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1、大学英语三级( B级)模拟试卷 142及答案与解析 Section A Directions: This section is to test your ability to give proper answers to questions. There are 5 recorded questions in it. After each question, there is a pause. The questions will be spoken two times. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct an

2、swer from the 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. ( A) It matters a lot. ( B) I feel rather tiredd. ( C) I dont like it. ( D) It doesnt matter. ( A) No, you cant help me. ( B) Sorry, I dont want to. ( C) Please. ( D) Id like to buy a pen. ( A) What a pleasure. ( B) Im very pleased. ( C) Its my pleasure.

3、 ( D) Pleased to meet you. ( A) Happy birthday to you, Mary. ( B) You, too. ( C) Thank you. ( D) Youre too polite. ( A) Nothing. ( B) Not bad, thanks. ( C) Very well, thank you. ( D) Thats all right. Section B Directions: This section is to test your ability to understand short dialogues. There are

4、5 recorded dialogues in it. After each dialogue, there is a recorded question. The dialogues and questions will be spoken two times. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. ( A) He doesnt like wine. ( B) He wont have any wine. ( C) H

5、e will drive home. ( D) He offers the woman some wine. ( A) Spring. ( B) Autumn. ( C) Summer. ( D) Winter. ( A) 15:10 ( B) 15:30 ( C) 15:40 ( D) 15:00 ( A) Coffee. ( B) Tea or coffee. ( C) Tea and coffee. ( D) Tea. ( A) She will leave Paris for Shanghai. ( B) She will leave her family in Shanghai. (

6、 C) She will leave for Beijing. ( D) She will leave for Paris. Section C Directions: In this section you will hear a short recorded passage. The passage has some words or phrases missing. The passage will be read three times. During the second reading, you are required to put the missing words or ph

7、rases on the blank in order of numbered blanks according to what you hear. The third reading is for you to check your writing. Now the passage will begin. 11 “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy“. It is true that all of us need recreation (娱乐 ). We cannot study all the time if we are going to

8、 maintain good (11) and enjoy life. Everyone has his own way of (12) . Perhaps the most popular way is to participate in sports such as baseball, basketball, football, fishing, skiing and mountain (13) But not everyone who (14) sporting events likes to participate in them. Many people prefer to be s

9、pectators (观众 ). It doesnt (15) whether we play a fast game of ping-pong, concentrate over the bridge table, or go walking through the woods on a brisk autumn afternoon. It is important for everyone to relax from time to time and enjoy some form of recreation. Section A Directions: In this section,

10、there are 10 incomplete sentences. You are required to complete each one by deciding on the most appropriate word or words from the 4 choices marked A , B, C, and D. 16 He _ from the bridge and rescued the drowning boy. ( A) died ( B) dived ( C) divided ( D) decided 17 After reading the fashion maga

11、zine, I realized that my clothes were _. ( A) out of date ( B) out of control ( C) out of order ( D) out of sight 18 The garbage at the street corner _ terrible. ( A) is smelt ( B) smells ( C) is smelling ( D) is to smell 19 It was not until bedtime _ he hurried back to the dormitory. ( A) when ( B)

12、 that ( C) unless ( D) which 20 She is _ in chemistry but good at English. ( A) well ( B) bad ( C) strong ( D) weak 21 He is _ good student that every teacher likes him very much. ( A) so a ( B) a so ( C) such a ( D) a such 22 Neither he nor I myself _ going to Beijing this summer vacation. ( A) am

13、( B) is ( C) arc ( D) is or am 23 -Alice, you look _. What happened? - Well, I failed in the exams. ( A) interested ( B) depressed ( C) puzzled ( D) happy 24 I prefer playing football to _ tennis. ( A) play ( B) being playing ( C) played ( D) playing 25 This is the tallest building that _ in this ci

14、ty. ( A) is ever built ( B) was ever built ( C) has ever been built ( D) has ever built Section B Directions: There are 10 incomplete statements here. You should fill in each bland with the proper form of the word given in the brackets. 26 His performance in the test is (satisfy) _ , but there is st

15、ill room for improvement. 27 They all came early, but she came (early) _ of all. 28 The doctor advised that Mike (stay) _ in hospital until he was fully recovered. 29 Mary (change) _ a lot since I last saw her. 30 We become used to (see) _ blood on the news on TV. 31 The elephant is four times as (l

16、arge) _ as the horse. 32 Hard work is regarded as the key to (make) _ progress. 33 Whether we go or not is (depend)_ on the weather. 34 Jim wants to have his bedroom (paint) _ and is looking for someone who can do the job. 35 The police (look) _ for the lost child all day long. Task 1 Directions: Af

17、ter reading the following passage, you will find 5 questions or unfinished statements, numbered 36 through 40. For each question or statement there are 4 choices marked A, B, C, and D. You should make the correct choice. 36 A budget (预算 ) is a spending plan. It can help you spend money wisely. It ca

18、n do this by cutting out wasteful spending. Of course, preparing a budget takes planning, and following a budget takes willpower (自制力 ). You budget should meet your familys needs and income. The first step in creating a budget is to set your goals. What do6s your family need and want? You must know

19、all that to work out the details of the budget. Never spend more than you can. Then decide which goals are the most important. The next step is estimating family income. Before you can plan wisely, you need to know how much money you have to spend! Write down all the money you expect to receive (wag

20、es, saving, interest, etc.) during the planned budget period. After you have calculated how much money will be available, it is time to estimate expenses. List all of your family expenses. If you are not satisfied with what you got for your money, look carefully at your spending. Studying your recor

21、ds will show where overspending has occurred. It will also point out poor buying habits. It is also a good idea to set aside a small amount of money for emergencies (紧急情况 ). Every family has small emergencies: a blown tier, a broken device, or the need for medical care. 36 According to the passage,

22、what is the advantage of a budget? ( A) It can help you set your goals clearly. ( B) It can help you save a lot of money. ( C) It can help you get rid of poor buying habits. ( D) It can help you spend money wisely. 37 In carrying out your budget, you need _ . ( A) to have the ability to control your

23、self ( B) to ask your family members for advice ( C) to cut it down as much as possible ( D) to take care not to buy expensive things 38 According to the passage, one advantage of keeping a record of your spending is that _ . ( A) you will remember how much you have already spent ( B) you will know

24、if you have spent more money than you planned ( C) you will be able to tell your family what should not be bought ( D) you will learn how to make a better budget next time 39 The writer suggests that it is a good idea to set aside some money because _ . ( A) you probably will not be able to follow y

25、our budget ( B) people usually spend more than they plan to do ( C) one can hardly plan everything in advance ( D) others may want to borrow something in advance 40 This passage is mainly about _ . ( A) the meaning of a budget ( B) the relation between budget and income ( C) the way a budget is made

26、 ( D) the importance of making a budget Task 2 Directions: This task is the same as Task 1. The 5 questions or unfinished statements are numbered 41 through 45. 41 American cities are similar to other cities around the world. In every country, cities reflect the values of the culture. Cities contain

27、 the very best aspects of a society: opportunities for education, employment, and entertainment. They also contain the very worst parts of a society: violent crime, racial conflict (种族冲突 ), and poverty. American cities are changing, just as American society is changing. After World War , city reside

28、nts became wealthier, more prosperous. They had more children. They needed more space. They moved out of their apartments in the city to buy their own homes. They bought houses in the suburbs, areas near a city where people live. There are areas without many offices or factories. During the 1950s th

29、e American “dream“ was to have a house in the suburbs. Now things are changing. The children of the people who left the cities in 1950s are now adults. They, unlike their parents, want to live in the cities. Many young professionals, doctors, lawyers, and executives (执行官,行政官 ), are moving back into

30、the city. Many are single; others are married, but often without children. They prefer the city to the suburbs because their jobs are there; they are afraid of the fuel shortage; or they just enjoy the excitement and opportunities which the city offers. A new class is moving into the city-a wealthie

31、r, more mobile class. Only a few years ago, people thought that the older American cities were dying. Some city residents now see a bright, new future. Others see only problems and conflicts. One thing is sure: Many dying cities are alive again. 41 Paragraph 1 _ . ( A) explains why American cities a

32、re changing ( B) is a description of cities ( C) shows that American cities have many problems ( D) says: “American cities contain the very best aspects of a society“ 42 In the 1950s the American “dream“ was _ . ( A) to have a color TV set ( B) to buy an apartment in the city ( C) to have a big car

33、( D) to buy a new house in the suburbs 43 In paragraph 3, the author gives _ reasons why people want to live in cities. ( A) two ( B) three ( C) four ( D) five 44 According to the article, cities are _ . ( A) sick ( B) living ( C) alive again ( D) dying 45 The movement of people to and from the city

34、 can explain. ( A) social changes ( B) violent crime ( C) racial conflict ( D) the best aspects of a society Task 3 Directions: The following is a passage. After reading it, you are required to complete the outline in the table below (No. 46 through 50). You should write your answers briefly (in no

35、more than 3 words) on the blanks. 46 When you walk into a National Forest, you really believe youre the first person whos ever been here. Funny thing is, youre not. These forests have been used for over a hundred years. From this timber stand (堆木场 ), settlers used wood to build their homes. And ties

36、 (枕木 ) were cut for the railroad. Hard to believe, isnt it? But thats the Miracle of the Forest. With careful management these forests have renewed themselves, year after year providing us with all kinds of benefits. And thats why we call them “Forever Forests“. Come to see for yourself! And get inv

37、olved with the new “forests for us“ program and tell people all about the Miracle of the Forest. For more information, write: Forest for Us, P. O. Box 2000, Washington, DC 20013. Miracle of the Forest In addition to many other things, the National Forests have provided (46) for the building of house

38、s, and (47) for the railroad. The National Forests have renewed themselves because of (48) and so they are now called (49) . This advertisement invites readers to join in the program of (50) . Task 4 Directions: The following is a list of terms. After reading it, you are required to find the items e

39、quivalent to those given in Chinese in the table below. Than you should put the corresponding letters in the brackets of question NO. 51-55. 51 A-credit analysis B-base price C-enquiry D-regular purchase E-quantity discount F-retail price G-bilateral trade H-selling prospects I-wholesale price J-con

40、ditions of sale K-cash discount L-sales programme M-average price N-freight O-current price P-net price Q-commission R-credit 51 ( )销售条件 ( )信用 52 ( )销售计划 ( )批发价 53 ( )数量折扣 ( )信用分析 54 ( )询盘 ( )净价 55 ( )底价 ( )零售价 Task 5 Directions: The following is a passage. After reading the passage you should give

41、brief answers to the 5 questions (No.56 through No.60) following them. 56 Aug. 4, 2000 Dear Mr. Smith, Thank you very much for your letter of 18th, July. We have also received the cow split leather and work glove samples (样品 ) you sent us. We are glad to inform you that your order for the work glove

42、s has been put to work. As we cant see which one is Item P79252 and which one is Item SUP 100, please give us an explanation as soon as possible. We have pleasure in informing you that we have given the above mentioned cow split leather and your samples to our factory for producing sample products.

43、When we get any further news, we will contact you right away. We thank you very much for this first order, and hope that this transaction (交易 ) will be the beginning of a long and friendly connection with your firm. We look forward to hearing from you soon. Yours truly, Peter Anderson 56 What did Pe

44、ter get together with the letter of 18th, July? _ and work glove samples. 57 What has already been put into production? The _ in the order. 58 Why did Peter ask for an explanation about the two items mentioned? Because he _ the difference between them. 59 When will Peter contact Mr. Smith again? Whe

45、n he has _ . 60 For what did Peter thank Mr. Smith at the end of the letter? For _ . 61 He was asked to speak louder so that all of us could hear him. ( A)他要求大声说话,所以我们都能够听他说。 ( B)他要求大声说话,以便我们大家都能够听到他。 ( C)要求他讲话声音大一点,以便我们大家都能够听到他的话。 ( D)要求他讲话声音大一点,这样我们都能够听他 说了。 62 This exam isnt that important. Dont

46、take it to heart. ( A)这次考试不那么重要,别往心里去。 ( B)这次考试不是那种重要的,不要用心去记。 ( C)这次考试不那么重要,不要往这里拿。 ( D)这次考试不重要,别放在心里。 63 Did you have any difficulty getting this work done? ( A)在完成这个工作的过程中你是否遇到了困难 ? ( B)你完成这个工作有什么困难吗 ? ( C) 你有困难但还是要让这个工作做成了吗 ? ( D)得到这个工作做起来有困难吗 ? 64 Mr. Fox was lucky enough to have changed his fl

47、ight and arrived safe. ( A)福克斯先生改变了航班又安全到达,真幸运。 ( B)福克斯先生够幸运了。为他变了航班而安全到达。 ( C)福克斯先生够幸运了。他改变了航班所以安全到达。 ( D)福克斯先生幸运地改变了航班并且安全到达。 65 Regarding the trademark to be used in the international market for the product made by the joint venture, we consider that either the same trademark as that the foreigne

48、rs have been using or a new one may be used, depending upon which is better for marketing. 一、 Part V Writing (25 minutes) Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing. You are required to write an letter or composition according to the following information. 66 说明:请以宿舍管理委员会的名义,按通告的格式和要求,写一份于 2006年 7月 30号公布的通知,包括以下内容: 1时间: 8月 5日晚上 7点 2会议地点: 3栋 103室 3会议内容:学生宿舍安全问题 4出席人员:每间寝室一名代表 5要求:带笔记本,按时到场 Words for reference: 学生宿舍 dormitory 宿舍管理委员会 The Dormitory Committee 大学英语三级( B级)模拟试卷 142答案与解析

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