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1、专业英语四级(作文)模拟试卷 52及答案与解析 SECTION A COMPOSITION (35 MIN) 1 Microblog, as a newly emerging social network, has swept over China, which serves as a convenient media for the public to express opinions freely, share information and disclose the undesirable behavior such as corruption. On the other hand, i

2、t is misused by some to defame others and cause chaos in society. What do you think? Write a composition of about 200 words on the following topic: Is Microblog a Blessing or a Curse? 2 The Information Age has radically changed the modern lifestyle and redefined some of the most important elements o

3、f our society. While some people believe human beings benefit a lot from it, others complain about its negative effects. What is your opinion? Write a composition of about 200 words on the following topic: The Major Advantages/Disadvantages of the Information Age 3 Today, people are living in a digi

4、tal world which brings about a fast evolution of technology in daily life, such as digital photos, digital computers, digital books, etc. Nearly everything can be simplified in an efficient and convenient way. Yet, with the growing dependence on digital technology, some people question the influence

5、 of digital age. Thus a debate over whether digital age is making people stupid or smarter arises. Whats your opinion? Write a composition of about 200 words on the following topic: Digital Age Is Making People Stupid or Smarter? 4 With the development of technology, mobile phones have more and more

6、 functions and lots of college students are engaged in their mobile phones all the time, such as surfing on social networking sites, reading e-books, etc. This obsession of cellphone arouses a heated discussion and its disadvantages can not be ignored. What do you think of this phenomenon? Write a c

7、omposition of about 200 words on the following topic: The Disadvantages of Cellphone Obsession 专业英语四级(作文)模拟试卷 52答案与解析 SECTION A COMPOSITION (35 MIN) 1 【正确答案】 Is Microblog a Blessing or a Curse? Over the past few years, our communication patterns have shifted primarily from face-to-face to more onlin

8、e communications, among which microblog is the latest fascinating development. While highly applauded by its faithful users, it also draws harsh criticism. Personally, I believe microblog has benefited many aspects of our lives enormously. Firstly, as a new means of expression, microblog serves as a

9、 convenient platform for ordinary people to give vent to their feelings and voice their opinions. Secondly, the width of information has been broadened, since the grassroots, instead of being passive information receivers, are now able to share what they observe in their surroundings and their comme

10、nts on certain events. Thirdly, it intensifies scrutiny on the behavior of every member of the society, especially the government officials. The scandals of the Red Cross Society of China and many other officials are good examples. Admittedly, there are many problems with microblog, among which priv

11、acy is the major issue. Personal information, such as the whereabouts and occupations of users, revealed through microblog may cause troubles. Besides, when the dissemination of information speeds up via microblog, some people irresponsibly spread unfounded rumors and therefore lead to undeserved sl

12、anders and disastrous chaos in the victims lives. In spite of all the drawbacks, microblogs status as a newly emerging medium cannot be challenged in a short time. What we need is better censorship to minimize its negative effects. 【试题解析】 本题是一个对比选择型题目,要求讨论微博的积极和消极影响。微博作为一种新兴的交流媒介已经为现代人所普遍接受,成为公众发表见解

13、、交流信息的重要平台,但同时也制造了很多混乱。可根据以下思路展开写作: 思路 1:只谈微博的优点。 比如公众表达信息渠道的拓宽、信息传播速度的加快,增强了公众对社会的关注,特别是对政府和权威机构的监督。 思路 2:只谈微博的缺点。 比如信息安全问题,微博口水战造成的混乱,利用微博的力量恶意中伤他人等。 思路 3:指出微博虽有缺点 但它带来的积极影响更大。 范文选取了思路 3进行写作。 【知识模块】 作文 2 【正确答案】 The Major Advantages of the Information Age The current age is characterized by the abi

14、lity of individuals to access abundant information and exchange information freely. However, there are heated debates over whether it has positive or negative effects. In my view, the advantages far outweigh the disadvantages. Firstly, we can acquire and process information at a higher speed and wit

15、h more ease. With even just a few mouse clicks, we can obtain huge amounts of information. Secondly, collaboration between countries and organizations has been highly promoted since we can share resources via the Internet. Thirdly, life is made easier by the information technology. Bank transactions

16、, paying bills and shopping can be done on the Internet and we can even work at home instead of commuting back and forth every day. However, we have to admit that our gains from the Information Age are also at the expense of our pains. Many people complain that they are overwhelmed by the informatio

17、n bombarding our lives every day. The rapid information flow impairs judgment and disrupts sensible decision-making. Besides, so obsessed with our fascinating electronic devices, we have no time to reflect upon whats really important in life. Despite all the disadvantages, the development of the inf

18、ormation technology will by no means stop at the current level, and its influence will also undergo considerable increase, whether we like it or not. 【试题解析】 本题是一个对比选择 型题目,要求讨论信息时代的优缺点。人类所处的信息时代以信息的高速流通和获取信息的极大便利为主要特征,这给人类生活带来方便,同时也产生了一些人类在以往从未想象到的问题。可根据以下思路展开写作: 思路 1:只讨论信息时代的优点,包括信息处理速度加快,人与人之间,国家、机

19、构之间合作加强,生活更便利。 思路 2:只讨论信息时代的缺点,比如人类交流方式由面对面交流转向更多的电话和在线交流,人情更淡漠,信息过量影响人的判断,剥夺人的思考时间等。 思路 3:主要讨论优点,并提到缺点,但指出优点多于缺点, 缺点带来的问题是可以避免的。 范文选取了思路 3。 【知识模块】 作文 3 【正确答案】 Digital Age Is Making People Stupid or Smarter? Nowadays, we have stepped into a digital age. Every day, people receive superabundant inform

20、ation and face various new technologies. However, in my view, despite the convenience the digital age brings to us, the growing dependence on digital technology is making people stupid. There are several reasons for my opinion. Firstly, digital technology is chipping away our capacity for concentrat

21、ion and contemplation. For example, when college students write papers, their first choice is to read online. They browse, scan and skim instead of reading in depth, let alone reflecting or remembering. Secondly, the emergence of every new technology will make people less creative and less productiv

22、e. Without digital technology, we have to think hard by ourselves for new ideas. Yet, in digital age, people are only “creating“ in a limited virtual world, which leads to the fact that we are losing the ability to find beauty in nature. Last but not least, as people rely more and more on technology

23、 to solve problems, humans ability in many aspects will surely deteriorate. For example, college students now mainly use computers to write and gradually forget how to write many Chinese characters. In a word, digital machines in some way replace peoples role to think, but what humans do is only to

24、press a button to let everything go on. Above all, even though digital world may save peoples time and energy, it is as well an era of digital technology making us less creative and more stupid. So we should spend less time on digital devices and when using them, we should use them in a more effecti

25、ve and helpful way. 【试题解析】 本题是一个对比选择型题目,核心问题是数字时代使人变得愚蠢还是让人更聪明。要求考生结合自己的想法对此问题进行分析,然后选择其中一个观点,给出理由进行论证。 思路 1:数字时代使人变得愚蠢。 随着数字时代的到来,我们享受到了科技给生活带来的各种各样的便利和快捷。例如:网络购物、数码照相、数字图书馆和数字电视等。然而,就在我们对数字产品产生越来越深厚的情感和越来越强烈的依赖时,它 已经改变了人类的很多思维方式,我们大脑集中精力的能力正在降低,而我们深度思考的时间也正在减少,同时,它也正在破坏人类的想象力。 思路 2:数字时代让人更聪明。 在数字时

26、代,新知识、新观念、新技术层出不穷,使人们的生活变得更加丰富,与世界的连接更加紧密,人与人之间的距离缩小了,大大地提高了人类交流信息的能力。同时计算机技术的不断提高和广泛使用,大大提高了人类存储、处理、应用信息的能力。 范文选取了思路 1,先是简单介绍了数字时代的现状,然后阐述了数字时代使人变得愚蠢的理由,最后表达了对数字 时代的期许。 【知识模块】 作文 4 【正确答案】 The Disadvantages of Cellphone Obsession In our daily life, there is no denying that cellphones bring great con

27、venience to us, but at the same time, many young peoples behaviors of spending too much time and energy on mobile phones also bring serious disadvantages that can not be ignored. In my opinion, there are several disadvantages of cellphone obsession. First of all, cellphone obsession reduces face-to-

28、face communication, which will isolate people from each other. Compared to cellphone communication, face-to-face communication has a higher quality of understanding because of the non-verbal communicative gestures. Relying on text messages to communicate can only create a detached society. Second, c

29、ellphone obsession is destroying peoples relationships. Good relationships need direct and frequent maintenance. Yet cellphone obsession is driving us away from people around us. For example, we can often find that many are busy taking pictures, writing captions and uploading them to their microblog

30、s, and few are engaged in talking. Third, cellphone obsession may even lead to social phobia. If things continue this way, people will get used to shunning interpersonal contact and even lose the ability to effectively and appropriately communicate with each other, especially with strangers. To sum

31、up, we should remember that the original purpose of the cellphones is to provide convenience for people to get in touch with each other. So we should avoid cellphone obsession and make good use of other functions of mobile phones. 【试题解析】 本题是一个给定观点型题目。要求考生分析沉迷于手机这一现象及其带来的坏处,并提出自己的观点,然后进行论证。可根据以下思路展开写

32、作: 思路 1:沉迷于手机的原因。 手机功能日趋强大,甚至可以替代电脑的很多功能,尤其是现在的智能手机以及层出不穷的应用软件很吸引大学生;其次,手机的交流方式与面对面交流相比具有匿名性、即时性的特点,尤其是智能手机功能强大,聊天、游戏等 功能正在改变着人们的交流模式,其新颖、时尚和便捷的特征对大学生有着很强的吸引力。 思路 2:沉迷于手机的危害。 首先,手机交流在一定程度上取代了人与人之间的面对面沟通,令人际关系疏离;其次,沉迷于手机实际上破坏了和谐的人际关系,很多人在亲友聚会、单位活动、会议会谈、饭局应酬的过程中发微博、玩游戏等,会让人觉得他们不重视、不尊重在场的人;最后,沉迷于手机容易患上社交恐惧症,在一些社交场合玩手机很多时候是出于对现实的逃避或者拒绝,长此以往,社交能力将会受到更加严重的影响。 范文选取了思路 2,从三个方面阐述沉迷于手机的危害。 【知识模块】 作文

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