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本文([外语类试卷]专业英语四级(作文)模拟试卷43及答案与解析.doc)为本站会员(李朗)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、专业英语四级(作文)模拟试卷 43及答案与解析 SECTION A COMPOSITION (35 MIN) 1 With the development of the society, more and more ordinary people are engaged in charity activities. Accordingly, a new form of charity comes into being, that is, micro-charity, in which ordinary people can take simple actions or donate small

2、 amounts of money to express their kindness. What is your view on micro-charity? Write a composition of about 200 words on the following topic: My Views on Micro-Charity 2 Almost every day we can hear about some news about road accidents or witness them on the spot. Why do road accidents happen so f

3、requently? Can you give some suggestions to prevent them? Write a composition of about 200 words on the following topic: How to Reduce Road Accidents? 3 Recently, there have been many reports on people being blackmailed after they helped the old and on people just standing by when they found someone

4、 in need. People explain that the reason why passers-by do not offer help is that they are afraid of being blackmailed. Could you offer some suggestions on how to protect the warm-hearted helpers so that an atmosphere of helping each other can be restored in our society? Write a composition of about

5、 200 words on the following topic: How to Protect the Helpers? 4 With the life pace accelerating at a surprisingly high speed every second, people of modern times feel more and more stressed. In some cases, the stress has resulted in even serious problems. Thus, the issue is attracting more and more

6、 attention socially. Write a composition of about 200 words on the following topic; How to Improve Mental Health? 专业英语四级(作文)模拟试卷 43答案与解析 SECTION A COMPOSITION (35 MIN) 1 【正确答案】 My Views on Micro-Charity With the improvement of society and peoples living standard, more and more ordinary people are en

7、gaged in a new form of charity micro-charity, which wins overwhelming support and benefits a lot of people. Micro-charity has emerged as a shining star in charity activities. It encourages ordinary people to explore those small demands which are easily ignored. Besides, compared to the traditional f

8、orm of charity, micro-charity is totally grassroots charity which relies on ordinary people. Furthermore, micro-charity not only encourages people to find others demand but also involves themselves in charity to express their love and kindness. Under these new concepts, micro-charity has its own adv

9、antages. Firstly, micro-charity is quite a convenient and easy way for people to involve in charity since it lowers the threshold for charitable participation. Secondly, micro-charity can draw a lot of attention and strength of our society through Weibo and other net platforms. Online charity inform

10、ation can be disseminated rapidly and widely. Lastly, it can stir up impressive resources to solve problems, which makes charity sustainable. All these advantages make it possible to get people together, who, as a group, can more easily help others and finally help our society make progress. To sum

11、up, with its specific concepts and obvious advantages, micro-charity makes people see how easily they can strengthen their own personal values through performing good deeds instead of considering charitable work to be reserved for the rich. In a word, micro-charity will surely help to make a better

12、world. 【试题解析】 本题是自由发挥型题目,要求考生就当前很受关注的微公益问题发表自己的看法。过去,人们似乎已经默认了这样一个事实:所谓公益、慈善只是富人的事业,而普通人却与公益 “绝缘 ”。但是随着社会的进步和人们生活水平的提高,越来越多的普通人开始参与到公益事业中来,于是 “微公益 ”应运而生。题目要求考生对微公益提出自己的看法,可以从以下两方面着手,对微公益的问题进行探讨。 微公益的理念: 1鼓励人们发掘身边微小的社会需求; 2微公益和普通公益相比,依赖普通的民众,吸引更多人关注身边的公益,汇聚的 是草根的 “微力量 ”; 3鼓励人人参与,传递爱心,付诸行动。 微公益的优点: 1微

13、公益方便、简单、易参与; 2借助网络平台倡导微公益,能吸引更多的人关注、参与,支持者众多; 3参与者众多,不但可以发挥更多的智慧,而且可以持续发展一项公益活动。 范文结合了微公益的理念和微公益的优点来进行论述。 【知识模块】 作文 2 【正确答案】 How to Reduce Road Accidents? Frequent occurrence of serious accidents on the road is a matter of great concern for all of us. Not a day passes when we do not hear about the r

14、eport of at least 2 or 3 serious road accidents. From my perspective, human error is the main cause of the accidents, so to reduce the road accidents, we should improve the public consciousness of traffic safety. Road accidents occur due to many reasons, such as defects in vehicles, road conditions

15、and defects in road design, but among these, unawareness of road safety triggers most of the accidents. To reduce road accidents is a complicated job, which needs combined efforts, such as consummating every means of transportation, strengthening the supervision on transportation, etc. But the enhan

16、cement of traffic safety consciousness is the most efficient one, as all the vehicles are operated by human beings. The publicity on road safety is necessary to remind everyone of the importance of traffic laws and regulations. Education is also indispensable, especially for children, to build up tr

17、affic security consciousness and improve the self-protective ability. In short, as long as everyone considers the safety a priority, the road accidents can be reduced. 【试题解析】 本题属于自由发挥型题目。要求考生就当前越来越受人们关注的交通事故频发这一问题进行阐述。按照题目的要求,文章中不但要讨论为什么交通事故会呈现上升趋势,还要就如何减少交通事故 提出自己的观点。我们可以从以下几方面着手。对如何减少交通事故进行探讨: 问题成

18、因: 1生活水平的提高使得拥有私家车的人越来越多; 2经济发展使得交通运输繁忙; 3交通管理存在不足之处; 4有的人法律和交通安全意识比较淡薄。 解决办法: 1加强宣传力度,提高全民的交通意识; 2严格执法,加大惩罚力度; 3完善交通设施,消除交通隐患; 4通过教育使全民的素质得以提高,等等。 范文主要围绕问题成因 4和解决办法 1、 4进行写作。 【知识模块】 作文 3 【正确答案】 How to Protect the Helpers? Reports on people who help those in need being blackmailed have caused a grea

19、t sensation in China recently. We condemn the ungrateful, complain about the declining morality and sympathize with the victims. However, most importantly, we should give serious consideration to how to protect those good Samaritans. First of all, it is time to make the Chinese version of good Samar

20、itan law. The law can immunize helpers from liability when they assist others at the scene of an emergency. With the legislative guarantee, good Samaritans do not have to give second thoughts to the consequence of helping. In addition, it is advisable that charitable organizations provide assistance

21、 for the helpers. Once they are blackmailed, they can get legal aid and do not have to worry about lawsuit fees and other financial burdens. Besides, more positive media exposure will also make a difference. Some good Samaritans who are blackmailed only need a witness at the court. However, since pe

22、ople now hear too many stories about indifferent bystanders and ungrateful victims, few want to give testimony at court for fear of getting involved in such complicated incidents. Positive media publicity may help to instill in the public what is the right thing to do. I believe human beings have a

23、biological urge to help each other. Hopefully, efforts will be made to guarantee the rights of good Samaritans so that such natural impulse will not be deterred by frequent occurrences of extortion. 【试题解析】 本题是自由发挥型题目 ,针对社会上频频出现的好人因帮助别人反而被讹诈的事件要求考生论述如何保护助人为乐者的权益。考生可从以下三个角度思考: 思路 1:给被诬陷的好人提供援助,这种援助可以来

24、自社会的志愿者或者来自专门的慈善机构。加大对助人为乐者物质方面的奖励力度。 思路 2:主要通过国家立法实现对助人为乐者的保障,社会援助和慈善机构配合进行。同时媒体进行正面宣传,为社会扬正气,自然也可以起到保护好人的作用。 思路 3:将见义勇为行为与升学、就业、优先享受社会保障等挂钩;助人者因见义勇为遭遇法律纠纷时,由政府指定的部门提供无偿法律援助或聘请律师。 范文选取思路 2,因为民间力量毕竟有限,国家立法才是解决此问题的根本途径。 【知识模块】 作文 4 【正确答案】 How to Improve Mental Health? With the accelerated life pace,

25、people are confronted with more pressure and fiercer competition, which results in some mental problems. Different factors have contributed to this. With the development of society, modern people have to work harder to keep up with the step of times, so they have less time for doing other things in

26、their life. Besides, the modern communication technology has made people mentally farther though seemingly closer. Furthermore, for those who prefer to stay alone, the rapidly developing society gives them a good chance to keep to themselves. All these have led to more and more severe mental problem

27、s, and even some serious cases. In order to solve this ongoing issue substantially, people need to be self-aware that they should start taking measures themselves. Firstly, they should restore the traditional ways of communication and talk to people, especially friends, face to face, instead of rely

28、ing on the modern products like the Internet. Moreover, sports and outgoings also make people forget the troubles and cultivate a good mood. In addition, recreations like reading and movie watching can also benefit the mentality with new knowledge, focuses, and lessons from others life stories, espe

29、cially for those introverted ones. To sum up, people should try ways suitable for themselves. After all, the prerequisite is self-awareness. 【试题解析】 本题属于自由发挥型题目。本文涉及当前备受人们关注的心理健康问题。无论是学生,还是社会中工作的人,心理健康问题都应该受到足够的重视。那么,如何才能够在面对压力的时候保持健康的心理 ?题目要求考生对此展开分析,提出自己的观点和看法。我们可以从以下两方面着手,对改善心理健康的问题进行探讨: 问题成因: 1现代

30、人生活节奏加快使工作压力增大; 2手机、网络等现代通讯设备的发展使现代人改变了以往的生活、沟通方式,导致人与人之间的疏远;3还有一部分人是为了避免不必要的麻烦而不愿与人交往; 4依赖性强,有些人来到新的环境无法适应,导致性格孤僻等。 解决办法: 1鼓励传统的沟通方式,例如面对面交流,因为朋友之间互相交流是缓解压力的有效方式; 2即使工作再忙,也应该保证运动和出游的时间,它们是很好的减压方式; 3即使是喜欢独处的人也可以有很多选择,如阅读或看电影等; 4收集当地有关自然风貌和人文地理的有关资料,激发寻找异地、异乡、异校的优势和美感,培养热爱学校、热爱他乡的感情,这对于改善心情有很好的帮助; 5自觉地培养自立自强、独立生 活的意识; 6积极主动地扩大人际交往范围,融入到寝室集体、班级集体中去,寻找新朋友,培养新感情,等等。 范文主要采用了问题成因 1、 2、 3和解决办法 1、 2、 3来进行写作。 【知识模块】 作文

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