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本文([外语类试卷]大学英语六级改革适用(听力)模拟试卷90及答案与解析.doc)为本站会员(ideacase155)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、大学英语六级改革适用(听力)模拟试卷 90及答案与解析 Section B ( A) Rock formations in the Nevada desert. ( B) Graduate studies in anthropology. ( C) Excavation techniques used in archaeology. ( D) Prehistoric desert people of Nevada. ( A) They planned their migrations. ( B) They didnt travel far from their base camps. ( C)

2、 They hid from their enemies in caves. ( D) They planted seeds near their camps. ( A) They had trouble finding it. ( B) Lack of light made it impossible. ( C) It was too small for a group to fit into. ( D) Items stored by others took up most of the space. ( A) Prehistoric desert people. ( B) Migrato

3、ry animals. ( C) Food supplies and tools. ( D) Growing plants. ( A) To illustrate the size of some objects. ( B) To introduce the next assignment. ( C) To show some artifacts on display at the campus museum. ( D) To demonstrate his photographic ability. ( A) A comparison of fish to warm-blooded anim

4、als. ( B) The difference between saltwater and freshwater environments. ( C) The importance of fish to human beings. ( D) How water has affected the development of fish. ( A) It cant be compressed. ( B) It is often polluted. ( C) Its temperature often fluctuates dramatically. ( D) It limits their si

5、ze. ( A) A whale. ( B) A human. ( C) A snake. ( D) A snail. ( A) Its skeleton. ( B) Its shape. ( C) Its senses. ( D) Its body temperature. ( A) Whether it is necessary to put labels on prepared foods. ( B) What the daily requirements for certain nutrients should be. ( C) How to get consumers to read

6、 labels more carefully. ( D) What information food manufacturers should provide to consumers. ( A) To demonstrate that current consumer trends are stable. ( B) To compare current consumer trends to those of the past. ( C) To indicate that most consumers actively research the products they buy. ( D)

7、To show that there has been a decrease in consumer awareness. ( A) Stricter standards for food preparation. ( B) More detailed labels on food. ( C) Removing certain foods from the market. ( D) Regular testing of food products. ( A) They were unable to comprehend a label without percentages. ( B) The

8、y preferred more basic labeling. ( C) They were unwilling to do simple arithmetic. ( D) They thought the language on labels was too technical. ( A) To describe a college training program. ( B) To recruit people for a job. ( C) To discuss problems faced by the airline industry. ( D) To describe a rec

9、ent trip. ( A) A four-year college degree. ( B) Letters of reference. ( C) Extensive travel experience. ( D) Experience working with the public. ( A) Psychology. ( B) World history. ( C) Modern languages. ( D) Geography. ( A) To introduce the next speaker. ( B) To explain her previous job. ( C) To d

10、escribe some of the skills flight attendants need. ( D) To describe the background needed by applicants. ( A) The high salary. ( B) The free college tuition. ( C) The chance to meet people. ( D) The opportunity for advancement. 大学英语六级改革适用(听力)模拟试卷 90答案与解析 Section B 1 【听力原文】 Todays lecture will center

11、 on prehistoric people of the Nevada desert. Now, most of these prehistoric desert people moved across the countryside throughout the year. You might think that they were wandering aimlessly far from it! They actually followed a series of carefully planned moves. Where they moved depended on where f

12、ood was available places where plants were ripening or fish were spawning. Now often when these people moved, they carried all their possessions on their backs, but if the journey was long, extra food and tools were sometimes stored in caves or beneath rocks. One of these caves is now an exciting ar

13、chaeological site. Beyond its small opening is a huge underground grotto. Even though the caves very large, it was certainly too dark and dusty for the travelers to live in but it was a great place to hide things, and tremendous amounts of food supplies and artifacts have been found there. The food

14、includes dried fish, seeds, and nuts. The artifacts include stone spear points and knives: the spear points are actually rather small. Heres a picture of some that were found. You can see their size in relation to the hands holding them. 5. What is the main subject of this talk? 6. What point does t

15、he speaker make about the prehistoric people of the Nevada desert? 7. Why didnt people live in the cave described by the speaker? 8. What have archaeologists found in the cave? 9. Why does the speaker show a photo to the class? 1 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 一般来说,讲稿的主题常常是开门见山式的,这段话正是如此。“centeron”意思是 “以 为主题,以 为中心

16、 ”。这段话是以内华达州沙漠里的史前人类为中心的,因此选 D。 spawn:产卵; grotto:洞穴。 【知识模块】 短文理解 2 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 “far from”意思是 “完全不是,远远不是 ”。人们一般以为这些史前人类的迁移毫无目的性,但事实远远不是如此,他们的行动是有计划的 。与之意思相符的只有选项 A。 migration:迁移。 【知识模块】 短文理解 3 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 洞穴虽然非常大,但是太暗多尘,不能居住,只有选项 B里提到的 “缺乏光线 ”符合这两个原因之中的一个。 【知识模块】 短文理解 4 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 考古学家们在

17、洞穴里面发现了大量的食物供给 (food supplies)和史前古器物 (artifacts),前者包括干鱼、种子、坚果;后者包括石制矛头和刀。因此正确答案是 C。 【知识模块】 短文理解 5 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 教授所展示的照片上面是一些史前矛头,通过与拿着矛头的手进行对比,学生们可以看到,这些矛头非常小。可见,教授的目的是为了说明它们的大小。正确答案是 A。 【知识模块】 短文理解 6 【听力原文】 To us, the environment in which fish dwell often seems cold, dark, and mysterious. But th

18、ere are advantages to living in water, and they have played an important role in making fish what they are. One is that water isnt subject to sudden temperature changes. Therefore it makes an excellent habitat for a cold-blooded animal. Another advantage is the waters ability to easily support body

19、weight. Protoplasm has approximately the same density as water, so a fish in water is almost weightless. This “weightlessness“in turn means two things:One, a fish can get along with a light weigh and simple bone structure, and two, limitations to a fishs size are practically removed. Yet there is on

20、e basic difficulty to living in water the fact that its incompressible. For a fish to move through water, it must actually shove it aside. Most can do this by wiggling back and forth in snakelike motion. The fish pushes water aside by the forward motion of its head, and with the curve of its body an

21、d its flexible tail. Next, the water flows back along the fishs narrowing sides, closing in at the tail, and helping the fish propel itself forward. The fact that water is incompressible has literally shaped the development of fish. A flat and angular shape can be moved through water only with diffi

22、culty. And for this reason, fish have a basic shape that is beautifully adapted to deal with this peculiarity. 10. What is the talk mainly about? 11. What does the speaker mention as a problem that water presents to fish? 12. The speaker compares a fishs movement with that of what creature? 13. What

23、 aspect of a fish does the speaker discuss in the most detail? 6 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 这段话里出现次数最多的两个词是 “fish”和 “water”,可见,它是围绕着水和鱼之间的关系展开讨论的。四个选项里面,只有选项 D中同时出现了这两个词,因此选 D。 protoplasm:原生质; angular:生硬的,有角的。 【知识模块】 短文理解 7 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 说话者提到,生活在水里的一个基本困难在于水是不可压缩的(incom-pressible),正确答案应该是 A。 【知识模块】 短文理解 8 【

24、正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 这是一道细节题。 “snakelike”意思是 “像蛇一样的 ”。可见,说话者是在把鱼的动作与蛇的动作进行比较。 【知识模块】 短文理解 9 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 这段话里重点讨论了水的不可压缩性对鱼的影响,正是水的不可压缩性决定了鱼的外形进化,可见,说话者讨论最多的应该是鱼的外形。 【知识模块】 短文理解 10 【听力原文】 Current studies show that what goes on labels is an important consideration for manufacturers, since more than seve

25、nty percent of shoppers read food labels when considering whether to buy a product. A recent controversy as to whether labels on prepared foods should educate or merely inform the consumer is over, and a consumer group got its way. The group had maintained that product labels should do more than sim

26、ply list how many grams of nutrients a food contains. Their contention was that labels should also list the percentage of a days total nutrients that the product will supply to the consumer, because this information is essential in planning a healthy diet. A government agency disagreed strongly, fav

27、oring a label that merely informs the consumer, in other words, a label that only lists the contents of the product. The agency maintained that consumers could decide for themselves if the food is nutritious and is meeting their daily needs. The consumer group, in supporting its case, had cited a su

28、rvey in which shoppers were shown a food label, and were then asked if they would need more or less of a certain nutrient after eating a serving of this product. The shoppers werent able to answer the questions easily when they were not given a specific percentage. This study, and others helped get

29、the new regulation passed, and now food products must have the more detailed labels. 1. What was the controversy about? 2. Why does the speaker mention that more than seventy percent of people read food labels? 3. What did the consumer group propose? 4. What did the survey of food shoppers reveal? 1

30、0 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 这段话主要是在讲述这场争论及其结果,一开始就指出了这场争论是关于食品标签是否应该给顾客提供更为详细的信息,可见正确答案是 D。 【知识模块】 短文理解 11 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 说话者在一开始就提到,标签的内容是食品制造商们的一个考虑重点,因为 70的顾客在购买食品时都会阅读标签,也就是说,大多数顾客是在了解所购食品的成分之后才决定购买的。与之意思相符的只有选项 C。 【知 识模块】 短文理解 12 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 这场争论的胜利方是消费者团体,食品标签现在必须为顾客提供更为详细的信息。可见,这正是消费者团体所提议的,正确答案是

31、B。只要具有对听力材料的大致理解,掌握争论的核心问题是什么,就可以用排除法找到正确答案。 【知识模块】 短文理解 13 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 这份调查的内容是让顾客在阅读了食品标签之后回答自己对某一种营养成分是需要更多还是更少,由于标签里面没有列出营养成分的百分比含量,顾客常常很难回答这个问题。由此可以 判断,这份调查揭示出标签里列出百分比的重要性,与之意思最接近的是选项 A。即使没有明白听力材料最后一段的具体意思,也可以通过排除法首先排除选项 C(与事实不符 )和选项 D(讲的不是标签的语言问题 )。选项 B不符合 consumer group一贯的论点,因此可以确定正确答案是 A

32、。 【知识模块】 短文理解 14 【听力原文】 Good afternoon. Im here today to talk to you about a career with our airline. Were especially interested in recruiting people to fill openings for flight attendants. First of all, to work as a flight attendant with us, you must be accepted into our training program and with s

33、o many people applying, its not easy to be selected. From the thousands of applications that we receive annually, we choose fewer than a thousand people for training. So, we require experience serving the public: and it also helps if youve earned some college credits. Also, not everybody who gets ac

34、cepted into the training program makes it through. The course meets six days a week for five weeks. The training includes extensive classroom work in such subjects as first aid and passenger psychology as well as practical training in flight procedures and meal service. A lot of our graduates say th

35、at our flight attendants develop the skills of a nurse, a headwaiter, and a public relations executive! But, as a flight attendant myself, I can say that all of the hard work is worth it. Of course, I get to travel throughout the country, and the airline pays all of my expenses while Im away from my

36、 base station. And, what I like best of all is that Ive made friends with people from all over the country! 5. What is the purpose of the talk? 6. According to the speaker, what are applicants to the training program required to have? 7. What subject matter does the speaker mention is included in th

37、e training? 8. Why does the speaker mention headwaiters? 9. What does the speaker like most about her job? 14 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 “recruit”是 “招募 ”的意思; “opening”是指 “空缺职位 ”。说话者一开始就谈到他们特别感兴趣的是招募人员来填补机组乘务员的空缺职位,正确答案应该是 B。 【知识模块】 短文理解 15 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 由于申请者很多,而名额有限,这就要求申请者必须具备公共服务的经验,而且如果已经挣得一些大学学分也会有助于通过。

38、与之意思相符的只有选项 D。 【知识模块】 短文理解 16 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 培训包括急救、乘客心理学、航班程序以及就餐服务等,只有 选项A属于这些内容当中的一个。即使没有记住所有提到的培训内容,也可以通过排除法来判断,其他三个选项听力材料中都没有提及。 【知识模块】 短文理解 17 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 许多经历过培训的人说,这些培训有助于他们获得护士、领班以及公关主管所具备的技能。也就是说,机组乘务人员需要具备这些人所具备的技能,因此选 C。 【知识模块】 短文理解 18 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 说话者谈到,这份工作的好处是可以免费旅行,但她最喜欢的一点却是自己可以因此而结交来自全国各地 的朋友,正确答案是 C。其他三项听力材料中没有提及。 【知识模块】 短文理解

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