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本文([外语类试卷]大学英语六级改革适用(听力)模拟试卷82及答案与解析.doc)为本站会员(lawfemale396)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、大学英语六级改革适用(听力)模拟试卷 82及答案与解析 Section A ( A) She doesnt like roller skating. ( B) Shes writing a story about roller skating. ( C) Shes too busy to go roller skating. ( D) The man shouldnt be going roller skating. ( A) He already bought a car. ( B) He didnt mean to bother the woman. ( C) He didnt say h

2、e would call the woman. ( D) He forgot to call the woman. ( A) Admission to the movie is free. ( B) Shell lend the man some money. ( C) Shell buy the tickets for the movie. ( D) She paid for the movie the last time. ( A) He was surprised the woman didnt like the concert. ( B) He enjoyed the concert

3、more than the woman did. ( C) He was not mpressed by the conducting. ( D) He didnt like the choice of music. ( A) The man and woman live on Elm Street. ( B) The directions the woman got were wrong. ( C) The man and woman are unfamiliar with the area. ( D) The woman already called for directions. ( A

4、) Shes usually in a good mood. ( B) She doesnt feel as cheerful as she looks. ( C) She enjoyed her sons visit. ( D) Shes happy because of the weather. ( A) Hell miss Professor Lawrence. ( B) Hes surprised to hear the womans news. ( C) Professor Lawrence will continue to work part-time. ( D) Professo

5、r Lawrence has found a new job. ( A) Hes not planning to move. ( B) He has found a new apartment. ( C) Hes looking for a new roommate. ( D) Hes also having trouble with his apartment. ( A) He should do more. ( B) Shed be glad to help him. ( C) He should be paid. ( D) Hes done a lot. ( A) Shed rather

6、 go later. ( B) Shed rather sew for an hour. ( C) The library is only open an hour more. ( D) The library closed an hour ago. ( A) Sit down to eat. ( B) Take the womans order. ( C) Look for some apples. ( D) Remove the womans unfinished salad. ( A) The woman should wait to buy new clothes. ( B) The

7、cold weather will probably continue. ( C) The weather will warm up soon. ( D) He already has a warm coat. ( A) Shes happy that the student center is getting more computers. ( B) Shell let the man use her computer. ( C) She hopes to take a statistics course soon. ( D) Shed like to buy a computer. ( A

8、) Reschedule the meeting. ( B) Cancel his membership. ( C) Take some time to decide. ( D) Talk to the committee. ( A) Larry usually gets good grades. ( B) He helped Larry write the report. ( C) Hes surprised at Larrys grade. ( D) Its strange that Larry and Mark are lab partners. ( A) She didnt go sk

9、iing last year. ( B) Shes just learning to ski. ( C) She doesnt travel very often. ( D) She enjoyed her vacation very much. ( A) The man was excited about winning. ( B) The man is very lucky. ( C) The man is feeling better now. ( D) The man felt bad about losing. ( A) He doesnt have time to do his l

10、aundry. ( B) Hed like the woman to buy some detergent. ( C) Hes going to the store. ( D) Hes going to buy some detergent. ( A) He enjoys :he history class. ( B) He has plenty of time to study. ( C) He wants to take another history class. ( D) He has too many tests. ( A) Its harmful for him to use hi

11、s voice. ( B) He needs to see a doctor. ( C) He hasn t been taking his medicine. ( D) Its difficult to understand him when he whispers. 大学英语六级改革适用(听力)模拟试卷 82答案与解析 Section A 1 【听力原文】 M:Its a beautiful day today. Want to go roller skating? W:Any other time would be great, but today Im working on a pap

12、er. Q:What does the woman mean? 1 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 “roller skating”是指 “滑旱冰 ”。引导相反意思的 “but”表明 W不能和 M一起去滑旱冰,因为她要写论文。可见, W是因为太忙而不能去,因此选C。 【知识模块】 短对话 2 【听力原文】 W:I thought you said you were going to call me last week about that car Im selling. M:Oh, Im sorry! It completely slipped my mind. Q:What does the

13、 man mean? 2 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 “slip ones mind ”意思是 “忘记了 ”。可见, M没有给 W打电话是因为他忘掉了,因此选 D, 【知识模块】 短对话 3 【听力原文】 M:Before we go to the movie theater, I have to stop at the bank and get some money. W:Dont worry about that. This is my treat. Q: What does the woman mean? 3 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 这道题的考点是 “treat”,意思是 “

14、请客 ”。 W让 M不必为钱担忧,因为这次她请客。可见,电影票会由 W来买。 【知识模块】 短对话 4 【听力原文】 W:How did you ike the concert? I found it really moving. M:I love classical music, but that conductor seemed a bit inexperienced. Q: What does the man mean? 4 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 引导相反意思的 “but”表明 M的看法与 W的看法不同,他认为乐队指挥 (conductor)经验不足。因此正确答案是 C。 【知

15、识模块】 短对话 5 【听力原文】 M:I cant find anywhere on this map. I dont think there is any such street. W:Its probably in a new part of town. Well have to call for directions. Q:What can be inferred from the conversation? 5 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 根据 “map”(地图 )和 “call for directions”(打电话问方向 )等关键词 (组 )不难判断 M和 W是在找路,选项

16、A很容易可以排除。他们只使用了地图,还没有问过路,所以可以排除选项 B。 W说 “well have to call for directions”,这说明她还没有打过电话问路。因此可以排除选项 D。可以推测,他们对自己现在所在的地方不熟悉,因此选 C。 【知识模块】 短对话 6 【听力原文】 M:You seem cheerful today. W:Its nice to see the sun for a change. Q:What does the woman mean? 6 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 “for a change”意思是 “改变一下 ”。可见, W今天很高兴是因为

17、出太阳了。与之意思最接近的是选项 D。由于 son和 sun发音相同,选项 C是一个干扰项,考生需留意这里所用的是定冠词 the,如果 W是在说见到儿子很高兴,那么就应该用 my而不是 the了,从而可以排除这一干扰项。 【知识模块】 短对话 7 【听力原文】 W:I cant believe that Professor Lawrence is going to retire. M:Hes still going to lead a graduate seminar each semester, though. Q:What does the man mean? 7 【正确答案】 C 【试题

18、解析】 “retire”是 “退休 ”的意思。 Lawrence教授虽然打算退休了,但他仍然会主持一个研究生专题讲座。可见,他仍然会有部分时间工作,因此选 C。 【知识模块】 短对话 8 【听力原文】 W:Were having all kinds of trouble finding a new apartment for next year. What about you? M:My roommate and I decided that this year wed stay put. Q: What does the man mean? 8 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 这道题的关键在

19、于掌握词组 “stay put”意思是 “原地不动 ”。也就是说, W今年 仍然会继续住下去,不会搬家。 【知识模块】 短对话 9 【听力原文】 M:I fixed the window, painted the bookcase, and repaired the desk chair. W: Been busy, havent you? Q: What does the woman imply about the man? 9 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 M列举了自己干的种种活儿, W的反意疑问句用降调表示强调:“很忙,不是吗 ?”可见, W认为 M干了很多 活,因此选 D。 【知识模

20、块】 短对话 10 【听力原文】 M: Want to go to the library now, Betty? W: How about in an hour or so? Q: What does Betty mean? 10 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 “how about”是征求他人意见的一种表达法。 “一小时左右之后怎么样 ?”可见, W想稍后再去图书馆。 B利用 or so中的 so与 sew读音相同,设立干扰项,但迷惑性不是很强。 【知识模块】 短 对话 11 【听力原文】 W: Excuse me. Your menu has so many salads. Could

21、you recommend something? M: I think youll find that the chefs salad is particularly good. The dressing is made with fresh apples. Q: What will the man probably do next? 11 【正确答案】 B 【试 题解析】 W想让 M推荐一下菜。 M告诉她说,主厨的沙拉做得特别好,调味酱是用新鲜的苹果制成的。不难判断, M是一位服务生,他接下来要做的事情显然是为 W点菜。 【知识模块】 短对话 12 【听力原文】 W:If this weat

22、her keeps up, Im going to have to buy a warmer coat. M:Sounds like a good idea. Spring is still a long way off, you know. Q:What does the man mean? 12 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 “a long way off”是一个固定词组,意思是 “在远处,离得远 ”。 M选成 W买一件更暖和的外衣,因为春天还离得很远。也就是说,这种寒冷的天气可能还会继续下去,因此选 B。 【知识模块】 短对话 13 【听力原文】 M:Im so frustrated.

23、 Were supposed to do our assignments for statistics on the computer, but the ones in the student center are always tied up. W:I know what you mean. Im looking forward to the day when I can afford to get my own. Q:What does the woman mean? 13 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 “look forward to”意思是 “期待 ”。 W期待着有一天自己可以买得起

24、电脑。与之意思接近的是选项 D。 be tied up:被占用。 【知识模块 】 短对话 14 【听力原文】 W:Ted, would you be interested in serving on the membership committee this year? M:Uh. Can I get back to you on that? Q: What will the man probably do? 14 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 W问 M是否对今年参加会员资格审查委员会感兴趣, M问,关于这一点是否可以回头再来找她,不难推断, M是想先考虑一下再作决定 。 【知识模块】 短对

25、话 15 【听力原文】 W:Larry got a very high mark on his lab report. M:How he managed that is a mystery to me. Q:What does the man imply? 15 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 “that”指代的是 Larry得高分这件事。 Larry是如何获得高分的,这在 M看来是一个谜。不难看出, M对 Larry获得高分感到很吃惊。 【知识模块】 短对话 16 【听力原文】 M:I heard you went to Colorado skiing over winter break.

26、W:It was the most fun Ive had in years! Q:What does the woman mean? 16 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 “in years”意思是 “近年来 ”。 W说,她寒假在科罗拉多滑雪是几年来最好玩的事情。可见,她过得非常愉快,因此选 D。 【知识模块】 短对话 17 【听力原文】 M:I really thought Id wind the match. W:Oh well, better luck next time, Harry. Q:What can be inferred from the conversation? 17

27、【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 “better luck next time”是失败时鼓励人的话,意思是 “希望下次运气好一些 ”。可见, M输了比赛, W正在鼓励她,只有选项 D与之意思相符。 【知识模块】 短对话 18 【听力原文】 W:Im going to the store. Need anything? M:Well, I am low on laundry detergent. Q: What does the man imply? 18 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 这道题的关键在于掌握 “low”在这个语境里的意思是 “少的,不足的 ”。 W正要去商店,问 M是否需要什么东

28、西。 M回答说,他正缺少洗衣服的清洁剂 (detergent)。不难推断, M希望 W帮他买些清洁剂。 【知识模块】 短对话 19 【听力原文】 W: Have you heard? Theres going to be a history exam next Friday. M:Just what I need. another test to study for! Q: What does the man imply? 19 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 这道题的关键在于把握 M所说的是反话。听到下周五又要有考试了, M说道: “这正是我所需要的 又要为了考试而学习 !”体味到其中的反讽

29、语气之后,不难判断 M实际很厌恶一再考试。正确答案是 D。 【知识模块】 短对话 20 【听力原文】 M:Sams voice sounds awful. I could barely hear him. W: Yes, hes got a terrible sore throat the doctor said he shouldnt even attempt to whisper. Q:What does the woman imply about Sam? 20 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 “sore throat”是指 “喉咙痛 ”。 Sam的喉咙痛得很严重,医生说他甚至不应该试着低声说话。也就是说,说话对他的喉咙有害,因此选 A。 【知识模块】 短对话

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