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1、会话技能练习试卷 1及答案与解析 Section A Directions: In this section, you will read 5 short incomplete dialogues between two speakers, each followed by 4 choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the answer that best suits the situation to complete the dialogue by marking the corresponding letter with a single bar ac

2、ross the square brackets on your machine-scoring ANSWER SHEET. 1 A: Im much grateful to you for everything youve done for me. B: _ ( A) Forget about it. ( B) Thats all right. ( C) Im pleased to be at your service. ( D) You are very welcome to visit our country. 2 A: You look more beautiful in such a

3、 nice dress. B: _ ( A) Not at all. This is an old dress. ( B) Thank you. My mother bought it for me 3 years ago. ( C) Thanks. But I dont like it very ninth. ( D) It is nice, but its very cheap. 3 A: I heard youve had your book published. Congratulations! B: _ ( A) Dont mention it. Its nothing. ( B)

4、Its very kind of you to do so. ( C) Thank you for the information. ( D) Thank you. I was thinking of giving you a copy. 4 A: If you like, I can help you paint the room tomorrow. B: _ ( A) Thanks a lot. But I think I can manage it myself. ( B) No. Dont worry about that. ( C) I dont like it. Thanks an

5、yway ( D) Im sorry. Thats not necessary. 5 A: Its already 9 oclock. Im afraid I have to go. Thank you for the wonderful dinner. B: _ ( A) All right. Have a good night. ( B) Nice to have you here. So long. ( C) OK. You can get home early and go to bed early. ( D) Its still early. Please have another

6、cup of coffee. 6 A: Im not at all satisfied with the serviceB: _ ( A) Nobody has complained like that before. ( B) I sincerely apologize for that. ( C) I wonder why you are dissatisfied with it. ( D) Its not our fault as there are too many customers. 7 A: Tom, why didnt you come to the class yesterd

7、ay? B: _ ( A) I had crone, but there was a visitor at home. ( B) I was going to, but I had an unexpected visitor. ( C) No way, as a visitor was coming to visit me. ( D) Im sorry. I wont miss the class again. 8 A: I noticed a copy of Scientific American on your desk. May I borrow it? B: _ ( A) Yes, y

8、ou can. ( B) Yes, you could. ( C) Yes, go on. ( D) Yes, help yourself. 9 A: Prof. Kerry, Id like to invite you to dinner at the Grand Hotel Restaurant this Friday evening. B: _ ( A) Oh, no. That will be too expensive. ( B) Oh, Id rather stay at tome. ( C) Im really sorry, but I have had an appointme

9、nt. ( D) No, no. That will be too much trouble. 10 A: Its such a hot day! Can I get you something cold to drink? B: _ ( A) Thats very kind of you. ( B) With my pleasure. ( C) You can, please. ( D) Thank you for the cold drink. 会话技能练习试卷 1答案与解析 Section A Directions: In this section, you will read 5 sh

10、ort incomplete dialogues between two speakers, each followed by 4 choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the answer that best suits the situation to complete the dialogue by marking the corresponding letter with a single bar across the square brackets on your machine-scoring ANSWER SHEET. 1 【正确答案】 C

11、【试题解析】 这是一段表示感谢的对话。从 A的话中的 grateful一词我们可以看出该对话是在较正式的场合下进行的,因此回答也要比较正式。 A项和 B项都可以回答感谢的话语,但都是在非正式的场合下才用。 C项用在这种场合下比较礼貌、得体。 D项是所答非所问。 You are welcome是表示 “不客气 ”的意思,但用在You are welcome to our country中就是 “欢迎到我们国家来 ”的意思了。 【知识模块】 会话技能 2 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 该题测试对于别人的 赞美应如何回答。在英美等国家赞美别人是一种非常礼貌的谈话方式。听到别人的赞美应表示感谢,并应

12、附合对方的赞美,或表示高兴、自豪等。 A、 C、 D三项的回答都不得体,只有 B项符合该对话的情景。 【知识模块】 会话技能 3 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 该题测试的是如何回答别人的祝贺。对于别人的祝贺首先应表示感谢。 A项是中国人在听到别人祝贺时表示谦虚时说的话,不符合英语表达习惯; B项是一种感谢的方式,但对方没有 “做 ”什么而是说了祝贺的话,因此 to do so是文不对题; C项感谢对方提供的信息也是文不 对题,对方是在祝贺; D项表示感谢,又提出要送给对方一本书,正符合该场景。 【知识模块】 会话技能 4 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 该题测试的是在别人主动提供帮助时委婉拒

13、绝的方式。当别人主动提出帮助,无论是否接受都应该首先表示感谢,如果拒绝的话,说话要委婉、礼貌。 A项符合这种对话的场景,而 B、 C、 D项都不得体。 【知识模块】 会话技能 5 【正确答案】 D 【知识模块】 会话技能 6 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 该题测试的是对于抱怨的回答。在正式场合下对于别人 的抱怨要表示歉意。如果不是自己的错误可以委婉地进行解释, A、 C、 D项都没有做到这一点,因此都不合适,只有 B项对。 【知识模块】 会话技能 7 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 该题测试的是对询问的回答。从双方的对话语气看可能是老师与学生之间的对话。 A问 B为什么昨天没来上课, B应正

14、面回答原因。 A项是在说谎或狡辩,因为该项前后内容自相矛盾。 C项和 D项没有正面回答问题,而且语言也不得体。只有 B项是正确回答。 【知识模块】 会话技能 8 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 该题测试对别人提 出请求的回答。一般情况下对方用什么情态动词提问,应该用什么情态动词回答,因此 A项和 B项都不好; C项中 go on意为 “继续 ”,用在这里不合适; D项中 help yourself显然是应允借给对方这本杂志,并请借者自取。 【知识模块】 会话技能 9 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 该题测试的是对客气的邀请进行礼貌的回答。在这种情况下,答应要表示感谢,回绝要表示歉意,并申述理由 (当然也可以表示谢意 )。 A项回绝没有表示歉意,而且回绝的理由是因为那饭店的消费太贵,这在英美国家正式场合下是不得体的。 B项表 示回绝,但没有表示歉意,而且理由很不礼貌; D项是中国人在这种情况下常用的话,不符合英语习惯; C项表示歉意,而且理由也很得体,因此为正确答案。 【知识模块】 会话技能 10 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 该题中 A主动要向 B提供帮助,并征求 B的意见,如果接受应礼貌地表示感谢, A项正做到了这一点,因此是正确答案。 B项是对于别人感谢的回答; C项不够礼貌得体; D项是吃过了冷饮后感谢的话语,因此都不对。 【知识模块】 会话技能

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