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本文([外语类试卷]在职攻硕英语联考(英译汉)模拟试卷3及答案与解析.doc)为本站会员(roleaisle130)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、在职攻硕英语联考(英译汉)模拟试卷 3及答案与解析 一、 Part V Translation (30 minutes, 10 points) Directions: Translate the following passage into Chinese and put your translation on the ANSWER SHEET. 1 From the start of the modern Olympics, male athletes of every race, religion, and nationality have been allowed to particip

2、ate. No women competed in 1896. A few female golfers and tennis players were allowed to take part in the 1900 Games. Female gymnasts and track-and-field athletes first competed at the 1928 Games. Womens Olympic sports have grown hugely since then. Today women make up about half of the total number o

3、f competitors. This has not been the only change. Figure skating was part of the Summer Games of 1908 and 1920, and ice hockey was played in 1920. They then became part of the Winter Olympics, which was first held in 1924 in France. Although founded to help world peace, the modern Olympic Games some

4、times become a stage for political arguments. The most controversial Olympics were the Berlin Games of 1936. Under the rule of the Nazis, German Jewish athletes were banned from the German team. The Olympic Games were interrupted twice during the First and Second World Wars. The event was not held i

5、n 1916, 1940 and 1944. 2 In Britain the newspaper market is divided between the larger broadsheets and the smaller tabloids(小报 ). These terms refer to the size of the papers pages but there is also a clear difference in content. Broadsheets such as The Times, the Guardian and Daily Telegraph are ser

6、ious papers. They cover a broad range of political, economic and international issues. Their stories are also reasonably long and use quite formal language. Tabloids have far more stories about less serious issues such as celebrities love lives. Their stories are shorter and use more simple language

7、. Tabloids often have bigger pictures. Britains best-selling newspaper, the Sun , is a tabloid and has a naked girl on page three every day. By changing to the size of a tabloid, The Times is following in the footsteps of a less famous broadsheet paper the Independent. It changed to tabloid last yea

8、r and saw its sales increase greatly. Although both papers have switched to the smaller size, the content of the papers has remained the same. They are both still serious papers. 3 Many physical-fitness enthusiasts consider the English Channel to be the supreme test of a swimmers endurance. During t

9、he past 100 years, the body of water separating England from France has been the scene of more than 1 000 attempted crossings. The high waves and freezing temperature of the water make it especially difficult. Matthew Webb was the first person to succeed. An experienced swimmer, the Englishman prepa

10、red for the history-making event by undertaking several long-distance swims, including a record-breaking swim of twenty-one miles in less than five hours. In 1879, Webb swam the Channel from Dover to Calais in twenty-one hours and forty-five minutes. Many swimmers have successfully accomplished the

11、feat since then. To prevent cheating, a group called the Channel Swimming Association was created to supervise all attempted crossings. The association also provides an observer in a rowboat to ensure each swimmers safety. 4 Home prices in California have risen 130 percent since 1997, twice as much

12、as in the United States, according to New York Times. These days, house-price surge is more than a local or national condition. Its a worldwide phenomenon. The American housing boom in recent years is nothing compared with the price run in countries like France, Spain, Britain, Ireland, Sweden and A

13、ustralia. Million-dollar two-bedroom apartments are not only a fixture of New York but also of London, Paris and Hong Kong. In New Zealand, housing prices rose more than 16 percent from 2003 to 2004. In Ireland, they rose more than 10 percent in that period. The rise in prices is worrisome because t

14、he international housing boom is a byproduct of globalization. A house on a plot of ground is the most precious assets. But the financial markets that make it convenient for people to borrow money to buy a house, or speculate, are increasingly open, international. 5 Anyone who has roomed with a nois

15、y person, worked in a noisy office or tried to study with a party going on in the next room can attest to the effects of noise on ones level of stress. Noise has been found to be related to job dissatisfaction and to result in irritation and anxiety. One expert describes noise as the most troublesom

16、e of all stresses in our environment. Most disturbing is noise that constantly changes in pitch, intensity or frequency. We may become used to more common noise and almost ignore it. People, who live near airports for example, seem to not even hear the planes after a while. However, just because you

17、 become accustomed to the noise or are able to tune it out doesnt mean you are not being affected by it. Noise is measured in decibels. At 85 decibels, stress responses usually develop, and prolonged exposure to sounds above 90 decibels can result in hearing damage. 在职攻硕英语联考(英译汉)模拟试卷 3答案与解析 一、 Part

18、V Translation (30 minutes, 10 points) Directions: Translate the following passage into Chinese and put your translation on the ANSWER SHEET. 1 【正确答案】 自现代奥运会诞生之日起,各种族、宗教、民族的男性运动员均被允许参赛。 1896年奥运会尚无女性选手参赛。 1900年奥运会则开始有 部分女性高尔夫球选手和网球选手获准参赛。而到了 1928年奥运会,女性体操和田径运动员首次出现在比赛场上。此后,奥林匹克运动在女性中发展壮大。如今,女选手大约占据了参赛

19、选手总人数的半边天。 奥运会的变化还不仅限于此。例如,花样滑冰成为 1908年和 1920年夏季奥运会的运动项目,此外, 1920年的比赛项目中增加了冰球项目。这些项目随后成为冬季奥运会的竞赛项目。首届冬季奥运会于 1924年在法国举行。 举办现代奥运会的初衷在于促进世界和平,但有时它却沦为一个政治纷争的舞台。 1936年的柏林奥运会最受争议。当时的德国处于纳粹的统治下,在德国的犹太运动员被禁止代表德国队参赛。 在第一次和第二次世界大战期间,奥运会曾被迫两度停办。 1916年, 1940年和1944年未举行奥运会。 【知识模块】 英译汉 2 【正确答案】 在英国,报纸分为两种类型,即大版面的严

20、肃性报纸以及小版面的小报。两种类型的报纸不仅版面大小不同,而且内容也大相径庭。泰晤士报、卫报、每日电讯报等报纸为 大版面严肃性报纸,报纸内容涉猎广泛,政治、经济、国际问题等无所不包。文章较长、分析合理、语言正式。 而小报则对诸如名人恋情等不甚严肃的话题报道较多。文章篇幅短,语言浅显,常常配以大幅图片。英国最为畅销的太阳报即为小报,该报每日均在三版刊登一幅裸体女郎图片。 英国一个不那么著名的大版报纸独立报去年改为小版,结果销量大增。继独立报之后,泰晤士报也步其后尘,采用了小版面。尽管这两份报纸都采用小版面,但内容并无变化,仍为严肃性的报纸。 【知识模块】 英译汉 3 【正确答案】 很多健康爱好者

21、将英吉利海峡视作考验游泳者耐力的最高级的测试。在过去的 100年间,这片将英国和法国隔开的水域已成为上千人尝试渡海的场所。高高的海浪、冰冷的水温使得横渡英吉利海峡异常艰难。马体兹 ?韦布是世界上首位成功横渡该海峡的人。这位富有经验的英国游泳好手参加了几次长距离游泳,其中一次,他用了不足 5个小时便游完 21英里并破了记录。 1879年,马体兹 ?韦布花了 21小时零 45分钟的时间,从丹佛到加来,横渡了英吉利海峡,此后,许多游泳者都成功地完成了这一壮举。为防止作弊,一个名为海峡游泳协会的监督渡海者的 组织应运而生。该协会为确保渡海者的安全,还为每位渡海者安排一位观察员,观察员乘坐在小船上监督并

22、陪伴渡海者。 【知识模块】 英译汉 4 【正确答案】 据纽约时报报道,美国加利福尼亚州的房价自从 1997年以来已经上涨了 130,两倍于美国的房价。 近日,房价的强劲上升不仅限于某一地区或某一国家,而是成为了世界范围的普遍现象。 与法国、西班牙、英国、爱尔兰、瑞典或澳大利亚相比,美国近年的房价攀升幅度实在无足挂齿。 如今,价值百万美元的两居室已不再是纽约等地区特有的现象,在伦敦 、巴黎乃至中国香港,这种骇人听闻的高价房屋比比皆是。在新西兰, 2003年到 2004年房价增长了 16,在爱尔兰,其间涨幅为 10。 房价飙升令人不安,因为国际房屋市场热是全球化趋势的副产品。如今,房屋成为了最有价

23、值的不动产。且金融市场也日趋开放,日趋国际化,使得银行贷款购房或投机更为便利。 【知识模块】 英译汉 5 【正确答案】 任何人大凡与吵吵闹闹的人同住,或在喧闹的办公室上班,或学习时隔壁正在举行聚会,都可以证明噪音对人造成压力和影响有多大。人们已经发现,噪音同我们对工作的不满 有关系,噪音会让人愤怒,使人忧虑。有专家将噪音描述为我们环境里最令人生厌的压力。最让人烦扰的是音调、强度和频率不断发生变化的噪音。我们或许已经对一些较常见的噪音习以为常,因而几乎忽视了它们的存在。比如,居住在机场附近的人们,飞机响起一阵后才有所反应。虽然你已经习惯噪音,或者可以做到充耳不闻,但这并不意味着你没有受到噪音的影响。噪音用分贝来计算,当噪音达到 85分贝时,人们通常就会感到压力,长时间处于 90分贝的噪音下会损害人的听力。 【知识模块】 英译汉

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