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本文([外语类试卷]专业英语四级(作文)模拟试卷55及答案与解析.doc)为本站会员(孙刚)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、专业英语四级(作文)模拟试卷 55及答案与解析 SECTION A COMPOSITION (35 MIN) 1 Recently, the special committee of filial piety under the China National Association for Ethical Studies announced that it aims to help one million children between the age of 4 and 6 learn about filial piety. However, this plan has sparked a

2、fierce debate over whether children can be taught to feel grateful to their parents. What is your opinion? Write a composition of about 200 words on the following topic: Can Filial Piety Be Taught? 2 There is a well-known saying: personality decides destiny. However, some people believe that the des

3、tiny is held in their own hands. What is your opinion? Write a composition of about 200 words on the following topic: Does Personality Decide Destiny? 3 Recently, a top liberal arts student in Chongqing, who faked his ethnic identity to get bonus points in the college entrance examination, has been

4、punished. Also Peking University reported a second ethnic-identity faking case. However, the two cases are just the tip of the iceberg. There could be a lot more. What do you think of this phenomenon? Write a composition of about 200 words on the following topic; The Importance of Integrity 4 In Chi

5、na, modesty is often regarded as a traditional virtue. But sometimes, especially in job-hunting, it is really not necessary to be always modest. Why being modest is not always an advantage in job-hunting? What should we do in job-hunting to avoid being too modest? Choose one or two aspects to talk a

6、bout. Write a composition of about 200 words on the following topic: Being Modest Is Not Always an Advantage in Job-hunting 专业英语四级(作文)模拟试卷 55答案与解析 SECTION A COMPOSITION (35 MIN) 1 【正确答案】 Can Filial Piety Be Taught? Filial piety is an essential moral value cherished and extolled in China. To promote

7、it, an organization is committed to a project which aims to cultivate one million “dutiful kids“ aged 4 to 6. However, such practice has caused a heated debate as to whether children can be trained to harbor filial piety. As far as I can see, it is an unrealistic idea. Filial piety can only be culti

8、vated in a wholesome environment, and can never be taught in the classroom. Teaching children filial piety in the classroom is just like teaching them a second language in their native land. The result is that they forget it easily without truly internalizing the concept. A proper environment where

9、filial piety can be nurtured comprises their parents good behaviors and the whole atmosphere of the society. Such environment can never be simulated in a training program. In addition, filial piety is the inner willingness to respect ones parents, show due courtesy and take care of them as they age.

10、 It takes patience and perseverance to fulfill the responsibility of a dutiful child, and therefore a training program lasting for 2 or 3 years can hardly realize the goal to produce genuine “dutiful kids“. In conclusion, it is not wise to train or even force children to have filial piety. The empha

11、sis should be laid on cultivating righteous, brave and responsible individuals, who, with these characters, will certainly love their parents. 【试题解析】 本题是一个对比选择型题目,核心问题是讨论孝心是否能教出来。 “孝 ”作为中国传统道德的一部分,在当今社会有日益缺失的倾向,因此,学校及相关机构希望通过培训的形式增强孩子 “孝 ”的观念,本文要求考生就这种培训的方式是否能达到目的发表自己的看法。 思路 1:孝道是可以教的。 通过给孩子讲故事,进行一系

12、列的活动引导孩子帮助父母做事,体谅父母的辛苦,可以给孩子灌输 “孝 ”的观念,从而培养孩子孝敬父母的美德和习惯。 思路 2:孝道是无法通过培训来获得的。 “孝 ”涵盖了孩子 对父母发自内心的敬重,甚至是一定程度的顺从,以及成年后对父母的尽心奉养,它作为一种观念和心理状态是很难通过几堂课来培养的。这需要家庭及社会的影响,需要人本身的综合道德素质来维系。课上培训可能起到一时的作用,但是无法持久。 范文采用思路 2,孝道是不可教的。指出孝道是必须在良好的环境中培育出来的,而且对父母尽孝需要孩子的耐心、毅力、时间,这些也不可能靠短时间培训得来。 【知识模块】 作文 2 【正确答案】 Does Pers

13、onality Decide Destiny? Personality and destiny is a permanent topic of discussion. Does personality decide destiny? In my perspective, Im more a supporter than an opponent to it. Some people believe that the key to ones fate is held by no one but himself. Personality is not unchangeable, so they ar

14、e believers to the statements like“ Knowledge is power“ and “Where there is a will, there is a way“. It is undeniable that these sayings make sense. Knowledge, and even coincidence, has effect on destiny, but the influence of personality is the dominant one. Initially, personality decides the way ho

15、w one acquires knowledge. Patience, inquiring mind and perseverance, for instance, are personalities which lay solid foundation on the way of pursuing knowledge successfully. On the contrary, laziness, arrogance and carelessness lay the shadow of failure at the beginning. As for the case of will, pe

16、rsonality can decide the kind of will that one is holding. I dont think a conservative man would have the will of taking the lead in any pioneering path, so we could not find him on the list of great revolutionists. In short, personality distinguishes one from another, deciding his way of dealing wi

17、th everything. No wonder the famous American military school the West Point holds the idea that personality decides destiny for ages. In a word, it is sagacious to support the statement that personality decides destiny. 【试题解析】 本题属于对比选择型题目,核心问题是性格和命运的关系,提出了两种观点:性格决定命运;性格不能决定命运。要求考生用自己的想法或经历对此问题进行分析比较

18、,然后选择其中一个观点,给出理由进行论证。 思路 1:性格不能决定命运。 一方面,性格是先天的,是人的内在品质,而一个人命运的发展会受到后天及外界诸多因素的影响;另一方面,性格虽是与生俱来,但也并非一成不变,所以说性格决定命运不科学。 思路 2:性格决定命运。 影响个人命运的因素有很多,但是性格是主因。性格决定了 一个人为人处事的方式,性格还影响到一个人的人生观和世界观,所以虽然人的命运会受到不同因素的影响,但是性格绝对是这些因素中影响力最大的。因此,可以说性格决定命运。 范文采取了思路 2的观点,并通过正反论证得出自己的观点。 【知识模块】 作文 3 【正确答案】 The Importanc

19、e of Integrity Recently we often see reports on students cheating or plagiarizing in college or faking their identities in the college entrance examination. The integrity crisis among young students has been brought focus to, because integrity is the character one can never do away with. Integrity i

20、s of great importance to a person and even a society. First, it is the fundamental quality of a person. One who always keeps a promise or values honesty as the most important morality can get peace in heart and establish good reputation, which will certainly lead to a happy life and a successful car

21、eer. University students, who are at the threshold of their career and adult life, should therefore regard it as a sacred character for laying a solid foundation for their future. Second, integrity guarantees the effective function of a group and even the whole society because humans interact with e

22、ach other on the basis of mutual trust and sincerity. It is the basic rule that regulates our behavior and any violation of it may result in lower efficiency or failure. If scholars and university students believe quoting others without giving them credit is acceptable, there would not be any progre

23、ss in the academic field and the whole academia would be in chaos. In conclusion, integrity is the core quality of a person and university students should by no means neglect it. 【试题解析】 本题是一个给定观点型题目。要求考生针对目前社会上出现的某些大学生不诚信的现象阐述诚信的重要性。需要特别注意的是,虽然题目是诚信的重要性,但是考生不能只是泛泛而谈,因为题目中给出的背景是和学生有关的,需要在论述诚信的基础上针对学生

24、这一群体来谈。 对于给定论述主题的题目可以从正面来讨论,也可以正反面结合论证。以下给出两个思路: 思路 1:正面论述诚信的重要性,如它是我们成就一切事情的基础;有助于将来我们事业的成功;诚信能赢得真正的友谊;诚信是做人的准则。 思路 2:从正反两方面论述。首先论述诚信带给我们的益处,然后辅助论述不讲诚信带来的后果,其中要结合学生这一特定群体来论述。 范文选取思路 2,从正反两方面论述诚信的重要性。 【知识模块】 作文 4 【正确答案】 Being Modest Is Not Always an Advantage in Job-hunting Modesty has always been c

25、onsidered as a highly-valued attribute in our society. Accordingly, lots of people are accustomed to being modest in job-hunting. However, in my opinion, being modest in job-hunting is not always going to serve you well. The following are several reasons that can support my view. Firstly, being too

26、modest about your abilities might mislead the interviewers to believe that you are not so qualified for the job since they are seeking employees who have expertise in their field and the potential to help the company develop. Besides, downplaying your skills in a self-deprecating manner can sometime

27、s only show your lack of confidence. Most companies tend to choose those who can speak out confidently their strong points, which set one apart from other candidates. Lastly, in a highly competitive job-hunting situation, being too modest wont help employers to know you well, and can only result in

28、missing the opportunity to promote yourself, failing to show that youre in command of professional skills and are ready to put them into use in the job. In a word, job market is no place for displaying overmuch modesty. Above all, we should be modest sometimes, which can help us leave a good impress

29、ion on other people. However, we dont have to be always modest in job-hunting. We should assess ourselves correctly and make sure everybody concerned is aware of our accomplishments and professional strengths, which can really help us succeed in job-hunting. 【试题解析】 本题是一个给定观点型题目。题目把求职中不应一味谦虚作为话题,要求考生

30、分析为什么在求职中不应一味谦虚,以及怎样在求职中表现恰当等问题。考生可选取其中的一个或两个问题展开分析,提出自己的观点,然后进行论证。 思路 1:为什么谦虚并不一定有利于求职。 求职者在应聘时,过度谦虚可能会成为求职失败的主要原因。可以从以下几个方面来分析:首先,求职者过度谦虚,无法真正展示自己的能力,导致用人单位对其不够信任,对其能否胜任职位工作产生怀疑;其次,过度谦虚在他人眼里会被解读为不自信、甚至自卑;最后,面试竞争激烈,通常多人竞争一个职位,若不突显自己,易被埋没在众多求职者中,无法给他人留下深刻印象。 思路 2:如何在求职中表现恰当,避免过度谦虚。 首先,谦虚不是自我否定,而是实事求是、恰如其分地表现自己 。过于谦虚、客气,会被认为能力不够;其次,求职者要有足够的自信展示自我、推销自我,表现自己能够胜任所应聘的职位,从而取得信任,实现自己的求职就业愿望。 范文选取了思路 1从三方面阐述谦虚并不一定有利于求职的原因。 【知识模块】 作文

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