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1、体育运动练习试卷 3及答案与解析 一、 PART 1 English-Chinese Translation (60 points) Translate the following passage into Chinese. The time for this part is 120 minutes. 1 The Pleasure of Walking Walking gives us back our senses. We see, hear, smell the world as we never can when we ride. No matter what vehicle, it i

2、s the vehicle that is moving, not ourselves. We are trapped inside its fixed environment, and once we have taken in its sensory aspects - mainly in terms of comfort or discomfort - we mm off our perceptions and either go to sleep or open a magazine and begin dozing awake. But when we walk, the envir

3、onment changes every moment and our senses are continuously being alerted. Around each comer of a city block, around each bend in a country road, there is something new to greet the eyes, the ears, the hose. Even the same walk, the one we may take every day, is never the same from one day to another

4、, from one week and season to another. This is true not only in the country, but anywhere at all. In New York City, a group of executives who meet every weekday morning walk from their homes to their offices. Their way takes them through quiet streets of old brownstones, one of the oldest neighbourh

5、oods in the city, then up and over the Brooklyn Bridge with its cathedral arches supporting the weblike drapery of cables, then down into the skyscraper canyons of the financial district. On their daily route they see, hear, smell the city in all its seasonal changes, under bright and cloudy skies.

6、Only the most inclement weather stops them - suitably dressed, they can walk with pleasure in spring rains, autumn drizzles, the sunlight of a summer morning or a soft winter snowfall. The river waters roll by below their feet, sullen or sparkling. Tugboats chug past, shoving and hauling their vario

7、usly laden barges; on a shrouded morning, foghorns hoot and moan. The famous skyline of lower Manhattan rises before them, glittering in sun, afloat in mist, against a backdrop of sky never twice the same. 二、 PART 2 Chinese-English Translation (40 points) Translate the following passage into English

8、. The time for this part is 60 minutes. 2 奥运会与北京市发展 由于筹办奥运会在城市基础设施、生态环境、电子技术等方面提出大量的建设性需求,使得筹办过程对整个城市的经济发展产生巨大的带动作用。例如,韩国在筹办 1988年汉城奥运会期间,从 1981年到 1988年经济增长速度年均提高到12.4%; 1985年至 1990年,人均国内生产总值从 2300美元增加到 6300美元,实现了从发展中国家向新兴工业国的转变。因此,人们有理由相信, 2008年的北京奥运会也将对这座城市的经济发展产生重大影响。 北京申办成功后,许多专家就举办 2008年奥运会对首都经

9、济增长的促进作用做了不少分析。据估计, 20022007年,因奥运引起的投资和消费需求,将拉动全市国内生产总值增长速度平均每年提高约 1.67个百分点。到 2007年,全市国内生产总值可达到 5900亿元左右,人 均国内生产总值达到 6000美元,接近汉城 20年前举办奥运会时达到的水平。 实施北京奥运行动规划后,北京市在基础设施和生态环境等方面的建设投资不断增长。在环境保护方面, 2002年建成了 120平方公里的绿化隔离带,完成了“五河十路 ”366公里的绿化工程,搬迁了 40家严重污染的企业;新建了包括菖蒲河公园、明城墙遗址公园在内的 16处大绿地,占地 104公顷;新增草坪 363万平

10、方米,总面积已达到 5000万平方米。清河、凉水河等综合整治污水处理系统进展顺利,生态环境保护工作取得了显著的成果。 在交通建设方 面,四环路全线开通。投资 14.5亿美元的地铁 5号线预计 2006年建成通车。在 2008年前新建 8条轨道交通线,使全市的轨道交通线路总长达到300公里。 在文物保护和文化建设方面,近几年,北京市拨款 20多个亿用于文化设施建设。在未来 5年中,北京市政府还将陆续投资 7500万美元,用于城市遗址遗迹的保护和修缮。 体育运动练习试卷 3答案与解析 一、 PART 1 English-Chinese Translation (60 points) Transla

11、te the following passage into Chinese. The time for this part is 120 minutes. 1 【正确答案】 步行的乐趣 步行唤起我们的知觉。我们看到的、听到的、闻到的世界与我们坐车时感知到的世界绝对不一样。无论乘坐什么车,运动的是车,而不是我们自己。我们被困在车内固定的环境里,一旦接受了它所给予我们的感觉 主要是舒适与否的感觉 我们就关闭了自己的知觉,不是睡觉,就是打开一本杂志,睁着眼睛打起盹来。 可是当我们步行的时 候,周围的环境每时每刻都在变化,我们的知觉不断地为外界事物所激活。在城市街区的每一拐角处,在乡间道路的每个拐弯处

12、,总有什么新的东西映入我们的眼帘,窜入我们的耳朵,扑入我们的鼻子。即便我们日复一日,年复一年走的是同一条路,但是,我们感知的事物却没有一次是完全相同的。 这种情况不仅在乡村是如此,而且在任何地方都是如此。纽约城里,有几位公司主管,天天早上结伴从各自家里步行到办公室。一路上,他们先是沿着古旧的褐色石头铺成的寂静街道向前走,经过一个全市最古老的街区,继而跨过布鲁克林大桥,穿过支撑着蛛网般的钢缆的 教堂式桥拱,最后径直步入摩天大楼巍然耸立的金融区。 每天在途中,他们用整个身心感受着这座城市的阴晴冷暖,四季变化。只有极其恶劣的天气才会阻止他们步行。他们衣着得体,惬意地行走在蒙蒙春雨之中,步行于秋日的毛

13、毛细雨里,漫步在夏日清晨的阳光下,或徜徉于冬天柔软的飘雪间。河水在他们脚下滚滚流过,或阴沉凝滞,或闪闪发光。拖船突突驶过,推着或者拖着载满各色货物的驳船。在大雾茫茫的早晨,雾号时而嘟嘟叫嚣,时而呜咽呻吟。在变化万千的天幕衬托下,曼哈顿著名的天际线在他们面前升起 在阳光中闪烁着,在雾霭中飘浮着。 【知识模块】 体育运动 二、 PART 2 Chinese-English Translation (40 points) Translate the following passage into English. The time for this part is 60 minutes. 2 【正确答

14、案】 The Olympic Games and the Development of Beijing The preparations for an Olympic Games accelerate the host citys economic development as they greatly increase the demand on the construction of the citys infrastructure, ecosystem, electronic technology and other capabilities. A case in point is So

15、uth Korea. During its preparations for the 1988 Seoul Olympic Games, its economy enjoyed an annual growth rate of 12.4% from 1981 to 1988, and its GDP per capita increased from US 2,300 to US 6,300. Boomed by the Olympic Games, South Korea realized the transformation from a developing country to an

16、industrialized economy. In light of this, we have every reason to believe that preparations for the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games will also have a significant impact on the economic development of the city. With Beijings successful Olympic bid, many experts have anticipated the almost certain positive

17、effects the Games would have on Beijings economic growth. It is estimated that the investment and consumption demand spurred by the Olympic Games will lift the capitals GDP growth by an additional annual rate of 1.67% on average between 2002 and 2007. By 2007 the citys GDP is expected to reach RMB 5

18、90 billion, and the GDP per capita around US 6000 - approaching that of Seouls when it hosted the summer Olympic Games in 1988. Since the Beijing Olympic Action Plan was approved, construction-related investments on infrastructure and the ecosystem have been increasing steadily. With respect to envi

19、ronmental protection, a 120 km2 green belt was built in 2002, and the green projects alongside 5 rivers and 10 main roads were also completed. More than 40 high-pollution factories were moved out of the city proper, and 16 forested areas including the Changpu River Park and the Ming City Wall Park w

20、ere built, with a total area of 104 hectares. In addition, there are now over 3.63 million square meters of new lawns, increasing the capitals total lawn area to 50 million square meters. Furthermore, the citys efforts in cleaning the Qinghe and Liangshui rivers have already produced positive result

21、s in environmental protection. With respect to transportation infrastructure, the newly constructed Fourth-Ring Road is already open to traffic. The No.5 subway line, with a total investment of US 1.45 billion, will be completed and put to operation in 2006. By 2008 eight additional light railway ro

22、utes will have been completed, extending the total length of the intra-city rail network to 300 km. Progress has also been made in the preservation of historical and cultural relics and sites. In the past few years, the Beijing municipal government has invested over RMB 2 billion in the construction of cultural facilities. In the next 5 years, an additional US 75 million will be contributed exclusively to the preservation and renovation of historical and cultural relics. 【知识模块】 体育运动

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