Village Officials 专业英语四级(作文)模拟试卷 41答案与解析 SECTION A COMPOSITION (35 MIN) 1 【正确答案】 The Harmfulness of Fake Products Nowadays, China is suffering from a boom in fake c

6、ommodities. Fake products are so widespread in the market that almost everybody has frustrating experiences of buying them. Then, what harm do they bring to us? On the one hand, fake products do harm to individual consumers. They can bring about great loss in both properties and lives. For example,

7、bad seeds result in bankruptcy of farmers. And another case in point is that if a consumer buys some fake treatment medicine, the medicine wont cure him of his illness but may threaten his life. On the other hand, the production of fake commodities is a great danger to our society as well as to indi

8、vidual consumers in many ways. Firstly, the good name of the well-known products may be ruined overnight by easily made fake ones. Secondly, fake products, usually associated with organized crime and backed up by powerful multilayered corrupted bureaucrats, may create chaos and ruin our society. Sin

9、ce fake products do great harm to individual consumers and to our society, it is high time that we did something to avoid being the victim of fake goods. Every one of us has the duty to fight against fake products for our society and ourselves. 【试题解析】 本题是一个给定观点型题目。题目把假冒产品的害处作为话题,要求考生从为什么假冒产品如此盛行、假冒产

10、品给人们带来了什么害处以及怎样解决这一 问题三个方面中选取一个或两个展开分析,提出自己的观点,然后进行论证。 本题是当前的一个热点话题,可以有多种思路,既可以把现在的假冒产品盛行当作结果,分析其成因;也可以分析假冒产品的现状,着重研究其对社会产生的影响,指出其严峻性;或者从解决问题的角度,分析如何杜绝假冒产品。根据题目给出的三个问题,这里给出了三种思路供参考,考生可以选取其中之一来进行写作: 思路 1:出现假冒产品的原因。 出现假冒产品的原因是多方面的。可以从以下几个方面分析:假冒产品给生产者和不法商贩带来极大的利润空间;消 费者贪图便宜的心理等。 思路 2:假冒产品盛行的严重后果。 假冒产品

11、危害消费者的权益,甚至生命;假冒产品侵害了合法生产者的权益;假冒产品危害社会,造成社会混乱。 思路 3:如何杜绝假冒产品。 消费者要杜绝贪便宜的心理,营造出良好的消费环境;全社会动员起来坚决抵制假冒产品;政府出台严厉的制裁措施与相关法律、法规,使造假者望而却步。 范文采用了思路 2,着重讨论假冒产品带来的严重后果。 【知识模块】 作文 2 【正确答案】 The Importance of Low-Carbon Lifestyle After the Copenhagen meeting, low-carbon has become a catch word in the Chinese pop

12、ular media and daily conversation of Chinese people. Meanwhile, a series of related words, such as low-carbon economy and low-carbon lifestyle come with the tide. To our ordinary people, we should keep in mind that low-carbon lifestyle is not a short-lived fashion, but an important eco-friendly and

13、healthy lifestyle in the highly developed society. To live a low-carbon lifestyle is to do our best to reduce energy consumption and the emissions of greenhouse gas. This kind of lifestyle is especially significant when the worsening environment is the primary problem that man concerns. Among all ki

14、nds of environmental problems, the greenhouse effect is the most fatal one and needs our immediate attention. Individual action is essential if we want to avoid climate chaos, then the low-carbon lifestyle is quite necessary. Furthermore, low-carbon lifestyle is also an inseparable healthy way of li

15、ving in modern urban life. For example, low-carbon eating habit of eating fish rather than red meat is a good solution to the obesity problem induced by excess nutrition. The low-carbon transportation means using public transportation, cycling or even walking, which is the precious and rare chance o

16、f exercise to the busy and strained urban life. In conclusion, every one on this planet is responsible to our mother earth and we should keep the importance of low-carbon in mind and live a green life. 【试题解析】 本题属于 给定观点型题目。本文要求就当前越来越受人们关注的环保问题进行阐述。环境保护过去是个看似很遥远的话题,但现在越来越多人意识到环保应从自我做起,因此低碳生活就是现在的流行语。那

17、么,低碳生活的重要性到底体现在哪里,题目要求考生对此展开分析,提出自己的观点和看法。 本文可以从正面来论述低碳生活的重要性,也可以从正反两方面结合的角度来进行论证。采用正面论证的方式可以从下面几个角度来考虑: 低碳生活的定义:哥本哈根会议提出 “低碳 ”一词后,随之出现了低碳经济、低碳生活等各种派生词汇,低碳生活与普通人的关系 更为紧密,它不仅是一个流行的环保口号,更是现代生活的必要。 低碳生活的重要性: 1日益恶劣的环境问题,特别是温室效应和臭氧空洞问题,使得低碳的生活方式变得十分必要,减少生活中的碳排放量成为拯救环境的重要一环。 2低碳生活对于都市人来说不但是环保的生活方式,更是一种有益于

18、他们身心健康的生活方式。 范文主要按照上述思路来进行写作。 【知识模块】 作文 3 【正确答案】 Say “No“ to Cyber Manhunt The development of computer science and the popularity of the Internet services co-occur with certain social side effects, and cyber manhunt is one of these problems. The cyber manhunt is a special search engine which uses pa

19、rticipation of Internet users to provide, filter and finally find the requested information. With the united efforts of the netizens, many social evils are exposed to the public, such as the exposure of the cruelty to animals. But the demerits of the cyber manhunt outweigh its merits. One of the har

20、mful effects of the cyber manhunt is the invasion of individual privacy. Although the initial motive of the enthusiastic netizens might not be malicious, their overly digging out of personal information would seriously disturb others life or even infringe upon peoples privacy. Due to the weak legal

21、awareness of some netizens, plenty of confidential information is also available on the net. Another flaw of cyber manhunt is the uncontrollable result outside the virtual world. When the evils are exposed, the public cant keep their anger inside the virtual society, therefore the anger may easily p

22、rovoke radical illegal punishments in reality. To sum up, to say no to the cyber manhunt is possible, as long as we netizens enhance our legal and moral consciousness, and the government establishes relevant legislations and rules to regulate peoples online behavior. 【试题解析】 本题是一个给定观点型题目,题目要求以对人肉搜索说

23、“不 ”为话题来进行写作。目前由于网络的发展和广泛使用,人肉搜索这一现象开始为人们所关注。与此同时,更为人们所关注的是个人隐私等问题。既然给定的观点是 “对人肉搜索说 不 ”,文章一定要说清人肉搜索的负面影响,考生可以按照为什么人肉搜索如此盛行、人肉搜索给人们带来了什么害处以及怎样解决这一思路展开分析,提出自己的观点和看法,然后进行论证。参考思路如下: 思路 1:人肉搜索危害巨大,所以应对人肉搜索说 “不 ”。 人肉搜索虽然也发 挥过一些积极的作用,如揪出贪官或暴露一些不道德、不文明的行为,但是它的危害远远大于积极作用,如:人肉搜索会侵犯他人的隐私;它还会导致某些机密信息的泄露;人肉搜索更有可

24、能会在虚拟的网络世界之外引起一些过激的行为。 思路 2:如何对人肉搜索说 “不 ”。 人肉搜索的危害是不容忽视的。要减少人肉搜索带来的危害,网民个人和整个社会都应做出努力:拒绝人肉搜索一方面要靠加强网民的法律意识,另一方面国家也要加强相关的管理,这样才能真正对人肉搜索说 “不 ”。 范文把论述重点放在思路 1上,并在结尾处简要地提出 思路 2中的建议和做法。 【知识模块】 作文 4 【正确答案】 The Benefits of Working as Village Officials Recently, it is more and more difficult for a college s

25、tudent to find a good job, or even find one, owing to the global recession and the constant pressure of employment. Some college graduates choose to work in a big city while others open a new path to work in the countryside as village officials. In my part, I believe that working as village official

26、s is a wise choice. On the one hand, working as village officials is beneficial to college graduates in many aspects. For one thing, they can make good use of their plentiful knowledge learnt in universities. For another, they can gain more practical experience from local farmers, which is helpful f

27、or their future development. On the other hand, college graduates working as village officials can contribute a lot to the development of the countryside. They can introduce new concepts to the countryside and speed the development of rural culture. As a result, the gap between the city and the coun

28、tryside can well be narrowed. In a word, college graduates working as village officials is a win-win choice which brings many benefits to both students and villages. Graduate students should take advantage of this opportunity to realize their values and do more for our country. 【试题解析】 本题是一个给定观点型题目。要

29、求考生对当村官的益处进行论述。本题反映的是当前社会的一个热点问题,可以有多种思路,既可以从大学生受益角度分析当村官的益处,也可以从农村发展需要的角度来分析,还可以结合这两个方面来综合分析。 思路 1:当村官对大学生的益处。 大学生当村官一方面缓解了就业压力,另一方面又能为将来更好的发展积累一些有益的实践经验。 思路 2:大 学生村官给农村发展带来的益处。 大学生村官能给农村发展带来先进的理论及最新的思想,可以为实现我国逐步缩小城乡差距的目标提供途径。 思路 3:结合大学生本身及农村发展需要两方面来论述当村官的益处。 可以综合当村官带给大学生的益处和给农村发展带来的益处两方面来写当村官的益处。 范文采用了思路 3,从两个方面综合分析当村官的益处。 【知识模块】 作文

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