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1、北京大学考博英语模拟试卷 3及答案与解析 一、 Structure and Vocabulary 1 On the first day when a pupil enters school, he is asked to_to the school rules. ( A) concede ( B) conform ( C) comply ( D) confront 2 Once the_contradiction is grasped, all problems will be readily solved. ( A) principle ( B) principal ( C) potenti

2、al ( D) primitive 3 If you want to go to the concert, youll have to make a_, or there will be no tickets. ( A) reservation ( B) punctuality ( C) compliment ( D) clarity 4 I arrive at nine oclock, teach until twelve thirty and then have a meal; that is my morning_. ( A) habit ( B) custom ( C) practic

3、e ( D) routine 5 David_his companys success to the unity of all the staff and their persevering hard work. ( A) attributed ( B) contributed ( C) acknowledged ( D) pledged 6 Youve been talking with David all evening when you ought to be_with other guests. ( A) blending ( B) integrating ( C) mingling

4、( D) incorporating 7 I asked my mother if I could go out, and she_. ( A) descended ( B) contented ( C) consented ( D) ascended 8 The room is so_with furniture-that it is hard to move about ( A) muddled ( B) cluttered ( C) distributed ( D) scattered 9 Cant you speak more_to your parents? ( A) respect

5、ably ( B) respectingly ( C) respectively ( D) respectfully 10 Some_good luck brought us nothing but trouble. ( A) seemingly ( B) satisfactorily ( C) uniformly ( D) universally 11 Sometimes children have trouble_fact from fiction and may believe that such things actually exist ( A) to separate ( B) s

6、eparating ( C) for separating ( D) of separating 12 Although punctual himself, the professor was quite used_ate for his lecture. ( A) to have students ( B) for students being ( C) for students to be ( D) to students being 13 Its no use_me not to worry. ( A) you tell ( B) your telling ( C) for you to

7、 have told ( D) having told 14 _all our kindness to help her, Sara refused to listen. ( A) At ( B) In ( C) For ( D) On 15 The children prefer camping in the mountains_an indoor activity. ( A) to ( B) than ( C) for ( D) with 16 _of the burden of ice, the balloon climbed up and drifted to the South. (

8、 A) To be free ( B) To free ( C) Freeing ( D) Freed 17 _quite recently, most mothers in Britain did not take paid work outside the home. ( A) Until ( B) Before ( C) From ( D) Since 18 _enough time and money, the researchers would have been able to discover more in this field. ( A) Giving ( B) To giv

9、e ( C) Given ( D) Being given 19 Not only_us light, but also it gives us heat ( A) the sun gives ( B) the sun does give ( C) gives the sun ( D) does the sun give 20 _ the claim about German economic might, it is somewhat surprising how relatively small the German economy actually is. ( A) To give (

10、B) Given ( C) Giving ( D) Having given 二、 Reading Comprehension 20 Gene therapy and gene-based drugs are two ways we could benefit from our growing mastery of genetic science. But there will be others as well. Here is one of the remarkable therapies on the cutting edge of genetic research that could

11、 make their way into mainstream medicine in the coming years. While its true that just about every cell in the body has the instructions to make a complete human, most of those instructions are inactivated, and with good reason: the last thing you want for your brain cells is to start churning out s

12、tomach acid or your nose to turn into a kidney. The only time cells truly have the potential to turn into any and all body parts is very early in a pregnancy, when so-called stem cells havent begun to specialize. Yet this untapped potential could be a terrific boon to medicine. Most diseases involve

13、 the death of healthy cells brain cells in Alzheimers, cardiac cells in heart disease, pancreatic cells in diabetes, to name a few if doctors could isolate stem cells, then direct their growth, they might be able to furnish patients with healthy replacement tissue. It was incredibly difficult, but l

14、ast fall scientists at the University of Wisconsin managed to isolate stem cells and get them to grow into neural, gut, muscle and bone cells. The process still cant be controlled, and may have unforeseen limitations; but if efforts to understand and master stem-cell development prove successful , d

15、octors will have a therapeutic tool of incredible power. The same applies to cloning, which is really just the other side of the coin; true cloning, as first shown with the sheep Dolly two years ago, involves taking a developed cell and reactivating the genome within, resetting its developmental ins

16、tructions to a pristine state. Once that happens, the rejuvenated cell can develop into a full-fledged animal, genetically identical to its parent For agriculture, in which purely physical characteristics like milk production in a cow or low fat in a hog have real market value, biological carbon cop

17、ies could become routine within a few years. This past year scientists have done for mice and cows what Ian Wilmut did for Dolly, and other creatures are bound to join the cloned menagerie in the coming year. Human cloning, on the other hand, may be technically feasible but legally and emotionally m

18、ore difficult Still, one day it will happen. The ability to reset body cells to a pristine, undeveloped state could give doctors exactly the same advantages they would get from stem cells: the potential to make healthy body tissues of all sorts, and thus to cure disease. That could prove to be a tru

19、e “miracle cure“. 21 The writer holds that the potential to make healthy body tissues will_ ( A) aggravate moral issues of human cloning. ( B) bring great benefits to human beings. ( C) help scientists decode body instructions. ( D) involve employing surgical instruments. 22 The word “rejuvenated“ (

20、Para. 5) most probably means_ ( A) modified. ( B) re-collected. ( C) classified. ( D) reactivated. 23 The research at the University of Wisconsin is mentioned to show_ ( A) the isolation of stem cells. ( B) the effects of gene therapies. ( C) the advantages of human cloning. ( D) the limitations of

21、tissue replacements. 24 Which of the following is true according to the text? ( A) The principle of gene therapy is applicable to that of cloning. ( B) The isolation of stem cells is too difficult to be feasible. ( C) It is reasonable for all body instructions to be activated. ( D) Cloned animals wi

22、ll eventually take control of the world. 24 What our society suffers from most today is the absence of consensus about what it and life in it ought to be; such consensus cannot be gained from societys present stage, or from fantasies about what it ought to be. For that the present is too close and t

23、oo diversified, and the future too uncertain, to make believable claims about it A consensus in the present hence can be achieved only through a shared understanding of the past, as Homers epics informed those who lived centuries later what it meant to be Greek, and by what images and ideals they we

24、re to live their lives and organize their societies. Most societies derive consensus from a long history, a language all their own, a common religion, common ancestry. The myths by which they live are based on all of these. But the United States is a country of immigrants, coming from a great variet

25、y of nations. Lately, it has been emphasized that an asocial, narcissistic personality has become characteristic of Americans, and that it is this type of personality that makes for the lack of well-being, because it prevents us from achieving consensus that would counteract a tendency to withdraw i

26、nto private worlds. In this study of narcissism, Christopher Lash says that modern man, “tortured by self-consciousness, turns to new therapies not to free himself of his personal worries but to find meaning and purpose in life, to find something to live for“. There is widespread distress because na

27、tional morale has declined, and we have lost an earlier sense of national vision and purpose. Contrary to rigid religions or political beliefs, as are found in totalitarian societies, our culture is one of the great individual differences, at least in principle and in theory; but this leads to disun

28、ity, even chaos. Americans believe in the value of diversity, but just because our is a society based on individual diversity, it needs consensus about some dominating ideas more than societies based on uniform origin of their citizens. Hence, if we are to have consensus, it must be based on a myth

29、a vision about a common experience, a conquest that made us Americans, as the myth about the conquest of Troy formed the Greeks. Only a common myth can offer relief from the fear that life is without meaning or purpose. Myths permit us to examine our place in the world by comparing it to a shared id

30、ea. Myths are shared fantasies that form the tie that binds the individual to other members of his group. Such myths help to ward off feelings of isolations, guilt, anxiety, and purposelessness in short, they combat isolation and the breakdown of social standards and values. 25 In the eyes of the au

31、thor, the greatest trouble with the US society may lie in_ ( A) the non-existence of consensus on the forms of the society should take. ( B) the lack of divergence over the common organizations of social life. ( C) the non-acceptance of a society based on individual diversity. ( D) the pervasive dis

32、tress caused by national morale decline. 26 The asocial personality of Americans may stem from_ ( A) the absence of a common religion and ancestry. ( B) the multiracial constituents of the US society. ( C) the want of a shared myths they possess in life. ( D) the counterbalance to narcissistic perso

33、nality. 27 Homers epics is mentioned in Paragraph 1 in order to_ ( A) exemplify the contributions made by ancient poets. ( B) illustrate the role of shared fantasies about society. ( C) show an ideal stage of eternal social progress. ( D) make known myths of what a society ought to be. 27 The early

34、retirement of experienced workers is seriously harming the US economy, according to a new report from the Hudson Institute, a public policy research organization. Currently, many older experienced workers retire at an early age. According to the recently issued statistics, 79 percent of qualified wo

35、rkers begin collecting retirement benefits at age 62; if that trend continues, there will be a labor shortage that will hinder the economic growth in the twenty-first century. Older Americans constitute an increasing proportion of the population, according to the US Census Bureau, and the population

36、 of those over age 65 will grow by 60% between 2001 and 2020. During the same period, the group aged 18 to 44 will increase by only 4%. Keeping older skilled workers employed, even part time, would increase US economic output and strengthen the tax base; but without significant policy reforms, massi

37、ve early retirement among baby boomers seems more likely. Retirement at age 62 is an economically rational decision today. Social Security and Medicaid earnings limits and tax penalties subject our most experienced workers to marginal tax rates as high as 67%. Social Security formulas encourage earl

38、y retirement Although incomes usually rise with additional years of work, any pay increases after the 35-year mark result in higher social Security taxes but only small increases in benefits. Hudson Institute researchers believe that federal tax and benefit policies are at fault and reforms are urge

39、ntly needed, but they disagree with the popular proposal that much older Americans will have to work because Social Security will not support them and that baby boomers are not saving enough for retirement According to the increase in 401 (k) and Keogh retirement plans, the ongoing stock market on W

40、all Street, and the likelihood of large inheritances, there is evidence that baby boomers will reach age 65 with greater financial assets than previous generations. The Hudson institute advocates reforming government policies that now discourage work and savings, especially for older worker. Among t

41、he reports recommendations; Tax half of all Social Security benefits, regardless of other income; provide 8% larger benefits for each year beyond 65; and permit workers nearing retirement to negotiate compensation packages that may include a lower salary but with greater healthcare benefits. However

42、, it may take real and fruitful planning to find the right solution to the early retirement of older experienced workers; any measures taken must be allowed to prolong the serviceability of older experienced workers. 28 According to Hudson Institute researchers, the effect of the early retirement of

43、 qualified workers in the U. S. economy is_ ( A) constructive. ( B) significant ( C) inconclusive. ( D) detrimental. 29 The older experienced workers in America tend to retire early because their prolonged service may_ ( A) do harm to younger generations. ( B) end up with few or no benefits. ( C) gi

44、ve play to their potentials. ( D) shed light on social trends. 30 The second paragraph is written chiefly to show that_ ( A) there will be an acute labor shortage in the near future. ( B) baby-boomers contribute much to the US economic output ( C) government policies concerning older people are out-

45、dated. ( D) alder workers are enthusiastic about collecting social benefits. 30 Genius The greatest results in life are attained by simple means, and the exercise of ordinary qualities. The common life of every day, with its cares, necessities, and duties, affords ample opportunity for acquiring exp

46、erience of the best kind; and (51) its most beaten paths provide the true worker with abundant scope for effort and room for self-improvement (52) The road of human welfare lies along he old highway of steadfast well-doing;and they who are the most persistent, and work in the truest spirit, will usu

47、ally be the most successful. Fortune has often been blamed for her blindness; but fortune is not so blind as men are. (53) Those who look into practical life will find that fortune is usually on the side of the industrious, as he winds and waves are on the side of the best navigators. In the pursuit

48、 of even the highest branches of human inquiry, the commoner qualities are found the most useful such as common sense, attention, application, and perseverance. Genius may not be necessary, though even genius of the highest sort does not disdain the use of these ordinary qualities. (54)The very grea

49、test men have been among the least believers in the power of genius, and as worldly wise and persevering as successful men of the commoner sort (55) Some have even defined genius to be only common sense intensifies. A distinguished teacher and resident of a college spoke of it as the power of making efforts. John Foster held it to be the power f lighting ones own fire. Buffon said of genius “it is patie

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