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本文([外语类试卷]大学英语三级(A级)模拟试卷536及答案与解析.doc)为本站会员(周芸)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、大学英语三级( A级)模拟试卷 536及答案与解析 Section A Directions: This section is to test your ability to understand short dialogues There are 5 recorded dialogues in it After each dialogue there is a recorded question Both the dialogues and questions will be spoken only once When you hear a questi ( A) At a hotel. (

2、 B) At an airport. ( C) At a restaurant. ( D) At a bank. ( A) It is bigger. ( B) It is a prettier color. ( C) It has a larger garden. ( D) It has a prettier garden. ( A) Anderson is hungry. ( B) Anderson is not hungry. ( C) Anderson is full. ( D) Anderson is not full. ( A) Next week. ( B) This week.

3、 ( C) The day after tomorrow. ( D) Tomorrow. ( A) Shell go to the theatre. ( B) Shell go to England. ( C) Shell drive to see her sister. ( D) Shell drive her mother to the airport. Section B Directions: This section is to test your ability to understand short conversations There are 2 recorded conve

4、rsations in it After each conversation, there are some recorded questions Both the conversations and questions will be spoken two times W ( A) Hes trying to get out of the window. ( B) He s helping Freud. ( C) He s breaking into a house. ( D) He s leaving by the front door. ( A) The host of the hous

5、e. ( B) Freud s friend. ( C) A burglar. ( D) The host s brother. ( A) She has caught a cold. ( B) She has a headache. ( C) She feels tired and sleepy all the time. ( D) She is ill. ( A) She wants to stop learning the text. ( B) She wants to go abroad. ( C) She wants to see a doctor. ( D) She wants t

6、o rent a small flat. ( A) Because she is afraid of living by herself and she is short of money. ( B) Because she is afraid of seeing a doctor. ( C) Because she needs to rent a flat. ( D) Because she doesnt know the reason. Section C Directions: In this section you will hear a recorded short passage

7、The passage is printed in the test paper, but with some words or phrases missing The passage will be read two times 10 Travelers【 T1】 _ into two categories: those who make lists and those who do not. Some people prefer to plan the course of their trip to the【 T2】 _ detail. For others the joy of a tr

8、ip is its spontaneity. Neither【 T3】 _ works perfectly in South America. It is an area【 T4】 _ requires considerable preparation: internal flights often run only once or twice a week, and an advance【 T5】 _ can mean the difference between continuing to a new city and waiting several days for another fl

9、ight. 11 【 T1】 12 【 T2】 13 【 T3】 14 【 T4】 15 【 T5】 Section D Directions: This section is to test your ability to comprehend short passages You will hear a recorded passage After that you will hear five questions Both the passage and the questions will be read two times When you hear a question, you

10、should 16 What have people discovered about hobbies? Hobbies can be profitable and _. 17 What hobbies may become occupations? Painting, writing and_. 18 Whats the doctors opinion about hobbies? Hobbies help to make our lives_. 19 What kind of hobby should the baseball player have? Have_. 20 What kin

11、d of hobby should a person who always sits at a desk have? A person who always sits at a desk should have_ Section A Directions: There are 10 incomplete statements here You are required to complete each statement by choosing the appropriate answer from the 4 choices marked A),B), C) and D) 21 _the s

12、torm, the ship would have reached its destination on time. ( A) But for ( B) In case of ( C) In spite of ( D) Because of 22 _he was an old customer, the boss allowed 5% discount off the prices of the goods. ( A) Gave ( B) To give that ( C) Given that ( D) Giving that 23 The manager of the company in

13、sisted that all the staff members_the new safety rules. ( A) would observe ( B) observe ( C) observed ( D) will observe 24 Imagine yourself as a winner, _will make great contributions to your future success. ( A) that ( B) which ( C) it ( D) and 25 It was two days later_they began to discuss my sugg

14、estion. ( A) when ( B) that ( C) what ( D) on which 26 When I arrived home after a hard day at work, my wife_. ( A) was sleeping ( B) had been sleeping ( C) slept ( D) has been sleeping 27 If you cant put your PC_good use, sell it to those who really need it. ( A) into ( B) of ( C) to ( D) with 28 E

15、vidence came up_specific sounds are recognized by babies as young as 6 months old. ( A) what ( B) which ( C) that ( D) whose 29 Im still unable to make myself_in the discussion, which worries me a lot. ( A) to be understood ( B) understanding ( C) understood ( D) understand 30 Which do you think is_

16、important, health or wealth? ( A) most ( B) the most ( C) the more ( D) more Section B Directions: There are also 5 incomplete statements here You should fill in each blank with the proper form of the word given in the brackets 31 A series of cultural programs (hold)_in Shanghai to celebrate this la

17、rgest national sports meeting in history. 32 Do the results of the research have any practical (apply)_? 33 (not pass)_the final examination, she was laughed at by her classmates. 34 Your advice that the investigation (be)_postponed is reasonable. 35 Such facts as rain, snow, storm and wind are all

18、(phenomenon)_of nature. Task 1 Directions: After reading the following passage, you will find 5 questions or unfinished statements, numbered 36 through 40. For each question or statement there are 4 choices marked A, B, C, and D. You should make the correct choice 35 Suicide has been a cause of conc

19、ern in most societies for a long time. The classical Greeks, for example, required people who wanted to kill themselves to get permission from the senate. While this law is not without humor by todays standards, it clearly shows an awareness of the problem in times gone by. In todays society, suicid

20、e is much more prevalent than we want to admit. Why do people try to take their own lives? The motives for suicide can be categorized into areas such as failure, wrath, the need for attention, stress, and so on. However, the qualities of a person who wants to take his own life change from person to

21、person, making it difficult to depict (描写 ) the typical victim. To make the problem even more involved, people will often camouflage (掩盖 ) their true feelings, thus causing their friends to disregard problems that should be viewed as serious. In the U. S., a network of centers has been created to at

22、tempt to prevent suicides. People who are bitter, worried, or depressed are encouraged to contact workers at these centers. These workers, often trained volunteers, offer benevolent advice to the callers, trying to help the callers to see that suicide as a solution to problems is an illusion. The ac

23、complishments of these centers, in so far as their effectiveness to reduce suicide is concerned, are minimal. However, they have helped a lot of people with a variety of problems. So, in the somewhat amorphous (难以名状的 ) area of man helping his fellow man, they are certainly a success. 36 Which of the

24、 following arguments is TRUE according to the article? ( A) The classical Greeks did not know the existence of suicide. ( B) Suicide has always been prevalent in all parts of the world. ( C) In today s society, there are quite a number of people who commit suicide. ( D) Nowadays suicide is not as co

25、mmon as it was in the past. 37 Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a motive for suicide? ( A) Insanity. ( B) Pressure. ( C) The need for attention. ( D) Great anger. 38 Which of the following statements is NOT true? ( A) People who want to take their own lives often disguise their feelings. (

26、 B) It is difficult to describe what kind of people tend to commit suicide. ( C) Suicide has been a problem in most cities since ancient times. ( D) People who commit suicide all share certain characteristics. 39 The word “benevolent“ (Line 3, Para. 3)means_. ( A) relevant ( B) kind ( C) serious ( D

27、) effective 40 The third paragraph mainly tells us that_. ( A) a network of centers has been quite effective in reducing suicide ( B) a network of centers help the callers to realize that suicide is a common social problem ( C) people are making efforts to help those who tend to commit suicide and i

28、n a way, they are successful ( D) in the US, people who want to commit suicide call a network of centers to get help Task 2 Directions: This task is the same as Task 1 The 5 questions or unfinished statements are numbered 41 through 45 40 The appeal of advertising to buying motives can have both neg

29、ative and positive effects. Consumers may be convinced to buy a product of poor quality or high price because of an advertisement. For example, some advertisers have appealed to peoples desire for better fuel economy for their cars by advertising automotive products that improve gasoline mileage. So

30、me of the products work. Others are worthless and a waste of consumers money. Sometimes advertising is intentionally misleading. A few years ago, a brand of bread was offered to dieters (节食者 ) with the message that there were fewer calories (热量单位,卡路里 ) in every slice. It turned out that the bread wa

31、s not dietetic (适合节食的 ), but just regular bread. There were fewer calories because it was sliced very thin, but there were the same number of calories in every loaf. On the positive side, emotional appeals may respond to a consumers real concerns, considering fire insurance. Fire insurance may be so

32、ld by appealing to fear of loss. But fear of loss is the real reason for fire insurance. The security of knowing that property is protected by insurance makes the purchase of fire insurance a worthwhile investment for most people. If consumers consider the quality of the insurance plans as well as t

33、he message in the ads, they will benefit from the advertising. Each consumer must evaluate her or his own situation. Are the benefits of the product important enough to justify buying it? Advertising is intended to appeal to consumers, but it does not force them to buy the product. Consumers still c

34、ontrol the final buying decision. 41 Advertising can persuade the consumer to buy worthless products by_. ( A) stressing their high quality ( B) convincing him of their low price ( C) maintaining a balance between quality and price ( D) appealing to his buying motives 42 The reason why the bread adv

35、ertisement is misleading is that_. ( A) thin slices of bread could contain more calories ( B) the loaf was cut into regular slices ( C) the bread was not genuine bread ( D) the total number of calories in the loaf remained the same 43 The passage tells us that_. ( A) sometimes advertisements really

36、sell what the consumer needs ( B) advertisements occasionally force consumers into buying things they don t need ( C) the buying motives of consumers are controlled by advertisements ( D) fire insurance is seldom a worthwhile investment 44 It can be inferred from the passage that a smart consumer sh

37、ould_. ( A) think carefully about the benefits described in the advertisements ( B) guard against the deceiving nature of advertisements ( C) be familiar with various advertising strategies ( D) avoid buying products that have strong emotional appeal 45 The passage is mainly about_. ( A) how to make

38、 a wise buying decision ( B) ways to protect the interests of the consumer ( C) the positive and negative aspects of advertising ( D) the function of advertisements in promoting sales Task 3 Directions: The following is a passage After reading it, you are required to complete the blanks below it(No

39、46 through No 50) You should write your answers briefly in no more than three words 45 The first training class for employees of state-owned enterprises, sponsored by the State Development and Planning Commission and the Motorola (摩托罗拉 ) Co This is the first cooperation project after the two sides s

40、igned a memorandum (备忘录 ) of understanding in April 1997. The participants in the 10-day class included 65 general managers, managerial personnel and technicians from 17 enterprises. According to the memorandum, Motorola will train personnel from 1,000 enterprises over a five-year period. The traini

41、ng focuses on business management, financial management, market plan, quality control, management skill and labor resources management. It also includes high-level training for selected personnel and assistance in financing for some enterprises in equipment innovation (革新 ). Motorola hopes to promot

42、e advanced business management skills through the project, and train sales people for its projects. 1)The training project will last for【 R1】 _ . 2) The memorandum of understanding were signed in【 R2】 _ . 3) According to the memorandum, personnel from【 R3】 _ will be trained. 4) Motorola carries out

43、the project to promote advanced【 R4】 _ and【 R5】_ for its projects. 46 【 R1】 47 【 R2】 48 【 R3】 49 【 R4】 50 【 R5】 Task 4 Directions: The following is a passage After reading it,you are required to find the items equivalent to those given in Chinese in the table below Then you should put the correspond

44、ing letters in the brackets, numbered 51 through 55 50 Asocialist economy Lprivate sector Bcapitalist economy Mpublic sector Ccollective economy Neconomic channels Dplanned economy Oeconomic balance Econtrolled economy Peconomic fluctuation Frural economy Qeconomic depression Gliberal economy Recono

45、mic stability Hmixed economy Seconomic policy Ipolitical economics Teconomic recovery Jprotectionism Ueconomic trend Kprimary sector Veconomic situation Examples: (S)经济政策 (D)计划经济 51 ( )经济平衡 ( )经济复原 52 ( )公共部门 ( )社会主义经济 53 ( )经济趋势 ( )经济波动 54 ( )混合经济 ( )政治经济学 55 ( )自由经济 ( )经济形势 Task 5 Directions: The

46、following is a passage After reading it, you should give brief answers to the 5 questions(No 56 through No 60)that follow The answers(in no more than 3 words)should be written after the corresponding numbers 55 Room 504, Xiamen Hotel Xiamen December 26th, 2008 Dear Sir or Madam, I arrived in Xiamen

47、from Nanjing this morning by Express Train No. 25. At the Nanjing station I registered a trunk, but when I went to your luggage office to draw it this afternoon, I was told it was missing. The check I hold is No. 100694. I shall be very much obliged if you will kindly trace the missing article at on

48、ce, as there are in it many important things, of which I am in urgent need. My trunk bears my personal name “James White“. I am now staying in Room 504, Xiamen Hotel. If you have retrieved it, please inform me soon or contact me by calling 8765432. Thanks! James White 56 When does he arrive in Xiame

49、n? 57 Which train does he take? 58 Where does he register his trunk? At_. 59 What is the number of the check he holds? 60 Where is he staying now? 61 Though telephone is indispensable in ones everyday life It brings a lot of troubles as well ( A)虽然电话在日常生活中是不可缺少的,但它同时也带来了许多麻烦。 ( B)即使电话在一个人的生活中也不贵,但它带来很多好处的同时也

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