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1、口译二级实务模拟试卷 24及答案与解析 一、 PART 1 English-Chinese Translation (50 points, 30 minutes) Interpret the following passages from English into Chinese. Start interpreting at the signal and stop it at the signal. You may take notes while you are listening. You will hear the passages only ONCE. Now lets begin.

2、1 下面你将听到外商有关中国零售业发展情况的一段讲话。 Chinas economy, once reliant on state spending in heavy industry, has increasingly looked to the retail sector for growth. Market-oriented reforms begun in 1978 have created a growing private sector, and much of that is concentrated in the retail trade. The state has also

3、 moved aggressively to tap the retail market as reforms put money in the pockets of the nations consumers. That has created a service economy where, sometimes, the customer really is king. Before the reforms took hold, a shopping excursion often meant a test of wills, with sleepy attendants at state

4、-owned stores with little incentive to sell. Goods were often shoddy and carelessly displayed. Shortages were common and ration coupons were needed to buy anything from rice to cloth and cooking oil. Those days are all but forgotten now. Broadly defined, retail consumption, estimated in excess of US

5、$450 billion, is growing by about 10% annually. With a value added tax of 17% applied to all goods, the retail trade is a major contributor to state revenue. Since 1978, the private sector has embraced retailing in a big way. Government-owned factories have been forced to lay off millions of workers

6、 to trim costs and start making a profit. That has driven many of those workers into the retail sector, with a high percentage operating privately-run corner shops, convenience stores, clothing shops, bars and restaurants, and even beauty parlors and dry cleaners. Foreign investors have also moved i

7、nto the market in force, investing more than US$3 billion in China since 1992. Headed by the likes of Carrefour and Wal-Mart, some 300 foreign-funded retailers with 2,200 chain stores have been approved and the pace is certain to accelerate following Chinas entry into the WTO. While foreign-invested

8、 stores still account for only 2-4% of all retail sales, their impact has been profound. Their presence has forced local retailers to compete by expanding their scale of business and making their stores more attractive to customers. The new entrants in the market have brought an array of goods. Whil

9、e foreign brands were once reserved for the elite or wealthy foreigners, they are now aimed at local customers. 2 下面你将听到外国媒体有关中国能源形势的一段讲话。 Tight electricity supply is constraining Chinas economic growth a situation likely to persist for three to four years until new capacity comes online. The energy

10、 shortfall has not yet severely hampered U.S. business operations in China, but this remains a distinct possibility. Shortages have now spread to two-thirds of Chinas provinces, affecting Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, and other first-tier cities. Plants in Chinas manufacturing heartland, the Pearl R

11、iver Basin and East China now experience frequent mandatory shutdowns. Zhejiang and Jiangsu Provinces have imposed electricity rationing. Many plants have installed costly back-up diesel generators. Shanghais demand for electricity outstrips supply by two to four million kilowatts. The tight supply

12、is causing price increases at the front end of the manufacturing supply chain. High energy costs are a competitive disadvantage for China in the world marketplace. Quality, quantity, and security of supply also are essential for Chinas continued economic growth. Present restrictions on the direct sa

13、le of electricity, oil, and gas to industrial users promote inefficiency and non-competitiveness. Much of the current concern with the “overheating“ of Chinas economy has been driven by the fear that the energy supply is not keeping up with the development of major energy-consuming industries. China

14、s rapid economic growth, especially in the construction and manufacturing sectors, is behind the electricity shortage. Chinas energy industry has doubled in absolute terms during the last ten years, but such growth has been insufficient to meet demand. It takes five to seven years to design, constru

15、ct, and commission a major thermal power plant, seven to ten years to explore and develop an oilfield, and five years to develop a coalmine. All require extremely large capital investment. Despite the fact that China has the worlds second largest coal reserves and worldwide coal and coke prices are

16、at eight-year highs, supply has not been able to keep up with demand. Efforts to raise electricity production in the near term have been hampered by deficient railroad capacity, which has prevented coal from reaching power stations. While coal price cycles usually do not coincide with oil prices, cu

17、rrent high prices in both commodities have supply straining to meet demand. While China only imported 0.6 percent of world oil supplies in 1995, it now imports 3 percent of the worlds oil. China, like the United States, is becoming increasingly vulnerable to disruptions in the worlds supply of oil.

18、二、 PART 2 Chinese-English Translation (50 points, 30 minutes) Interpret the following passages from Chinese into English. Start interpreting at the signal and stop it at the signal. You may take notes while you are listening. You will hear the passages only ONCE. Now lets begin. 3 下面你将听到的是一段在英中贸协年会上

19、的讲话。 女士们、先生们: 我非常高兴能利用英中贸协年会的机会向英国工商界朋友们致以诚挚的问候。多年来,英中贸协一直关心和支持中英关系发展,是堪称两国友好交流的桥梁和互利合作的纽带。在此,我谨对英中贸协及诸位长期为促进中英经贸合作所做的不懈努力和杰出贡献表示感谢,对此次大会的召开表示热烈的祝贺。 十六大以来,我们继续坚持以经济建设为中心,坚持改革开放,各项工作都有条不紊地向前推进。但是,突如其来在中 国一些地方发生了 “非典 ”疫情。这是一种尚未被人类全面认识的新型传染病,要有效控制并消除疫情需要有一个过程。 中国政府是负责任的政府,始终把人民的身体健康和生命安全放在第一位。我们采取了果断措施

20、,完善应急机制和社会救助机制,依靠科学,依靠群众在全国开展了一场预防 “非典 ”的攻坚战。尽管任务非常艰巨,但我们有决心打赢这一仗。 中国人民抗击 “非典 ”的斗争赢得了国际社会的广泛同情和支持。不久前,英政府决定向中国提供 500万美元的援助,体现了英国人民对中国人民的深情厚谊。中国有旬老话, “患难见真情 ”,英 方的友好举措博得了中国人民的高度评价与赞赏。 英国医疗科技发达,研发实力雄厚。在传染病的防治等方面积累了不少有益经验,我们愿学习借鉴并开展合作。中华民族是在逆境中自强奋斗的民族,中国政府是勇于面对困难的政府。我们深信,中国人民在国际社会的支持下,经过不懈努力,一定能够驱散疫病的阴

21、霆,迎来更大的繁荣和发展。 4 下面你将听到的是一段有关西藏少数民族情况的讲话。 1986年全国人大常委会副委员长班禅喇嘛在西康地区大法会上教诲信徒们,要爱惜民族团结,维护祖国统一。 在中国,公民的信仰自 由受到法律保护。目前全西藏在寺僧尼约有 14, 000多人,另有 800位宗教界人士在各级人大、政协、佛教协会和政府部门中工作。 据不完全统计,从 1978年以来,中央和地方政府共投资 2, 000多万元人民币,在西藏修复了 200多座寺庙和 700多所佛堂,使藏族同胞的正常宗教活动得到保证。 藏族是一个历史悠久,文化发达的民族。作为一个全民信教的民族,藏族的文化又总是与宗教保持着千丝万缕的

22、联系。宗教活动中有艺术形式,艺术活动中有宗教因素,两者谁也离不开谁。 口译二级实务模拟试卷 24答案与解析 一、 PART 1 English-Chinese Translation (50 points, 30 minutes) Interpret the following passages from English into Chinese. Start interpreting at the signal and stop it at the signal. You may take notes while you are listening. You will hear the pa

23、ssages only ONCE. Now lets begin. 1 【正确答案】 中国经济一度靠国家投资重工业来维持增长,而目前零售业已日趋成为经济的增长点。 1978年开始的市场经济改革使私人经济不断扩大,而其中很大部分都集中在零售业。随着改革使消费者的收入日益提高,国家加速了零售业的发展。服务产业的形成使顾客有时也有了当 “上帝 ”的感觉。 改革前,逛街购物通常意味着对意志的考验,国营商场里那些昏昏欲睡的售货员们卖东西的积极性不高。货物的质量往往不够好,商品的摆放也是漫不经心。缺货断货是常有的事,大米、布匹、食 用油都要凭票购买。那样的日子早已一去不复返了。 广义上的零售消费额估计超过

24、 4500亿美元,并以每年 10的速度递增。加上所有商品 17的增值税,零售业已成为国家财政收入的主要来源之一。自 1978年以来,私营经济大规模进入零售业。国有企业为了降低成本和赢利被迫大批裁减职工。许多下岗职工进入零售业,不少人经营小卖铺、便利店、服装店、酒吧、餐馆,甚至美容店和干洗店。 国外投资商也大举进入零售市场。自 1992年以来,他们在中国的投资已超过 30亿美元。以家乐福和沃尔玛为首,约 300家外资零售商获准在中 国设立 2200家连锁店。随着中国的入世,这一发展速度肯定还要加快。虽然外商在零售总额中只占2 4,但他们对市场却产生了深远的影响。外商的存在促使国内零售企业在竞争中

25、不断扩大规模,增强对顾客的吸引力。新来者为市场带来了大量的商品,原来仅为精英人士和外国富人准备的外国名牌商品,现在也瞄准了中国本地的消费者。 【试题解析】 本文主要讨论中国零售业发展的情况。文章将中国市场经济改革前的情况和改革后的情况作了比较,说明中国零售业的迅速发展。文章认为国外投资商大举进入中国零售市场和中国加入世贸组织会对 中国零售市场产生深远影响。文章使用了大量的数字统计,以使观点更具有说服力。 本文要求考查应试者对中国零售业方面基本知识的掌握情况,包括某些专门用语、具有中国特色的表达、数字单位的换算、专有名词等的掌握情况,以确定其翻译的基本素质;在此基础上,应试者还要在相当短的时间内

26、对长难句理解并准确完整地翻译;对某些短语和单词确切理解其含义并能理解其在上下文语境中的确切用法,使全文的翻译不仅准确完整,而且符合本族语的语言习惯。 2 【正确答案】 供电紧张正在制约中国的经济增长,这种情况有可能还要持续三 四年,直至新的发电厂投产运营。虽然能源短缺尚未严重影响美国企业在中国的运营,这种可能性显然存在。电力短缺已蔓延到中国三分之二的省市,影响到北京、上海、广州和其他一级城市。位于中国制造业中心的珠江三角洲和华东的厂家正频繁遭遇拉闸限电。 浙江和江苏两省则开始实行配额供电。不少工厂安装了昂贵的应急柴油发电机。上海市的电力缺口已达 200 400万千瓦。供电紧张引起制造业供应链上

27、游价格上涨。高成本能源已成为中国在全球市场竞争中的一个劣势,而能源的质量、数量和供应安全对中国经济的持续增长至关重要。目前国家限制直 接向工业用户出售电力、原油和天然气的作法降低了效率和竞争力。而人们对中国 “经济过热 ”的关注很大程度上是由于担心能源不能满足主要耗能产业的发展。 中国经济的高速发展,尤其是建筑业和制造业的高速发展是电力短缺的原因所在。按绝对数字衡量,中国的能源工业较十年前翻了一番,但仍然无法满足需求。设计、建设和投产一个大型热力发电厂要 5 7年时间,勘探和开发一个油田要7 10年时间,开发一个煤矿则需要 5年时间,而且都需要巨额的投资。 尽管中国拥有世界第二大煤炭储量,而全

28、球煤炭和焦碳的价格正处在 8年来的新高, 中国的能源供应仍未能满足需求。铁路向电厂输送燃煤的运力不足也影响到短期内提高电力生产的努力。通常,煤炭和石油的价格涨落周期不同,但目前这两种商品的价格都居高不下,使供应很难满足需求。 1995年中国石油进口仅占全球石油供应量的 0 6,现在这一比例已增至 3。和美国一样,中国也日益受到世界石油市场动荡的影响。 【试题解析】 本文主要讨论中国的能源形势。文章通过具体事例说明中国的电力供应情况不容乐观,并深入分析了电力紧张的原因。 本文要求考查应试者对中国电力方面基本知识的掌握情况,包括某些 专门用语、具有中国特色的表达、专有名词等的掌握情况,以确定其翻译

29、的基本素质;在此基础上,应试者还要在相当短的时间内对长难句理解并准确完整地翻译;对某些短语和单词确切理解其含义并能理解其在上下文语境中的确切用法,使全文的翻译不仅准确完整,而且符合本族语的语言习惯。 二、 PART 2 Chinese-English Translation (50 points, 30 minutes) Interpret the following passages from Chinese into English. Start interpreting at the signal and stop it at the signal. You may take notes

30、 while you are listening. You will hear the passages only ONCE. Now lets begin. 3 【正确答案】 I am delighted to have the opportunity of this annual meeting of the British-Chinese Trade Association to convey my cordial greetings to friends from the British business community. Over the years, the Associati

31、on has been active in supporting the development of Sino-British relations and has served as a bridge of friendly exchanges and a bond of mutually-beneficial cooperation. Hereby, I wish to express my warm congratulations on the convocation of the meeting and my sincere thanks to the Association and

32、all the friends present here for your unremitting efforts and the outstanding contribution you have made in promoting Sino-British economic cooperation and trade. Since the 16th National Party Congress, we have continued to take economic development as our central task and press ahead with reform an

33、d opening-up. We have been making steady progress in all our endeavors. Unfortunately, however, the epidemic of SARS struck parts of China all of a sudden. As it is a new type of disease and the humanity has not yet had full knowledge of it, there will be some time before we can effectively control

34、and eventually eradicate the epidemic. The Chinese government is a highly responsible government. It has all along prioritized the health and safety of its people in its governance. Since the outbreak of the disease, we have taken a series of resolute measures to improve the mechanisms for emergency

35、 handling and social relief. We have launched throughout the country a decisive battle against SARS by relying on science and on our people. We know the task is enormously challenging, but we have the conviction to win the battle. In the battle against SARS, the Chinese people have won sympathy and

36、support worldwide. Not long ago, the British government decided to render five million US dollars worth of assistance to China. This is an embodiment of the deep friendship between our two peoples. We have a saying in China: “True friendship is seen in times of adversity“ and in English “A friend in

37、 need is a friend indeed“. The friendly gestures of the British side have been highly acclaimed and appreciated by the Chinese people. Britain boasts advanced medical science and technology, strong R&D capabilities and ample useful experience in the prevention and treatment of communicable diseases.

38、 We would like to enter into cooperation with you in this regard to learn from your strong points. The Chinese nation is a nation with the strength of fighting and advancing in adversities, and the Chinese government is a government that has the courage to face up to difficulties. We are deeply conv

39、inced that the Chinese people, with the support of the international community and the unyielding efforts of their own, will surely dispel the dark clouds of the epidemic and embrace greater prosperity and development. 【试题解析】 本文是在英中贸协年会上的讲话,主要关于中国抗击 “非典 ”疫情的情况。 本 文考查一些常见的致辞方式和一些医学、政治方面的常用语,因此需要应试者有相

40、关的基本知识。在较短的时间内,应试者还需对复杂的长难句作出判断,使翻译不仅信息完整正确,还要基本符合汉语习惯。在此基础上,应试者还要对文中的某些单词或短语作出判断,使其翻译不仅正确还要符合上下文语境的需要。 4 【正确答案】 In 1986, Panchen Lama, Deputy Chairman of the Standing Committee of the NPC, instructed his disciples at a grand religious ceremony in Xikang Prefecture to cherish ethnic solidarity and s

41、afeguard national unity. In China, a citizens freedom to religious belief is protected by law. At present, there are about 14,000 monks and nuns throughout Tibet. Eight hundred religious personages work in the peoples congresses, political consultative conferences, Buddhist associations and governme

42、nt bodies of various levels. According to available statistics, since 1978, the central and local governments have invested more than 20 million yuan for renovating around 200 temples and monasteries and 700 worship halls. The regular religious activities of Tibetan compatriots are guaranteed. Tibet

43、ans have a long history and highly developed culture. As all Tibetans are religious believers, the Tibetan culture is intertwined with religion. One notices artistic form in the religious activities and religious factors in arts. They are inseparable. 【试题解析】 本文有关西藏少数民族情况。涉及宗教与文化,文章用数字说话,很有说服力。 本文要求应试者具有政治、宗教等方面的 基本知识,并能在短时间内对长难句作出反应,翻译符合英文句型的要求。应试者还应注意某些短语或单词的翻译不仅正确还要符合上下文语境的要求。

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