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1、在职攻硕英语联考(英译汉)模拟试卷 2及答案与解析 一、 Part V Translation (30 minutes, 10 points) Directions: Translate the following passage into Chinese and put your translation on the ANSWER SHEET. 1 A happy marriage apparently is good medicine, but hostile spouses may be harmful to one anothers health. Couples in conflic

2、ted marriages take longer than the happily married to heal from all kinds of wounds, from minor scrapes(擦伤 )or athletic injuries to major surgery, suggests a study carried out over the weekend. And the health toll taken by a stressful job seems to be eased when the worker has a pleasurable home life

3、. This new research, reported at an American Psychosomatic Society meeting, adds to growing evidence that marriage has an impact on health. In the wound healing study, 42 couples agreed to let researchers use a device to create several minor wounds on their skin in two sessions about two months apar

4、t. The first time, couples were told to discuss a neutral topic; the next time they were given half an hour to resolve an issue or two on which they disagreed. Their discussions were monitored. Couples took longer to heal when asked to discuss points of conflict than neutral issues. Hostile couplesa

5、ttacking each other with criticism, sarcasmhealed the slowest. It took them 40% longer, or two more days, to heal, and they also produced less of the proteins linked to healing. 2 Not much was known about yellow fever in the late 1700s, but one fact was inescapable it was a killer. Epidemics of the

6、dreaded disease could wipe out up to eighty-five percent of the populations of towns and cities. In 1793 it struck Philadelphia. By September it became so widespread that people who died in the streets often stayed where they fellno one would dare touch the bodies. The sick went untreated because ev

7、en the doctors were dying. People of every race were affected. The majority white population sought the aid of black Philadelphias. Would they help? The decision was up to two black leaders. They decided to help as much as possible. Black Philadelphians treated white patients and buried the dead. Wh

8、en the epidemic was over, the two leaders and the Black community received official thanks from the city and the deep gratitude of all other Philadelphians. 3 “Its unlikely youll see this exact restaurant replicated,“ McDonalds spokesman Bill Whitman said, “But you will see elements of this restaura

9、nt in some of our new construction. Its all about keeping our restaurants more relevant for our customers. “ McDonalds has undergone an image change in more ways than one since a time two and a half years ago when its sales and reputation were sagging amid complaints about its service and food. Desp

10、ite inconsistent results in some large European countries, that McSlump is no longer: some store sales have increased for 25 straight months in the key U. S. market. The company reported first-quarter operating income was up 6 percent to $ 910 million and revenue rose 9 percent to $4.8 billion over

11、the same time last year. Its stock price nearly tripled over a two-year period, hitting a four-year high of $ 34. 56 per share in March, but has since settled around $ 29. Stylish new restaurants are part of the reform plan; about 1 000, mostly older U. S. McDonalds have been either renovated or reb

12、uilt since 2002. Contributing more to the sales increase, though, have been longer hours, accepting credit and debit cards, the high-powered “Im lovin it“ marketing campaign and pricier new food items. 4 Despite overwhelming scientific evidence that tobacco causes more than 400 000 deaths each year,

13、 our nations children continue to have easy access to cigarettes and spit tobacco. There are no significant restrictions on tobacco marketing that target teenagers, no national anti-smoking programs under way, and none on the drawing board. Despite all the research on the dangers of secondhand smoke

14、, there are no nationwide protections against it. To top it all off, the United States has among the weakest package warnings and the lowest tobacco product prices in the industrialized nations of the world. Yet, we now have the opportunity to finally address the biggest and most preventable health

15、problem facing this nation. After a long and thorough analysis, President Clinton has come forward with a statement of principles and direction for a national tobacco control plan that represents a major step. 5 In the year of 1993, American President, Bill Clinton, proposed that every American citi

16、zen should be made to carry “health security cards“, which he described as “smart cards“ coded with his or her personal medical information. Congress rejected that proposal, and yet the administration persisted. It lobbied successfully for more moderate health care legislation in 1996 and ever since

17、 then has been developing a plan to assign every American a “unique health identifier(UHI)“: a computer code assigned to each person that would enable the government to organize all medical records into a central database. Administration officials reason that if the federal government could establis

18、h a “national health care data network“, this would make billing more efficient and allow medical researchers to study large samples of health records. Such a computerized library of medical files could work only if each American were assigned a UHI code. 在职攻硕英语联考(英译汉)模拟试卷 2答案与解析 一、 Part V Translati

19、on (30 minutes, 10 points) Directions: Translate the following passage into Chinese and put your translation on the ANSWER SHEET. 1 【正确答案】 幸福的婚姻显然是一剂良药,而针锋相对的夫妻关系则可能对彼此的健康产生不利影响。 上周末进行的一项研究结果表明,如果夫妻二人的婚姻 生活总是充满冲突,那么他们身体受的所有创伤,无论是轻微擦伤、运动损伤还是大手术,其伤口的愈合速度总要慢于婚姻幸福者。 此外,如果拥有快乐的家庭生活,由于工作压力对健康造成的损害也会有所缓解。

20、这一新的研究成果在美国身心健康学会的一次会议上发布,为婚姻能够影响健康的理论又增添了新的证据。 在有关伤口愈合速度的研究中,共有 42对夫妻同意让研究者使用器械在他们的皮肤上制造几个微小的创伤。实验在两个不同的阶段分别进行,期间间隔两个月左右的时间。第一阶段,夫妇们被要求讨论某个中立的话题,第二阶 段则要花费半小时的时间,解决一至两个他们意见相左的问题。整个讨论过程均在监控下进行。 当一对夫妇被要求讨论某些有争议的话题时,其伤口愈合速度比讨论中立论题时要慢一些。而相互批评、挖苦,彼此充满敌意的夫妇,伤口愈合速度则最慢。他们要比别人多花费 40或多花两天的时间才能痊愈,而且患处产生的有助于伤口愈

21、合的蛋白质也要少一些。 【知识模块】 英译汉 2 【正确答案】 18世纪后期,人们对黄热病的有关情况知之甚少,只知道这是一种能置人于死地的疾病,这是不容回避的事实。这种可怕的流行病会夺去城镇85的居民的生命。 1793年,费城遭到黄热病的侵袭,到这一年的 9月,黄热病的肆虐使死于该病的人只能暴尸毙命之处,因为没有人敢触碰他们的尸体。黄热病一直得不到治疗,即便是医生也难以幸免,不同的种族都遭到了侵袭。占人口绝大多数的白人为此不得不寻求费城黑人的帮助。然而,他们会伸出援助之手吗 ?这取决于两位黑人领袖。最终,他们决定竭尽全力帮助处于困境的白人。他们为 染上黄热病的白人治疗,帮助埋葬白人死者。这场流

22、行病过后,费城官方以及所有其他费城人都对这两位黑人领袖及黑人社会致以最衷心的谢意。 【知识模块】 英译汉 3 【正确答案】 “你不可能在其他地方看到与这一模一样的餐馆, ”麦当劳发言人比尔 ?惠特曼说道, “但是,你可能会在我们的其他一些新建餐馆身上发现这个餐馆的某些特色。之所以这样做,就是为了使我们的餐馆更符合顾客的习惯和需要。 ” 然而,仅在两年半前,人们还对麦当劳的服务和食品怨声载道,导致其销售额大幅下滑,良好声誉受到损害。之后,麦当劳开 始采取各种措施重塑公司形象。尽管措施实施效果在一些欧洲大国反映不一,但是,麦当劳的销售额并没有出现大的下滑。在关键的美国市场,有一些店的销售额已经连续

23、 25个月保持增长态势。 据麦当劳公布的第一季度财务报告显示,其第一季度营业利润比去年同期增长了6,达到 9 1亿美元;总收入增长 9,达到 48亿美元。在两年的时间里,其股价几乎涨到了 3倍,在 3月份涨至每股 34 56美元,为 4年来的新高。但随后股价就一直稳定在每股 29美元左右。 建造新潮的新餐馆仅仅是麦当劳革新计划的一部分。自 2002年以来,麦当 劳已经对其旗下的约 1 000家餐馆进行了翻修或重建,其中大部分是位于美国的老式餐馆。但是,麦当劳销售额的上升也有赖于其他因素,如延长营业时间,接受信用卡和借记卡,展开声势浩大的 “我就喜欢 ”主题营销活动以及推出更贵的新食品。 【知识

24、模块】 英译汉 4 【正确答案】 尽管有不容置疑的科学证据表明烟草每年可导致 40万人死亡,但是我国的儿童仍旧可以轻而易举地获得香烟,咀嚼烟草。国家对以青少年为销售对象的香烟市场没有重大限制,没有在全国范围内掀起反吸烟运动,没有悬挂任何宣传吸烟有害的牌子,尽管有关二 手烟危害的研究不少,但国家并没有采取全国性的制止措施。最严重的是,美国是在香烟盒上贴警告语最弱的国家,它也是世界上的工业国中烟草售价最低的国家。然而,我们现在最终有机会解决本国面临的最大而且是最妨碍身体健康的问题了。经过长时间的彻底分析之后,克林顿总统终于制定了国家烟草控制方案的原则和方向, (从而 )迈出了重要的一步。 【知识模

25、块】 英译汉 5 【正确答案】 1993年,克林顿总统提议每位美国公民均应持有 “健康安全卡 ”。这是一种被他描述为记载着个人健康状况编码的 “智能卡 ”。这一提议遭到议会否 决,但政府仍旧坚持不懈,最终在 1996年成功游说,通过了更为温和的医疗保健法案。此后,它一直致力于开发一项给每位美国公民分发一个 “独特健康标识 ”的计划。这种独特健康标识是分发给每个人的计算机编码,使政府得以将所有国民的健康记录输入中央数据库存档。政府官员们解释说,如果联邦政府能够建立一个“国民医疗保健数据网 ”,那将不仅可以提高医院的收款效率,还会为医学研究人员提供大量的健康记录用于研究。只有每位国人都持有独特健康标识编码,这个计算机化的医疗档案图书馆才能得以运行。 【知识模块】 英译汉

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