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本文([外语类试卷]国家公共英语(一级)笔试模拟试卷34及答案与解析.doc)为本站会员(周芸)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、国家公共英语(一级)笔试模拟试卷 34及答案与解析 第一节 图片判断 在本节中,你将听到 10 个句子或对话,每个句子或对话配有 A、 B、 C三幅图片。请选择与句子或对话内容相符合的一幅图片,并标在试卷的相应位置。每句话后有 15秒钟的停顿,以便选择图片并看下一组图片。每个句子或对话读两遍。 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 第二节 对话理解 在本节中,你将听到 15 个对话,每个对话有一个问题。请从 A、 B、 C三个选项中 选出答案,并标在试卷的相应位置。每段对话后有 15秒钟的停顿,以便回答问题和阅读下一问题及其选项。每段对话读两遍。 11 Where is theWoman?

2、 ( A) In a shop. ( B) In a restaurant. ( C) In a library. 12 When did theMan go to the GreatWall? ( A) Last spring. ( B) Last autumn. ( C) LastWinter. 13 What does theManMean? ( A) He doesnt like the story. ( B) He has nothing to say about the story. ( C) He agreesWith theWoman. 14 What did theManWa

3、nt to do? ( A) To buy a bike. ( B) To borrow a bike. ( C) To sell a bike. 15 What are they talking about? ( A) The lovely day. ( B) The heavy rain. ( C) TheWeather. 16 What does theWomanWant to have? ( A) A story-book. ( B) A piece of paper. ( C) An English book. 17 Who found the lost boy? ( A) Tom.

4、 ( B) Toms youngest brother. ( C) A policeman. 18 WhatWill theManWant to drink? ( A) A cup of tea ( B) A glass of coffee. ( C) SomeWater. 19 Who gave a talk at theMeeting? ( A) A famousWriter. ( B) A famous scientist. ( C) A famous doctor. 20 What does theManMean? ( A) HeWants to get rid of his brok

5、enWatch. ( B) HeWants theWoman to repair hisWatch. ( C) MeWants theWomans husband to repair hisWatch. 21 HowMany animals can theMan see? ( A) Seven. ( B) Three. ( C) Four. 22 What does theManMean? ( A) He agreesWith theWoman. ( B) He prefers to travel by ship. ( C) He doesnt quite agreeWith her. 23

6、Where did theMan seeMiss Zhang? ( A) In a shop. ( B) On hisWay home. ( C) On hisWay to the shop. 24 How long hasMr.Wang been here? ( A) He arrived here three hours ago. ( B) Hes been here for an hour. ( C) He came here half an hour ago. 25 What does theManMean? ( A) HeWants to go to the concert, too

7、. ( B) HeWants to stay at home and do his homework. ( C) HeWants toWatch TV. 第一节 单项填空 阅读下面的句子和对话,从 A、 B、 C三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。 26 -Happy birthday to you! -_. ( A) The same to you ( B) Thank you veryMuch ( C) OK 27 My brother askedMe _ shoppingWith him. ( A) go ( B) going ( C) to go 28 _ he is runni

8、ng! ( A) What quickly ( B) How quick ( C) How quickly 29 We decided not to climb theMountain because itWas raining _. ( A) hardly ( B) strongly ( C) heavily 30 Xiao Zhang _ in that factory for five years. ( A) isWorking ( B) Works ( C) hasWorked 31 He gave orders that the prisoners free. ( A) are se

9、t ( B) Were set ( C) be set 32 Two and a haftMonths _ too long,I think. ( A) are ( B) is ( C) Will be 33 IWas listening toMusic _ thereWas a knock at the door. ( A) When ( B) While ( C) because 34 He drivesMuch _ than he did three years ago. ( A) More carefully ( B) carefully ( C) More careful 35 Is

10、 that your _. ( A) a bike ( B) bike ( C) bikes 36 36.Mrs. Jones _ ill this school since she came to the city. ( A) Worked ( B) hasWorked ( C) Works 37 There _Many apples on the table, ( A) are ( B) is ( C) have 38 The nurse looked after the patient carefully _ he recovered quickly. ( A) in case ( B)

11、 as soon as ( C) so that 39 One ofMy _ came to seeMe on SundayMorning. ( A) classmate ( B) classmates ( C) the classmates 40 Many books and newspapers in theWorld areWritten _ English language. ( A) in ( B) in the ( C) With 第二节 完型填空 阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的 A、 B、 C三个选项中选择能填入相应空白处的最佳选项。 41 StevenWorks in a far

12、m tool factory. He and five of his friends are very interested (Example: 0 ) singing. So they have【 B1】 a singing groupWhich is called Happy Birds. They sing【 B2】 songs both in Chinese and in foreign languages. They sing very【 B3】 . The otherWorkers and people【 B4】 the villages around really like to

13、 hear them【 B5】 . Now New Years Day【 B6】 here soon. The Happy Birds have been asked to【 B7】 at different places. Theyd【 B8】 to go to all of them.【 B9】 one friend has tooMuchWork and【 B10】 may have to give up his holidays. The Happy Birds cant singWithout him. 41 【 B1】 ( A) built ( B) taken ( C) form

14、ed 42 【 B2】 ( A) Many ( B) Much ( C) lot 43 【 B3】 ( A) good ( B) Well ( C) best 44 【 B4】 ( A) in ( B) at ( C) to 45 【 B5】 ( A) sang ( B) sing ( C) to sing 46 【 B6】 ( A) Will be ( B) has been ( C) Was 47 【 B7】 ( A) arrive ( B) go ( C) sing 48 【 B8】 ( A) love ( B) Want ( C) plan 49 【 B9】 ( A) So ( B)

15、But ( C) When 50 【 B10】 ( A) they ( B) he ( C) it 第一节 词语配伍 从下栏所给选项中选出与各项意义相符的选项,并在答题 卡 1上将该项涂黑。 51 A soldier B sad C rest DWash E headache F dirty G join 51 Make cleanWithWater 52 become aMember of 53 have a break 54 not clean 55 not happy 第二节 短文理解 1 阅读下面短文,从 A(Right)、 B(Wrong)、 C(Doesnt Say)三个判断中选择

16、一个正确选项。 56 On February 4,1974,the Capital Building, the newest building in Sao Paulo,Was destroyed in a big fire. The fireWas started on the 11th floor. Soon theWhole floorWas on fire. ThereWere 25 floors in the building. As it had no fare escapes (消防梯 ) ,300 peopleWere trapped (围困 ) in the fire and

17、 they could not escape.Many of them climbed to the roof of the building. The helicopters (直升飞机 ) came, but thereWas such thick smoke that the helicopters could not get close enough. At last about 70 peopleWere saved. Down in the street, the firemen could not get close to the building because tooMany

18、 peopleWereWatching the fire. The terrible fire lasted about 4 hours and killed over 220 people. 56 The Capital BuildingWas the highest building in Sao Paulo. ( A) Right. ( B) Wrong. ( C) Doesnt say. 57 People set fire on the 11th floor. ( A) Right. ( B) Wrong. ( C) Doesnt say. 58 220 peopleWere kil

19、led because they ran by the fire escapes. ( A) Right. ( B) Wrong. ( C) Doesnt say. 59 The helicopters couldnt get close to the building because the buildingWas surrounded (包围 ) by thick smoke. ( A) Right. ( B) Wrong. ( C) Doesnt say. 60 The fire lasted four hours before the firemen put it out. ( A)

20、Right. ( B) Wrong. ( C) Doesnt say. 第三节 短文理解 2 阅读下列短文,从 A、 B、 C三个选项中选择一个正确答案。 61 Once upon a time there lived a fisherman in a village near the sea. One day the fisherman set out in a small boat. After he had got to a good place for fishing, he threw a long rope, then the rope became very heavy. He

21、thought it seemed too heavy to be a fish, and began to draw in the rope. When the hooks(鱼钩 ) came out of theWater, heWas surprised, for the hooksWere holding some golden chains(链子 ).When he pulled them,More andMore golden chains came out. Soon thereWas a long pile of golden chains in his boat. “I sh

22、all be very rich,“ he said to himself. “I can sell the chains for a lot ofMoney.With theMoney I shall buy a new boat and some new nets. I shall build a house. I shall be the richestMan in theWorld.“ HeWent on drawing inMore golden chains. But he felt so pleased that he did not noticeWhatWas happenin

23、g to his boat. It began to sink(下沉 ). As heWas pulling the golden chains, the boat sank into the sea. He lost not only all the golden chains but also his boat and his life. 61 When did the fisherman begin to draw in the rope? ( A) When thereWas a fish. ( B) After he finished throwing it. ( C) When i

24、t became very heavy. 62 Which of the following is true? ( A) The fisherman thought itMust be a golden chain. ( B) The fisherman thought itMust be a fish. ( C) The fisherman thought it could not be a fish. 63 What did he get actually? ( A) Golden fish. ( B) Golden chains. ( C) Golden stones. 64 What

25、did the fisherman thinkWhen he got soMany golden chains? ( A) He thought the golden chainsWere useless. ( B) He thought heWould be rich. ( C) He felt terrible. 65 Why didnt the fisherman notice the boat began to sink? ( A) HeWas thinking ofMoney andWas too happy. ( B) HeWas very tired. ( C) HeWent o

26、n pulling the hooks. 66 Special Events ThisWeekend Captain Goodman Do your children enjoy interesting stories, funny games, and exciting dances? Captain GoodmanWill be ready to teach all these things to children of all ages at the City Theatre on Saturday afternoon at 4:00. Walking Tour of the Town

27、Forget yourWorries on SundayMorning. Take a beautifulWalk and learn about local history. Meet at the front entrance of City Hail at 8:00.Wear comfortable shoes! Films at theMuseum Two Australian filmsWill be shown Sunday afternoon at theMuseum Theatre. See BrokenWindow at 2:00. TheWorkersWill be at

28、4:30 . For further information, call 4879978. International Picnic(野餐 ) Are you tired of eating the same food every day? Come to Central Park on Saturday and enjoy food from all over theWorld. Delicious and not expensive. Noon to 6:00 p.M. TakeMe Out to the Ballgame Its November, and tonight is your

29、 last chance to see the Bluebirds this year. Get your tickets at the gate. ItMight be cold. Dont forget sweaters and jackets. Do YouWant to Hear “The Zoo“ “The Zoo“, a popular rock group from Canada,Will give their first U.S. concert tomorrow night at 7 at Rose Hall, City College. 66 You can probabl

30、y eat Chinese, Italian, and Indian food _. ( A) at the front entrance of City Hall ( B) at the Ballgame ( C) at Central Park on Saturday 67 You can seeMovies at _. ( A) the City College ( B) theMuseum Theatre ( C) the City Theatre 68 If you are going on theWalking Tour, dont forget _. ( A) your beau

31、tifulWalk ( B) your learning about local history ( C) your comfortable shoes 69 The childrenWhoWant to learn exciting dances can go to _ on Saturday afternoon. ( A) Central Park ( B) the City Theatre ( C) the front entrance of City Hall 70 ThereWill be _ tomorrow night at 7 at Rose Hall, City Colleg

32、e. ( A) a popular rock concert ( B) two Australian films ( C) International Picnic 第一节 改写句子 下面是三对句子。每对句子中,第一句是原句,第二句是对第一句的改写。要求根据原句和第二句中已经给出的部分补全第二句。注意不能改变原句的意思。 71 Many Chinese friendsWent to the party. ThereWereMany Chinese friends _. 72 TonyWas given a lot of presents by his friends. Tonys friend

33、s _ a lot of presents. 73 Seeing his Chinese teacher at the partyMade Tony very happy. TonyWas very happy _ his Chinese teacher at the party. 第二节 书面表达 74 情景: 你的英语成绩不是很好,所以,两个月以前你曾委托同学小芳帮你找一位英语教师补课,可是到现在还没有消息,你很着急。 任务: 请你用英语写一张 50字左右的便条给小芳,向她追问此事,假定你是李君: .她曾经答应过要给你寻一位英语老师; .如今两个月过去了,不知此事怎样了; .你急需一位英语

34、老师; .如能答复将不胜感激。 请用下面格式。 Dear Xlao Fang, . Sincerely, Li Jun 国家公共英语(一级)笔试模拟试卷 34答案与解析 第一节 图片判断 在本节中,你将听到 10 个句子或对话,每个句子或对话配有 A、 B、 C三幅图片。请选择与句子或对话内容相符合的一幅图片,并标在试卷的相应位置。每句话后有 15秒钟的停顿,以便选择图片并看下一组图片。每个句子或对话读两遍。 1 【听力原文】 The sun is shining. 1 【正确答案】 C 2 【听力原文】 Mr. SmithWants to visit the GreatWall veryMu

35、ch. 2 【正确答案】 A 3 【听力原 文】 Xiaoming usually runs after dinner. 3 【正确答案】 A 4 【听力原文】 IM sorry,Madam. You cant stop your car here. 4 【正确答案】 C 5 【听力原文】 MyMother likes doing some shopping onWeekends. 5 【正确答案】 B 6 【听力原文】 Id like to buy a shirt forMy son thisWeekend. 6 【正确答案】 A 7 【听力原文】 You can take a ship t

36、o Dalian. 7 【正确答案】 B 8 【听力原文】 Lintao has put his toy car beside the table. 8 【正确答案】 A 9 【听力原文】 On Dec. 25,Most American people dont have toWork. 9 【正确答案】 C 10 【听力原文】 Well spend this summer holiday by the sea. 10 【正确答案】 B 第二节 对话理解 在本节中,你将听到 15 个对话,每个对话有一个问题。请从 A、 B、 C三个选项中选出答案,并标在试卷的相应位置。每段对话后有 15秒钟的

37、停顿,以便回答问题和阅读下一问题及其选项。每段对话读两遍。 11 【听力原文】 W: GoodMorning.What can I do for you? M: Id like to buy some New Years cards. 11 【正确答案】 A 12 【听力原文】 W: Have you ever been to the GreatWall? M: Yes, IWent there last spring. 12 【正确答案】 A 13 【听力原文】 W: The storyWas very interesting. M: ItWas,Wasnt it? 13 【正确答案】 C

38、14 【听力原文】 W: ExcuseMe, I didnt hearWhat you said. M: I asked if you could lendMe your bike. 14 【正确答案】 B 15 【听力原文】 W: Its a cloudy day. isnt it? M: Yes, it is. The radio says thereWill be a heavy rain today. 15 【正确答案】 C 16 【听力原文】 W: ExcuseMe.May I have a piece of paper, please? M: Certainly, here you

39、 are. 16 【正确答案】 B 17 【听力原文】 W: Have you found your youngest brother, Tom? M: Yes. HeWas picked up by a policeman. 17 【正确答案】 C 18 【听力原文】 W: WhatWould you like, a cup of tea or a glass of coffee? M: Neither, thanks. A cup ofWaterWill be OK. 18 【正确答案】 C 19 【听力原文】 W: Did you go to theMeeting yesterday?

40、M: Yes, I did. A famous scientist gave a talk at theMeeting. 19 【正确答案】 B 20 【听力原文】 W: My husband often repairsWatches for people. M: Really? I have a broken one. 20 【正确答案】 C 21 【听力原文】 W: HowMany horses are there under the tree? M: There are three, and there are four cows behind the tree. 21 【正确答案】 A

41、 22 【听力原文】 W: Flying is the safestWay to travel. M: IM not so sure about that. 22 【正确答案】 C 23 【听力原文】 W: Have you seenMiss Zhang, John? M: Yes, I saw her onMyWay home from the shop, but I dont knowWhere she is now. 23 【正确答案】 B 24 【听力原文】 W: ExcuseMe,When did you arrive here,Mr.Wang? M: I arrived here

42、an hour ago. 24 【正确答案】 B 25 【听力原文】 W: We are going to the concert this evening. M: Can I goWith you? 25 【正确答案】 A 第一节 单项填空 阅读下面的句子和对话,从 A、 B、 C三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。 26 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 对方祝你生日快乐,应该表示感谢。 27 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 本句意为 “我哥哥让我和他一起去买东西 ”。 ask do sth是固定词组。 28 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 对于感叹句型来说, how后面加

43、形容词或者副词; what后面加名词,排除 A。又因为 run 为动词,修饰动词的应该为副词。 29 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 本句意为 “因为雨下得太大,所以我们不能爬山了 ”。形容雨下得大,常用 heavily 来修饰。 30 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 for后面加时间段是现在完成时的标志,常用来引导现在完成时。 31 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 对于复合句来说,如果主句中含有 order, suggest, advise等词时,从句常用虚拟语气 (should) +be(do)的结构,其中 should 可以省略。 32 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 表时间、距离和金钱

44、等复数形式的 名词做主语,常用单数形式谓语动词。 33 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 本句意为 “当我在听音乐时,突然有人敲门 ”,是时间状语从句。while意为 “当 正在发生的时候,某人 (某物 )在做什么 ”。 because引导原因状语从句,不符题意。 be doing when “做 时,突然 ” 是固定用法。 34 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 句中有 than,可知此句中所涉及的是比较级的知识,首先可以排除 B;同时本句中的谓语是实义动词,应该用副词来修饰。 35 【正确答案】 B 【试 题解析】 这是一般疑问句,其系动词是 is,所以其表语应为单数。 36 【正确答案】 B

45、 【试题解析】 since, for等词是现在完成时的标志。 37 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 There+be是一种很典型的倒装结构,本句中真正的主语是 many apples,所以其谓语应该为复数。 38 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 本句意为 “那个护士很认真地照顾病人,因此他恢复得很快 ”。 in case意为 “以防,万一 ”; as soon as意为 “一 就 ” ;显然这两项不符合题意。 so that在句子中,不加逗号的时候,引导的是结果状语从句;加逗号的时候,引导的是目的状语从句。根据句意,可知本句为结果状语从句。 39 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 本句意为 “我

46、的一个同班同学在星期天的早晨来看我了 ”。这里面有固定词组 “one+of+复数名词 ”。 40 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 用 语言时用 “in+语言 ”,但因为这句话后有 “language”一词,所以应用 “with”。 第二节 完型填空 阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的 A、 B、 C三个选项中选择能 填入相应空白处的最佳选项。 41 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 本句意为 “所以他们成立了一个叫 快乐鸟 的乐队 ”。 “成立 ”应用form。 42 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 “许多 ”可以用 many, much 和 a lot of,但 many, a lot of 可修饰

47、可数名词, much 修饰不可数名词, songs 为复数,可数。 43 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 veryWell 为副词,修饰 sing,意为 “非常好 ”。 44 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 “在村庄里 ”应用 介词 in。 45 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 hear 意为 “听某人做某事 ”, do应用动词原形。 46 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 本句意为 “新年很快将到来 ”,应用一般将来时。 47 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 本句意为 “快乐鸟 被邀请到不同的地方演唱 ”。 48 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 would love to 意为 “

48、想 ” , want to, plan to前均不加 would。 49 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 本句与上句意 思相比表转折。 50 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 此句意为 “一个朋友有许多工作要做,他可能不得不放弃假期 ”。 第一节 词语配伍 从下栏所给选项中选出与各项意义相符的选项,并在答题卡 1上将该项涂黑。 51 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 根据句意 “用水使变得干净 ”,可知是洗 (wash)。 52 【正确答案】 G 【试题解析】 根据句意 “成为一员 ”,可知是加入 (join)。 53 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 根据句意 “休息一会 ”,可知是休息 (res

49、t)。 54 【正确答案】 F 【试题解析】 根据句意 “不干净 ”,可知是脏 (dirty)。 55 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 根据句意 “不高兴 ”,可知是难过 (sad)。 第二节 短文理解 1 阅读下面短文,从 A(Right)、 B(Wrong)、 C(Doesnt Say)三个判断中选择一个正确选项。 56 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 文中只是说这个建筑有 25层高,虽然很高,但并没有说是当地最高的楼。 57 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 文中并没有说明 火灾的原因是什么。 58 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 220个人死掉,并不是因为他们通过消防梯逃跑,只是因为烟太大,同时围观的人也太多,使消防人员不能靠近。所以题中的说法是错误的。 59 【正确答案】 A

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