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1、北京理工大学考博英语模拟试卷 6及答案与解析 一、 Reading Comprehension 0 At the fall 2001 Social Science History Association convention in Chicago, the Crime and Justice network sponsored a forum on the history of gun ownership, gun use, and gun violence in the United States. Our purpose was to consider how social science

2、 history might contribute to the public debate over gun control and gun rights. To date, we have had little impact on that debate. It has been dominated by mainstream social scientists and historians, especially scholars such as Gary Kleck, John Lott, and Michael Bellesiles, whose work, despite prof

3、ound flaws, is politically congenial to either opponents or proponents of gun control. Kleck and Mark Gertz, for instance, argue on the basis of their widely cited survey that gun owners prevent numerous crimes each year in the United States by using firearms to defend themselves and their property.

4、 If their survey respondents are to be believed, American gun owners shot 100,000 criminals in 1994 in self-defense a preposterous number. Lott claims on the basis of his statistical analysis of recent crime rates that laws allowing private individuals to carry concealed firearms deter murders, rape

5、s, and robberies, because criminals are afraid to attack potentially armed victims. However, he biases his results by confining his analysis to the year between 1977 and 1992, when violent crime rates had peaked and varied little from year to year. He reports only regression models that support his

6、thesis and neglects to mention that each of those models find a positive relationship between violent crime and real income, and an inverse relationship between violent crime and unemployment. Contrary to Kleck and Lott, Bellesiles insists that guns and Americas “gun culture“ are responsible for Ame

7、ricas high rates of murder. In Bellevilles opinion, relatively few Americans owned guns before the 1850s or know how to use, maintain, or repair them. As a result, he says, guns contributed little to the homicide rate, especially among white, which was low everywhere, even in the South and on the fr

8、ontier, where historians once assume guns and murder went hand in hand. According to Bellesiles, these patterns changed dramatically after the Mexican War and especially after the Civil War, when gun ownership became widespread and cultural changes encouraged the use of handguns to command respect a

9、nd resolve personal and political disputes. The result was an unprecedented wave of gun-related homicides that never truly abated. To this day, the United States has the highest homicide rate of any industrial democracy. Bellevilles low estimates of gun ownership in early America conflict, however,

10、with those of every historian who has previously studied the subject and have thus far proven irreproducible. Every homicide statistic he presents is either misleading or wrong. Given the influence of Kleck, kott, Bellesiles and other partisan scholars on the debate over gun control and gun rights,

11、we felt a need to pull together what social science historians have learned to date about the history of gun ownership and gun violence in America, and to consider what research methods and projects might increase our knowledge in the near future. 1 Which of following statements is TRUE about the pu

12、blic debate over gun network? ( A) It has little influence on the forum sponsored by the Crime and Justice network. ( B) Neither supporters nor opponents of gun control cite the works of scholars. ( C) The works of mainstream social scientists have great impact on it. ( D) Many social science histor

13、ians have so far failed to take part in it. 2 The author mentions Kleck, kott, and Bellesiles mainly to_. ( A) illustrate the influence they have on the issue of gun control ( B) refute the claim that private ownership of firearms will deter violent crimes ( C) support the thesis that gun ownership

14、leads to more violence ( D) demonstrate why research methods should be improved in the study of the gun ownership history 3 The authors main criticism of John kott is that he_. ( A) advocates private ownership of firearms ( B) is not objective in his analysis ( C) has analyzed a wrong period ( D) ha

15、s cited dubious statistics 4 With which of the following will Bellesiles most probably agree? ( A) Gun control should be tightened. ( B) Guns have little to do with murder. ( C) Gun culture was the result of high homicide rates in America. ( D) The statistics that earlier historians produced of gun

16、ownership is reliable. 5 The passage is primarily concerned with_. ( A) resolving a public dispute over gun control ( B) describing the effects of earlier studies on gun control ( C) analyzing the flaws in the previous theories about gun control ( D) summarizing the recent development in the studies

17、 of gun control 5 There are great careers in which the increasing emphasis is on specialization. You find these careers in engineering, in production, in statistical work, and in teaching. But there is an increasing demand for people who are able to take in a great area at a glance, people who perha

18、ps know too much about any one field. There is, in other words, a demand for people who are capable of seeing the forest rather than the trees, of making general judgments. And these “generalists“ are particularly needed for positions in administration, where it is their job to see that other people

19、 do the work, where they have to plan for other people, to organize other people s work, to begin it and judge it. The specialist understands one field; his concern is with technique and tools. He is a “trained“ man; and his educational background is properly technical or professional. The generalis

20、t-and especially the administrator-deals with people; his concern is with leadership, with planning, and with direction giving. He is an “educated“ man; and the humanities are his strongest foundation. Very rarely is a specialist capable of being an administrator. And very rarely is a good generalis

21、t also a good specialist in a particular field. Any organizations need them in different proportions. It is your task to find out, during your training period, into which of the two kinds of jobs you fit, and to plan your career accordingly. Your first job may turn out to be the right job for you-bu

22、t this is a pure accident. Certainly you should not change jobs constantly or people will become suspicious of your ability to hold any job. At the same time you must not look upon the first job as the final job; it is primarily a training job, an opportunity to understand yourself and your fitness

23、for being an employee. 6 There is an increasing demand for_. ( A) all-round people in their own fields ( B) people whose job is to organize other people s work ( C) generalists whose educational background is either technical or professional ( D) specialists whose chief concern is to provide adminis

24、trative guidance to others 7 The specialist is_. ( A) a man whose job is to train other people ( B) a man who has been trained in more than one field ( C) a man who can see the forest rather than the trees ( D) a man whose concern is mainly with technical or professional matters 8 The administrator

25、is_. ( A) a “trained“ man who is more a specialist than a generalist ( B) a man who sees the tress as well as the forest ( C) a man who is very strong in the humanities ( D) a man who is an “educated“ specialist 9 During your training period it is important_. ( A) to try to be a generalist ( B) to c

26、hoose a profitable job ( C) to find an organization which fits you ( D) to decide whether you are fit to be a specialist or a generalist 10 A mans first job_. ( A) is never the right job for him ( B) should not be regarded as his final job ( C) should not be changed or people will become suspicious

27、of his ability to hold any job ( D) is primarily an opportunity to fit himself for his final job 10 Thirty-one million Americans are over 60 years of age,and twenty-nine million of them are healthy, busy,productive citizens. By the year 2030,one in every five people in the United States will be over

28、 60, people are members of the fastest-growing minority in this country. Many call this the “graying of America“. In I973,a group called the “Gray Panthers“ was organized. This group is made up of young and old citizens. They are trying to deal with the special problems of growing old in America. Th

29、e Gray Panthers know that many elderly people have health problems; some cannot walk well,others cannot see or hear well. Some have financial problems; prices are going up so fast that the elderly cant afford the food, clothing,and housing they need. Some old people are afraid and have safety proble

30、ms. Others have emotional problems. Many elderly are lonely because of the death of a husband or a wife. The Gray Panthers know another fact, too, Elderly people want to be as independent as possible. So, the Gray Panthers are looking for ways to solve the special problems of the elderly. The presid

31、ent of the Gray Panthers is Maggie active woman in her late 70s. She travels across the United States, educating both young and old about the concerns of elders. One of the problems she talks about is where and how elders live. She says that Americans do not encourage elders to live with you

32、nger people. As far as Maggie Kuhn is concerned,only elders who need constant medical care should be in nursing homes. Maggie Kuhn knows that elders need education,too. She spends lots of time talking to groups of older Americans. She encourages them to continue to live in their own houses if it is

33、possible. She also tells them that it is important to live with younger people and to have children around them. This helps elders to stay young at heart. 11 What health problems do many elderly have? ( A) They feel lonely. ( B) They are suffering from cancer. ( C) They cannot walk or see or hear we

34、ll. ( D) They have got heart problems. 12 Nursing homes_. ( A) are good for elders who need constant medical care ( B) help keep elders young ( C) are set up for training nurses ( D) are places where small children are taken care of 13 Maggie Kuhn travels across the United States in order to_elders.

35、 ( A) collect money fo ( B) show concerns for ( C) find houses for ( D) educate people to help 14 One of the problems Maggie Kuhn talks about is_. ( A) why elders should be taken care of ( B) where and how elders live ( C) who needs medical care ( D) how to improve education in the USA 15 Maggie Kuh

36、n encourages elders to_. ( A) live in nursing homes ( B) travel more ( C) live with younger people ( D) do some house work 15 When I was walking down the street the other day, I happened to notice a small brown leather wallet lying on the sidewalk. I picked it up and opened it to see if I could find

37、 out the owners name. There was nothing inside it except some change and an old photograph-a picture of a woman and a young girl about twelve years old, who looked like the womans daughter. I put the photograph back and took the wallet to the police station, where I handed it to the desk sergeant. B

38、efore I left, the sergeant took down my name and address in case the owner might want to write and thank me. That evening I went to have dinner with my aunt and uncle. They had also invited a young woman so that there would be four people at the table. Her face was familiar. I was quite sure that we

39、 had not met before, but I couldnt remember where I had seen her. In the course of conversation, however, the young woman happened to mention that she had lost her wallet that afternoon. All at once I realized where I had seen her. She was the young girl in the photograph, although she was now much

40、older. She was very surprised, of course, when I was able to describe her wallet to her. Then I explained that I had recognized her from the photograph I had found in the wallet. My uncle insisted on going to the police station immediately to claim the wallet. As the police sergeant handed it over,

41、he said that it was amazing that I had not only found the wallet, but also the person who had lost it. 16 The wallet which the writer found_. ( A) was empty ( B) had some money in it ( C) had a few coins and a photograph in it ( D) had an old photograph in it 17 The writer opened the wallet because

42、he wanted to_in it. ( A) find some money ( B) find some gold ( C) find the owner s name ( D) find the owner s photograph 18 The writer recognized the young woman because_. ( A) he had met her somewhere before ( B) she was the old woman in the photograph ( C) she often had dinner with his aunt and un

43、cle ( D) she looked like the young girl in the photograph 19 The young woman told of her loss of the wallet_. ( A) at the beginning of the dinner ( B) during the conversation ( C) as soon as she saw the writer ( D) after the dinner 20 The story was amazing because_. ( A) the writer found both the wa

44、llet and its owner ( B) the finder and the loser of the wallet were old friends ( C) the finder and the loser of the wallet met at the police station ( D) the woman knew the writer and his uncle 二、 English-Chinese Translation 21 The recovery of the US economy during the first quarter of this year ha

45、s been so spectacular that it is creating a new set of risks for financial markets. The great new risks now facing the US economy center on monetary policy and the oil market. 22 The current federal funds interest rate of only 1.75 percent has clearly become unsustainable in view of the economy s re

46、silience. The Federal Reserve will raise interest rates by at least 0.25 percentage points during the second quarter and could increase short-term interest rates to at least 3 percent before the autumn-the level they were at before September 11. 23 The industrial age has been the only period of huma

47、n history in which most peoples work has taken the form of jobs. The industrial age may now be coming to an end, and some of the changes in work patterns which it brought may have to be reversed. This seems a discouraging thought. But, in fact, it could offer the prospect of a better future for work

48、. Universal employment, as its history shows has not meant economic freedom. 24 Employment became widespread when the 17th and 18th centuries made many people dependent on paid work by depriving them of the use of the land, and thus of the means to provide a living for themselves. Then the factory s

49、ystem destroyed the cottage industries and removed work from peoples homes. Later, as transport improved, first by rail and then by road, people traveled longer distances to their places of employment until, eventually, many peoples work lost all connection with their home lives and the places in which they lived. 三、 Chinese-English Translation 25 陆地交通的形式,与 其说取决于技术,不如说取决于政治、经济和环境方面的考虑。我们现在就可以建造更坚固、更安静、更防滑的道路,但却不建,因为费用太高。我们可以在高速公路两旁安装隔音板并且设计出尾气少、轮胎噪音低的卡车,从而使交通噪音减半,但我们不愿意掏这笔钱。环保游说者们已对汽车厂商产生了巨大影响,对尾气排放的控制已

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