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本文([外语类试卷]专业英语四级(对话听力)模拟试卷33及答案与解析.doc)为本站会员(sofeeling205)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、专业英语四级(对话听力)模拟试卷 33及答案与解析 SECTION A CONVERSATIONS Directions: In this section you will hear several conversations. Listen to the conversations carefully and then answer the questions that follow. 1 The man wants to have_in the apartment. ( A) a swimming pool ( B) a washing machine ( C) a balcony ( D

2、) a central air conditioning 2 How many apartments does the man want to see? ( A) 1. ( B) 2. ( C) 3 ( D) 4 3 Which of the following is INCORRECT? ( A) He wants to rent an apartment near the university. ( B) There are few apartment that can fit his preferences. ( C) He has to pay if he cause any dama

3、ge to the utilities. ( D) They can sign a lease as early as today if he likes. 4 The man and woman are discussing_. ( A) information in a news article ( B) a weather forecast ( C) experience of how to avoid being attacked by lightning ( D) details from a recent lecture 5 Whats the mans opinion of ta

4、king bath during a thunderstorm? ( A) He doesnt think its a good idea. ( B) He thinks a shower would be better. ( C) He believes that lightning strikes clean surface. ( D) He thinks it would be a waste of water. 6 What does the woman say about the effects of lightning in the U.S. ? ( A) They receive

5、 more publicity than they should. ( B) They are drastic enough to justify any precautions. ( C) They are less severe than in other countries. ( D) They can be eliminated by using the proper equipment. 7 What is the conversation mainly about? ( A) Volleyball and the Olympics. ( B) The rules of volley

6、 ball. ( C) Volleyball as a hobby. ( D) The Olympic Games. 8 When did volleyball become an official game in the Olympics? ( A) 1910. ( B) 1924. ( C) 1949 ( D) 1964 9 How many players are there in a volleyball team in the Olympics? ( A) 2. ( B) 6. ( C) 9 ( D) 16 10 Why does Rachel ask for help from h

7、er teacher? ( A) Because she cant decide which book to choose. ( B) Because she has trouble starting a book review. ( C) Because she doesnt know how to write a book. ( D) Because she is worried that she may fail in the writing course. 11 The next step after categorizing the book is_. ( A) filling in

8、 the title of the book ( B) filling in the author of the book ( C) filling in the subject of the book ( D) deciding on the intended readership 12 Which statement about the book is NOT true? ( A) It was written by Robert Winston. ( B) It was connected with a television series. ( C) It can be classifi

9、ed as popular science. ( D) It was recommended by professional bookshops. 13 Why does the man buy a sweater which he doesnt like? ( A) Because the one he likes doesnt suit him. ( B) Because this sweater is very special. ( C) Because it is the most fashionable. ( D) Because he is tricked by the sales

10、man. 14 Which character is NOT true about the sweater that the man buys? ( A) Bright. ( B) High-necked. ( C) Long-sleeved. ( D) Patternless. 15 What is the womans suggestion? ( A) The man should send his wife to go shopping next time. ( B) The man should let his wife make the final decision. ( C) Th

11、e man should learn to turn down the salesman. ( D) The mans wife should sell something to the salesman. 16 Which of the following statements is CORRECT? ( A) The woman thinks the sweater looks too bad on the man. ( B) The new sweater is similar with what the man wanted. ( C) The mans wife is better

12、at shopping than the man. ( D) The woman doesnt discuss with her husband when shopping. 17 Why hasnt the website been completed? ( A) The designer couldnt handle the BBS. ( B) The designer was busy with other projects. ( C) The designer had not come to work. ( D) The designer did not devote much tim

13、e and energy to the BBS. 18 What was the website designer dishonest about? ( A) She is designing another website. ( B) She couldnt do the BBS. ( C) She has no time. ( D) She hasnt done any website design before. 19 How will the man deal with the dishonest website designer? ( A) He will scold her. (

14、B) He wont pay her any money. ( C) He will ask her to do it again. ( D) He will pay her only part of the salary. 20 What advice does the woman propose to solve the website design problem? ( A) Seek help from their dean. ( B) Replace the designer with a new one. ( C) Raise money from their fellow tea

15、chers. ( D) Design the website by themselves. 专业英语四级(对话听力)模拟试卷 33答案与解析 SECTION A CONVERSATIONS Directions: In this section you will hear several conversations. Listen to the conversations carefully and then answer the questions that follow. 1 【听力原文】 W: Hi! Welcome to Rental Property Management. How

16、may help you? M: Hi yes. Im interested in renting a two-bedroom apartment. W: Okay, I would like to ask you a few questions before I show you what we have available. First, what price range were you interested in? M: Somewhere between $ 400 and $ 450 a month. W: Okay, did you have a specific locatio

17、n in mind? M: Well, I would like to live somewhere near the university. W: And when would you like to move in? M: On the first of next month. W: Okay, are there any other amenities which you would like to have? For example, a dishwasher, a balcony, a swimming pool or central air conditioning? M: (1)

18、 I would definitely like to have a dishwasher, and with summers like these, central air! A balcony is not that important. Oh, yes, and two bathrooms would be nice. W: Okay, (3) here are photos of the apartments we have available which fit your preferences. M: Thank you. (2/3)This one on Broadway Ave

19、nue looks nice. I would like to see that one. And the one on Main Street. W: Sure. Let me get the keys and we will go look at them. If you choose to rent one of them, we will need a damage deposit of $250. You will be responsible for all the utilities. You can sign a lease today, if you like. M: Gre

20、at! Thank you. 1 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 细节题。男士说非常想要公寓里有洗碗机,夏天这么热,还想要有中央空调。阳台并不那么重要,如果有两个浴室将会很不错。很明显 D为正确答案。不要误选 B(洗衣机 ),它和洗碗机是两码事。 【知识模块】 对话 2 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 细节题。女士给 出了符合男士要求的公寓的照片,男士选了三张,分别是 “This one” 、 “that one” 、 “and the one” 。 C为正确选项。听音要特别注意这里的 and,代表其后的内容与前面是并列的。如果听音时忽略了这个And,就会把 the one on Main S

21、treet当成 that one的补充说明,则会认为男士只选了 2个地方。 【知识模块】 对话 3 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 推断题。女士给出了所有符合男士要求的公寓的照片。男士挑选了其中 3个他觉得不错的公寓,由此可以推断符合 男士要求的公寓并不是很少或到几乎没有的程度,所以 B项为正确答案。 【知识模块】 对话 4 【听力原文】 W: Did you see todays newspaper? That building over in Centerville was just struck by lightning for the 14th time ! M: I didnt re

22、ad the article, but Im not surprised. The old proverb says lightning never strikes in the same place, but it seems to me that if the conditions are right for lightning to strike one time, then it might be just as good another time. W: Well, I dont take any chances. If I am caught in the thunderstorm

23、, I look for shelter in a building or closed car, since lightning is supposed to be attracted to the tallest or sharpest object in the area. Also Ive been told that if youre struck outdoors, the best thing you can do is keep yourself close to the ground, and avoid bodies of water. Apparently lightni

24、ng is particularly attracted to water. M: To tell you the truth, (5)even when I am at home I wont take a bath or showers during a thunderstorm. I unplug my television, and I just avoid using anything that works electrically. Maybe Im too nervous about these things. W: I wont say that. (6) According

25、to the article, lightning starts thousands of fires every year in the United States alone. Hundreds of people are injured and even killed by lightning, and millions of dollars in damage are caused. I think you are just being sensible. 4 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 归纳题。总结文中信息可知,对话中由报纸上一则关于闪电的报道引出两个人关于如何避免被闪电击中的经

26、验讨论,所以本题答案为 C。 【知识模块】 对话 5 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 细节题。文中男士说雷雨天气时他即使在家里也不会泡澡或淋浴,所以本题答案为 A。 【知识模块】 对话 6 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 推断题。文中指出 ,美国每年因为闪电引发的火灾数以千计,造成大量的人员伤亡和财产损失, B项的意思:在美国,闪电猛烈地验证着各种预防措施,也就是说闪电事故很多,所以本题的答案为 B。 【知识模块】 对话 7 【听力原文】 W: Do you like sports? M: Yes, especially volleyball. W: Really? Do you know w

27、hen volleyball was introduced to China? M: Well, it was introduced to China as early as 1910. Do you know when volleyball became an official game in the Olympics? W: I am not sure. Can you tell me? M: I think volleyball made its first demonstration in 1924 at the Olympic Games in Paris. And the Inte

28、rnational Olympic Committee made the game a non-Olympic sport in 1949. (2)It was not until 1964 that the first Olympic volleyball tournaments were played in Tokyo. W: So it took four decades to have volleyball to become one of the official games in the Olympics. Can you tell me how many players are

29、there in a team? M: Volleyball was invented to be played by a number of players. However, the rules were modified many times. In earlier days, teams were made up of 16 players, and later the number of players on the court again became varible being anything from 2 to 6 for each team. W: Did all the

30、rules of the game finally become unified? How about the Olympic Teams? M: Yes, the rules were unified. (3) The number of the players on each team was set at 6. 7 【正确答案】 A 【知识模块】 对话 8 【正确答案】 D 【知识模块】 对话 9 【正确答案】 B 【知识模块】 对话 10 【听力原文】 W: Oh, hello, can you spare me a few minutes, please? M: Yes, of co

31、urse, Rachel, what can I do for you? W: (4) Its about the book review youve asked us to write as part of the Academic Writing course. You said we should ask you if we didnt know how to set about it. M: Ok. Well, sit down, and lets talk about it. I presume youve chosen the book you want to write abou

32、t. W: Yes. M: Good. Then have a look at this outline. If we talk it through and you make notes on it, itll help you to structure your review. Right, first of all, whats the name of the book? W: The Human Mind. M: Ah yes, by Robert Winston. It was tied in with a very good television series, wasnt it?

33、 So you should start your review with the title and the author. (5) The next question is, what category would you put it in? For example, fiction, history, myth. . . W: Well, I suppose its science. M: Can you limit that field a little? W: How about popular science? M: Yes, I think thats more helpful

34、. W: (5)And then I suppose the subject area is the brain. M: Ok. And its important to mention the intended readership, because you cant judge how effective a book is without considering who its meant for. W: Well, it doesnt assume you know a lot about the subject, so Id say its for non-specialists.

35、(6)It was promoted in general bookshops. 10 【正确答案】 B 【知识模块】 对话 11 【正确答案】 C 【知识模块】 对话 12 【正确答案】 D 【知识模块】 对话 13 【听力原文】 M: What do you think of my new sweater, Tracy? W: Well. Its very nice as far as I can see, but put it on first, then I 11 tell you if it suits you. M: I tried it on about twenty times

36、. This one isnt really what I wanted. W: Why did you buy it then? M: The salesman sold it to me before I realized what had happened. (7)He just never stopped talking and he told me some stories about the latest fashion and special reductions. Before I could say anything hed wrapped it up and taken m

37、y money. W: Well, it doesnt look too bad. I think it looks good on you. M: But I went out to get a blue sweater with a V-neck, short sleeves and pattern, (8) and I came home with a brown one with a high neck, long sleeves and no pattern. W: You must be easily taken in. (9) Youve got to learn to stan

38、d up to these high-pressure salesmen. Theyll sell you all sorts of things you dont want if you dont watch out. M: (10)Next time Ill send my wife. Shell probably sell something to the salesman. W: Thats a good idea. Actually women are good at shopping, whenever my husband and I buy something importan

39、t, I have the final say. M: I must admit that women have better taste in shopping. I should simply leave the whole business to them. W: Yes. I agree. 13 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 细节题。男士说推销员不停地向他介绍。这件 sweater是最流行的式样,而且有很优惠的折扣,他还没弄明白怎么回事就付了钱。男士还不清楚情况就付钱很明显是中了推销员的圈套,所以答案是 D项。 A项对话中并没有提到。而 B、 C两项是推销员的理由。 【知识模块】 对

40、话 14 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 细节题。四个选项都是表示特征的词,问题有可能是询问哪个选项正确或错误,听音时要注意利用选项做笔记,选项 A没有提到,因此为答案。其他三个特征 (高领、长袖、无图案 )都是原词的同义表达。 【知识模块】 对话 15 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 细节题。听了男士的叙述,女士认为他容易受骗,建议他学会怎样拒绝 (原文的 stand up to即 C中的 turn down)那些强行推销的人。因此,答案为C。 A、 D两项是男士的意思,女士只是表示了赞同。女士讲她自己在家里有 final say。而不是指男士的妻子,所以 B项不正确。 【知识模块】 对话

41、16 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 推断题。男士后面说到,下次购物带自己的妻子来,并说她很可能还能卖点东西给那销售员。从这 可以看出。男士的妻子是在购物方面比男士强得多。所以 C项正确。女士说这件 sweater男士穿起来不差, A项错误。对话中提到这件衣服的特征与他想要买的完全不同, B项明显错误。女士说在与丈夫买重大物品时,她有最终决定权,但这并不代表在购物时她不与丈夫商量, D项属于过度推断。 【知识模块】 对话 17 【听力原文】 M: Hi, Anne. Please come in and take a seat. W: Well, I cant stay long. Ive s

42、till got some papers to mark, but I thought Id check up your progress with the website. M: Well, things are a little on hold right now. Weve got a problem with the BBS. The freelance web designer informed us last night that (7) she could only do simple designing and that putting up a BBS is beyond h

43、er means. W: Well, didnt you make a list of what you want with her at the beginning? M: Not really, she was recommended by Jim and from what he told me, this lady sounds to be pretty qualified to do the job. W: (8)Did you ask her why she wasnt frank with you at the beginning if she couldnt do the BB

44、S? M: I did. She said I didt bring that up and that it was a communication problem. W: I know you must be feeling youre being cheated or something. So what do you plan to do now that she got the job half done? M: I dont want to be mean. Basically, I told her straight out. (9)I will not pay her full

45、fees because she wasnt honest with me in the beginning. W: That sounds fair. But Im sure she must be very upset after all the work shes done. M: Hey, but whos the loser here? I dont think people should take up a job if its not within their means to complete it. W: Well, it still means we need to fin

46、d someone. (10)I suggest we go back to our dean and see if we can get extra funding somewhere in the Teacher Development Fund. Then we can get a professional to work at it. M: We can try but I think we havent got a hope in hell. 17 【正确答案】 A 【知识模块】 对话 18 【正确答案】 B 【知识模块】 对话 19 【正确答案】 D 【知识模块】 对话 20 【正确答案】 A 【知 识模块】 对话

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