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本文([外语类试卷]口译二级综合能力(段落听力理解与选择)模拟试卷3及答案与解析.doc)为本站会员(visitstep340)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、口译二级综合能力(段落听力理解与选择)模拟试卷 3及答案与解析 一、 PART 2 (20 points) Listen to the following short passages and then choose one of the answers that best fits the meaning of each passage. The passages will be read only ONCE. There are 10 passages in this part of test, each with 1 question, which carries 2 points. 1

2、 Which of the following statements does the speaker support? ( A) There is a link between antidepressants and autism. ( B) The percentage of babies born with autism is high. ( C) An 87% increase in relative risk of autism is remarkable. ( D) The chance is small that antidepressants could affect the

3、fetus. 2 What disrupts our sleep schedules? ( A) Our body clocks. ( B) The production of melatonin. ( C) Backlit devices. ( D) Electronic lights. 3 Which of the following statements can reflect the speakers attitude? ( A) We should not indulge in self-pity. ( B) We should focus on potential problems

4、. ( C) We should dodge future dangers. ( D) We should cherish self-pity. 4 It can be inferred that the risk for breast cancer is relatively high at the age of_. ( A) 40-45 ( B) 45-55 ( C) 55 ( D) 45 5 What is the main idea of the passage? ( A) Bad effects of chemicals. ( B) Scientific evidence. ( C)

5、 Forging doubt. ( D) The spirit of skepticism. 6 What is the passage mainly about? ( A) Venture capital firms. ( B) Invasive web sites. ( C) Personal information. ( D) Privacy protection business. 7 What does the phrase “out of whack“ mean? ( A) Weak. ( B) Rational. ( C) Out of balance. ( D) Coordin

6、ated. 8 What can we learn from casinos? ( A) How to make money. ( B) The strategy of reward. ( C) The science of punishment. ( D) How to get people to play. 9 What can be learnt from the passage? ( A) Nouns are more likely to trigger a sense of group. ( B) Verbs are more likely to trigger a sense of

7、 group. ( C) It is difficult to invoke a sense of belonging. ( D) It is natural to long for a sense of belonging. 10 Why is removing tariffs beneficial to U. S. economy? ( A) Because it promotes economic efficiency. ( B) Because it destroys inefficient industries. ( C) Because it forces trading part

8、ners into bankruptcy. ( D) Because it helps efficient industries survive. 11 Which of the following is NOT true about online marketplaces? ( A) They are satisfying. ( B) They are helpful for suppliers. ( C) They can reduce the cost. ( D) They can protect the customers. 12 What is Google Assistant so

9、ftware capable of? ( A) Reminding us of some necessary information. ( B) Finding out the code of credit cards. ( C) Arranging the schedule for daily life. ( D) Restoring the messages we lost. 13 What is the main idea of this passage? ( A) Brain disorder cannot be cured for now. ( B) Doctors try to u

10、nderstand the brain. ( C) Doctors are looking for the treatment. ( D) The mechanism of brain is still unclear. 14 What is the purpose of the research? ( A) To recruit dozens of small groups of friends. ( B) To test their intelligence and personality. ( C) To find who can answer the questions in the

11、least time. ( D) To find which factors are related to the charisma. 15 What is the speakers attitude towards the brand building? ( A) Negative. ( B) Positive. ( C) Indifferent. ( D) Sympathetic. 16 Why is the multi-faceted approach applied? ( A) To get the feedback from the audience. ( B) To make th

12、e explanation explicitly. ( C) To make the information attractive. ( D) To educate the audience as much as possible. 17 What can be inferred from the example? ( A) The visitors prefer the label of fewer words. ( B) The label should be more interesting. ( C) The better design of label will attract mo

13、re visitors. ( D) Visitors do not like reading labels. 18 What is the topic of this passage? ( A) The home swapping is a profitable market. ( B) Vacation rentals are necessary for tourists. ( C) The emergence of the beauty and wellness apps. ( D) The website has been the best choice. 19 What can be

14、inferred from the passage? ( A) The older we are, the worse our physical conditions are. ( B) The problem of aging has been neglected by the public. ( C) The intelligence quality depends on the prefrontal cortex. ( D) College education will help people remain young. 20 What is the focus of the passa

15、ge? ( A) The brain weight of 3 pounds. ( B) The energy consumption of brain cells. ( C) The weight of detritus generated by brain cells. ( D) The amounts of toxic protein wastes. 21 What is the main idea of the passage? ( A) Fallout from the Feds rate hike. ( B) A monetary tightening. ( C) Continued

16、 economic health. ( D) Recent economic growth. 22 Which of the following may influence the natural rate of unemployment? ( A) Democratic politics. ( B) Time. ( C) Statistics. ( D) Population. 23 Why is it important to reinvigorate emerging economies? ( A) Because they are suffering from crisis. ( B)

17、 Because they are forces to spur world economy. ( C) Because the financial crisis is looming. ( D) Because they are experiencing recession. 24 What is the reason for the investment mania for Bitcoin? ( A) The prospect of $330 dividend. ( B) The sanity of value-oriented investors. ( C) The potential

18、of its technology. ( D) The tips from venture capitalists. 25 It can be inferred that the euro crisis five years ago was resolved by_. ( A) the resilience of Europeans ( B) Germanys determination ( C) Europes central banker ( D) collective action of Europeans 26 What are IMFs forecasts mainly concer

19、ned with? ( A) The promise of globalization and its effects. ( B) Opportunities for technology transfer. ( C) Declining poverty and better education. ( D) Slowing convergence of developing countries. 27 What does the speaker try to explain? ( A) The function of the International Monetary Fund. ( B)

20、The function of the World Bank. ( C) The difference between IMF and the World Bank. ( D) The similarities IMF and the World Bank share. 28 What is the passage mainly about? ( A) What is inflation and deflation. ( B) What strengthens or weakens currencies. ( C) Domestic and international currencies.

21、( D) What strengthens purchase power. 29 What is the topic of the passage? ( A) A business model offline. ( B) A type of e-commerce. ( C) The purchase of online goods. ( D) The origin of B2C. 30 What is the overall reason for shopping online? ( A) To save time. ( B) To save money. ( C) To save trans

22、action cost. ( D) To save efforts. 口译二级综合能力(段落听力理解与选择)模拟试卷 3答案与解析 一、 PART 2 (20 points) Listen to the following short passages and then choose one of the answers that best fits the meaning of each passage. The passages will be read only ONCE. There are 10 passages in this part of test, each with 1 q

23、uestion, which carries 2 points. 1 【听力原文】 A large study in JAMA Pediatrics reported an 87% increased risk of autism among children born to women taking antidepressants. But 87% higher than what? About 1% of babies worldwide are born with autism. And while an 87% increase in relative risk sounds like

24、 a lot, it represents a tiny absolute increase in risk. The study also couldnt establish for sure whether the drugs were responsible for the autism link. 1 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 讲话者就一篇发表在 JAMA Pediatrics上的论文提出了质疑,他认为 87虽然是个大数字,但相对于 1的基数来说,还是个很小的概率。听者可能不熟悉 autism一词,可能跟不上讲话者的思路,容易被牵着鼻子走,疲于应付语言表层的意思。在听辨时可以关注

25、否定和 转折之处,在这些地方讲话者思路开始转换。 autism意为 “孤独症 ”, “自闭症 ”。 【知识模块】 段落听力理解与选择 2 【听力原文】 Modern technology seems particularly adept at messing with our sleep schedules. Smartphones, tablets and computer screens all emit a bluish light; great for saving power, but also just right for disrupting our body clocks. T

26、he lights on these electronic devices are colored like enriched moonlight. These blue lights drastically suppress the production of melatonin, the hormone that controls the bodys day-night cycle. 2 【正确答案】 C 【试题 解析】 讲话者认为智能手机、平板电脑等现代科技产品发出的蓝光影响睡眠。这些产品可以用 “backlit devices”来概括。 melatonin意为 “褪黑色素 ”。 【知识

27、模块】 段落听力理解与选择 3 【听力原文】 Self-pity is easily the most destructive of the nonpharmaceutical narcotics; it is addictive, gives momentary pleasure and separates the victim from reality. If self-pity is so destructive, why do we do it in the first place? Pity was our defense mechanism to protect ourselves

28、 from future dangers. We choose to remain focused on what we cant do as a way to shield ourselves from having to face any more potential problems. 3 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 讲话者认为自怜是一种毁灭性的情绪,而且会让人上瘾。但是为什么我们还会自怜呢 ?他接着分析了原因。从整体看,讲话者分析产生自怜的原因时会指出一点点好处,但最终是为主旨服务的。讲话者的态度体现在他对自怜的评价上:毁灭性的。据此推断,他应该建议人们不要沉湎于自怜情绪中。 【知

29、识模块】 段落听力理解与选择 4 【听力原文】 For the first time in 32 years, the American Cancer Society (ACS) has changed the age at which it recommends women start getting regular mammograms. The ACS now advises that women at an average risk for breast cancer begin yearly screening at age 45 it had previously recommen

30、ded starting at 40 and to transition at age 55 to a schedule of every other year. 4 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 美国癌症协会最近指出,女人从 45岁开始每年做乳房 X光片,从55岁开始每两年做一次乳房 X光片,筛查乳腺癌。可以推断, 45-55岁之间罹患乳腺癌的概率较高。 【知识模块】 段落听力理解与选择 5 【听力原文】 Just because we dont know everything doesnt mean we know nothing. What do tobacco, food addit

31、ives, chemical flame retardants and carbon emissions all have in common? The industries associated with them and their ill effects have been remarkably consistent and disturbingly effective at planting doubt in the mind of the public in the teeth of scientific evidence. Call it pseudoskepticism. 5 【

32、正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 讲话者认为烟草、食品添加剂、化学阻燃剂和碳排放之间的共性在于相关产业向公众散播对科学结论的质疑。这种态度可以称为 “伪怀疑精神 ”。 【知识模块】 段落听力理解与选择 6 【听力原文】 As Web sites become more invasive and aggressive in their use of personal information, and as public concern grows, a small number of firms have sprung up to sell products that they claim will

33、 help people protect their privacy. Venture capital firms have picked up the scent and are investing in small start-up companies based on the premise that people will pay to protect their reputations. For instance, Reputation. com has received over $ 67 million in funding. 6 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 原文指出因为公众

34、越来越关注个人信息问题,保护隐私的生意就兴起了,有的还得到了风投的帮助。 【知识模块】 段落听力理解与选择 7 【听力原文】 The two types of assets of greatest consequence to most of us are real estate and corporate stocks. According to classical economics, “the price is right“ because it is set by negotiation between a rational buyer and a rational seller as

35、 to the “worth“ of the asset. Unfortunately, history shows that at frequent intervals, this system gets seriously out of whack and the pricing of assets goes haywire. 7 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 上文指出合理的价格建立在买卖双方理智协商基础之上,但是,历史证明有时这个系统 “out of whack”,根据语境,这个词应该是 “不正常 ”的意思。 【知识模块】 段落听力理解与选择 8 【听力原文】 Casinos unde

36、rstand the science of reward and reinforcement. They use whats called a “variable ratio schedule“ to get people to play again and again, even if the person is losing money. You can use what the casinos know. You can apply the research on the different schedules of rewards and when to use which one,

37、as well as why using rewards directs behavior better than punishment does. 8 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 原文指出赌场深谙奖励的学问,我们可以向他们学习如何使用奖励的办法。 【知识模块】 段落听力理解与选择 9 【听力原文】 The need to belong can have very subtle effects. We identify ourselves in terms of the groups we belong to and this sense of group can deeply affec

38、t our behavior. You can stimulate group identity just by the way you phrase a question. If people say “I am a chocolate eater“ versus “I eat chocolate a lot“ , it affects the strength of their preference for chocolate. People who use the noun instead of the verb, show a stronger preference for choco

39、late. 9 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 原文指出归属感对行为有微妙的影响。通过 “吃巧克力 ”一例,可以得出结论:说话时使用名词更能影响感觉。在本段语境中可以做进一步推断,使用名词更能激起归属感。 【知识模块】 段落听 力理解与选择 10 【听力原文】 When tariffs were removed on television sets, the U. S. television industry was destroyed by cheap imports. Doesnt it follow that removing tariffs on all commodities wou

40、ld destroy all U. S. industry? The argument is totally wrong. Some inefficient industries would be possibly forced into bankruptcy. However, other U. S. industries not only survive but also thrive when tariffs are removed mutually by the United States and its trading partners. Expanding production i

41、n efficient industries and getting rid of inefficient industries adds to economic efficiency. 10 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 讲话者认为免除关税可以帮助经济效率高的企业繁荣起来,让经济效率低的企业破产,这样可以增强经济效率。 B、 D两项都正确,但都只是其中的一个方面, A选项可以概括这两个因素。 【知识模块】 段落听力理解与选择 11 【听力原文】 In many ways, online marketplaces are the perfect business model. Since t

42、hey facilitate transactions between independent suppliers and customers rather than take possession of and responsibility for the products or services in question, they have inherently low cost structures and fat gross margins. They are highly defensible once established, owing to network effects. 1

43、1 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 从文中的 “They are highly defensible”可知线上市场有自我保护能力,但是文中并没有提及它可以保护消费者的信息。 【知识模块】 段落听力理解与选择 12 【听力原文】 Many credit card and utility companies send payment reminders by email that include details like the name on the account, the payment amount and the date due. What is probably happening

44、here is that Google is automatically scanning your Gmail messages for notices about package deliveries, flight times, restaurant invitations and yes bill reminders and using the information in smartphone alerts for its Google Assistant software. 12 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 从文中最后一部分可以知道谷歌手机助手具有提醒功能。 【知识模块】 段落

45、听力理解与选择 13 【听力原文】 Presumably, a doctor could even quantitatively measure how much you suffer. Knowing the circuitry of the brain and how it relates to brain disorders, psychiatrists might also objectively monitor treatment and give scientists new targets for treatment. When weak connections between

46、specific brain regions are seen, there might be some new way to manipulate and strengthen them. “We dont just want to understand the brain,“ says Seung. “We want to change it. “ 13 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 综合上下文,我们可以知道,医生们一直致力于了解脑部构造,以及脑部构造与病患处之间的关系,从而找到治愈的方法。 【知识模块】 段落听力理解与选择 14 【听力原文】 William and a team of

47、 researchers recruited dozens of small groups of friends for a study. They gave participants intelligence and personality tests and then asked each subject to answer 30 common-knowledge questions such as “Whats the name of a precious gem?“ as rapidly as possible. Participants also rated their friend

48、s charisma and social skills. The researchers found that individuals who answered the questions more quickly were perceived to be more charismatic regardless of their IQ, knowledge, or personality. 14 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 对一项实验的介绍包括以下四点:实验对象、实验过程、实验目 的与结果。 【知识模块】 段落听力理解与选择 15 【听力原文】 In the era of Faceboo

49、k and YouTube, brand building has become a vexing challenge. This is not how things were supposed to turn out. A decade ago most companies were heralding the arrival of a new golden age of branding. They hired creative agencies and armies of technologists to insert brands throughout the digital universe. Viral, buzz, memes, stickiness, and form factor became the lingua franca of branding. But despite all the hoopla, such efforts have had very little pay off. 15 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 vexing是 “令人烦恼 ”的意思; “very little pay off”意为 “没有什么回报 ”。通过上述词汇,我们可以看出虽然在打造品牌的过

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