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本文([外语类试卷]在职攻硕英语联考模拟试卷18及答案与解析.doc)为本站会员(livefirmly316)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、在职攻硕英语联考模拟试卷 18及答案与解析 Section A Dialogue Completion Directions: In this section, you will read 5 short incomplete dialogues between two speakers, each followed by four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the answer that best suits the situation to complete the dialogue. Mark your answer on the ANS

2、WER SHEET with a single line through the center. 1 A: Isnt the pink shirt pretty? B: _ ( A) No, the blue one is prettier. ( B) Yeah. . . but the blue one would look better on you. ( C) I think otherwise. ( D) I dont think I agree with you. 2 Saleswoman: Is there anything else? Customer:_. ( A) Ive h

3、ad enough, thank you. ( B) Thats it. Thanks. ( C) Nothing interests me. ( D) Nothing else. 3 Caller: Hello. Im calling about the package tour to Singapore. Woman: _. ( A) Im afraid you have the wrong number. ( B) Im sorry, but Ive got nothing to let. ( C) Yes, speaking. ( D) Im afraid he is not avai

4、lable right now. 4 Man: The suitcase looks heavy. Let me give you a hand. Woman: _. ( A) Yes, please. Thank you anyway. ( B) No, thank you. Thats my own business. ( C) No, thank you. I can manage myself. ( D) No, please keep off my luggage. 5 Secretary: _. Manager: Definitely. ( A) Do you want me to

5、 photocopy the file for each director? ( B) Would you like the file photocopied for each director? ( C) Can I help you photocopy the file? ( D) May I have the file photocopied? Section B Dialogue Comprehension Directions: In this section, you will read 5 short conversations between a man and a woman

6、. At the end of each conversation there is a question followed by four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best answer to the question from the four choices given and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center. 6 Woman: Why didnt you go to the hockey finals last

7、weekend? You missed a great game. Man: Oh, come on. You know how sensitive I am to loud noise. Question: What can be inferred about the man? ( A) He doesnt like to go to hockey games. ( B) He forgot about the hockey game. ( C) He missed the hockey game because he was ill. ( D) Hell go with the woman

8、 to the next hockey game. 7 Woman: Why have we stopped? Man: Well, Mrs. Smith, you are not using your mirror enough. You must check in the mirror before you pull out. But after all, this is only your second lesson. You are doing fine. Question: What is the mans job? ( A) A laboratory technician. ( B

9、) A dentist. ( C) A make-up expert. ( D) A driving instructor. 8 Man: I really enjoyed that TV special about spiders last night. Did you get home in time to see it? Woman: Oh, yes. But I wish I could have stayed awake long enough to see the whole thing. Question: What does the woman mean? ( A) She m

10、issed the beginning of the program. ( B) She wishes she had gone to sleep earlier. ( C) She especially enjoyed the end of the program. ( D) She fell asleep before the program ended. 9 Woman: Dont you think this candle light dinner is romantic? Man: Sure, at least I dont have to look at the food. Que

11、stion: What does the man think of the food? ( A) Its a pity he cant see what he is eating. ( B) It is very romantic. ( C) It doesnt look very delicious. ( D) It is nice. 10 Man: Someone said that there was a really good documentary on television last night about killer whales. I wish I had seen it s

12、ince that was what we were studying in my zoology class. Woman: Im sorry. If I had known you were interested in that sort of thing I would have told you when it was going to be on. Question: What does the woman imply? ( A) She didnt watch the program. ( B) She is not usually interested in watching d

13、ocumentaries. ( C) She doesnt have time to help the man with his project. ( D) She knew that the program was being shown. 一、 Part II Vocabulary and Structure (20 minutes, 10 points) Directions: There are 20 incomplete sentences in this section. For each sentence there are 4 choices marked A, B. C an

14、d D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center. 11 Recognizing the shortage of time available to spend with their children, working mothers sometimes take_in the concept of “quality time“. ( A) refuge ( B) pride ( C) p

15、lace ( D) action 12 The term “New Australians“ came into vogue in the 50s and 60s, which implied that the goal of immigration was assimilation and that migrants would place their new-found Australian identity ahead of the_context from which they had come. ( A) athletic ( B) ethic ( C) aesthetic ( D)

16、 ethnic 13 Scholarships are too few to_the high-school graduates who deserve a college education. ( A) meet ( B) accommodate ( C) compromise ( D) adopt 14 The study shows that laying too much emphasis on exams is likely to _students enthusiasm in learning English. ( A) hold back ( B) hold off ( C) h

17、old down ( D) adopt 15 The robber tried to_the stolen goods from the house he had broken into, but was caught by the guards. ( A) make away with ( B) make off for ( C) get out ( D) get through 16 The editors said they must report to the world how Beijing has_pollution and improved the quality of the

18、 environment. ( A) cut up ( B) cut off ( C) cut down ( D) cut out 17 If drug abuse, prostitution, pollution, environmental decay, social inequality, and the like_, more is required than an increased police presence or a fresh coat of paint. ( A) are to eliminate ( B) are eliminated ( C) are to be el

19、iminated ( D) are being eliminated 18 This toothed whale has a large, square head with_the so-called spermaceti. ( A) cavity to contain ( B) cavity containing ( C) the cavity for containing ( D) a cavity that contains 19 _, the market will have to overcome some of the highest hurdles its seen in a l

20、ong time. ( A) But to happen in that order ( B) But for that in order to happen ( C) But in order that to happen ( D) But in order for that to happen 20 With its anti-terrorism campaign taking_over anything else, the government is extending its job and running in more affairs. ( A) superiority ( B)

21、priority ( C) majority ( D) polarity 21 The gap between those at the lowest level and those at the highest level of income had increased_, and is continuing to increase. ( A) substantially ( B) successfully ( C) succinctly ( D) sufficiently 22 Chinas economic reform is aimed at separating enterprise

22、s from the government. It has been implemented for almost 20 years, but breakthroughs_. ( A) have been made yet ( B) have yet to make ( C) have yet to be made ( D) to have yet made 23 Several trial efforts in the 1980s proved that it was financially_to restore old buildings. ( A) feasible ( B) proba

23、ble ( C) beneficiary ( D) passable 24 Unloved and unwanted youngsters may be tempted to run away from home to escape their problem, _bigger ones in cities plagued with crime, drugs, and immorality. ( A) have only found ( B) only finding ( C) only found ( D) only to find 25 If the struggle for a sust

24、ainable society_, we must have some vision of what we are aiming for. ( A) is to succeed ( B) has succeeded ( C) succeeds ( D) succeeded 26 A trap_disguise is what has come to be called a Trojan Horse, from the ancient story of the gift of the wooden horse from the Greeks. ( A) offered as a gift in

25、( B) offers a gift in ( C) offering a gift to ( D) offered a gift of 27 Telecommuting is a new form of work_to work, such as fathers with children, the chance to work while remaining at home. ( A) that affording those unable previously ( B) affords those who were previously unable ( C) affording tho

26、se previously unable ( D) afforded those previously unable 28 _the passage of light, many new plastics are processed using technologies rivaling those used in the manufacture of computer chips. ( A) For the better of ( B) Permitting better ( C) To better permit ( D) It is better for 29 The Flower Ma

27、rket in San Francisco is_, and it was established in the 1930s. ( A) home of the second largest flower market in the country ( B) home to the countrys second largest flower market ( C) the second flower market in the countrys home ( D) the home to the second countrys large flower market 30 The loyal

28、ty of dogs to their masters has earned_“mans best friend“. ( A) the nickname of ( B) them the nickname ( C) a nickname ( D) nicknames 二、 Part III Reading Comprehension (40 minutes, 40 points) Directions: There are 4 passages in this part. Each of the passages is followed by 5 questions or unfinished

29、 statements. For each of them there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best one and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center. 30 Community cancer dusters are viewed quite differently by citizen activists and by epidemiologists. Environmentalists and conc

30、erned local residents, for instance, might immediately suspect environmental radiation as the culprit when a high incidence of cancer cases occurs near a nuclear facility. Epidemiologists, in contrast, would be more likely to say that the incidences were “inconclusive“ or the result of pure chance.

31、And when a breast cancer survivor, Lorraine Pace, mapped 20 breast cancer cases occurring in her West Islip, Long Island, community, her rudimentary research efforts were guided more by hopethat a specific environmental agent could be correlated with the cancersthan by scientific method. When epidem

32、iologists study clusters of cancer cases and other noncontiguous conditions such as birth defects or miscarriage, they take several variables into account, such as background rate (the number of people affected in the general population) , duster size, and specificity (any notable characteristics of

33、 the individual affected in each case). If a cluster is both large and specific, it is easier for epidemiologists to assign blame. Not only must each variable be considered on its own, but it must also be combined with others. Lung cancer is very common in the general population. Yet when a huge num

34、ber of cases turned up among World War II shipbuilders who had all worked with asbestos, the size of the cluster and the fact that the men had similar occupational asbestos exposures enabled epidemiologists to assign blame to the fibrous mineral. Although several known carcinogens have been discover

35、ed through these kinds of occupational or medical clusters, only one community cancer duster has ever been traced to an environmental cause. Health officials often discount a communitys suspicion of a common environmental cause because citizens tend to include cases that were diagnosed before the af

36、flicted individuals moved into the neighborhood. Add to this is the problem of cancers latency. Unlike an infectious disease such as cholera, which is caused by a recent exposure to food or water contaminated with the cholera bacterium, cancer may have its roots in an exposure that occurred 10 to 20

37、 years earlier. Do all these caveats mean that the hard work of Lorraine Pace and other community activists is for nothing? Not necessarily. Together with many other reports of breast cancer clusters on Long Island, the West Islip situation highlighted by Pace has helped epidemiologists lay the grou

38、ndwork for a well-designed scientific study. 31 The “hope“ mentioned in Paragraph 1 refers specifically to Paces desire to_. ( A) help reduce the incidence of breast cancer in future generations ( B) improve her chances of surviving breast cancer ( C) determine the cause responsible for her own brea

39、st cancer case ( D) identify a particular cause for the breast cancer cases in West Islip 32 The case of the World War II shipbuilders with lung cancer is an example of_. ( A) an occupational cluster ( B) a medical cluster ( C) a radiation duster ( D) an environmental cluster 33 The passage suggests

40、 that the fact the “only one community cancer cluster had ever been traced to an environmental cause (Para. 3)is most likely due to the ( A) methodological difficulties in analyzing community cancer clusters ( B) reluctance of epidemiologists to investigate environmental factors in cancer ( C) lack

41、of credibility of citizen activists in claiming to have identified cancer agents ( D) effectiveness of regulations restricting the use of carcinogens in residential areas 34 Activists may mistakenly consider a particular incidence of cancer as part of a community cluster despite the fact that_. ( A)

42、 the affected individual never worked with any carcinogenic material ( B) the cancer was actually caused by a long ago exposure ( C) the size of the cluster is too small to be meaningful ( D) the cancer actually arose in a different geographic location 35 The word “caveats“ (in the last paragraph) r

43、efers to_. ( A) refusals by epidemiologists to examine the work of Pace and other activists ( B) potential flaws in amateur studies of cancer cluster ( C) warnings by activists concerning environmental dangers in their communities ( D) tendencies of activists to assume environmental causes for cance

44、r 35 Personality is to large extent inherent. A-type parents usually bring A-type offspring. But the environment must also have a profound effect, since if competition is important to the parents, it is likely to become a major factor in the lives of their children. One place where children soak up(

45、浸泡 ) A characteristics is school, which is, by its very nature, a highly competitive institution. Too many schools adopt the “win at all costs“ moral standard and measure their success by sporting achievements. The current passion for making children compete against their classmates or against the c

46、lock produces a two-layer system, in which competitive A-types seem in some way better than their B-type fellows. Being too keen to win can have dangerous consequences: Remember that Philippines, the first marathon runner, dropped dead seconds after saying, “Rejoice, We conquer!“ By far the worst fo

47、rm of competition in schools is the disproportionate emphasis on examinations. It is a rare school that allows pupils to concentrate on those things they do well. The merits of competition by examination are somewhat questionable, but competition in the certain knowledge of failure is positively har

48、mful. Obviously, it is neither practical nor desirable that all A youngsters change into Bs. The world needs types, and schools have an important duty to try to fit a childs personality to hide possible future employment. It is top management. If the preoccupation of schools with academic work was l

49、essened, more time might be spent teaching children surer values. Perhaps selection for the caring professions, especially medicine, could be made less by good grades in chemistry and more by such considerations as sensitivity and sympathy. It is surely a mistake to choose our doctors exclusively from A-type stock. Bs are important and should be encouraged. 36 In line 2, Para. 2 the word “institution“ refers

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