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本文([外语类试卷]专业英语四级(完形填空)模拟试卷211及答案与解析.doc)为本站会员(medalangle361)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、专业英语四级(完形填空)模拟试卷 211及答案与解析 一、 PART IV CLOZE Decide which of the words given in the box below would best complete the passage if inserted in the corresponding blanks. The words can be used ONCE ONLY. 0 AconfirmationIspeculate BprudentJpreoccupied CvoicedKrepresentation DinvariablyLmomentarily Eoverpr

2、icedMpessimistic FvicinityNunderscored GyieldsOintelligible Hguarantee The increase in the margin rate(保证金率 )from 50% to 70% was not an attempt to stem any rampant(猛烈的 )speculation on the part of the public actually the market seemed technically quite strong, with public participation essentially di

3、gnified but rather an attempt by the Federal Reserve Board to preserve the sound underpinnings that existed in the market. Naturally, such a move had a【 C1】 _chilling effect upon prices but if the FRB had been preoccupied with undue speculation, the increase might have been to the 80% or even 90% le

4、vel. Such increases in the margin rate is a【 C2】_of a strong stock market and since 1989, such increases have resulted in interim market highs over twelve months later. Obviously, there could be no【 C3】 _that this would once again be the case, but if history is any guideline and if business and corp

5、orate earnings were to continue on the same course continued optimism over the outlook for the stock market would seem more【 C4】 _than pessimism. The margin increase【 C5】 _the good rise that stocks had enjoyed for the previous year and the fact that a 50% rate was maintained as long as it was pointe

6、d up the fact that the rise was mainly conservative in that it was concentrated in the blue chips for the most part. In past Investment Letters we have【 C6】 _the thought that speciality stocks could outperform the general market from this point. We continue to believe that this could be the case. Fo

7、r example, steel stocks tend to sell at a certain fixed price/earnings ratio. Below a certain ratio they are considered good value above a certain ratio, 【 C7】 _. If a company produces a unique product, it is far more difficult for market analysis to place a numerical ratio upon the companys earning

8、s. We have also contended in the past Letters that the stock market reflects mass psychology as well as the business outlook. When investors both the public and the institutions are nervous and【 C8】 _they definitely hesitate to buy stocks; they seek low price/earnings multiples and high【 C9】 _. Thes

9、e same investors when they are in an optimistic frame of mind become far less【 C10】 _with yields and more willing to pay a premium(high p/e multiples)for accelerated growth. If the publics attitude towards the auto industry is any measure, then this period seems to have been one of optimism. 1 【 C1】

10、 2 【 C2】 3 【 C3】 4 【 C4】 5 【 C5】 6 【 C6】 7 【 C7】 8 【 C8】 9 【 C9】 10 【 C10】 10 AlengthyItransparent BtransformationJdeliberately CabsorptionKbestow DburstingLimperfections EcombatMrecyclable FpermanentlyNneutralization GappreciableOcorrode Hmanipulate The Stone Age, the Iron Age. Entire epochs have b

11、een named for materials. So what to call the decades ahead? The choice will be tough. Welcome to the Age of Superstuff. Material science once the least sexy technology is【 C1】 _with new, practical discoveries led by superconducting ceramics(超导陶瓷 )that may revolutionize electronics. But superconducto

12、rs are just part of the picture: from house and cars to cook pots and artificial teeth, the world will someday be made of different stuff. Exotic plastics, glass and ceramics will shape the future just as surely as have genetic engineering and computer science. The key to the new materials is resear

13、chers increasing ability to【 C2】_substances at the molecular level. Ceramics, for example, have long been limited by their brittleness. But by minimizing the microscopic【 C3】 _that cause it, scientists are making far stronger ceramics that still retain such qualities as hardness and heat resistance.

14、 Ford Motor Co. now uses ceramic tools to cut steel. A firm called Kyocera has created a line of ceramic scissors and knives that stay sharp for years and never rust or【 C4】 _. A similar【 C5】 _has overtaken plastics. High-strength polymers now form bridges, ice-skating rinks and helicopter rotors. A

15、nd one new plastic that generates electricity when vibrated or pushed is used in electric guitars, touch sensors for robot hands and karate jackets(空手道外衣 )that automatically record each punch and chop. Even plastic litter, which once threatened to【 C6】 _blot the landscape, has proved amenable to mol

16、ecular tinkering. Several manufacturers now make biodegradable forms; some plastic six-pack rings for example, gradually decompose when exposed to sunlight. Researchers are developing ways to make plastics as【 C7】 _as metal or glass. Besides, composites plastic reinforced with fibers of graphite or

17、other compoundsmade the round-the-world flight of the voyager possible and have even been proved in【 C8】 _: a helmet saved an infantrymans life by deflecting two bullets in the Grenada invasion. Some advanced materials are old standard with a new twist. The newest fiberoptic cable that carry telepho

18、ne calls cross-country are made of glass so【 C9】 _that a piece of 100 miles thick is clearer than a standard window pane. But new materials have no impact until they are made into products. And that transition could prove difficult, for switching requires【 C10】 _research and investment. It can be sa

19、id a firmer handle on how to move to commercialization will determine the success or failure of a country in the near future. 11 【 C1】 12 【 C2】 13 【 C3】 14 【 C4】 15 【 C5】 16 【 C6】 17 【 C7】 18 【 C8】 19 【 C9】 20 【 C10】 专业英语四级(完形填空)模拟试卷 211答案与解析 一、 PART IV CLOZE Decide which of the words given in the b

20、ox below would best complete the passage if inserted in the corresponding blanks. The words can be used ONCE ONLY. 【知识模块】 完形 1 【正确答案】 L 【试题解析】 本句句子结构完整,因此应填入一个副词。该句句意为:自然,联邦储备基金会的这一行动会使股价降低。备选副词中, momentarily“马上地,短暂地 ”在含义上与句意吻合,故 L为答案。 【知识模块】 完形 2 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 由空格前的 a和空格后的 of可推断,此处缺少名词。结合下文的such

21、increases have resultedin interim market highs over twelve months later可知,保证金率的提高证实了股票市场很强劲,备选名词中的 confirmation“确认,证实 ”符合句意,故 A为答案。 【知识模块】 完形 3 【正确答案】 H 【试题解析】 根据空格后的 that从句可推断,此处缺少名词。上文提到,从1989年至今,保证金率的提高曾经在 12个月内令股市再创新高,由此可推知,本句的句意应为:显然,不可能保证这种情况会再次出现。备选名词中的guarantee“保证 ”符合句意,故 H为答案。 【知识模块】 完形 4 【

22、正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 根据空格前的 seem more可知,该空缺少形容词。由 but后的两个从句 if history is anyguidelineand if business and corporate earnings were to continue on the same course“参照历史 如果商业和公司的利润仍然保持现有增长水平 ”可推知,股市的前景应该是稳健的,而不是更令人悲观的,因此Bprudent为答案。 【知识模块】 完形 5 【正确答案】 N 【试题解析】 根据句子结构可推断,此处缺少动词作谓语。上文提到,保证金率的提高表明股票市场很强劲,由此可推知,本

23、句句意为:保证金的增长印证了股市上一年的强劲态势。备选动词中的 underscored“印证,表明,强调 ”符合句意,故 N为答案。 【知识模块】 完形 6 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 根据句子结构可推断,此处缺少动词作谓语。结合句意:在过去的投资函中,我们已经 了这样的思想。备选动词中的 voiced“表达,吐露 (观点或感情 )”可以与空格后的 thought搭配,故 C为答案。 【知识模块】 完形 7 【正确答案】 E 【试题解析】 根据句子结构可推断,此处缺少形容词。本句破折号前后是平行结构,由破折号前面的 below acertain ratio they are conside

24、red good value可推知,破折号后面的完整句子应该为: above acertain ratio, they are considered_,备选形容词中的 overpriced“对 定价过高的 ”符合句意,故 E为答案。 【知识模块】 完形 8 【正确答案】 M 【试题解析】 根据句子结构可知,该空缺少和 nervous并列的形容词。由下文中的 when they are in anoptimistic frame of mind 可推知,此处应是讲 pessimistic frame of mind的情况,故备选形容词中的 pessimistic“悲观的 ”符合句意, M为答案。

25、 【知识模块】 完形 9 【正确答案】 G 【试题解析】 由空格前的 high可知,该空缺少名词。结合句意:他们寻求低价格利润倍数和高额 _。根据常识,炒股票要追求高额收益率,故Gyields“收益 (率 )”为答案。 【知识模块】 完形 10 【正确答案】 J 【试题解析】 由空格前的 become far less可知,该空缺少形容词作表语。由上文中的 When investorsarenervous and pessimistic they definitely hesitate to buy stocks: they seek low price earningsmultiples a

26、nd high yields可推断出空格所在句意为:当他们心情乐观的时候就不太关注收益,更愿意支付溢价,追求高增长率。 preoccupied with意为 “关注 ,关心 ” ,故 J为答案。 【知识模块】 完形 【知识模块】 完形 11 【正确答案】 D 【试题 解析】 根据句子结构可知,空格处缺少动词,且应为进行时态。该句句意为:以前最不引人注意的材料科学,随着一些以超导陶瓷为首的新的、实用性的发现而 _起来。备选动词中的 bursting“突然出现,突然活跃起来 ”符合句意,故 D为答案。 【知识模块】 完形 12 【正确答案】 H 【试题解析】 根据句子结构可知,空格处缺少动词作谓语

27、。空格所在的部分为修饰 ability的不定式短语,表示 “做 的能力 ”,备选动词中的 manipulate“使用,操控 ”可以与空格后的 substances搭配, 意为 “使用材料 ”,本句句意为:新材料发展的关键在于研究者日益增长的使用分子层面物质的能力,故 H为答案。 【知识模块】 完形 13 【正确答案】 L 【试题解析】 根据空格前的 microscopic可推断,此处缺少名词。由下文的scientists are making far strongerceramics that still retain such qualities as hardness and heat r

28、esistance可推知,空格所在部分的意思应为:但是通过把引起易碎性 的微观缺陷最小化,故 Limperfections“缺陷,缺点 ”为答案。 【知识模块】 完形 14 【正确答案】 O 【试题解析】 根据句子结构可知,该空缺少与 rust并列的动词。由 and前的stay sharp for years可推知,空格处的动词与 rust“生锈 ”意思相近,备选动词中的corrode“腐蚀;侵蚀 ”符合句意,故 O为答案。 【知识模块】 完形 15 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 由空格前的 a similar可知,该空缺少名词作句子的主语。空格所在段落 的前一段落介绍了陶瓷的变化,本段介绍

29、了塑料的变化,由此推知,本句是过渡句,句意应为:类似的转变也发生在了塑料上,备选名词中的transformation“转变,变化 ”符合句意,故 B为答案。 【知识模块】 完形 16 【正确答案】 F 【试题解析】 本句句子结构完整,因此应填入一个副词修饰 blot。空格所在句为非限制性定语从句,句意为:曾被认为是能 污染风景。一般塑料垃圾难以降解,造成的污染几乎是永久性的,故 Fpermanently“永久地 ”为答案。 【知识模块】 完形 17 【正确答案】 M 【试题解析】 根据句子结构可知,此处缺少形容词。结合句意:研究人员正在开发让塑料像金属和玻璃一样 _方法。备选形容词中的 rec

30、yclable“可循环再利用的 ”符合句意,故 M为答案。 【知识模块】 完形 18 【正确答案】 E 【试题解析】 根据空格前的介词 in可知,该空缺少名词。由空格后的 a helmet saved an infantrymans life bydeflecting two bullets in the Grenada invasion(在格林纳达的战斗中,该头盔使两颗子弹偏斜,从而保住了一个步兵的性命 )可推知,用石墨纤维或其他合成物强化的合成塑料在战争中经受了考验,故 Ecombat“战斗,战争 ”为答案。 【知识模块】 完形 19 【正确答案】 I 【试题解析】 由句子结构可知,该空缺少形容词。由空格后的 a piece of 100 miles thick is clearer than astandard window pane(100英里厚的这种玻璃比一片标准的玻璃窗还要透明 )可推知,该种玻璃的透明度很高,故 Itransparent“透明的 ”为答案。 【知识模块】 完形 20 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 由句子结构可知,该空缺少形容词作定语。结合句意:这种转化是很困难的,产品调整需要研究和资本投入。备选形容词中的 lengthy“长期的 ”符合句意,故 A为答案。 【知识模块】 完形

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