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本文([外语类试卷]专业英语四级(作文)模拟试卷49及答案与解析.doc)为本站会员(赵齐羽)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、专业英语四级(作文)模拟试卷 49及答案与解析 SECTION A COMPOSITION (35 MIN) 1 The introduction of computers into classroom has greatly changed the traditional way of teaching and learning. It is said that in the near future, computers would replace teachers and result in their unemployment. What do you think? Write a co

2、mposition of about 200 words on the following topic; Will Computers Replace Teachers? 2 Celebrity worship is now on the rise and some youngsters cannot resist jumping on the wagon. Comment on this phenomenon, and provide reasons and suggestions as to what we shall learn from celebrities. Write a com

3、position of about 200 words on the following topic; What Should We Learn from the Celebrities? 3 Otaku (御宅族 ) is a Japanese term used to refer to people, most commonly young people, who spend almost all their time indoors watching television, surfing the Internet and playing games. Nowadays, many ot

4、aku turn up in universities. Some people assert it is a fashion while others consider it as escaping reality. Whats your opinion? Write a composition of about 200 words on the following topic: “Otaku Culture“ , a Kind of Fashion or Escaping Reality? 4 With the rapid development of network, network l

5、iterature, as a new literary form, has been rising in contemporary literature. This form of literature allows everybody to be a writer if he or she wants and some net literary works by ordinary people win a lot of support. Some support the development of network literature while others think otherwi

6、se. Whats your opinion? Write a composition of about 200 words on the following topic: Is Network Literature Influencing Modern Literature in a Good Way? 专业英语四级(作文)模拟试卷 49答案与解析 SECTION A COMPOSITION (35 MIN) 1 【正确答案】 Will Computers Replace Teachers? The information and computer technologies have boo

7、sted the efficiency and convenience of peoples work and study. Their application to education has provided teachers and students with new approaches to knowledge and information. But no matter how useful computers are, they have to follow the instructions designed by man and cannot play the role of

8、human brain. The saying that computers will replace teachers is overplayed. We must admit that computers are beneficial to students study and give them much convenience in solving problems. Students now can do their assignments with the help of appropriate software. They also surf on the Internet to

9、 enjoy diversified music and other kinds of entertainment. But as Spenser said, “Education has for its objects the formation of characters. “ This is also the essence of the quality-oriented education advocated by our government. It aims to cultivate well-qualified and all-round students, rather tha

10、n generate some exam machines. We need students who have initiative ideas, not those who cut and paste their essays out of software encyclopedia. Teachers replacement by computers is not their real concern at present. Instead, they should take how to adopt new technology into consideration. They wou

11、ld become outdated if they stick to the old teaching methods. Faced with the challenge of modern technology, they should change their mind to put new techniques into practice. By learning and using this progressive approach, they can make their teaching more interactive and effective. 【试题解析】 本题是一个对比

12、选择型题目,考生首先应针对计算机是否会取代教师这一问题提出自己的观点,然后论证所持观点。也可以将计算机和教师的功能对比之后再得出结论。 思路 1:计算机无法取代教师。 计算机不具备人脑的灵活性,只是受制于人脑的工具。在日常教学中,计算机无法察觉学生的不足,不能对学生学习起到监督和引导的作用。因此计算机无法取代教师在教学中的地位和作用。 思路 2:计算机可以取代教师。 学生对知识的需求会随着时代和科技的进步而提升,因此必然会对教学提出更高要求 。课堂时间只有被高效利用,才能使学生有所收获。传统教学只能满足学生对于书本的探索,而难以拓展、延伸知识面。因此计算机取代教师可以加快教学进程、提高学生学习

13、的积极性。 思路 3:教师应将计算机运用到教学中,提高教学效率。 现代科技为人们的工作和学习带来了极大便利,并且将科技运用到教学中已经成为教学改革的重点。计算机无法取代教师在教学中的地位和作用,但是却可以被有效利用,从而提高教与学的效率。 范文选取了思路 3,首先提出观点:计算机无法取代教师在教学中的地位和作用,接着进行论证,并在结论部 分指出教师是否会被计算机取代不是现在教学中的重点,教师应该将新技术运用到教学中,从而提高教学水平。 【知识模块】 作文 2 【正确答案】 What Should We Learn from the Celebrities? Nowadays the fever

14、 of celebrity worship is on its rising and never shows the symptom of abating, and its especially true for the youth. Its a remarkably interesting and provoking phenomenon. As a whole, our society is not as homogenous as it once was. It seems that people need something to fulfill the belief they onc

15、e held. Celebrity worship is a way of escaping the pressure. In their eyes, heroes can do things that ordinary people would like to do but often cannot. Involved in the lives of the celebrities, they temporarily forget all about their own problems and frustration, and feel encouraged. However, the f

16、act is that few people seem to care about how the celebrities reach their achievements, and fame is the only object. Everyone wants to be famous, because typically, you are not considered successful unless you are famous. Celebrity worship is the twisted substitute of the true heroes admiration. It

17、comes from the misconception of success. With their focus of attention being paid to no more than the superficial glory in the spotlight, fans neglect the essential conditions to success, such as persistence and determination, which are the very value we should get from the celebrities. To admire th

18、e celebrities is necessary and beneficial to our work, but our focus shall be on the essence of being a hero their endurance, down-to-earth attitude, and pursuit of life instead of the glory. Otherwise, the dream is merely a daydream and a castle in the air. Good qualities of celebrities are what we

19、 really should learn from them. 【试题解析】 本题属于自由发挥型题目,要求考生就应该从名人身上学到什么发表看法。根据题目要求,本文可以从以下几方面着手: 追星的含义:形容粉丝对明星的崇拜行为。 此现象产生的原因: 1明星的成才之路和成功方法令人敬佩,因此,有人追星是为了从中得到经验,鼓舞自己; 2现代人的生活节奏较快,缺少必要的娱乐方式,因此,人们通过追星丰富自己的日常生活。 追星的有利影响: 1理性追星可以帮助人们树立成功的信心,使人们通过学习明星的成功经验建立通往成功的捷径; 2理性追星可以缓解学习 压力,充实课外生活; 3通过追星人们可以纾解生活中的不如意

20、,通过转换心情重获前进的动力。 追星的不利影响: 1青年人作为追星的主力军,自控能力较差,一旦坠入追星的迷阵就难以自拔; 2追星不仅耽误学习,也给家里造成一定的经济负担;3盲目追星一族只追人,却忽视明星取得成功的毅力和勇气,此种追星行为毫无意义。 【知识模块】 作文 3 【正确答案】 “Otaku Culture“ , a Kind of Fashion or Escaping Reality? Nowadays, it has become a more and more common phenomenon that many otaku turn up in universities. T

21、hey consider otaku culture as a fashion. However, in my view, otaku culture is not a kind of fashion, but a way to escape reality, which brings lots of negative effects. The reason why otaku culture is in fact a way of escaping reality, in my view, includes two aspects. Firstly, in the real world, l

22、oneliness, lack of spiritual sustenance, and indifferent interpersonal relationship all drive college students to seek self-fulfillment, or to re-create an ideal image of themselves in the virtual world online. Besides, because of great social pressures, college students sometimes feel helpless in r

23、eal life, which pushes them to stay at home in pursuit of a sense of security. All these lead to the otaku culture as a way of escaping reality. In spite of the popularity of otaku culture, its negative influence cannot be ignored. Firstly, it does harm to young peoples health. The irregular diet, l

24、ack of movement and staying up all night do no good to their health. Besides, since they immerse themselves in their own life, have little contact with the outside world and spend little time on their studies, the otaku may easily suffer mental depression when they have to face the real world. To su

25、m up, in order to let young people live a significant life instead of escaping reality at home, on the one hand, schools should focus on guiding these young peoples desires and healthy development; on the other hand, college students themselves should walk out of their rooms and find other outdoor i

26、nterests. 【试题解析】 本题是一个对比选择型题目,核心问题是如何看待目前社会上流行的宅文化:是时尚还是逃避现实。可根据以下思路进行写作: 思路 1:宅文化是一种时尚。 宅文化是典型的现代化产物。电脑和网络普及后,人们能够在网上的虚拟社区中找到更多志趣相投的朋友,通过网上平台联系到生意伙伴,甚至也有人通过网上交友找到了自己的伴侣。 思路 2:宅文化是逃避现实的方式。 拥护宅文化的主体是现今的大学生,这一代人多是在网络世界里成长起来的,相较于现实生活中复杂的人际关系,网络的虚拟世界让他们觉得更安全自在。另一方面,面对现实生活的压力时,宅在家中为他们提供了一个暂时忘记压力的避风港。但是,宅

27、文化带来的消极因素是不可忽视的,因此我们应鼓励年轻人从虚拟世界中走出来,积极面对现实生活。 范文选取了思路 2,首先分析了宅文化成为大学生逃避现实的方式的原因,然后探究宅文化对大学生产生的消极影响,并对此现象提出建议。 【知识 模块】 作文 4 【正确答案】 Is Network Literature Influencing Modern Literature in a Good Way? Recent years, network literature has risen quickly with the popularization of the network. Various netw

28、ork literary works are exhibited to readers, which bring vitality to modern literary world and also bring challenges to traditional literary view. Many people question its influence on modern literature, while in my view, it benefits modern literature a lot. Network literature, as a social phenomeno

29、n, benefits modern literature in the following aspects. Firstly, the openness of the Internet gives network literature a free space, which provides more chances for young writers and potential writing stars in modern literature. Everyone can easily give vent to their emotions and could be a writer i

30、f he or she wants. Besides, network literature provides more writing modes and contents for modern literature. Distinct from traditional literature, network literature makes good use of daily expressions , gives rise to new and free writing modes, and takes advantages of current social situation and

31、 daily life as writing background. Furthermore, network literature also reforms the traditional way of reading. People who plunge into reading network literature read more books than other readers and read more frequently, which makes them easily get familiar with modern literature. In a word, netwo

32、rk literature enriches the existing modes and contents of modern literature. Above all, we should not deny the positive influence of network literature and should encourage its development. Despite the fact that the aesthetic quality of network literature still needs strict examination, network lite

33、rature has been a newcomer that can not be neglected in the literature family. 【试题解析】 本题是一个对比选择型题目,核心问题是网络文学对现代文学的影响是好还是坏。可根据以下思路进行写作: 思路 1:网络文学有利于现代文学的发展。 作为新的文学形式,网络文学十分方便而又大众。任何人都可以在网络上发表文字,畅所欲言。更为重要的是,网络文学为整个现代文学的发展提供了诸多可能性。它能够根据当代人的精神理想和现实追求,调整创作实践和发展的方向,以新潮的语言模式和构思撑起文学的新天地。这也是网络文学区别于传统文学所在。此外,网络文学也是阅读方式的变革,我们可以在手机上、电脑上随时进行阅读,方便快捷,在任何时候都可以提升自我,由此带来的是文学时代大众化与娱乐性的崛起。 思路 2:网络文学不利于现代文学的发展。 网络文学是传统文学的改革与创新,但是网络文学的水平良莠不齐,部分网络文学污染了纯正的文学气氛,各种不良信息在取悦大众的同时消磨掉了文学创作,违背了文学应该坚持的价值取向以及其反映社会现实的功能。 范文选取了思路 1,先是简要介绍了网络文学的发展现状,然后阐述了网络文学对现代文学的正面影响,最后表达了对网络文学未来的期许。 【知识模块】 作文

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