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1、口译二级实务金融贸易练习试卷 1及答案与解析 一、 PART 1 English-Chinese Translation (50 points, 30 minutes) Interpret the following passages from English into Chinese. Start interpreting at the signal and stop it at the signal. You may take notes while you are listening. You will hear the passages only ONCE. Now lets begi

2、n. 1 I am very pleased to be back at the Xiamen International Investment Fair again. The level of interest and attendance recognizes the Fairs importance and high standing with the international investment community. I congratulate MOEFEC and all those concerned with organizing the Fair, including o

3、f course the Xiamen authorities. / When I was here last year we were on the threshold of Chinas entry to WTO. This year membership is a reality. That is one of the most significant developments to occur on the world stage in recent times. It takes a huge step furthering the process of integrating Ch

4、ina into the world economy. There will be difficulties for Chinese companies and their employees in some sectors, particularly the SOEs, in adjusting to international competition. That is inevitable. But I believe that once those transitional difficulties are overcome, the positive benefits for Chin

5、a and for world trade will be immense. I admire the courage and the vision of Chinas leaders and people in picking up this challenge. / This years theme is the role of international investment in creating a competitive advantage. In Britain we are thoroughly persuaded of that role. Our experience of

6、 inward investment is wholly positive. Total inward investment to the UK has now reached some500 billion. It has created nearly 160,000 new jobs in Britain in the last three years alone. It has helped us develop and modernize our industrial base. It has introduced new products and processes. It has

7、brought in technology and management expertise. No wonder we are whole-heartedly in favor of it! / Inward investment did not just come to us by chance. We had to work hard to create the right climate for it. Why did countries choose to invest in Britain? We are a stable country. We have a strong rul

8、e of law. We have a minimum of red tape for foreign investors. We freed up our market more than our continental European neighbors. We kept our labor costs low. We treated foreign investors and domestic producers equally. We do not mind who owns a company, so long as the business and the jobs are in

9、 Britain. / But one factor counts above all others: investment in Britain is profitable for the investor as well as beneficial for our country. That is the single most important reason why we have attracted for instance 45 percent of all Japanese inward investment in Europe and 60 percent of all Kor

10、ean investment in Europe. / We hope before long to attract significant investment from China as well. To help do that we are going to spread the news in China of just how creative and innovative the British economy now is. We shall be organizing an important campaign of exhibitions and events in Chi

11、na this year with more to come in 2003 under the title: Britainthe Leading Edge. I hope many of you will visit the first events in Shanghai next month. / British companies know the China market well and remain keen to invest there and the China- Britain Business Council of which I am President gives

12、 them every encouragement and help to do so. Both our trade and our investment are at record levels and Britain is Europes largest investor in China by a very considerable margin. Recent examples have included BPs investment in Chinas oil and gas industry and Shells commitment to invest in the East

13、and West oil pipeline. / I have every confidence that willingness to invest will continue so long as British firms see steady improvement in market conditions and access. There are people who oppose foreign investment, arguing that it means exporting British jobs. But that is a shortsighted view. /

14、In a global economy, emerging markets will always be able to produce well-educated and highly-trainable workers at far lower cost than in the UK. We know that the right answer is not to inhibit foreign investment but instead to move our own economic activity towards high technology and knowledge- ba

15、sed industries. That is exactly what we are doing. / (“International Investment Creates an International Competitive Advantage“, by Lord Charles Powell, President of the China-Britain Business Council at Xiamen International Investment Fair, September 8, 2002) 2 The second area I want to focus on is

16、 what we know we do not know. In other words, the uncertainties related to the further opening of Chinas market. / Clearly, we do not know exactly how numerous industries will evolve. And it is a lack of advanced knowledge that is prompting much speculation. In the area of financial services for exa

17、mple, some predict that many of Chinas domestic banks will have a limited life span once the market is fully opened up in five years time. / Personally, I do not share this view. I think they will be very strong competitors, partly because they are in the advantageous position of knowing the marketp

18、lace, partly because they have national networks that are impossiblenot to mention impracticalto match. And partly because they have a strong base of customers and are becoming increasingly modern Consider the mainlands largest bank, the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China. It recently announced

19、 that it has more than l0,000 corporations and 1.8 million individuals using its online banking services. But the main reason I think domestic banks in China will be strong competitors: they are very fast learners. / Another thing we know we do not knowand this specifically relates to Hong Kong-is t

20、he indirect benefits that will flow from a more open market in China. For example, if mainland investors are allowed to invest their foreign exchange holdings in Hong Kong, the SARs stock market would clearly benefit. Hong Kongs position as a fund raising centre for mainland companies would also be

21、enhanced. We know this idea is under consideration. We also know we do not know when it may happen. / Likewise, we know that if banks in Hong Kong are permitted to accept RMB deposits, the SARs status as an international financial centre and as the premier regional financial centre will be enhanced

22、even further. Once again we know this idea is being considered, but we do not know when it may happen. / Finally, we know that we do not know how China will change the WTO. What role will the country play in shaping future trade talks? Will Chinas presence prompt other members to address the concern

23、s of developing nations more readily? And how will another large player at the table affect overall group dynamics?/ One thing that is clear: the WTO is much more of a global body now than it was prior to Chinas entry. Simply put, no organization can rightly call itself global if it does not include

24、 the worlds most populous nation. / (Excerpts from “China and the WTO: the 15-year Itch“ by Mr. David Eldon, Chairman of Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited, at Hong Kong Association of New York breakfast meeting on April 25, 2002) 口译二级实务金融贸易练习试卷 1答案与解析 一、 PART 1 English-Chinese Trans

25、lation (50 points, 30 minutes) Interpret the following passages from English into Chinese. Start interpreting at the signal and stop it at the signal. You may take notes while you are listening. You will hear the passages only ONCE. Now lets begin. 1 【正确答案】 我很高兴再次参加厦门国际投资贸易洽谈会。人们对洽谈会的兴趣及参与的热情表明,洽谈会是

26、十分重要的,是国际投资界规格很高的盛事。我谨向对外贸易经济合作部、厦门市政府及参与组织洽谈会的其他相关机构表示衷心的祝贺。 / 去年我来此参加该项会议时,正值中国入世前夕,而今年中国已经成为世贸组织的一员。这是近期世界舞台上发生的最重要的事件。这表明,中国融入世界经济的进程又向前迈进了一大步。对于 中国的企业、尤其是国有企业和它们的员工们来说,要应对国际竞争依然面临诸多困难。这是不可避免的。但是我相信,一旦那些过渡问题得到克服,入世为中国乃至世界贸易带来的好处将是巨大的。我十分钦佩中国领导人和中国人民在应对挑战时所表现出的勇气和远见卓识。 / 本年度会议主题是:国际投资在创造竞争优势方面的作用

27、在英国,人们完全认可这种作用 英国接受外来投资的经验是十分积极的。英国接受外资总额现已达到5000亿英镑。仅过去三年时间,外资就为英国提供了近 16万个就业机会。引进外资还帮助英国发展和更新了其工业基础, 为英国带来了新的产品和工艺,也带来了先进的技术和管理经验。正因为这样,外资才受到英国人民的热烈欢迎。 / 外资不是偶然来到我们身边的我们得努力为它创造适宜的环境、为什么人们选择在英国投资呢 ?因为英国是个稳定的国家,我们有强有力的法治,我们为外商提供最简便的投资申办手续,我们的市场比我们欧洲大陆的邻国要更加开放,同时,我们的劳动力成本低,对待外商和国内商人一视同仁我们不在意公司的所属权归谁,

28、只要它的业务在英国,为英国创造了就业机会即可。 / 但有一点是最重要的:投资既要对投资者有利,也要有利于 英国。正是由于这个十分重要的原因,使我们吸引了日本在欧洲 45%的投资,韩国在欧洲 60%的投资。 / 我们也希望能够尽早地吸引来自中国的投资。为此,我们将在中国大力宣传现阶段英国的经济具有何等的创造性和创新性。我们将于今年开始在华举办系列展览活动, 2003年还将有更多的活动,其主题是:英国 领先的优势。我希望在座的各位能够参加下个月在上海举办的首次活动。 / 英国公司非常了解中国市场,对在华投资也十分感兴趣。我担任会长的英中贸易协会也给了他们诸多鼓励和帮助。英国对华贸易和投资保持在创记

29、录的水平,是目前在华投资最多的欧洲国家,远远超过它的邻国,近期的两个例子就可以证明这一点,一是 BP公司在中国的石油和天然气产业的投资,二是壳牌公司承诺投资贯穿中国东西部的输油管道建设。 /我相信,只要英国公司看到中国市场条件和市场准入有稳定的改善,这种投资的愿望将是长期的。有些人反对对外投资,认为投资就等于向外输出就业机会,这是短视的。 /在全球经济中,新兴市场总是能够提供 受过良好教育易于培训而成本远低于英国的劳动力。我们都知道,明智的做法不是限制对外投资,而是将本国的经济活动转移到科技含量高的产业中去。这正是我们眼下在做的工作。 / (节选自英中贸易协会主席查尔斯 ?鲍威尔勋爵在厦门国际

30、投资贸易洽谈会上的演讲 “国际投资创造国际竞争优势 ”, 2002年 9同 8日 ) 【知识模块】 金融贸易 2 【正确答案】 我想说的第二部分是我们知道自己不了解的东西。换句话说,就是有关中国市场进一步开放的不确定因素。 很明显,我们不知道这么多行业到底会怎样发展。由于 对事情缺乏深入的了解而导致许多揣测。比如,在金融服务方面,有些人预测,一旦市场在五年后完全开放,许多中资银行就会陆续关门。 我个人不同意这种看法。我认为这些中资银行将会是非常强劲的竞争对手。一部分是因为它们了解市场,处于有利地位。另一部分原因是它们有遍布全国的网络,这一点是外资银行根本无法匹敌的,真想比拼的话也不切实际。还有

31、一部分原因是它们拥有强大的客户基础,并且正在逐步走向现代化。比如中国内地最大的银行 中国工商银行,最近这家银行宣布有超过一万家企业和一百八十万的个人在使用其网上银行的服务。然而 我认为中资银行将成为强劲竞争对手的主要原因是:它们学习的速度非常快。 / 另一件我们知道自己不了解的事和香港有很大的关系,那就是从更加开放的中国市场获得的间接利益。好比说,如果内地的投资者获准在香港投资外汇股票,香港特别行政区的股票市场肯定会得刮好处。香港作为内地公司募集资金的中心,地位也会提高我们知道这一想法正在考虑之中。我们也知道我们不了解这种情况什么时候会发生。 / 同样地,我们知道如果香港的银行获准接受人民币存

32、款,香港特别行政区作为国际金融中心和主要的区域金融中心,它的地位将会进一步 得到提高。我们也知道这一想法正在考虑之中,但是我们不知道这种情况什么时候会发生。 / 最后,我们知道我们不了解中国将会怎样改变世贸组织。中国在未来的贸易谈判中会扮演什么样的角色 ?中国的加入是否会使其他成员国更愿意关注发展中国家的问题 ?谈判桌上的又一个大玩家会对整个组织的格局产生什么样的影响 ?/ 但有一点是非常清楚的:现在的世贸组织比中国加入之前更像一个全球性的组织。简单地说,如果不包括这个世界上拥有最多人口的国家,没有一个组织可以问心无愧地说自己是全球性的组织。 / (节选自香港上 海汇丰银行有限公司主席艾尔敦先生于 2002年 4月 25日在纽约香港协会早餐会上的演讲 “中国与 WTO:十五年的渴望 ”) 【知识模块】 金融贸易

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