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1、口译二级实务模拟试卷 4及答案与解析 一、 PART 1 English-Chinese Translation (50 points, 30 minutes) Interpret the following passages from English into Chinese. Start interpreting at the signal and stop it at the signal. You may take notes while you are listening. You will hear the passages only ONCE. Now lets begin. 1

2、 The message I wish to convey to you is that I have complete confidence that Beijing will deliver an outstanding Olympic Games in 2008, that this will be a wonderful event for China and for the world, and that it is already serving to strengthen the very close relations between Australia and China.

3、My own association with the Beijing Games began with Beijings bid. For me, and for a number of Australians, the opportunity to support and assist the bid was far more than simply an interesting professional exercise. It was an opportunity to do something important. / We believed then, and we believe

4、 now, that hosting the biggest and best people-to-people event on the worlds calendar will give further momentum to the process of modernization in China and the friendly integration of China with the world community. The purpose of the Games is of course not geopolitical; it is to conduct a celebra

5、tion of sport and culture. But, as we know from our own experience with both the Melbourne Games in 1956, when Australians reveled in that first historic opportunity to welcome the world to our shores and Sydney in 2000, when we were able to show the world the dynamism of modem Australia, the Games

6、can and do leave a wider and powerful legacy. / So it will be for China in 6 years time. The legacy will in part be of a tangible kindworldclass venues and other civic buildings, the Olympic Green, increased trade, investment and business relationships. Beijings plans for these tangible legacies are

7、 impressive both in their ambition and in the determination of the organizers to bring them to fruition. But perhaps even more important in the long run will be the intangible legacy of the 2008 games. I refer here to the heightened consciousness of the importance of the environment, already a high

8、national priority in China but one which is certain to be reinforced by the commitment to the Green Games. / An enduring memory for me from the days of the Beijing bid is the sheer delight of people in China, especially young people, at having the chance to play host to athletes, officials and visit

9、ors from around the world, to welcome them to China, to show them China and to build new friendships. International relations are not only about the conduct of political and economic affairs between governments and businesses. It must also be underpinned by the sort of deep international understandi

10、ng that can only come from closer and closer relationships between peoples. / The Olympic Games are the most successful and popular embodiment of internationalism ever invented by human beings. During these glorious days, we will show how we can, at our best, transcend all differences of country, ra

11、ce and religion and truly embrace the common humanity that binds us all together. The participation of 1.3 billion people in that great goal can have profound and enduring benefits for our Asia-Pacific region and for the world. The Olympics are therefore coming to China at exactly the fight time in

12、terms of the changes underway in China itself and in terms of Chinas engagement with the region and the world. / 2 Thank you, Prime Minister, for that remarkable introduction. You have very lucidly provided the context for what I am about to say this morning. Its a great honor to be invited to speak

13、 in this historic setting. The fact that you want to hear from the Secretary-General of the United Nations at this time, and that Prime Minister Tony Blair himself suggested this public exchange of ideas suggests to me that both you and he are conscious of the remarkable moment in world history that

14、 we have reached. / Indeed, today we face threats to world order and world peace of a kind and a scale that we have not seen since the height of the Cold War. But if we can agree on ways to respond effectively to those threats, we also have a unique opportunity to build a world that will be safer, f

15、airer and freer, for all its inhabitants. I think you glimpsed that opportunity during the G7 finance ministers meeting here in London last week, with its welcome emphasis on measures to attack world poverty and achieve the Millennium Development Goals. / What kind of threats do I have in mind? The

16、most obvious are terrorism and weapons of mass destruction. Many experts tell us the question is not whether, but how soon, the two will be combined and we see, for example, a “dirty bomb“ detonated in central London, or some other major capital. The loss of life would be shocking, but as nothing to

17、 the social and economic effects. Disruption would be felt not only here but around the world. / Millions in Asia, Africa and Latin America would lose their livelihoods, because of the impact on the world economy. People in those parts of the world already face many other, more immediate threatshung

18、er, disease, environmental degradation, corrupt and oppressive government, civil and ethnic conflictthreats to which the poor are always more vulnerable than the rich. Africa, my own continent, has the worst problems of all. The hopes of many African countries have been blighted by HIV/AIDS, which i

19、s devastating the most productive age-groups and the best educated social groups, slashing life expectancy, threatening to reverse decades of economic development. / I said two years ago that this might be the most decisive moment for the international system since the United Nations was founded in

20、1945. I still believe that. We are living through a time of danger, but also of great opportunity. The question is, will governments muster the will to seize that opportunity, and decide on a package of reforms offering protection against threats of both kindsfrom terrorism and WMD to poverty, hunge

21、r and disease. By tackling them all at once we can make sure that no oneNorth or South, rich or poorwill feel left out, and that everyone will feel an interest in implementing me whole package. / 二、 PART 2 Chinese-English Translation (50 points, 30 minutes) Interpret the following passages from Chin

22、ese into English. Start interpreting at the signal and stop it at the signal. You may take notes while you are listening. You will hear the passages only ONCE. Now lets begin. 3 今天来这里开会,我的心情十分沉重。印度洋大地震及其引发的海啸,在短短几小时内就夺去了十几万人的宝贵生命,造成了巨大的损失。这不仅是有关国家的灾难,也是全人类的灾难。这场灾难牵动着每一个中国人的心。我愿借此机会,代表中国政府和 13亿中国人民向遭

23、受灾难的国家和人民再次致以最深切的慰问。 / 中国是饱受自然灾害的国家。我们对灾害带给人们的痛苦感同身受,深知患难真情之可贵。灾害发生后,中国政府进行了迄今为止最大规模的对外救援行动。在首批援助金 额 2163万元的基础上,又承诺向受灾国增加 5亿元人民币的援助。中国医疗队、救援队已抵达现场参加救灾,数批救灾物资已经运抵主要受灾国家。 / 我们提供的力所能及的援助是无私的,它充分体现了中国人民对受灾国家人民的深情厚意,显示了中国政府积极参与救灾和灾区重建工作的真诚意愿。我们将密切关注灾情的发展,并已派出工作组赴受灾国参与灾情调查和评估,根据受灾国实际需要,进一步提供各类援助。中国一贯说话是算数

24、的。我们做出的承诺一定会办到、办好。过去是这样,现在是这样,将来也是这样。 / 受灾国家救灾工作艰 难浩大,灾后重建更是任重道远,需要国际社会的大力支持和帮助。东盟倡议召开此次特别峰会十分必要和及时,对推动受灾国、本地区国家和国际社会加强协调,形成合力,做好救灾和重建工作将产生重要影响。中国愿为这场救灾和重建工作做出积极贡献。 / 4 我代表中国政府再次确认,中国政府坚定支持北京申请举办 2008年国际奥运会的立场。中国政府尊重并赞赏国际奥运会评估团所作的评估报告,我们据此已制定了在北京举办一次出色奥运会的规划。中国政府将信守在北京陈述报告中所作的所有承诺,并将尽一切努力帮助北京实现其承诺。中

25、 国拥护奥林匹克精神,是奥委会各项号召和活动的重要支持者。 / 在过去的半个世纪里,由于开展了全民健身运动及其它方面的因素,我国人民的健康水平有了很大提高,人民的平均预期寿命已从 35岁增加到 70岁,我们的运动员在国际奥委会举办的重大比赛中都有出色的表现。为了传播奥林匹克精神,中国同时也帮助其他发展中国家完善其体育设施。例如我们已经帮助他们建设了 36座体育场馆,我们今后还将继续这样做。 / 女士们,先生们,我希望借此机会向你们保证,如果此次奥运会产生盈余,我们将用它来建立一个奥林匹克友谊合作基金,用于帮 助发展中国家的体育事业。如果发生赤字,中国政府将自己承担。在过去 20年改革开放的过程

26、中,中国已经成为世界上经济增长最快的国家之一。我们将继续保持政治稳定,社会进步和经济繁荣。/ 口译二级实务模拟试卷 4答案与解析 一、 PART 1 English-Chinese Translation (50 points, 30 minutes) Interpret the following passages from English into Chinese. Start interpreting at the signal and stop it at the signal. You may take notes while you are listening. You will

27、hear the passages only ONCE. Now lets begin. 1 【正确答案】 我想对大家说的是,我对北京将在 2008年举办一届杰出的奥运会充满信心。这对于中国乃至世界来说都将是一件盛事,并且它已经开始为增强中澳两国业已十分紧密的关系发挥作用。我个人同北京奥运会的接触开始于北京申奥时期。对于我 和其他许多澳大利亚人来说能够有机会支持并帮助北京申奥远不只是一次有趣的职业经历,这更是一个能做些重要事情的机会。 / 我们那时和现在都坚信,承办这一世界上规模最大、水平最高的人民的运动盛会将进一步推动中国的现代化进程以及中国同国际社会的友好融合。举办奥运会的目的当然不是地缘

28、政治性的,而是要举行一次体育与文化的庆典。但是,两次举办奥运会的经验告诉我们,奥运会可以也一定会留下更加丰富和伟大的遗产。 1956年的墨尔本奥运会让澳大利亚在历史上第一次为欢迎全世界友人的到来而欢庆。 2000年的悉尼奥运会让我们有 机会向世界展示现代澳大利亚的活力。 / 所以,六年后将是中国的机会。这笔遗产的一部分是有形的,包括世界级水准的会场及其他城市建筑的建设,奥林匹克绿地的修建,以及贸易、投资和商业往来的增加。北京为实现这些有形遗产所作的规划令人赞叹,不仅表现在他们雄心勃勃的目标上,而且表现在组织者为实现目标而下的决心上。然而,从长远看, 2008奥运会的无形遗产也许将更为重要。这里

29、我指的是重视环保意识的提高。中国虽然已将其列为国家的首要任务,但还要通过承诺举办绿色奥运来予以加强。 / 我一直记得,从北京申奥那时起 ,中国人民,特别是年轻人就十分高兴能有机会作为东道主欢迎来自世界各地的运动员、官员及来访者,向来宾们展示中国并与他们建立新的友谊。国际关系不仅限于政府间的政治交往和企业间的经济往来。它还必须以国家间的深厚理解为基础,而这一理解只有从各国人民之间越来越紧密的关系中才能获得。 / 奥林匹克运动会是人类创造的体现国际主义的最成功且最受欢迎的形式。在这些辉煌的日子里,我们将展现自己如何尽全力超越国界、种族和宗教的差异,真正拥有将人类团结在一起的共同的价值。十三亿人民将

30、参与到实现这一伟大目标的过程中来,这将给 我们的亚太地区,乃至全世界带来深远和持久的利益。奥运盛会来到中国时正值中国经历自身变革并积极参与地区和世界事务的大好时机。 / 2 【正确答案】 首相阁下,谢谢您的精彩介绍。您为我今天上午要讲的内容做了一个非常清晰的背景介绍。我十分荣幸地应邀在这一具有历史意义的场合发表讲话。你们此时希望听取联合国秘书长的讲话,而且托尼 布莱尔首相亲自提议进行这次公开的交流。这让我感到,你们和他都意识到我们已迎来了世界历史的一个非凡时刻。 / 的确,如今我们面临着对世界秩序与世界和平的种种威胁 ,这些威胁的性质和规模都是冷战高潮以来尚无先例的。但如果我们能够就有效应对这

31、些威胁的方式达成一致,则我们尚有唯一的机会去建设一个对全球居民来说都将更安全、更公平和更自由的世界。我想,你们从上星期举行的伦敦七国财长会议中对这一机会可见一斑。当时会议令人欣慰地强调了抗击全球贫困的措施和实现千年发展目标之事宜。/ 我所指的是什么样的威胁呢 ?最显而易见的是恐怖主义和大规模杀伤性武器。许多专家告诉我们,现在的问题不在于这两者是否会结合,而在于它们会在多短的时间内结合棗比如说多久之后我们将看到在伦敦市中心,或 在别的主要首都城市一颗“肮脏炸弹 ”被引爆。人员伤亡将会令人震惊,但较之对社会和经济造成的影响则又显得微不足道。不仅当地,而且全世界都会感到它的破坏。 / 亚洲、非洲和拉

32、丁美洲将有几百万人因它对世界经济的影响而失去生计。这些地区的人们已面临许多其他的、更为直接的威胁 饥饿、疾病、环境恶化、腐败和镇压性政府、内战和种族冲突。在这些威胁面前,穷人总是比富人更容易受到伤害。非洲,我的故土,存在的问题是最严重的。艾滋病毒 /艾滋病正在蹂躏最年富力强的一代人和教育程度最高的一批人。它使预期寿命骤减,几十年的发展 面临着倒退的危险。许多非洲国家的希望因此而破灭。 / 两年前我就讲过,这可能是自 1945年成立联合国以来对国际体制来说最关键的时刻。今天我仍然这样认为。我们正在经历的时期有危险、也有巨大机遇。问题是各国政府是否有意愿抓住这个机遇,并确定一整套改革计划,保障人们

33、免受恐怖主义和大规模毁灭性武器以及贫穷、饥饿和疾病这两大类威胁。如果我们同时对付这两类威胁,那么我们就能确保任何人,无论是在南半球还是北半球,富国还是穷国,都不会感到被落下,每个人都将感到执行这一整套改革势在必行。 / 二、 PART 2 Chinese-English Translation (50 points, 30 minutes) Interpret the following passages from Chinese into English. Start interpreting at the signal and stop it at the signal. You may

34、take notes while you are listening. You will hear the passages only ONCE. Now lets begin. 3 【正确答案】 I have come to this meeting with a heavy heart. Within just a few hours time, the powerful earthquake in the Indian Ocean and the ensuing tsunami killed more than 100,000 people and left behind a trail

35、 of carnage and destruction. It is not just a catastrophe to the afflicted countries. It is a catastrophe to the entire mankind. Every single Chinese citizen is deeply concerned. Now, on behalf of the Chinese Government and 1.3 billion Chinese people, I wish to express once again our deepest sympath

36、y for the countries and people stricken by the disaster. / China is a country that is frequently stricken by natural disasters. We know how mach pain they can bring and what genuine friendship means in times of tribulations. After the disaster struck, the Chinese Government has launched its largest

37、foreign relief operations to date. Apart from the initial contribution of 21.63 million yuan, the Chinese Government has pledged an additional 500 million yuan for the stricken countries. Chinese medical and relief teams ale already on the ground, up and running. Several batches of Chinese supplies

38、have arrived in the hardest hit countries. / The assistance we have provided to the best of our capacity is selfless. It shows an outpouring of care and friendship on the part of the Chinese people and the sincerity of the Chinese Government to take an active part in disaster relief and reconstructi

39、on. We will follow closely the situation on the ground. We have sent working groups on disaster study and assessment to the stricken countries and will provide additional aid of various kinds in keeping with their actual needs. The Chinese always mean what they say. Whatever promise we make will be

40、honored. It was true, is true and will always remain true. / Disaster relief in these countries is enormous and hard, and the post-disaster reconstruction will be an even tougher job to undertake. All this calls for vigorous support and assistance from the international community. This Special Leade

41、rs Meeting initiated by ASEAN is both necessary and timely, as it can make a major impact on the relief and reconstruction work by improving coordination and combining the resources of the afflicted countries, other countries in the region and the international community at large. China is ready to

42、contribute its share to this effort. / 4 【正确答案】 On behalf of the Chinese government, I wish to reaffirm that our Government stands firmly behind Beijing in its bid for the 2008 Olympic Games. The Chinese Government respects and appreciates the conclusion reached by the International Olympics Committ

43、ee Evaluation Commission. We have worked out a plan accordingly to ensure an excellent Games in Beijing. The Chinese Government will honor each and every commitment it has made in Beijings Candidature File and will do whatever it call to assist Beijing to fulfill its promises. China embraces the Oly

44、mpic spirit and has always been a staunch supporter behind the IOC initiatives. / Over the past five decades, thanks to, among other things, the nation-wide “fitness-for-all“ sports campaign, our peoples health has been greatly improved, and the average life expectancy has increased from 35 years to

45、 70. Our athletes have been doing quite well in the sports events organized by the IOC. To further promote the Olympic spirit, China has also helped other developing countries with their sports facilities. For instance, we have helped them build 36 stadiums. And we will continue to do so in the futu

46、re. / Ladies and Gentlemen, I wish to take this opportunity to pledge to you that if there is a surplus in the Games revenue. we will use it to set up an Olympic Friendship and Co-operation Fund for financing sports undertakings in developing countries. If there is a deficit, the difference will be covered by the Chinese Government. China has been one of the fastest growing economies in the world over the past 20 years since its reform and opening-up. We will continue to ensure political stability, social progress and economic prosperity. /

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