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1、口译三级实务(综合)模拟试卷 7及答案与解析 一、 PART 2 English-Chinese Translation (40 points, 10 minutes) Interpret the following passages from English into Chinese. Start interpreting at the signal and stop it at the signal. You may take notes while you are listening. You will hear the passages only ONCE. Now lets begi

2、n. 1 On this observance of World Malaria Day, I call on all partners to increase investments in both research and programs to defeat malaria. 2 To the millions who have come together with compassion and determination on this World AIDS Day, we say your blood, sweat and tears are changing the world.

3、3 WHO stands ready to support any Member State requesting our guidance in the areas of policy development, capacity building and technical assistance. 4 As we commemorate the 30th Anniversary of the first reported cases of AIDS in the United States, we take time to remember those who have been affec

4、ted by this devastating disease and recommit ourselves to eradicating this terrible scourge. 5 Among U. S. adults aged 20-74 years, the prevalence of overweight has increased an estimated 4 percent since 1980, increasing from 33 percent to the 35 percent of the population in 1999. 6 Some foods are m

5、arketed as healthy, low fat, or fat-free, but may contain more calories than the fat containing food they are designed to replace. 7 Physical activity also helps to control weight, contributes to healthy bones, muscles, and joints: reduces falls among the elderly: and helps to relieve the pain of ar

6、thritis. 8 If the body does not burn off the extra calories consumed from larger portions, fast food, or soft drinks, weight gain can occur. 9 The largest outbreak of avian influenza ever to occur has been causing sickness and death among birds in Southeast Asia since late 2003. The H5N1 influenza v

7、irus that has caused the death or destruction of more than 150 million birds now has appeared in areas as distant from Southeast Asia as Turkey and Croatia. The virus also has some capability to infect humans, with 121 cases reported in four nations, resulting in 62 fatalities. Health authorities wa

8、rn that if the virus becomes contagious among humans, a flu pandemic could result, with the potential to cause millions of deaths globally. 10 Because a society is measured by how it treats the weak and vulnerable, we must strive to build a culture of life. Medical research can help us reach that go

9、al, by developing treatments and cures that save lives and help people overcome disabilities. And I thank the Congress for doubling the funding of the National Institutes of Health. To build a culture of life, we must also ensure that scientific advances always serve human dignity, not take advantag

10、e of some lives for the benefit of others. I will work with Congress to ensure that human embryos are not created for experimentation or grown for body parts and that human life is never bought or sold as a commodity. 11 Ladies and Gentlemen, fellow citizens, Getting Americans off the couch and onto

11、 their feet could save an estimated 200, 000 lives a year. Yet most of us are either sedentary or only minimally active. Confusion may keep many couch potatoes from getting into shape. People still ask questions like: How often should I exercise? Does it have to be 30 minutes straight? Do I need to

12、go to the gym? Still, in a world where magazines, videos, and friends may give conflicting advice, misunderstanding abounds. What gets most people off the couch and into their walking shoes? Its that unwanted flab that motivates most of us. It shouldnt. Many people dont see immediate weight loss and

13、 say its all for naught and stop. In fact, exercise has a laundry list of benefits. Among them, it improves the ability of insulin to enter cells, so it lowers the risk of diabetes. And it also lowers the risk of heart disease. Exercise alters not only your risk of disease, but your quality of life.

14、 One study shows that exercise improved sleep in people with sleep dysfunction, that is, people who take a long time to fall asleep or who wake up frequently at night. The psychological benefits of exercise are frequently overlooked. Exercise isnt a panacea, but it has consistently been shown to rel

15、ieve both depression and anxiety. Another misunderstanding is that many people still believe that you have to work at a very high intensity in order to get a benefit. In fact, moderate-intensity exercise lowers the risk of dying just as much as high-intensity exercise. For example, women who regular

16、ly engaged in brisk walking reduced their risk of heart disease to the same degree as women who engaged in vigorous exercise. You dont need to run a marathon. People should make sure that the exercise is at least moderate-intensity, that is, equivalent to walking at a pace of three to four miles an

17、hour. High-intensity exercise does have one advantage: it saves time. It takes less time to burn the same number of calories at higher intensity. Still many people would fear theyre too old to start an exercise program. They think its unsafe because they have heart disease or diabetes or because the

18、yre too out of shape to start. Remember, youre never too old to start. In one study, the participants were frail nursing-home residents whose ages ranged from 72 to 98. After just ten weeks, strength-training improved their muscle strength, ability to climb stairs, and walking speed. When the partic

19、ipants see what a difference it makes, theyre thrilled. The same goes for people with chronic diseases. For example, people say they cant exercise because they have arthritis, but we see some of the greatest benefits in people with arthritis. Exercise reduces pain and increases range of motion, stre

20、ngth, and mobility. That doesnt mean that anyone can plunge into a bout of vigorous exercise, regardless of health history. In a recent study, ordinarily inactive people especially men who had high cholesterol or angina or were smokers or obese were ten times more likely to have a heart attack withi

21、n an hour of exerting themselves (usually by jogging or heavy lifting) than at other times. As for the all-too-common “I dont have time to exercise,“ somehow, youve got to make the time, or youre going to have medical problems like heart disease, diabetes, or osteoporosis. And it will take a lot mor

22、e time to deal with them than it takes to exercise. Thank you. 二、 “PART 3 Chinese-English Translation (40 points, 10 minutes) Interpret the following passages from Chinese into English. Start interpreting at the signal and stop it at the signal. You may take notes while you are listening. You will h

23、ear the passages only ONCE. Now lets begin.“ 12 埃博拉病毒已经夺走 2900多条生命,并且仍在继续肆虐。 13 生命皆平等,捍卫生命尊严是全人类的共同使命。 14 当前,抗击疫情的形势依然十分严峻,远远超出疫区国家自身的能力范畴。 15 吸烟就像飞车枪击一样,伤及无辜路人,因为他们被迫吸入含有数百种有毒化学物质的空气。 16 近年来,中国科学家在利用干细胞治疗心脏系统疾病方 面做出了不懈努力,也取得了一定成果。 17 在疫情发生后,中国先后有 170多名医务人员坚持在一线与当地民众共同奋斗,在疫区共同抗击病毒。 18 只要国际社会团结一心,众志成

24、城,携手合作,就一定能够早日战胜埃博拉疫情。 19 艾滋病在 20世纪 80年代初次被发现时,全世界一方面努力寻找治疗方法,一方面被其迅疾的传播速度之快所震惊。 20 许多家庭都努力着既要发展各自事业,满足消费需求,又希望拥有美满的家庭生活。设定重点就易于保持健康。把你认为生活中重要的事情列成一张清单,如与家人共度时光 、事业有成、身体健康 然后瞧一瞧它们列在一起是什么样的。比如说,你也许发觉工作对你很重要,而和家人在一起同样重要;健身很重要,而帮孩子补习功课也是如此。你需要自己确定何为重中之重,然后一一腾出时间。 21 抽空做你认为最重要的事,你就不会忽略生命里诸如健康、家庭这样的基本要素。

25、不要因顾此必须失彼而自咎。意识到和家人一起的时间很重要,那么就不要因为要帮孩子补习而决定不去健身此类事而庸人自扰了。或者如果你有慢性病的话,留心别因工作安排而忘记吃药。健康的关键在于告诉自己你是最重要的 你是自己最重要 的资本。学会为自己 “充电 ”,这样下次压力来临的时候你就可以精神百倍地面对。紧张的一天之后,你可以泡一个热澡,蜷缩起身体舒舒服服地看本好书。你也可以挑一个周末的下午散步或远足,呼吸一下新鲜空气,让自己精神焕发。 22 主席先生: 中国代表团支持本次大会审议 “全球道路安全危机 ”的议题。我愿借此机会对提出这一倡议的代表表示感谢,我还要感谢主席先生在本议题下向大会提交的内容翔实

26、的报告。 根据主席先生的报告,道路交通伤害已成为全球性的公共健康危机。 2000年,全球共有 126万人死于道路交通伤害,占 世界死亡人数的 2 2,在人类死亡和发病的原因中排在第 9位。按照世界卫生组织的预测,道路交通伤害致死致残的数量到 2020年将上升至第 3位,排位远在艾滋病、疟疾等健康问题之前。 令人关注的是,发展中国家因道路交通伤害而受到的损失要远远超过发达国家。在 2000年的 126万道路交通死亡者中,约 104万人来自发展中国家,占死亡总人数的 88;发达国家则仅占 12。面对如此严峻的形势,国际社会理应加强合作,为提高世界各国特别是发展中国家的道路交通安全水平而努力。为此,

27、我愿谈四点看法: 一、确保道路交通 安全是一项系统工程,涉及人、车、路、环境和管理等各方面。各国应从全局的角度出发,综合考虑各方面因素,制定有针对性的法律、政策和措施,尽可能消除引发道路交通伤害的种种不利因素。 二、各国政府对确保道路交通安全负有首要责任,应防微杜渐,重点做好预防工作,依靠社会各有关方面的参与和配合,加强相关政府部门、运输部门及广大民众的安全意识,做好道路交通安全工作。 三、切实加强国际合作。各国应加强信息交流,相互学习与借鉴,共同提高道路交通安全水平。发展中国家自身经济实力有限,基础设施和管理水平等还有待完善 ,国际社会应在资金、技术和管理等各方面向它们提供必要的帮助。 四、

28、世界卫生组织肩负着让所有人保持健康的重任,应在此问题上发挥重要作用。我们高兴地注意到,世界卫生组织已将明年 “世界健康日 ”的主题定为 “安全的道路 ”。我们希望有关活动能进一步提高各国民众对道路交通安全问题的重视,让人们的出行变得更加安全和舒适。 主席先生,中国是一个发展中国家。最近 20年来,随着中国经济的持续健康发展,中国的道路建设和汽车工业也有了很大发展。如何努力改善道路交通安全状况,加快道路交通安全立法,加大对公路和城市道路安 全设施的投入,强化驾驶员培训和安全教育,进一步完善道路交通事故预防机制,提高交通事故受伤人员的医疗康复水平,是我们政府面临的重要课题。我们希望加强同世界卫生组

29、织等国际组织和机构的合作,学习和借鉴世界各国的先进经验,把我国的道路交通安全能力建设提高到新的水平。 谢谢主席先生。 口译三级实务(综合)模拟试卷 7答案与解析 一、 PART 2 English-Chinese Translation (40 points, 10 minutes) Interpret the following passages from English into Chinese. Start interpreting at the signal and stop it at the signal. You may take notes while you are list

30、ening. You will hear the passages only ONCE. Now lets begin. 1 【正确答案】 在纪念这个世界防治疟疾日之际,我呼吁所有的合作伙伴增加用于战胜疟疾的研究和方案方面的投资。 【知识模块】 英译汉 2 【正确答案】 在这个世界艾滋病日,成百上千万的人带着同情与决心聚集在一起,我们的鲜血、汗水和眼泪正在改变着这个世界。 【知识模块】 英译汉 3 【正确答案】 世界卫生组织做好了准备,向任何要求我们在政策制定、能力建设和技术支持方面提供指导的会员国提供支持。 【知识模块】 英译汉 4 【正确答案】 在美国发现首宗艾滋病病例 30周年纪念之际,

31、我们驻足缅怀深受这种致命疾病侵害的人们,并且再次坚定根除这一可怕灾祸的决心。 【知识模块】 英译汉 5 【正确答案】 在 2074岁年龄段的美国成年人中,超重的普遍率从 1980年开始估计增长了 4,从 33上升到 1999年人口的 35。 【知识模块】 英译汉 6 【正确答案】 一些食品推向市场时标记着健康、低脂肪或无脂肪,但可能含的热量比他们设计取代的含脂食品含的热量还要多。 【知识模块】 英译汉 7 【正确答案】 经常进行身体活动同样有助于控制体重,使骨骼健康,肌肉结实,关节灵活。它使老年人不易摔跤,并减轻了关节炎的痛楚。 【知识模块】 英译汉 8 【正确答案】 如果身体不能消耗由大份量

32、食品、快餐或 软饮料带来的多余热量,体重就会增加。 【知识模块】 英译汉 9 【正确答案】 自 2003年年底以来,东南亚地区暴发了有史以来规模最大的禽流感,导致大批禽鸟染病或死亡。 H5N1型流感病毒已造成超过 1 5亿只禽鸟死亡或遭扑杀,现在看来已经传播到与东南亚地区相距遥远的土耳其和克罗地亚等地。这种病毒还具有某种导致人体感染的能力。已有 4个国家呈报了 121例人体感染的病例,其中 62人已经死亡。卫生官员警告说,病毒一旦开始在人体间传播,就可能引发大规模流感,并有可能在全球各地造成数百万人死亡。 【 知识模块】 英译汉 10 【正确答案】 由于衡量一个社会的标准是其对待弱者和易受伤害

33、者的态度,我们必须努力建设维护生命的文化。医学通过研发拯救生命和帮助人们战胜残疾的治疗方法能够帮助我们实现这一目标 我感谢国会把给国家卫生院的拨款提高了一倍。为了建设维护生命的文化,我们也必须确保科学的进步始终维护人的尊严,而不是以一些生命为代价使另一些生命受益。我将与国会共同努力,确保不因试验或身体器官需要而生产人体胚胎,确保人的生命永远不会被当作商品贩卖。 【知识模块】 英译汉 11 【正确答案】 女士们、先生们,同胞们: 如果美国人离开长沙发站起身来运动,一年就约有 20万人不会丢了性命。可是大多数人要么坐着,要么活动量极少。许多沙发土豆对一些问题弄不明白,于是赖在沙发上,没有好身体。他

34、们总是问:我多久该去锻炼一次 ?要一口气练上 30分钟吗 ?我非要去健身馆吗 ?而身边的杂志、音像、朋友们也都建议不一,更令得误解丛生。 是什么让大多数人离开沙发,穿上跑鞋 ?多半是身上那非请既来的赘肉。这种想法可不对。许多人看到体重没有马上下降,就说锻炼一点用也没有,便停了下来。事实上,锻炼可有一长串好处。比 如,它提高胰岛素进入细胞的能力,从而降低患糖尿病的危险,它也降低得心脏病的风险。 运动不仅降低得病的风险,而且提高生活质量。一项研究发现,运动让睡眠机能失调的人,即那些花很长时间才能入睡或夜间频频醒来的人,睡眠得以改善。运动对心理的益处总是被忽略。虽说运动不是灵丹妙药,但它总是能缓解抑

35、郁心情和焦虑情绪。 人们还常常错认为运动要见成效必须高强度。事实上,中强度运动与高强度运动一样降低死亡的风险,比如,走路总是轻快的女性与大量运动的女性相比,心脏病发作率一样低。没必要去参加马拉松。有一点确定的是 ,运动至少得中等强度,即相当于每小时走上三至四英里的路。高强度运动的确有一好处:省时。在更少的时间内以更高的强度燃烧同等的热量。 还有许多人担心自己年纪太大无法开始运动。他们想自己有心脏病有糖尿病或身材太不像样,运动的话不安全。记住,无论年龄多大,都可以开始运动。在一项研究中,参与运动的都是养老院风烛残年的老人,年纪从 72到 98不等。 10周后,体力训练增强了肌肉力量,爬楼梯的能力

36、和走路的速度也提高了。他们看到在自己前后判若两人时,都激动不已。那些得慢性病的人也一样。比如,有人说他们有关节炎不能锻炼, 但我们看到运动对关节炎病人最有益。痛苦减轻,活动范围、强度和灵活性都有所提高。 这并不意味着任何人不管身体何等状况都能开始积极锻炼。最近的一项研究表明,平时运动很少的人 特别是高胆固醇患者、心绞痛病人、吸烟者或肥胖人士在一小时运动后 (通常是慢跑和举重 ),罹患心脏病的概率是其他时候的十倍。 对那句太过平常的话 “我没时间锻炼 ”,不管怎样你得找出时间,不然身体就要出问题了,患上心脏病、糖尿病,或骨质疏松症。治病可比锻炼要花费更多的时间。 谢谢。 【知识模块】 英译汉 二

37、、 “PART 3 Chinese-English Translation (40 points, 10 minutes) Interpret the following passages from Chinese into English. Start interpreting at the signal and stop it at the signal. You may take notes while you are listening. You will hear the passages only ONCE. Now lets begin.“ 12 【正确答案】 Having cl

38、aimed over 2, 900 lives, the Ebola virus has continued to wreck havoc. 【知识模块】 汉译英 13 【正确答案】 All lives are equal, and it is the shared mission of mankind to uphold the dignity of all human lives. 【知识模块】 汉 译英 14 【正确答案】 As we speak, the fight against the epidemic remains fierce, far beyond the capabili

39、ty of any individual country suffering the disease. 【知识模块】 汉译英 15 【正确答案】 Tobacco smoking, like a drive-by shooting, kills innocent bystanders who are forced to breathe air contaminated with hundreds of toxic chemicals. 【知识模块】 汉译英 16 【正确答案】 Chinese scientists have worked hard in recent years to explo

40、re stem cell treatment of cardiovascular diseases. Some progress has been made. 【知识模块】 汉译英 17 【正确答案 】 Since the outbreak of the disease, more than 170 Chinese medical workers have been working side by side with the local people in the affected areas to combat the virus. 【知识模块】 汉译英 18 【正确答案】 I am con

41、vinced that as long as the international community stands united in mind and in action, the Ebola epidemic will be defeated before long. 【知识模块】 汉译英 19 【正确答案】 When AIDS was first identified in the 1980s, the world was shocked by how fast the epidemic spread as we struggled to find a solution. 【知识模块】

42、汉译英 20 【正确答案】 Many families are challenged to develop careers, meet financial demands and still have a satisfying home life. Staying healthy can be easier if you set priorities. Make a list of things that you consider important in your life, for example, spending time with your family, succeeding at

43、 your job, staying fit, etc. Then take a look at how they stack up. For instance, you might recognize that your job is important to you but so is spending time with your family. Going to the gym is key but so is helping your kids with their homework. Its up to you to identify your highest priorities

44、 and then make time for them. 【知识模块】 汉译英 21 【正确答案】 Making time for your priorities keeps your focus on the fundamental things in your life, such as your health and your family. Dont beat yourself up if you must choose one priority over another. Recognize that you value time spent with your family, f

45、or example, and let yourself off the hook if you decide to skip going to the gym in order to help your son with his schoolwork. Or if youre managing a chronic illness, be careful not to let your work schedule cause you to miss taking your medications. The key to health is to remind yourself that you

46、re important you are your most important resource. Learn some ways to recharge your battery so that youre ready when the next stressful situation arises. You might try relaxing in a warm bath or curling up with a good book after a stressful day. Or spend a weekend afternoon hiking or walking outdoor

47、s to get fresh air and gain renewal. 【知识模块】 汉译英 22 【正确答案】 Mr. President, The Chinese delegation supports the consideration by the conference of the agenda item entitled “Global Road Safety Crisis“. I wish to avail myself of this opportunity to register our gratitude to the representative for this in

48、itiative. I would also like to thank Mr. President for the informative report submitted to the conference under this item. According to the report of Mr. President, road traffic injuries have become a public health crisis of global dimensions. In 2000, 1. 26 million people worldwide died as a result

49、 of road traffic injuries, accounting for 2. 2% of global mortality and ranking as the ninth leading cause of human deaths and morbidity. The World Health Organization predicts that by 2020 road traffic injuries could rank third among causes of death and disability, ahead of such other health problems as HIV/ AIDS and malaria. A cause of concern is the fact that the losses sustained by developing countries as a result of road traffic injuries far exceed those of developed countries. Of the 1. 26 million road traffic fatalit

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