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本文([外语类试卷]专业英语四级(作文)模拟试卷56及答案与解析.doc)为本站会员(孙刚)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、专业英语四级(作文)模拟试卷 56及答案与解析 SECTION A COMPOSITION (35 MIN) 1 We are always taught to be honest since childhood. However, some believe honesty is not always the best policy and it is practically unwise to be honest all the time. Write a composition of about 200 words on the following topic: Being Honest

2、Is Not Always Better than Telling Lies 2 Many people are making promises every day. Administration departments promise to perform their tasks efficiently and fairly without taking any bribes; manufacturers guarantee to make products of good quality; commercial enterprises swear to provide genuine co

3、mmodities and enthusiastic services. What do you think of making promises? Write a composition of about 200 words on the following topic: My Views on Making Promises 3 Some people say that opportunity is the key element for success. For example, there is a popular story that Newton was sitting under

4、 an apple tree, an apple fell on his head (more likely near him) , and he suddenly thought of the Universal Law of Gravitation. How would you comment on this? Write a composition of about 200 words on the following topic: On Opportunity and Success 4 A scholars professional ethics are essential to h

5、is career and in a sense determine his contribution to the public. What do the professional ethics really mean, and what is its importance to a scholar? Write a composition of about 200 words on the following topic: My Idea of Professional Ethics of a Scholar 专业英语四级(作文) 模拟试卷 56答案与解析 SECTION A COMPOS

6、ITION (35 MIN) 1 【正确答案】 Being Honest Is Not Always Better than Telling Lies We are all taught to be honest since childhood. We were made aware that lying is morally wrong and that good people always tell the truth. Of course, as a general rule, we should be honest and sincere to others in order to g

7、ain the trust of them and to make the world a better place. However, it is practically unwise to be honest all the time. In the first place, “total honesty“ is not always good for social relationships, especially during the first few minutes of contact. There is a time for everything, and a certain

8、amount of playacting may be the best choice for the first few minutes of contact with a stranger. But, it is neither the time to complain about ones health or to mention faults one finds in other people nor the time to tell the whole truth about ones opinions and impressions. In the second place, in

9、 some situations, telling lies for good intention is an acceptable practice. For instance, doctors may console their patients who are destined to die in one month that they will pull through very soon. Or we may make up some excuses to decline friends invitation which we dont like to participate. To

10、 sum up, it is not always reasonable to tell the truth. We should be flexible in choosing whether to be honest or to tell lies. 【试题解析】 本题属于给定观点型题目。在审题的时候要注意 “not always”,表示半否定,因此写作时应首先肯定为人诚实是正确的,同时指出 “诚实并不是在任何时候都是明智的 ”。众所周知,诚实是为人之本,然而在现实生活中却需要一些不诚实,这是人的一些自相矛盾的地方。写作重点是如何用有力的论 据说明主题。 论据 1:在人际交往中,有时候我们

11、需要善意的谎言,这样才能使交际顺利、和睦。 论据 2:在现实生活中,有时也需要善意的谎言,比如医生对病危的人说还有希望康复,编造理由拒绝别人的邀请等。 论据 3:有时候为了保护自己,在不伤害他人的情况下,我们也需要善意的谎言。 范文主要采用了论据 1和论据 2。 【知识模块】 作文 2 【正确答案】 My Views on Making Promises A promise is a commitment by someone to do or not to do something. To keep a promise is to uphold the integrity , and to

12、break the promise is the same as telling lies. But unfortunately, more and more people fail to keep their promises nowadays. People now give kinds of promises easily, but their promises are quite fragile. We can see some doctors break Hippocratic Oath by considering interest as the priority. There a

13、re also government officials who forget their promise of serving the people. In my view, the most disappointing example is the cheating in universities. Many college students signed the undertaking of the integrity test before taking the examination, but they immediately forget their promise when th

14、ey are cheating, so it is not difficult to assume that these students would not keep their promise of academic honesty in their paper writing. Promise does not have the force of law, but it doesnt mean promise is not important. In my eyes, keeping promise matters more than obeying the laws, because

15、the ability to keep words is the foundational part of the morality, which is easy to lose but hard to regain. Many Chinese students find that it is becoming difficult for them to apply for the scholarship abroad, because their poor academic honesty ruined their opportunity. To sum up, promise is a s

16、imple and trivial thing, but the failure to keep it would be a substantial matter, so we should always keep in mind the old saying be slow to promise and quick to perform. 【试题解析】 本题是一个自由发挥型题目。要求就誓言进行阐述,发表自己的看法。如今誓言和承诺变得越来越普遍,但兑现这些誓言和承诺却变得越来越难。对此可以从以下几方面着手,对誓言问题进行探讨: 思路 1:誓言的重要性。 着重阐述誓言的意义,誓言是诚信的重要组成

17、部分,信守誓言就是坚守诚信,做出承诺却不能履行誓言和说谎没有两样。 思路 2:违背誓言的危害。 违背誓言的现象有医生违背希波克拉底誓言,官员违背入党誓言,夫妻背叛结婚誓言,学者违背诚信誓言,等等。违背誓言对个人而言是 良心和道德的泯灭,对集体和国家而言则意味着更可怕的后果,还有整个社会诚信的缺失。 思路 3:如何遵守誓言。 目前,很多人发出誓言后并没有去遵守,那么,我们应该如何遵守誓言 ? 范文主要按照思路 2和思路 3进行写作,其中重点分析承诺对学生的重要意义,并提出相关的建议。 【知识模块】 作文 3 【正确答案】 On Opportunity and Success Reading lo

18、ts of history books, I find that the worlds most successful people unanimously admit that their success depends much on opportunities. And there are also talented people who are unable to achieve success because they are just denied by any opportunity. Therefore, I begin to think that opportunity is

19、 the road to success. When an opportunity comes, it brings promise for success, but that promise never comes true by its own. The popular story of how Newton was hit by a falling apple and thus found the Universal Law of Gravitation also proves this. I suppose many people before Newton saw apples fa

20、ll, but none found anything about gravity. However, Newton took the opportunity to think about the phenomenon further, propose and demonstrate a theory to explain it. This indicates that you must make efforts before, during and after you get an opportunity. Thus, when it is coming, you can recognize

21、 it; when it is there, you can grasp it; when it is in your hand, you can turn it into success. Success is opportunity observed, opportunity taken. If you want to be successful in your life, you have to be an opportunist. If you see this life as an opportunity for success, an opportunity to be conte

22、nt, take it. 【试题解析】 本题是一个自由发挥型题目,根据牛顿受到从树上掉落的苹果的启发得出万有引力定律的故事,要求考生对问题进行分析和评论,提出并论证自己对机遇和成功的看法。 我们可以从多方面去 探讨机遇和成功的关系,重点抓住其中一个方面,以因果论证和例证相结合的方式展开说明。这里给出三个可能的思路供参考: 思路 1:机遇对成功非常重要,但是机遇不等于成功。 机遇只是增加了获得成功的可能性,只有加上不懈的努力,可能性才会成为现实。结合例子:很多人也看到了苹果落地,却只有牛顿进行了思考和验证,发现了举世闻名的万有引力定律。 思路 2:首先肯定机遇是成功的必要条件,但是机遇并不经常造

23、访。 如果想获得成功就不能让机遇悄然而逝。我们应该重视机遇,首先认识机遇、把握机遇,做好充分准备,才能走向成功。所以,成功与否,主要在于如何看待机遇。结合例子:苹果落地就是一个机遇,可是大多数人认识不到,只有像牛顿这样勤于思考,具有丰富知识的人才可能把这不起眼的事件当成机遇。 思路 3:成功和机遇是相辅相成的。 机遇带来成功,成功也带来机遇。更形象的说法就是:成功和机遇离得很近,找到机遇,你就找到了成功之路;找到成功,你就找到了更多机遇。就牛顿而言,当苹果落地时,他发现了机遇,也就给自己带来 了成功。他的这次成功又帮助他发现了其他的一些定律。 范文采取了思路 1来说明成功和机遇的关系。 【知识

24、模块】 作文 4 【正确答案】 My Idea of Professional Ethics of a Scholar Its no doubt that a distinguished scholar should be learned and creative. Besides these, having good professional ethics is also important to both the society and the scholar himself. As far as Im concerned, good professional ethics of a sc

25、holar involve the following aspects. Above all, an outstanding scholar is never willing to utilize his knowledge to fish for fame and credit Conversely, hell do his utmost to bring benefits to the general public. In order to raise the living standards of people and make our world a better place to l

26、ive in, he would devote himself to the advancement of technology. Secondly, a respectable scholar should instruct young people selflessly, offer help to those who have troubles in their work, and keep good relationship with other scholars. During scientific research, mutual communication and teamwor

27、k are rather significant. On the basis of trust, great scientific accomplishments will be gained. Furthermore, a good scholar should be loyal to his scientific work and respect the work of others. Never should he allow himself to involve in the plagiarism or false research findings. Finally, a schol

28、ar shoulders great duties so he must be responsible to the society and himself. When making decisions, he should insure that these actions are the result of countless tests rather than made in haste. Taking all these factors into account, I may safely reach the conclusion that if an excellent schola

29、r wants to win the respect of the people and contribute more to peoples benefits, he must have good professional ethics. 【试题解析】 本题属于自由发挥型题目。考生可以根据给出的论题提炼出论点。这里就学者应有的职业道德提出看法,学者不仅应该是学识渊博的,而且应该具有高 尚的职业道德。当前社会中出现了一些学者不遵守职业道德的现象,比如有些高校的教授剽窃他人的学术研究成果,有些学者的研究成果不是建立在翔实而准确的实验基础之上,等等。这些问题都值得我们深思。 可以论述具有良好职业道德的重要性,也可以论述良好职业道德所包含的要素,以及缺失职业道德的危害等。 重要性: 1有利于学术的繁荣和良性发展; 2有利于社会的和谐发展,形成良好的社会风气。 包含要素: 1不会利用学识来沽名钓誉; 2无私地教导年轻人,帮助有困难的人,与同事和睦相处; 3积极投身学术研究; 4能利用自己的学识为社会做贡献; 5尊重他人的学术成果。 范文主要论述了良好职业道德所应包含的几个要素。 【知识模块】 作文

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