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1、口译三级实务模拟试卷 28及答案与解析 一、 PART 1 Dialogue (20 points, 10 minutes) Listen to the following dialogue and interpret it as required. After you hear a sentence or a short passage in Chinese, interpret it into English by speaking to the microphone. And after you hear an English sentence or a short passage, i

2、nterpret it into Chinese. Start interpreting at the signal and stop it at the signal. You may take notes while you are listening. You will hear the dialogue only ONCE. Now lets begin. 1 下面你将听到一段有关 “道路交通伤害 ”的对话。 A:你知道吗,现在道路交通伤害已成为全球性的公共健康危机了。 B: Yeah. According to the statistics, in 2000, 1. 26 milli

3、on people worldwide died as a result of road traffic injuries, taking up 2. 2% of global deaths and ranking as the ninth leading cause of human deaths. / A:据 说,道路交通伤害到 2020年将上升至第 3位,排位远在艾滋病、疟疾等健康问题之前呢。 B: The survey also shows that the deaths in developing countries as a result of road traffic injur

4、ies far exceed those of developed countries. / A:形势很严峻啊。我认为国际社会理应加强合作,为提高世界各国特别是发展中国家的道路交通安全水平而努力。 B: I cant agree with you any more. All countries should take into consideration the overall picture and all the factors to formulate specific laws, policies and measures to remove different causes of r

5、oad traffic injuries. / A:是的。特别还要关注发展中国家,因为他们自身经济实力有限,基础设施和管理水平 等还有待完善。国际社会应在资金、技术和管理等各方面向它们提供帮助。 B: Yeah. We sincerely hope that all the efforts made will further heighten public attention to road safety in all countries and make traveling a safer and more comfortable experience. / 二、 PART 2 Englis

6、h-Chinese Translation (40 points, 10 minutes) Interpret the following passages from English into Chinese. Start interpreting at the signal and stop it at the signal. You may take notes while you are listening. You will hear the passages only ONCE. Now lets begin. 2 下面你将听到关于手机辐射的内容 A review of cell p

7、hone studies commissioned by the Swedish Radiation Protection Authority has found no “consistent evidence“ of an increased risk of cancer from usage. / Studies have differed on whether the use of mobile phones increases the risk of cancer as the handsets have become increasingly popular and efficien

8、t. / The review looked at nine studies since 1996 that included factors such as type of phone, duration and frequency of use and brain tumor location. / The agency acknowledged public concern about the issue and said many studies were still being performed and continued follow-up was needed on any p

9、ossible carcinogenic effect linked to mobile phone usage. / The review singled out research by Swedish oncologist Lennart Hardell, which said that long-term users of old-fashioned analog cell phones were at least 30% more likely than nonusers to develop brain tumors. Newer digital phones emit less r

10、adiation than older analog models of the sort studied. / Hardell, whose study was published recently in the European Journal of Cancer Prevention, studied 1, 617 patients with brain tumors and compared them with a similar-size group of people without tumors. / The review said Hardells study and some

11、 U. S. research with similar findings were “non-informative, either because the follow-up was too short and numbers of cancers too small, or because of serious methodological limitations. “ / It contrasted those with three studies in the United States, and studies in Finland and Denmark, which Pauls

12、son said used more reliable sampling methods and were based on medical reports rather than interviews with patients. / Those studies found “a consistent picture. that appears to rule out, with a reasonable degree of certainty, a causal association between cellular telephones and cancer to date,“ the

13、 agency said. / 三、 “PART 3 Chinese-English Translation (40 points, 10 minutes) Interpret the following passages from Chinese into English. Start interpreting at the signal and stop it at the signal. You may take notes while you are listening. You will hear the passages only ONCE. Now lets begin.“ 3

14、下面你将听到一段有关 “国际关系 ”的致辞。 国际形势正处在深刻变化之中,和平与发展仍然是当今时代的主题。世界多极化和经济全球化的趋势继续在曲折中发展,科技进步日新月异,为各国发展带来 新的机遇。但是,影响世界和平与发展的不稳定、不确定因素也在增加,地区冲突、恐怖主义、南北差距、环境恶化等问题,使人类和平与发展的事业也面临着严峻挑战。 维护世界和平、促进共同发展,是各国人民的共同心愿。中国人民愿同各国人民一道,推动建立公正合理的国际政治经济新秩序。中国要尊重世界多样性,促进树立新安全观,努力实现全球经济均衡可持续发展。中国人民对世界上仍陷于战火、冲突、饥饿、贫困等苦难的人民怀着深切同情,衷心祝

15、愿他们早日走上和平发展之路,并愿为他们提供力所能及的帮助。我相信,只要各国人民 和有远见的政治家,从人类的前途命运和共同利益出发,以合作谋和平,以合作促发展,我们就一定能够共同创造人类的美好未来。 口译三级实务模拟试卷 28答案与解析 一、 PART 1 Dialogue (20 points, 10 minutes) Listen to the following dialogue and interpret it as required. After you hear a sentence or a short passage in Chinese, interpret it into E

16、nglish by speaking to the microphone. And after you hear an English sentence or a short passage, interpret it into Chinese. Start interpreting at the signal and stop it at the signal. You may take notes while you are listening. You will hear the dialogue only ONCE. Now lets begin. 1 【正确答案】 A: Do you

17、 know that road traffic injuries have become a public health crisis around the world? B:是的。根据统计, 2000年,全球共有 126万人死于道路交通伤害,占世界死亡人数的 2 2,在人类死亡原因中排在第 9位。 A: And it is reported that, by 2020 road traffic injuries could rank third, ahead of such other health problems as HIV/AIDS and malaria. B:调查还显示发展中国家

18、因道路交通伤害而受到的损失要远远超过发达国家。 A: A grave situation. I think the international community should enhance cooperation and efforts to improve road safety for all countries, the developing ones in particular. B:我完全同意。各国应从全局的角度出发,综合考虑所有因素,制定具体法律、政策和措施,尽可能消除引发道路交通伤害的种种原因。 A: Yes. Special concern should be given

19、to the developing countries which suffer from economic constraints with their infrastructure and management yet to be perfected. The international society should provide them with financial, technical and managerial assistance. B:是的。我们真心希望所有付出的努力能进一步提高各国民众对道路交通安全问题的重视,让人们的出行变得更加安全和舒适。 二、 PART 2 Engl

20、ish-Chinese Translation (40 points, 10 minutes) Interpret the following passages from English into Chinese. Start interpreting at the signal and stop it at the signal. You may take notes while you are listening. You will hear the passages only ONCE. Now lets begin. 2 【正确答案】 瑞典辐射保护研究所有关手机研究的一份报告显示:目前

21、尚未发现任何 “一致的证据 ”表明使用手机会增加癌症的患病率。 手机的使用日益广泛和频繁,但对于它到底会不 会增加癌症的患病率却一直没有一致的看法。 该报告分析了 1996年以来的 9份研究,所涉及的因素包括手机的种类、使用的时间和频率以及脑部肿瘤的位置等。 该机构注意到公众对这一问题的关注并表示各项研究尚在进行中,还需要后续的研究来找出任何与手机使用有关的致癌因素。 这份报告中还特别提到了瑞典肿瘤学家伦纳特 -哈德尔所进行的研究。哈德尔认为长期使用老式模拟手机的人患脑癌的概率要比不用手机的人高至少 30。而据研究,新型数字机的辐射则要比老式模拟机少得多。 哈德尔共研究了 1617名脑癌患 者

22、,并将他们与人数差不多的非脑癌患者进行了比较。他的研究报告刊登在最近的欧洲癌症预防杂志上。 报告认为哈德尔的研究以及得出类似结论的一些美国人的研究都 “缺乏足够的证据,一则跟踪调查的时间太短,癌症患者的人数太少;二则调查方法也存在着严重局限性。 ” 该报告将他们的研究与另外三位分别来自美国、芬兰和丹麦的科学家所做的研究做了对比,认为这三位的研究的取样更可信,且以医学报告为依据,而不是靠对患者的采访。 因此,瑞典辐射保护研究所认为这些研究得出 “一致的结论,即有相当程度的把握可排除手机 的使用和癌症之间存在因果联系 ”。 三、 “PART 3 Chinese-English Translatio

23、n (40 points, 10 minutes) Interpret the following passages from Chinese into English. Start interpreting at the signal and stop it at the signal. You may take notes while you are listening. You will hear the passages only ONCE. Now lets begin.“ 3 【正确答案】 The world is undergoing profound changes, but

24、peace and development are still the theme of the era. The trends of world multi-polarization and economic globalization are developing with twists. Science and technology are progressing every day, bringing new opportunities for all countries around the world. However, some unstable and uncertain fa

25、ctors to world peace and development are also on the rise, with regional conflict, terrorism, the gap between north and south, and environmental degradation challenging world peace and development. Maintaining world peace and promoting common development is the shared goal of people in all countries

26、. The Chinese are willing to work with everyone in the world to promote the establishment of a new international political and economic order that is just and rational. China will respect diversities in the world, help establish a new security concept and endeavor to realize a balanced and sustainab

27、le development of the world economy. Chinese people are deeply sympathetic to people still suffering from warfare, conflicts, hunger and poverty. We sincerely hope they will walk on the road of peace and development as soon as possible: and we are willing to do what we can in providing assistance in this regard. I believe that as long as people around the world and politicians with vision give top priority to the future of humanity and common interests while seeking peace and development through cooperation, we will be able to create a better future for the human kind.

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