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本文([外语类试卷]专业英语四级(新闻听力)模拟试卷26及答案与解析.doc)为本站会员(arrownail386)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、专业英语四级(新闻听力)模拟试卷 26及答案与解析 1 What had South African Ambassador Kumalo expect the Security Council to do? ( A) To extend UN peacekeeping mission in Somalia. ( B) To extend African Union peacekeeping mission in Somalia. ( C) To make a firm decision about deploying AU peacekeeping troops to Somalia. ( D

2、) To make a firm decision about deploying UN peacekeeping troops to Somalia. 2 Which of the following details about the news is INCORRECT? ( A) There are 1, 700 Ugandan troops in Somalia now. ( B) There are 8, 000 AU troops m Somalia now. ( C) Kumalo thinks that peacekeeping mission in Somalia canno

3、t be left only to the AU. ( D) Kumalo was not enthusiastic about the UN resolution. 3 When will the investors conference be held? ( A) Next year. ( B) Next week. ( C) In June or July. ( D) In March or April. 4 The news is mainly about_. ( A) a conference held between Britain, Israel and Palestine (

4、B) peace talks held between. Israel and Palestine ( C) the international effort to boost economy in Palestine ( D) the political and economic situation in Palestine 5 According to the news, what is the main reason for Chinas rapid economic growth? ( A) Peoples living standard is rising. ( B) The soc

5、iety is steady and secure. ( C) Successful business investment. ( D) Effective methods of constraining commercial banks lending. 6 What is NOT the possible risk brought by high levels of investment? ( A) Business failures. ( B) Financial problem for banks. ( C) Job losses. ( D) The bankrupt for cent

6、ral bank. 7 What was the possible reason for the shuttle disaster? ( A) Columbia could not survive reentry. ( B) A block of foam damaged a wing. ( C) The aircraft disintegrated in the sky. ( D) The external tank was made of reinforced carbon. 8 How did NASAs investigators prove the reason of disaste

7、r? ( A) By studying the video tape. ( B) By analyzing the data concerned. ( C) By anatomizing seven astronautsbody. ( D) By making a simulated experiment. 9 What is the percentage of all the adults who are now HIV-positive in Botswana? ( A) 35%. ( B) 37%. ( C) 36%. ( D) 38%. 10 Which of the followin

8、g statements is NOT true? ( A) Botswana has the highest rate of HIV infection in the world. ( B) Botswanas economy will be able to afford the drugs needed. ( C) 35, 000 people in Botswana are now on anti-retrovirals and the number is rising. ( D) There is no sign of decline in the rate of HIV infect

9、ion. 11 What was Steve Vaughts purpose of his epic journey at first? ( A) Touring. ( B) Weight loss. ( C) Book writing. ( D) Developing an eating disorder. 12 How long was his journey? ( A) 4800 kilometers. ( B) 45 kilometers. ( C) 40 kilometers. ( D) 5800 kilometers. 13 What has happened in Gaza? (

10、 A) There is a military conflict. ( B) The people are short of water. ( C) The education system is reformed. ( D) Gaza is facing great hardships. 14 According to the news, which of the following is NOT what the Palestinians suffered? ( A) Lacking of health services. ( B) Being out of work. ( C) Impo

11、verishment. ( D) Rocket attacks. 15 Why do the executives of AIG hesitate to distribute the money without the authorities consent? ( A) Because they are planning to win more subsidy from the federal. ( B) Because they couldnt hand out the money without agreement. ( C) Because they suffered a lot in

12、the last similar event. ( D) Because they want to avoid conflict and public criticism. 16 The promised bonuses are planed to hand out_. ( A) the following week ( B) next year ( C) this week ( D) after official approval 专业英语四级(新闻听力)模拟试卷 26答案与解析 1 【听力原文】 UN extends African Union peacekeeping mission i

13、n Somalia. South African Ambassador Dumisani Kumalo says he voted for the resolution, but adds he was not enthusiastic about it. (23)Kumalo said he had expected the Security Council to make a firm decision about deploying UN peacekeeping troops to Somalia to supplement the African Union mission ther

14、e. The African Union, its like, when your house is on fire, you know, the neighbors come with the buckets of water, but the neighbors are not the fire engine. You know, the fire engine is the United Nations. So we want to see the United Nations getting involved on the ground in Somalia because that

15、issue belongs to the United Nations. It cannot be left only to the African Union. The AU has pledged 8, 000 troops to a peacekeeping mission. (24)But, six months passed, fewer than one-quarter of them have arrived. There are currently 1, 700 AU troops, all from Uganda. 1 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 细节题。新闻提到:库马洛

16、表示他曾期望联合国安理会能下定决心向索马里派遣联合国维和部队,以此辅助非盟在索马里的使命。故 D正确。 【知识模块】 新闻 2 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 数字题。浏览选项时,可发现 A、 B涉及对数字的判 断,接下来在听的过程中应对此两处特别敏感。新闻最后一句提到:目前这里有 1, 700名非盟士兵,他们都来自乌干达。故选项 B为正确答案。 【知识模块】 新闻 3 【听力原文】 The British prime minister announced that the U.S. and Britain will organize an investorsconference to bol

17、ster the Palestinian economy. Mr. Brown said it will take place in Bethlehem, on the West Bank, in March or April. The announcement came after the prime minister held talks with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas at Mr. Browns official London residence. (26) Mr. Brown says he has been in talks with

18、 colleagues on how best to address ways of improving the Palestinian economy, structure development and small business plans. He says the Bethlehem conference will send an important signal about the need for investment in job creation and opportunities in the Palestinian areas. Speaking about the Pa

19、ris Conference, the British prime minister said the pledges made in Paris reflect the international communitys commitment to the Palestinians. 3 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 时间题。新闻开头就提到:英国首相宣布美国和英国将会组织一次投资者会议 。布朗先生称这次会议将会在 3月份或 4月 份举行。故 D正确。 【知识模块】 新闻 4 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 主旨题。虽然国际关系中关于巴以和谈的新闻很多,但不可先人为主选 A或 B。如果在听的时

20、候能听到关键句: 将组织一次投资者会议以支持巴勒斯坦的经济发展,再结合听力原文中出现的关键词 economy, business plans, investment等,应该不难得出文章主旨,选 C。 【知识模块】 新闻 5 【听力原文】 Chinas rapid economic growth in recent years has to a large extent been fuelled by business investment in new factories and other commercial premises, many of them producing low-cos

21、t manufactured goods. The new figures underline the extent to which that process is continuing. The worry is that it might just be happening too fast. (28) With very high levels of investment there is more risk that some projects might turn out to be unprofitable and lead to business failures, job l

22、osses and perhaps serious problems for the banks which have lent money to finance the investment. A senior official in the Chinese central bank said they will, as he put it, “remove fuel from the fire“, to reduce the risk. The idea is to constrain commercial banks lending. Banks that lend too much m

23、ay be required to buy low interest financial assets, reducing the amount they have available to lend to businesses. 5 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 主旨题。这段新闻的导语部分对这个问题可以做出正面的回答,原文说: “中国近几年经济的快速增长在很大程度上要归功于对一些新工厂的商务投资和其他商业前提,它们之中有许多生产出了低成本的成品。 ”因此,成功的企业投资应是主要原因之一,所以答案选 C项。 【知识模块】 新闻 6 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 细节题。新闻中提到: “投资

24、水平过高会带来更多风险,因此有些项目可能最后被证明是没有收益的,并将导致企业的亏损、工作职位的减少,或者给那些已经提供投资资金的银行带来严重的问题。 ”这句话中包含了前 3项涉及的主要内容,所以它们都是潜在的风险。只有 D项表述严重偏离新闻事实,它才是我们要找答案 (注意题干中的 NOT)。 【知识模块】 新闻 7 【听力原文】 NASAs brightest investigators have toiled for six months to find out what caused the shuttle disaster. (29) The leading theory was tha

25、t a block of foam fell from the external tank and was so severely that Columbia could not reentry. Today, in the most dramaticTEST so far, (30)NASA simulated the forces at play. The foam, fired at 500 miles an hour into the reinforced carbon tunnel of a shuttle wing. The results left investigators a

26、stonished but also relieved. They now believe theyve proved their theory of what caused Columbia to disintegrate high above Texas on the morning of February 1st with the loss of all seven astronauts aboard. 7 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 细节题。根据新闻中提到的 “多数人认为失事的原因是一块泡沫材料碎片从机身外壳脱落从而严重撞毁了机翼 ”这点来找到正确选项 B项。而后面的实验又进一步证

27、实了这一假设。 【知识模块】 新闻 8 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 细节题。新闻前面提到的导致 “哥伦比亚 ”号失事的原因只是一个猜测,要想证明这一点还需要一些实证,于 是 “美国国家航空航天局模拟了泡沫材料碎片对机翼的冲击 ”,试验的结果 “他们确信实验证实了他们的推论 ”,由此可以看出,确定的方法是通过模拟的实验,所以选项 D的表述是正确的。 【知识模块】 新闻 9 【听力原文】 The people of Botswana, which has the highest rate of HIV infection in the world, have been given a star

28、k warning by their President, Festus Mogae, that they must abstain from unsafe sex or die. President Mogae said in a BBC interview, timed to coincide with World Aids Day, that overseas funding of drugs to combat HIV would eventually end. From Southern Africa Martin Plaut reports: 35, 000 people are

29、now on anti-retrovirals and the number is rising. But the foreign funding will not go on indefinitely. (22)And President Festus Mogae warns that Botswanas economy will not be able to afford the drugs needed to keep a rising number of patients alive and well. “Its not sustainable in the long term unl

30、ess something happens to the infection rates. We have to say, maybe things like, abstain or die.“ Its seldom the politicians speak their mind quite as plainly as President Mogae. (21)But with a staggering 37% of all adults now HIV-positive and no sign of the epidemic peaking, he doesnt mince his wor

31、ds. 9 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 数字题。文中提到:现在在博茨瓦纳成年人中 HIV呈阳性的人数达到令人震惊的 37。故选项 B正确。这是本则新闻中唯一表示百分比的数字。因此只需正确辨音就能作答。 【知识模块】 新闻 10 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 细节题。文中提到:博茨瓦纳的经济 将无法负担为不断增加的病人提供药物。选项 B与此相反,符合题意。选项 A、 C、 D在文中都明确提到,故不符题意。预读时应注意关键词 NOT。 【知识模块】 新闻 11 【听力原文】 A forty-year-old father of two, Steve Vaught took the final

32、 steps of his epic journey as he crossed the George Washington Bridge into Manhattan. (24)It took him a year and a month to walk nearly four thousand eight hundred kilometers from his home in California. (23)His original aim had been to lose weight after falling into a depression and developing an e

33、ating disorder. He did arrive a hundred pounds or forty-five kilograms lighter but he learned that weight loss was more about the state of mind than body. He now realized the secret to becoming thinner was being happier. His voyage of self-discovery was viewed by millions around the world on his web

34、site “A Fat Man Walking“ and he now plans to publish a book about his experiences. But before disappearing into a hotel, he told reporters his first plan was to put on some new socks. 11 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 细节题。新闻中提及了 “他原本的目的只是想在情绪抑郁和饮食紊乱之后减肥 ”,所以答案应该选 B项。但是题干使用的词和新闻中不同, 是相同意思的不同表述,这常是出题者干扰的策略之一。 【知识模块】

35、 新闻 12 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 数字题。新闻中出现了多组数字,表示的意思不同。选项 B和 C中的数字都出现过,但是前者指的是减掉的重量,单位是公斤;后者是年龄,都不合题意。最后一个选项主要考大家的辨音能力,只要听清是 four还是 five即可。 【知识模块】 新闻 13 【听力原文】 Gaza is facing its worst humanitarian crisis in more than 40 years. A new report by aid agencies and humanitarian groups says things havent been this

36、 dismal since Israels 1967 occupation. (25/26) It says to us Israeli blockade has left more than one million Palestinians isolated, dealing with poverty, dealing with unemployment, with little access to education and healthcare services. It found water and sewage systems are on the verge of collapse

37、. Israel blames the hardships on Hamas militants who keep firing rockets into Israel. 13 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 细节题。新闻开头指出, 加沙正面临着 40多年来最严重的人道主义危机。接下来详细描述了加沙人民遭受的各种惨状。 D项 “加沙正面临着巨大的苦难 ”与其意思相近,故正确答案是 D。 【知识模块】 新闻 14 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 细节题。新闻中指出,以色列的封锁让百万巴基斯坦人处于贫困、失业状态,几乎得不到教育和保健服务,甚至出现供水危机。而以色列将这一切归咎于哈马斯军事组织不断

38、向以色列发射火箭弹。 A、 B、 C选项都是关于巴基斯坦人所遭受的痛苦,故答案是 D。 【知识模块】 新闻 15 【听力原文】 AIG is trying to prevent a new wave of backlash over paying out bonuses to its top executives. The Washington Post reports the company has asked the Obama Administration to opprove millions of dollars in promised bonuses. (28) The payme

39、nts are scheduled to go out next week. AIG doesnt actually need approval. Because the payments were linked to contracts from last year before received aid from the federal bailout funds. But the Post reports executives still are reluctant to pay without official approval. (27) An earlier roundoff 2008 AIG employee bonuses drew widespread criticism earlier this year. 15 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 细节题。新闻中报道:美国国际集团正试图在发放商层的奖金时,阻止新一轮的对抗。今年年初早一轮 2008年奖金的发放引起了很多的非议。故正确答案是 D。 【知识模块】 新闻 16 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 细节题。新闻说,奖金预计下周发放。故 A正确。 【知识 模块】 新闻

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