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1、口译三级实务模拟试卷 25及答案与解析 一、 PART 1 Dialogue (20 points, 10 minutes) Listen to the following dialogue and interpret it as required. After you hear a sentence or a short passage in Chinese, interpret it into English by speaking to the microphone. And after you hear an English sentence or a short passage, i

2、nterpret it into Chinese. Start interpreting at the signal and stop it at the signal. You may take notes while you are listening. You will hear the dialogue only ONCE. Now lets begin. 1 A: If I am already marketing my product in Europe, can I expand this effort to Asia? / B:在欧洲和拉美能实施的策略,如果不做适应性方面的调整

3、,未必也能在日本、中国或亚洲其他地方实施。要更多地了解一个你即将要去推销产品的国家以及那些曾经行之有效的具体营销策略,最好去咨询自己所感兴趣的国家的顾问或专家。营销策略包括参与国家或地方的贸易考察团、国际贸易展、广告以及通过因特网进行在线促销。在因特网方面要记住,尽管现在亚洲因特网事业的发展是全世界最快之一,但其使用总量仍比不上欧美国家的水平。 A: Do I need to translate my sales literature into the local language? Will I need to learn foreign languages? / B:假如你真的想在亚洲市场

4、上获得成功,那么强烈建议你把营销材料翻译成你打算去营销的亚洲国家的语言。尽管英语是国际性商务语言,但人们在阅读和说话的时候总喜欢用自己的母语。即使亚洲商界的经理们英语说得很好,其中一些还在美国或西方国家的大学接受过教育,但他们仍然喜欢用自己的母语进行交流,并因此而感到亲切自然。你所希望得到的顾客当然是那些能轻松自然地了解你产品的特性并能够把你的产品 与其他竞争者的产品区分开来的人。在某个国家经营业务,如果能在自己的公司里招聘一个操当地语言的人则表明对市场很投入。 二、 PART 2 English-Chinese Translation (40 points, 10 minutes) Inte

5、rpret the following passages from English into Chinese. Start interpreting at the signal and stop it at the signal. You may take notes while you are listening. You will hear the passages only ONCE. Now lets begin. 2 下面你将听到一段有关 “欧盟议会所使用语言 ”的讲话。 When 10 new countries joined the European Union on 1 May

6、, they bring with them an extra nine languages to add to the EUs existing 11. How will the EU cope with such a situation? Even with 20, Europes tower of Babel is creaking. / Twenty languages gives a total of 380 possible combinations (English-German, French-Czech, Finnish-Portuguese, etc), and findi

7、ng any human being who speaks, for example, both Greek and Estonian or Slovene and Lithuanian is nearly impossible. / To get round this problem, the parliament will use much more “relay translation“ , where a speech is interpreted first into one language and then into another and perhaps into a four

8、th or fifth. Clearly the scope for mistakes in this game of Chinese whispers is huge. / The European Commissions need for translation already takes away the cut and thrust of a normal parliamentary debate. When the Italian Prime Minister likened a German MEP to a Nazi camp guard, it took several sec

9、onds before the German realized he was being insulted and pulled off his headphones in disgust. / But the rule is that every language must be provided. The European Commission already has 1, 300 translators, who process 1. 5 million pages a year in the EUs 11 languages. In two years that is expected

10、 to rise to 2. 5 million pages and the staff, based in two enormous buildings in Brussels and Luxembourg, will double in size to cope with the output. The cost will rise from roughly 550 million euros today to over 800 million euros after enlargement. / 三、 “PART 3 Chinese-English Translation (40 poi

11、nts, 10 minutes) Interpret the following passages from Chinese into English. Start interpreting at the signal and stop it at the signal. You may take notes while you are listening. You will hear the passages only ONCE. Now lets begin.“ 3 下面你将听到一段关于中国出口商品交易会的介绍。 第 94届中国出口商品交易会成交额达到 204 9亿美元,比第 92届交易会

12、增加了 11 6。机械和电子产品贸易额达到 82亿美元,占总数的 40 1,比第 92届交易会上升了 18 3。与欧盟和美国的交易量位居前列,分别为 61亿美元和 36 7亿美元,占第 94届交易会的总成交额的 47 7。与新兴市场的成交量,如中东、俄国等以 32 5、 40的速度上升。 广东省、浙江省 和江苏省成为 3个主要的出口地,其交易量占总量的 46,分别为 51 5亿美元、 23 3亿美元和 21 5亿美元。国有企业的交易量达到 146 7亿美元,比第 92届交易会减少 7 8。但是私营企业的交易量上升了190,达到 25 6亿美元。此外,新采购商人数达到 56425,表明交易会在开

13、拓新的采购商市场方面所做努力已显现成效。 口译三级实务模拟试卷 25答案与解析 一、 PART 1 Dialogue (20 points, 10 minutes) Listen to the following dialogue and interpret it as required. After you hear a sentence or a short passage in Chinese, interpret it into English by speaking to the microphone. And after you hear an English sentence o

14、r a short passage, interpret it into Chinese. Start interpreting at the signal and stop it at the signal. You may take notes while you are listening. You will hear the dialogue only ONCE. Now lets begin. 1 【正确答案】 A:假如我正在欧洲推销产品,也能在亚洲做同样的努力吗 ? B: Strategies that work in Europe or Latin America probabl

15、y wont work in Japan or China or often in other places in Asia without some adapting. Learn more about the country you intend to sell in and about specific marketing strategies that have succeeded in the past by talking to consultants or other experts in the countries in which you are interested. Ma

16、rketing strategies may include participation at State and Federal trade missions, international trade shows, advertising, and on-line promotions via the Internet. Keep in mind, with respect to the Internet, that although growth figures for the Internet in Asia are among the highest in the world, tot

17、al usage is still limited when compared to U. S. and European levels. A:我是否需要把营销资料翻译成当地的语言 ?是否需要学会几门外语 ? B: If you are serious about succeeding in the Asian market, it is highly recommended that you translate your marketing materials into the Asian language of the prospective country in which you in

18、tend to market and sell your product. English is the universal language of business but people always feel more at ease reading and speaking their first language. Even Asian business executives who are good English speakers and who have been educated in the U. S. or western Universities often will p

19、refer their first language and will feel more comfortable in it. A comfortable buyer who is able to better understand how your product stands apart from the competitors is what you want. Having someone within your company who is capable of speaking in the language of the country in which you are doi

20、ng business demonstrates your commitment to the market. 二、 PART 2 English-Chinese Translation (40 points, 10 minutes) Interpret the following passages from English into Chinese. Start interpreting at the signal and stop it at the signal. You may take notes while you are listening. You will hear the

21、passages only ONCE. Now lets begin. 2 【正确答案】 5月 1日,随着 10个新成员国加入欧盟,欧盟现有的 11种语言中又增加 9种。欧盟将如何来应对这一形势呢 ?即使只有 20种语言,欧洲的 “巴别塔 ”已经开始吱吱作响了。 20种语言总共有 380种可能的组合 (如英语 一德语,法语一捷克语,芬兰语一葡萄牙语等 ),而且想要找到那些同时会说诸如希腊语和爱沙尼亚语或斯洛文尼亚语和立陶宛语的人几乎是不可能的。 为了解决这个问题,欧盟议会将更多使用 “接力传译 ”,也就是把一个人的发言先翻译成一种语言,接着再翻译成另一种语言,也许还会翻译成第四种或第五种语言。

22、显然,这就像中国的传话游戏一样,翻译时出错的可能性非常大。 欧盟委员会对翻译的需求已经超过正常议会辩论的热烈程度。去年,当意大利总理把一位德国议员比作纳粹卫兵时,那位德国人在听完翻译几秒钟之后才意识到自己受到了侮辱 ,然后愤然摘下耳机。 然而欧盟议会规定会为每一个成员国的语言提供翻译。欧盟委员会现有 1300名译员,他们每年要用欧盟的 11种语言处理 150万页的翻译工作。而在未来两年里,这个数字预计将达到 250万页。布鲁塞尔和卢森堡的两个大办公楼中的译员人数将是现在的两倍才能完成这么大的工作量。欧盟成员国增加之后,翻译费用将从现在的约 5 5亿欧元上升到 8亿多欧元。 三、 “PART 3

23、 Chinese-English Translation (40 points, 10 minutes) Interpret the following passages from Chinese into English. Start interpreting at the signal and stop it at the signal. You may take notes while you are listening. You will hear the passages only ONCE. Now lets begin.“ 3 【正确答案】 The turnover of the

24、 94th CECF reached USD 20. 49 billion, up 11. 6% from the 92nd CECF.Mechanical and Electronic products recorded a trade volume of USD 8. 2 billion, or 40.1 % of the total, 18.3% more than that of the 92nd CECF. The trade volume with EU and USA were respectively USD 6. 1 billion and USD 3.67 billion,

25、 ranking among the top few, and their sum accounted for 47. 7% of the total turnover of the 94th CECF. The turnover with emerging markets, like the Middle East and Russia, soared 32. 5% and 40% . Provinces of Guangdong, Zhejiang and Jiangsu are the three main forces of exportation, and their trade v

26、olumes amounted to 46% of the total, recording USD 5. 15 billion, USD 2. 33 billion and USD 2.15 billion respectively. The turnover gained by state-owned enterprises was USD 14. 67 billion, 7. 8% less than that of the 92nd CECF. But the turnover by private enterprises rose by 190% to reach USD 2. 56 billion. Besides, the number of new buyers reached 56, 425, indicating that the CECFs efforts to explore new markets of buyers achieve effect.

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