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1、口语练习试卷 21及答案与解析 一、 SECTION 3 DISCUSSION (ABOUT 5 MIN) In this part of the test you are given a discussion topic. You have 30 seconds to look at the prompt card, an example of which is below, and then about 3 minutes to discuss the topic with your partner. After that examiner will ask you more questi

2、ons related to the topic. 1 Motivation: the importance of motivating staff at all levels of a company 2 Financial Management: how to achieve savings on production costs. 3 Communication: the factors involved in determining staff access to confidential information 4 Marketing: how to ensure that a co

3、mpanys marketing literature is attractive to customers 5 Staff Relations: the importance of consulting staff before implementing changes in work practices 6 Financial Management: the factors involved in maintaining a healthy cash flow in a business 7 Advertising: the importance of using celebrities

4、to endorse products 8 Human Resources: how to retain high achievers on a companys staff 9 Business Strategy: the factors involved in influencing market trends rather than reacting to them 10 Say something about market research (The importance of conducting market research before launching a new prod

5、uct.) 11 Career Development: the factors involved when choosing which training course to apply for 口语练习试卷 21答案与解析 一、 SECTION 3 DISCUSSION (ABOUT 5 MIN) In this part of the test you are given a discussion topic. You have 30 seconds to look at the prompt card, an example of which is below, and then ab

6、out 3 minutes to discuss the topic with your partner. After that examiner will ask you more questions related to the topic. 1 【正确答案】 Suggested answers: a It is very important to motivate staff at all levels of a company. The principle of motivation refers to making sure that for the individual worke

7、r his work is interesting, challenging, and satisfying. To most employees, material rewards such as pay are not sufficient in themselves. So employer must do whatever he can to motivate his staff. If staff members at all levels work in high mood, and take great satisfaction from their work, they wil

8、l certainly provide customers with good products and service. And then the customers will take satisfaction from goods and service. Business is largely based on good customer relations. Good customer relation means retention of a considerable number of loyal customers. As we all know, loyal customer

9、s will take good care of your business. b “Nothing happens until someone sells something.”Like many adages, this phrase emphasizes a point of great importance to any business or institution, but taken literally it may be misleading or untrue. A great many activities should take place before“someone

10、sells something”. You will have to do a lot of things. Among them, one thing is to motivate staff. Because you need staff to do a lot of jobs, such as market research, production of inventory, transportation to warehouses, purchasing of raw materials, financing of inventory, promotion, etc. Their go

11、od service will give individual consumer pleasure, and make consumer feel joyful. If you know how to motivate staff, you are bound to succeed. 【试题解析】 material reward物质奖励。 loyal customer忠实顾客。 adage谚语,格言。 【知识模块】 口语 2 【正确答案】 Suggested answers: a Poor management is at the root of most of business failur

12、e. Business difficulties, of course, may be caused by the poor quality of management that is by internal factors as well as by factors external to the firm. The poorly operated business will fail, the well managed will succeed. Business is a hard competitive struggle. If you want to achieve savings

13、on production costs, you need to know: location, excessive competition, and difficulties relating to receivables and inventory, and inadequate sales. The individual business, if its management is knowledgeable of its environment, alert, resourceful, and flexible, can adjust to the constant changes i

14、n dynamic economy and survive. b If you want to achieve savings on production costs, you have to make market research flint and then make a strategic plan. The development of a sales forecast is crucial to the planning of any business. With sales forecast in hand, all the costs of the business can a

15、lso be forecast based on knowledge of how the sales are generated (the market plan). Based on the income and costs generated by the sales forecast, a financial plan can then be prepared. Selection of location is also important. When you select your location, you need to make your first marketing dec

16、ision. This requires that you know (1) your product or service, (2) its users (potential customers), and (3) your competitors. c If you want to achieve savings on production costs, you must know strategic cost management. Todays business objectives are threefold: to make profits, to beat competition

17、, and to delight customers. To achieve the first two objectives, you must accomplish the third. However, traditional cost-management techniques focused on the first objective only by minimizing cost regardless of the effects on customers. Cost management entails far more than cost cutting. Good cost

18、 management must be forward looking. It is still important to look backward, but the more you look forward to target costs and manage operations to meet cost goals, the less you will have to look backward to find out where costs went awry. And thus you should avoid the trap of trying to account cost

19、s out after the fact, rather than designing lower costs in before the fact. 【试题解析】 cost management成本管理。 receivable应收的,应收款项,应收项目。 resourceful资源丰富的,足智多谋的。 trap圈套,险境。 【知识模块】 口语 3 【正确答案】 Suggested answers: a There arc several factors involved in determining staff access to confidential information. Firs

20、t, you need to make sure what information is confidential. Only the classified information or documents need to be kept secret. Secondly, You need to make sure who need confidential information. Only those who are directly relating to the subject or problem being discussed or considered have the acc

21、ess to the relevant information. Thirdly, you need to make sure why they shall have access to information, which is restricted to senior management or certain person. Is it necessary to give him/her the necessary information? Finally, you need to make sure how to make use of the confidential informa

22、tion. b It is very important to make sure those who have access to confidential information have signed a confidentiality undertakingthat is, a document promising not to make confidential information public. You dont want a potential buyer using this confidential information either in the course of

23、negotiations or after negotiations have broken down. Many confidentiality letters, however, have no legal value, so taking appropriate advice is recommended. You should also consider your strategy for informing your staff of the proposed sale. Most business owners want to keep the sale secret from t

24、heir employees until the deal has been completedor at least until negotiations are fairly advanced. This can be difficult, though, and if staff finds out about the sale it can unsettle them. In addition, you will need to produce a considerable amount of information about the business and its running

25、; for this you will require the co-operation of senior management, who will therefore need to be informed of the sale. 【试题解析】 confidential information保密信息。 relevant information有关信息,切题信息。 restrict限制,约束。 undertaking事业,企业,承诺,任务。 【知识模块】 口语 4 【正确答案】 Suggested answers: a To ensure that your companys marke

26、ting literature is attractive to customers, you must first go through the following steps before you write your message: First, you need to determine your specific purpose. Is it to persuade prospects to buy your products or your service? Second, you need to analyze your target customers. Make sure

27、what they like and dislike, then make your message cater to their tastes. Third, you need to choose the ideas to include, and then collect all the facts to back up these ideas, and finally, you need to outline and organize your message. You need to make sure the message is helpful to build or mainta

28、in the customers goodwill. b To communicate with your customers effectively, you should first go through the following steps before write your message: The first step is to determine your specific purpose, because you must know your purpose. The second step is to analyze your audiencereaders or list

29、eners. It is important to adapt your messages as much as possible to the recipients views, mental filters, and needs. In all communications consider the areas on which your recipients are likely to be well informed or uninformed; pleased or displeased; positive, negative, or neutral; interested and

30、enthusiastic or uninterested and unreceptive. Then you can move on to the next steps, such as choosing the ideas to include, collecting all the facts and outlining or organizing your message. 【试题解析】 mental filter精神滤除。 neutral中立的。 unreceptive不会接受的,接受能力不强的。 【知识模块】 口语 5 【正确答案】 Suggested answers: a If y

31、ou want to maintain good staff relations, you have to consult staff before implement changes in work practices. Suppose some employees perceive that a recently announced change in company policy is contrary to their beliefs or benefit. In reacting, they may reject or resent the company and their bos

32、s, perhaps falsely accusing them of being unfair. Or they may, instead, distort the meaning and misinterpret the true purpose of the policy change. Or they may avoid the message, situation, or people by putting off acceptance, hoping that the delay will somehow prevent the change and protect them. I

33、f you consult staff before implementing changes, you will obtain necessary information for any adjustments, and most staff members may be happy over your action. There is a need to boost staff moral. b Organizations have only two real assetsmoney to be manipulated and people to be motivated. Employe

34、es truly are the greatest assets of any organization. Without their effort and work, nothing whatsoever can be achieved. Therefore, consulting staff before implementing changes is important in work practices. By consulting staff, you can be able to obtain all the necessary facts and sort out staff d

35、isagreements. The solution is in fact very simple. The staff members need to understand what their boss is trying to do. They also need to know their efforts and jobs contribute to the business. It is necessary that senior managers explain decisions clearly to the workforce. Consulting them will boo

36、st their moral. If not, they may feel left out. 【试题解析】 misinterpret误译,误释,误解。 contribute捐助,贡献,有助于。 boost morale提高士气。 feel left out感到被冷落,感到被排除在外。 【知识模块】 口语 6 【正确答案】 Suggested answers: a In addition to profit, a basic objective of any business is liquidity. The business owner/manager must be deeply con

37、cerned with the cash flow (money and checks) into and out of business; how he or she manages this cash is critical to the firms survival and growth. To ensure a healthy cash flow, the manager/owner of the business must not only anticipate short-run cash shortages or surpluses, but make long-term com

38、mitments of funds for additions to or replacement of the firms fixed or capital assets. For the established concern, careful financial planning is a continuing necessity. b A shortage of funds in the present is often the result of the unwise use of funds in the past. Therefore, the firm should (a) a

39、void excessive investment in fixed assets, (b) maintain receivables and net working capital in proper proportion to sales, and (c) avoid excessive inventories. There is no financial difficulty of any firm, regardless of size, that cannot be traced to the violation of one or more of these three basic

40、 principles of financial management. Proper financial planning requires the budgeting of both short-and long-term funds (cash budgeting and capital budgeting). 【试题解析】 cash flow现金流。 survival幸存,幸存物。 liquidity清偿能力。budget预算。 【知识模块】 口语 7 【正确答案】 Suggested answers: a Consumers choices can be influenced by

41、many factors; consumers desires are constantly shifting, depending on their needs and on styles that have caught the popular imagination. Consumers are courted, enticed, and implored by sellers of goods and services. Using celebrities to endorse products has been one of the important advertising gim

42、micks. People like to think negative advertising does not sway them but the fact is they are. Others always copy celebrities behavior. Celebrity endorsement serves a model for community. b Using celebrities to endorse products is very important for advertising. If a famous person endorses a product

43、or service, he or she says in an advertisement that they use and like it. Celebrity endorsements express formal support or approval for someone or something. If a famous person buys a product, many consumers are most likely to follow suit. They may buy it as well. It is even more so, when consumers

44、lack confidence in their ability to identify exactly what it is. c Many people always do the same as the famous people have done, because they trust celebrity. They may distrust advertisement, but they will possibly trust the celebrity. Celebrities behavior has a big effect on consumers. Therefore,

45、using celebrities to endorse products benefit the company. It gives the company an advantage, improves its reputation, and helps the company in promoting sales. Therefore, it is very important for the companies to use celebrities to endorse products in advertising. 【试题解析】 court奉承,献殷勤。 entice怂恿,引诱。 i

46、mplore哀求,恳求。gimmick花招,玩意。 celebrity名人,名流。 【知识模块】 口语 8 【正确答案】 Suggested answers: a Retaining high achievers on a companys staff is being used as a market-driven approach to talent retention. Open competition for other companies people, once a rarity in business, is now an accepted fact. Fast-moving m

47、arkets require fast-moving organizations that are continually refreshed with new talent. But no one likes to see talent leave; when a good employee walks, the business takes a hit. Its futile to hope that by tinkering with compensation, career paths, and training efforts, you can wall off your compa

48、ny from todays labor market. b Except monetary compensation, there is an alternative: a market driven approach to retention based on the assumption that long-term, across-the-board loyalty is neither possible nor desirable. By taking a hard look at which employees you need to retain and for how long

49、, you can use highly targeted programs to keep the required talent in place. Most companies today rely on compensation to build loyalty, but compensation is only one of many useful retention mechanisms. You can redesign jobs to reduce turnover: UPS kept many more drivers by shifting the tedious job of loading trucks to other employees. c You can promote loyalty to particular projects or to work teams. You can hire people who arent in high demand and place valuable employees in locations where they wont be constantly tempted by job offers. You can team

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