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1、口译二级实务模拟试卷 21及答案与解析 一、 PART 1 English-Chinese Translation (50 points, 30 minutes) Interpret the following passages from English into Chinese. Start interpreting at the signal and stop it at the signal. You may take notes while you are listening. You will hear the passages only ONCE. Now lets begin.

2、1 下面你将听到的是一段有关中国工业未来的讲话。 China is in the midst of a developmental stage where advanced management knowledge and techniques and advanced industrial automation technology and solutions are fundamental and necessary elements for Chinas sustained growth and global competitiveness. There is no one good d

3、efinition of what industrial automation is. Perhaps the best definition is a simple one: industrial automation is the use of electronics to control and monitor a process or machinery. While there are many steps that China must take to ensure the appropriate development of its industrial base and sup

4、porting infrastructure, the utilization of advanced industrial automation is a critical step. Increases in productivity and efficiency are not possible without a high level of industrial automation. If we were to look at the growth in productivity of U.S. industry from the mid-1980s to the mid-1990s

5、, two pivotal factors stand out. The first is a revolution in management techniques and consequent restructuring of the American corporation. Management became results-focused, flatter and more distributed, with great participation by the work force. The second pivotal factor was the infusion of adv

6、anced industrial automation into manufacturing and other automated processes. Together these two elements led to significant increases in productivity and efficiency. These increases led the way to sustained growth in the U.S. economy, so that by the late 1980s and the early 1990s the U.S. economy w

7、as growing faster than that of Japan for the first time in several decades. China, which is now at its own critical industrial and management systems crossroads, can borrow from some of these experiences. China has an unparalleled opportunity to adopt advanced industrial automation as this technolog

8、y moves into the new millennium and into the information era. The future of industrial automation will be a networked future with a great reliance on wireless connectivity. Utilization of effective and open networks such as DeviceNet, ControlNet and Ethernet/IP, with their ability to connect to the

9、Internet, allows for continuous control and feedback from the factory floor to the management office and beyond. The factory floor and the management office can be linked continuously and in real time with suppliers, sales force and customers. Every part of this chain will be able to monitor, input

10、to and adjust the manufacturing process and supporting activities. The future of industrial automation will also very much be linked to software that is an open platform and is multifunctional. The right software package provides tremendous flexibility and agility in the manufacturing process. Indus

11、trial software provides the operator interface and gateway from the factory floor to the Enterprise Resource Planning(ERP)system and even to the Internet to provide seamless flow of data and information so that the “Information Enabled Enterprise“ can be managed in a more flexible, integrated, and e

12、fficient manner. 2 下面你将听到的是一段关于音乐巨匠贝多芬的生平故事。 Ludwig van Beethoven was an unhappy genius. He had deep feelings that he could not express in words. He found the way to express these feelings in music, and this led to a new kind of music that is expressive. Beethoven was born in the German city of Bonn

13、, in 1770. His father was a singer in the Church choir, and he soon saw that Ludwig had musical ability. The father thought that Ludwig might be another wonder-child, like Mozart, and that he would make the familys name and fortune. He forced the little boy to practice long hours on the violin. Moza

14、rts father had been kind, but Beethovens father was impatient and often rough with him. Also, Beethovens father was not reliable in earning a living for his family. As young Ludwig grew up he had to take a great deal of responsibility. When he was 15, and was working in the Church as assistance orga

15、nist, Ludwig was practically supporting the family. But he had kind teachers and some good friends, and he was lucky enough to get a position playing the viola in the opera orchestra in Bonn. There he became familiar with the operas of Mozart and other composers, and he learned a great deal about th

16、e instruments of the orchestra and how they played together. This was to be valuable to him later in his own composing. When he decided to go to Vienna to study, the Archbishop at Bonn paid for his journey and other friends gave him letters to noblemen in Vienna. Beethoven was a very fine pianist, b

17、esides being able to play the violin and other stringed instruments. The Viennese music-lovers quickly adopted him as a favorite concert performer. But they criticized every new work of Beethovens because it was too different. The Viennese soon realized that they had an extraordinary genius living a

18、mong them, and they made every effort to keep him. When Beethoven had an offer to go to another city as an orchestra conductor, three noblemen of Vienna banded together to pay him a regular income every year if he would stay with them. He stayed, and went on composing his big, powerful symphonies, c

19、oncertos, piano sonatas and many other works. But except for his music, Beethoven was not a happy man. Before he was 30, he began to grow deaf. This was a terrible misfortune for a musician. His deafness came slowly and he was able to continue playing concerts until he was 44. But 10 years later, wh

20、en his great Ninth Symphony was performed for the first time, he could not hear at all. He was sitting on the stage at the performance, watching the conductor, and he had his back to the audience. One of the singers turned him around so that he could see the audience enthusiastically applauding this

21、 tremendous symphony. Beethoven was a lonely man. Although he had fallen in love several times, he never married. His deafness made him still more lonely, for he would not go out in public at all. But he rose above his loneliness and deafness through his music. Even when he was totally deaf, he went

22、 on creating music that he could not hear except in his mind, expressing all the feelings he could not express to anyone in words. 二、 PART 2 Chinese-English Translation (50 points, 30 minutes) Interpret the following passages from Chinese into English. Start interpreting at the signal and stop it at

23、 the signal. You may take notes while you are listening. You will hear the passages only ONCE. Now lets begin. 3 下面你将听到一段有关中美贸易关系的讲话。 在冷战结束后的新形势下,两国要不要及如何发展双边关系,是中美两国面临的重大课题。 “永久正常贸易关系 ”的通过表明,在美国,支持发展中美关系的力量占了上风,美国政府、国会、工商企业界和公众的主流都支持以建设性的态度与中国打交道。 其次,中美关系的内涵得到了丰富。经贸关系是两国总体关系的组成部分,中美互为重要贸易伙伴,美国还是中国的

24、主要外资来源国,没有稳定、良好的经贸合作关系,政治关系就会空心化,就 会缺乏前进的动力,失去公众的参与热情。良好的经贸合作关系可以对两国政治关系产生促进作用,特别是在政治关系出现波动时可发挥减震作用。 第三,增进了两国的互信和合作气氛。美国几乎给予世界上所有国家正常贸易关系的待遇,惟独将中国这样一个大国排除在外。这本身就是一种歧视,一种不信任。不解决这个问题,中国人民就无法理解中美关系的必要性,就会怀疑美国的合作诚意。没有人民的支持和参与,国家关系就难以发展。同时,建立正常贸易关系后,随着商品和人员往来的增加,投资和管理经验的引进,两国间的了解无疑会加深,误解也会减少 。 第四,向中国在亚太地

25、区的邻国发出积极的信号。中国是亚太大国,美国也自称是亚太国家,在地区有重要的影响力。中美友好,则亚太国家获益;中美敌对,则亚太国家遭殃。中美建立正常贸易关系,就是向亚太国家表明,两个大国愿意友好相处,有通过谈判解决分歧的意愿和能力。这对维护地区稳定,促进经济繁荣将产生长远影响。 4 下面你将听到一段有关云南少数民族情况介绍的讲话。 文山壮族苗族自治州位于云南省东南部,东与广西相连,南与越南接壤,边境线长达 43 8公里,总面积 3万多平方公里,和海南省差不多。文山州有 悠久的历史,境内发现过古人类牙齿化石,说明远古时期就有人类在此生息、劳动。 文山州物产丰富,矿业开发前景良好,土特产品久负盛名

26、,三七种植面积和产量均占全国 85以上。文山州居住着汉、壮、苗、瑶、彝、回、布依、傣、白、蒙古、仡佬等 11个民族的 3 27万人。 在 “九五 ”期间,在党中央、国务院的关怀下,在云南省委、省政府的领导下,州委、州政府团结带领全州各族人民认真贯彻改革开放方针,大力发展经济,改善人民生活,圆满完成 “九五 ”计划的目标,民族团结,社会稳定,经济高速增长,是自治州成立以来社会经济发 展最快的时期。 2001年经济继续保持良好发展,为 “十五 ”计划开了个好头。一是国民经济总产值增长 9 3,占全省第二位;二是基础设施建设取得重大突破,完成一大批公路建设项目;三是产业结构由上年的 38: 25:

27、37调整为 36: 26: 38;四是对外开放迈出新的步伐,成功举办了第三届特产文化节,塑造了文山新形象;五是扶贫开发成绩突出, 2001年又解决了 33万贫困人口的基本温饱,农民人均年收入达 763元。 口译二级实务模拟试卷 21答案与解析 一、 PART 1 English-Chinese Translation (50 points, 30 minutes) Interpret the following passages from English into Chinese. Start interpreting at the signal and stop it at the sign

28、al. You may take notes while you are listening. You will hear the passages only ONCE. Now lets begin. 1 【正确 答案】 中国目前正处在一个发展的阶段。在这个阶段中,先进的管理知识和技术以及先进的工业自动化技术和解决方案是十分必要的,对中国的持续发展和在全球的竞争中起着根本的作用。 目前工业自动化还没有一个最佳的定义。也许最好的其实是一个很简单的定义:工业自动化就是使用电子技术来监控生产流程或机械设备。为了确保工业基础和配套设施的有序发展,中国需要采取很多措施,而其中利用先进的工业自动化是至关

29、重要的。没有高水平的工业自动化,提高生产力和效率都是不可能的。 如果我们看一看美国工业生产力从 80年代中 期到 90年代中期的发展情况,就会发现两个重要的因素。首先是管理技术方面的革命和随之而来的对美国公司的重组改造。改革后的管理更注重效果,管理层面减少,权利下放,企业职工参与性更高。 第二个因素是将先进的工业自动化引入了制造业和其它自动化流程。这两个因素共同作用大大提高了生产力和效率,使美国经济得以可持续发展, 80年代末 90年代初的发展速度几十年来第一次超过了日本。 中国目前正处在工业和管理制度变革的时期,可以借鉴这些经验。在新的世纪和信息发展时代采用先进的工业自动化技术,对中国来讲是

30、一个千载难 逢的机会。 未来的工业自动化技术将是一个无线连接的网络。诸如 DeviceNet, ControlNet和 Ethernet IP这些开放、高效率的网络能与英特网链接,可以使管理部门对生产车间进行不间断的控制,并获得信息反馈。 生产车间和管理部门之间联网,与供应商、销售部门以及客户之间也可以实现实时联网。在这条链中的任何一个环节都可以进行监控和输入,还可以调整生产过程和生产支持。 未来的工业自动化将在很大程度上和有着开放性平台、多功能的软件系统联网。一套合适的软件包将使生产过程变得非常灵活 ,反应非常敏捷。 工业软件将提供操作者平台,提供从车间到企业资源规划系统的通道,甚至与英特网

31、链接,提供源源不断的数据信息,从而进行更为灵活、更为有效的综合性管理。这就叫做 “信息化管理企业 ”。 【试题解析】 本文主要讨论中国工业未来的问题。文章以美国的发展为例,对工业自动化的问题进行了深入的探讨,并展望中国工业的未来。 本文涉及工业自动化和管理等方面的专门知识,需要应试者有相当的背景知识,这些专业化知识构成考查应试者基本素质的内容,在较为短暂的时间内,应试者还需对复杂的长难旬作出 判断,使翻译不仅信息完整正确,还要基本符合汉语习惯。在此基础上,应试者还要对文中的某些单词或短语作出判断,使其翻译不仅正确还要符合上下文语境的需要。 2 【正确答案】 贝多芬是一个不幸的天才。他有很多不能

32、用语言表达的深沉情感,但他找到了用音乐表达这些情感的方法,从而产生了一种新的表现力极强的音乐。 贝多芬于 1770年生于德国的波恩。他的父亲是教堂唱诗班的歌手,不久就发现儿子身上的音乐天分,认为他很可能成为像莫扎特一样的 “神童 ”,为家族带来声望和财富。他逼着儿子长时间地练琴。 莫扎 特的父亲很仁慈,但贝多芬的父亲却十分暴躁,经常对他动粗。他还不能正常地挣钱养家,这使得贝多芬很小就挑起了家庭的重担。贝多芬 15岁时就在教堂担任助理风琴师,挣钱养家。 他的老师和朋友对他很好,后来又有幸在波恩的歌剧院谋到乐队中提琴手的位置。在那里他接触了莫扎特的歌剧和其他作曲家的作品,并对各种乐器及其相互配合有

33、了了解。这段经历对他日后创作音乐极其宝贵。 贝多芬决定去维也纳学习,波恩的主教为他提供盘缠,好友也为他给维也纳的望族写了推荐信。贝多芬是个出色的钢琴演奏家,也会演奏小提琴和多种弦乐乐器。维也纳的乐迷很快就爱上了这位音乐演奏家,但对他所做的乐曲却每每报以批评,认为它太过于另类。 很快维也纳人就意识到贝多芬是一个不可多得的天才,并千方百计地把他留住。当贝多芬接到聘书要到另一个城市担任乐队指挥时,三个维也纳贵族决定联合起来付给他固定薪水。贝多芬终于留了下来,继续从事大型交响乐,协奏曲,钢琴奏鸣曲和其他音乐创作。 但是,除了献身音乐外,贝多芬活得并不幸福。他在不到 30岁时听力就开始减退,这对一个搞音

34、乐的人来说是巨大的不幸。耳聋来的还算缓慢,使他在 44岁前还能参加音乐会演出。但是,当 10年后他的伟大的第九交响乐首演时,他已经什么也听不见了。他坐在舞台上看着指挥,却把背对着观众。一个歌手帮他转过身来,使他看到了观众正在为他的宏大的作品热情地鼓掌。 贝多芬是个性情孤僻的人,他多次恋爱,但从未成家。耳聋限制他出门社交,使他变得更加孤独。但他通过音乐战胜了孤独和耳聋,在完全失聪的情况下,他依旧不断创造着他只能在心灵中才能听到的音乐,倾诉着无法用语言诉说的情感。 【试题解析】 本文主要讲述音乐巨匠贝多芬的生平。侧重讲述他的成长历程,挖掘了他的内心世界。 本文谈论的话 题只需有普通的地名和音乐常识

35、,但本文要求考查应试者在短时间内恰当理解英文结构的能力和准确翻译英语术语的能力。总之,此文的翻译将显示应试者的英文口译功底。 二、 PART 2 Chinese-English Translation (50 points, 30 minutes) Interpret the following passages from Chinese into English. Start interpreting at the signal and stop it at the signal. You may take notes while you are listening. You will he

36、ar the passages only ONCE. Now lets begin. 3 【正确答案】 Under the new situation after the end of Cold War, both China and the United States faced an important question: Should they continue to pursue healthy relations with each other, and how? The passage of the Permanent Normal Trade Relations(PNTR)sho

37、ws that inside the United States, forces that advocate stronger ties with China have gained the upper hand and the mainstream in the U.S. government, Congress and business communities, as well as the general public, support a constructive approach to China. Secondly, China-U.S. relations have become

38、 more multidimensional. Economy and trade constitute a component of the entire relationship. China and the U.S. are important trading partners, and the U.S. was Chinas major source of investment. Without stable and sound commercial cooperation, China-U.S. political relations would become rather holl

39、ow for lack of driving force and would lose public interest to participate. So a good commercial cooperation could complement political relations and, in particular, it could make the impact less unbearable should political relations run into troubles. Thirdly, PNTR has enhanced the mutual trust and

40、 cooperation between the two countries. The U.S. gives PNTR treatment to practically every country in the world, but has kept China off that list for many years. This in itself is discrimination and a sign of distrust. If not corrected, the Chinese people would find it hard to understand the necessi

41、ty of closer China-U.S. relations and would question U.S. sincerity for cooperation. Without the support and participation of the people, state-to-state relations could not get anywhere. With greater flow of goods and people and with the introduction of investment and managerial know-how once PNTR i

42、s put in place, there will undoubtedly be greater understandings and fewer misunderstandings between the two countries. Fourthly, sending out a positive signal to Chinas neighbors in the Asian-Pacific region. China is an Asian-Pacific country. And the U.S. claims to be one with a great deal of influ

43、ence in the region. If China and the U.S. stay friendly, other countries in the region will benefit. If not, they will suffer. With PNTR, the two countries show to their neighbors in the region that they are willing to live together in friendship and had the will and capacity to resolve differences

44、through negotiations. This will have a far-reaching impact on the stability and prosperity of the entire region. 【试题解析】 本文是关于中美贸易关系的讲话,主要讨论了中美双边贸易正常化的意义和有待解决的问题。本文要求应试者掌握国际政治和经贸方面的基本常识,这些知识构成考查应试者基本素质的内容,在较为短暂的时间内,应试者还需对复杂的长难句作出判断,使翻译不仅信息完整正确,还要基本符合英语习惯。在此基础上,应试者还要对文中的某些单词或短语作出判断,使其翻译不仅正确还要符合上下文语境的需

45、要。 4 【正确答案】 The Wenshan Zhuang and Miao Autonomous Prefecture is situated in the southeast corner of Yunnan Province. It borders Guangxi to the east and Viet Nam to the south and has a boundary of 438 kilometers. The total area of the prefecture is over 30 thousand square kilometers, about the size

46、of Hainan Province. It has a very long history, evidenced by the discovery of fossilized teeth of the early man who once lived here. Wenshan is rich in resources. Its minerals are promising and its native produce is famous all over the world. Pseudo-ginseng, for example, accounts for over 85% of the

47、 national total in terms of acreage and output. Wenshan is home to 3.27 million people of 11 ethnic groups, including the Han, Zhuang, Miao, Yao, Yi, Hui, Buyi, Dai, Bai, Mongolian and Gelao. During the Ninth Five-Year Plan period, the Party Committee and Government of Wenshan Prefecture, with the l

48、oving care of the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party and the State Council and under the leadership of the Yunnan Provincial Party Committee and Provincial Government, led the people of all ethnic groups in the prefecture in earnestly implementing the policies of reform and opening up,

49、 vigorously developing the economy, improving the peoples livelihood and fulfilling the goals of the Plan. This achieved ethnic harmony, social stability and rapid economic growth, making the five year period one of the fastest social and economic development periods since the founding of the autonomous prefecture. In 2001, the economy continued to grow, which was a good beginning for the Tenth Five-Year Plan. To begin with, the years GDP went up by 9.3%, the second highest in the province. Secondly, infrastructure development made major breakthroughs with the c

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