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本文([外语类试卷]在职攻硕英语联考模拟试卷66及答案与解析.doc)为本站会员(deputyduring120)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、在职攻硕英语联考模拟试卷 66及答案与解析 Section A Dialogue Completion Directions: In this section, you will read 5 short incomplete dialogues between two speakers, each followed by four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the answer that best suits the situation to complete the dialogue. Mark your answer on the ANS

2、WER SHEET with a single line through the center. 1 Speaker A: I know you are busy but theres something rather urgent I want to talk to you about. Will it be all right if I come round in the afternoon? Speaker B: _ ( A) What is it that is so urgent? Cant you deal with it on your own? ( B) Sure, you a

3、re welcome any time. ( C) Well, I have an important meeting to attend. Will tomorrow suit you? ( D) Yes, Im extremely busy at the moment. A group of reporters are waiting to interview me. 2 Speaker A: Very pleased to meet you. Speaker B: _ ( A) How do you do? ( B) Oh, you must be John. I can hardly

4、recognize you. ( C) The pleasure is mine. ( D) Youre welcome. 3 Speaker A: Would you like something to drink, coffee, tea or orange juice? Speaker B: _ ( A) No. Dont go to any trouble! ( B) Orange juice would be lovely if youre having one. Thank you! ( C) Thank you. Its very kind of you to do so. (

5、D) Im not thirsty. So I dont want anything to drink. 4 Speaker A: I think tourism is a great way of helping the economies of developing countries. Speaker B: _ ( A) Yes, I agree. I myself like nothing better than travel. ( B) Maybe. Can you explain the advantage of developing tourism? ( C) Well, in

6、my opinion, the governments of developing countries should create more job opportunities for their people. ( D) Yes, it is. Without tourism, those countries would be much worse off. 5 Speaker A: Nice and bright this morning. Speaker B: _ ( A) Yes. Much better than yesterday. ( B) I dont think it wil

7、l rain today. ( C) Quite windy, isnt it? ( D) I wish the weather report would be more accurate. Section B Dialogue Comprehension Directions: In this section, you will read 5 short conversations between a man and a woman. At the end of each conversation there is a question followed by four choices ma

8、rked A, B, C and D. Choose the best answer to the question from the four choices given and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center. 6 Woman: Where have you been? I never see you in the dorm any more. Man: Thats because I moved off campus at the beginning of this se

9、mester. Question: What does the man mean? ( A) He doesnt live in the dormitory any more. ( B) Hes busy moving into a new room. ( C) He came back to school this semester. ( D) He cant talk about it right now. 7 Man: Well, what did you think of the movie? Woman: I dont know why I let you talk me into

10、going. I just dont like violence. Next time youd better choose a comedy. Question: What can be inferred from the conversation? ( A) The woman hated the man talking throughout the movie. ( B) The woman prefers light movies before sleep. ( C) The woman regrets going to the movie. ( D) The woman saw a

11、comedy instead of a horror movie. 8 Man: I had to go to the hospital yesterday to see a doctor since the infirmary was closed. Woman: Oh, so it was closed for the holiday. Question: What had the woman assumed? ( A) The infirmary was open. ( B) The man wasnt really ill. ( C) Yesterday wasnt a holiday

12、. ( D) The hospital was closed. 9 Woman: The people next door are making so much noise. I just cant concentrate, Tom. Man: Why didnt you stay at the library? It was much quieter there. Question: What does Tom mean? ( A) The woman should have complained to her neighbor. ( B) The woman should stay out

13、 until the neighbors are quiet. ( C) The woman should have stayed at the library. ( D) The lab will be a better place for reading. 10 Man: To collect data for my report, I need to talk to someone who knows that small city very well. I was told that you lived there for quite a long time. Woman: Oh, I

14、 wish I could help. But I was only a child then. Question: What does the woman imply? ( A) Shes never been to the city. ( B) She doesnt remember much about the city. ( C) She would find someone else to help. ( D) She would talk to the man later. 一、 Part II Vocabulary and Structure (20 minutes, 10 po

15、ints) Directions: There are 20 incomplete sentences in this section. For each sentence there are 4 choices marked A, B. C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center. 11 The sale usually takes place outside the ho

16、use, with the audience_on benches, chairs or boxes. ( A) having seated ( B) seated ( C) seating ( D) having been seated 12 Corn originated in the New World and thus was not known in Europe until Columbus found it _in Cuba. ( A) being cultivated ( B) having cultivated ( C) has been cultivated ( D) cu

17、ltivating 13 The researchers are working with food companies keen to see if their products can be made resistant to bacterial attack through alterations_the foods structure. ( A) for ( B) of ( C) to ( D) in 14 Joseph Heller is a great novelist who has thrilled thousands of readers, _many American ac

18、complished novelists kneel at his feet and cant help singing his praises. ( A) in that ( B) so much so that ( C) since ( D) while 15 All the public facilities require continuous spending on new equipment and new development if they are to serve us properly, requiring more money than_through taxes al

19、one. ( A) raised ( B) is raised ( C) to raise ( D) raising 16 I would have come sooner but I_that you were waiting. ( A) didnt know ( B) havent known ( C) hadnt known ( D) hasnt known 17 He went to work on foot yesterday, though he_by bus. ( A) could have gone ( B) should have gone ( C) would go . (

20、 D) must have gone 18 For the first time in this century also, many people are able to enjoy their leisure to the full, _trips to the country or seaside at weekends, instead of being confined to their neighborhood. ( A) making ( B) to make ( C) made ( D) having made 19 The greatest obstacle to mecha

21、nization is the fear in underdeveloped countries _ the workers who are displaced by machines would not find work elsewhere. ( A) that ( B) where ( C) as ( D) for 20 A team can accomplish much more than the sum of its individual members and yet frequently groups of people are seen to achieve less tha

22、n _ by the individual member working together. ( A) could have been accomplished ( B) must have been accomplished ( C) should be accomplished ( D) would be accomplished 21 Children between the age of 2 and 11 cannot comprehend the difference between commercials and television, so they cannot defend

23、themselves against the_techniques of commercial television advertising. ( A) persuasive ( B) advisable ( C) irresistible ( D) appealing 22 During the 1990s world oil production will approach geological estimates of maximum production_, even with rapidly increasing petroleum prices. ( A) capability (

24、 B) quota ( C) potentiality ( D) capacity 23 However dull work may be, it becomes bearable if it is a means of building up _, whether in the world at large or only in ones own circle. ( A) admiration ( B) vanity ( C) honor ( D) reputation 24 Manufacturing is Canadas most important economic activity.

25、 It_more than half the value of all Canadian production. ( A) accounts for ( B) amounts to ( C) takes up ( D) turns out 25 Culture includes the beliefs and attitudes we learn. It is the_of behavior that helps people to live together and make one group of people different from another group. ( A) for

26、mat ( B) pattern ( C) form ( D) mode 26 If the candidate can get the support of the women voters, he_a good chance of winning the next election. ( A) grasps ( B) stands ( C) grips ( D) speculates 27 I have no doubt that if the students interest in the subject is aroused, they will_the challenge and

27、commit more of their time and energy to their studies. ( A) face up to ( B) keep pace with ( C) stand out against ( D) fall back on 28 The fingerprints left at the scene of the crime finally_the identity of the criminal. ( A) established ( B) affirmed ( C) convinced ( D) asserted 29 A mans_is best w

28、hen he can forget himself and any reputation he may have required and can concentrate wholly on making the right decisions. ( A) anticipation ( B) acknowledgement ( C) expectation ( D) judgment 30 Ones_, both conscious and unconscious, of what happened in the past has a strong influence on ones beha

29、vior. ( A) reaction ( B) confidence ( C) awareness ( D) performance 二、 Part III Reading Comprehension (40 minutes, 40 points) Directions: There are 4 passages in this part. Each of the passages is followed by 5 questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are 4 choices marked A, B, C a

30、nd D. Choose the best one and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center. 30 Remember global warming? Back in December, the threat of climate change was thundering, and the rich countries agreed to cut their carbon-dioxide and other green-house-related emissions. Sinc

31、e then, interest has cooled markedly, and many European countries are already running away from the promises they made so loudly a few months ago. But there has been much talk, and a bit of action, to encourage renewable(可更新的 )energies such as wind, hydro, solar and all living organisms. These emit

32、no greenhouse gases, but tend to cost more than coal, oil or gas. The better, simpler idea is to remember that the easiest way to reduce something is to tax itin this case, by taxing the carbon content of power. The dirtier the power, the more tax it would pay. So dirty coal would be more expensive

33、than clean coal, which would see its price rise in relation to oil, which would be even more expensive compared to gas, which would lose some of its price advantage over renewables. Unless a carbon tax was so huge as to be economically crippling, it would not remove the price differential(差别 )betwee

34、n all renewables and fossil fuels. But it would narrow that gap, by fixing the differing environmental costs into the pricea useful principle in itself. It would also give renewable producers a strong incentive to cut costs, and fossil-fuel suppliers an motivation to clean their products. Precedents

35、 suggest strongly that a carbon tax would be effective. But the disadvantage to carbon taxes is political. After almost a decade of trying, the European Union gave up an attempt at a European carbon tax last year. Germanys ruling coalition is fighting against a proposed energy tax. In America, polit

36、icians believe that even mentioning the notion is certain death. But many of the political objections could be met if a carbon tax were made up for the loss elsewhere, for example by lowering payroll or sales taxes. There is always suspicion when governments come up with clever new ways to tax, and

37、rightly so. The response to that suspicion should be to win the argument, not to abandon it. 31 According to the passage, the easiest way to remove global warming is_. ( A) to encourage people to use renewable energies ( B) to cut down the cost of wind, hydro, solar and all living organisms energies

38、 ( C) to force people to pay more tax for the carbon content of power ( D) to talk less but act more 32 The standard of paying tax was_. ( A) that the more carbon content of power it contained, the higher tax one would pay ( B) that oil would be more expensive than clean coal ( C) that renewables wo

39、uld be most expensive of all ( D) in the order that renewables are the most expensive while clean coal the cheapest 33 We can infer from the passage that carbon tax_. ( A) couldnt be as effective as people expect ( B) has encouraged renewable producers to cut costs ( C) has reduced consumption of th

40、e carbon content energy successfully ( D) couldnt be that effective if fossil fuels would not be forbidden 34 The word “crippling“(Line 1, Para. 3)most probably means_. ( A) greatly increasing ( B) seriously weakening ( C) sharply declining ( D) abruptly halting 35 The reason why many countries stop

41、ped enforcing carbon tax eventually is mainly that ( A) governments had tried to put it into effect for many years but with no conspicuous result ( B) if one country made up the loss by paying the carbon tax, other countries will follow it ( C) governments were afraid of being suspected if they adop

42、ted the new tax ( D) governments had been discussing what to do with carbon tax for a long time, but they hadnt come to an agreement 35 Youve probably heard the reports that moderate drinking can actually be good for your heart. But before you stock up(囤积 )on beer, wine, or liquor for “medicinal pur

43、poses“, read the fine print. Guidelines published by the Department of Health and Human Services define moderate drinking as no more than a drink a day for most women and no more than two drinks a day for most men. But even moderate drinking may be ill-advised as you get older. Research shows that a

44、s you age, you absorb alcohol more readily and are more sensitive to its effects. So the number of drinks you could tolerate years ago may be too much for you now. Why? First, your bodys ratio of water to fat falls as you age, so theres less water to dilute(稀释 )the alcohol. Second, you have less blo

45、od flow to the liver and less efficient liver enzyme action, so your body doesnt metabolize(新陈代谢 )alcohol as readily. Women need to be especially careful, since most cant tolerate as much alcohol as men can. One reason is that they are generally smaller, and smaller people have less blood volume, so

46、 a little alcohol goes a longer way. Women also produce less of the enzyme that breaks down alcohol in the stomach before it is absorbed into the bloodstream. And they have a higher proportion of body fat, which does not absorb alcohol. The result? Drink for drink, women have 75% more alcohol in the

47、ir bloodstream than men do. Despite the caveats(警告 , 告诫 ), theres no doubt that, for many people, limited amounts of alcohol can help you live longer and decrease your risk of heart disease. Those who may be at risk for heart disease or stroke and those who are diabetic appear to benefit most from m

48、oderate alcohol intake(one or two drinks per day)over the course of their lifetimes. For example, in a University of Wisconsin study of diabetic men and women with an average age of 69, the risk of death from coronary heart disease was significantly lower among moderate drinkers compared to abstaine

49、rs(戒酒者 ). The death rate for those who had a drink a day was less than half of that for those who didnt drink at all. 36 According to the author, _. ( A) moderate drinking actually does no good to your health ( B) you should not drink beer, wine or liquor for medicinal purposes ( C) you should know about the guidelines for moderate drinking before you decide to drink ( D) you should give up dri

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