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本文([外语类试卷]大学英语六级改革适用(段落翻译)模拟试卷123及答案与解析.doc)为本站会员(twoload295)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、大学英语六级改革适用(段落翻译)模拟试卷 123及答案与解析 一、 Part Translation 1 希望工程 (Project Hope)是于 1989年发起的一项公益事业,以救助贫困地区失学少年儿童 (young dropouts)为目的。帮助建设希望小学与资助贫困学生是希望工程的两大主要任务。中国仍然是一个发展中国家,贫困地区缺乏教育经费的问题依旧严峻。超过 3000万 6一 14岁的少年儿童因贫困而不能上学或者被迫辍学。希望工程的实施,改变了一大批失学儿童的命运,改善了贫困地区的学校设施 ,极大地促进了基础教育的发展,弘扬了助人为乐的优良传统。 2 端午节为每年农历五月初五。这是一

2、个古老的传统节日,已有 2000多年的历史。关于端午节的由来,说法很多。但最广为认可的一种说法是为纪念在这一天投江自尽的爱国诗人屈原。据说他死后,百姓异常悲伤。有人划着船寻找他的尸身,有人将米饭、鸡蛋等食物丢进江里喂鱼和虾,以防它们撕咬屈原的身体。因此就有了赛龙舟和吃粽子的风俗。另外,各地庆祝端午节的活动还有很多,如佩香囊(sachet),喝雄黄酒 (realgar wine)等。 3 传统中国 家庭中,成年子女与年长父母居住在同一屋檐下。自 1974年中国实行独生子女政策 (one-child policy)以来,中国家庭经历了许多变化。其中一个变化是核心家庭 (nuclear family

3、)成为主导。当独生子女因为读大学或结婚而离开家里时,父母才四五十岁。他们比其他国家育有多个子女的父母更早经历空巢综合症(empty-nest syndrome)。他们忽然感到孤独、沮丧、无用、消沉。所有这些社会、心理和生理上的变化同时发生,使得父母的生活质量下降。生活对于他们来说变得更加有挑战性,更加艰难。 4 食品安全问题是关系到千千万万人民群众切身利益的社会问题。可是在中国,重大食品安全事件频繁发生,食品安全问题日益严峻。某些没有诚信的商人为了追求利润最大化,不惜往人们每天食用的食品当中添加种类繁多的非法化学添加剂(additive),极大损害了人们的身体健康。食品安全不是一个人的责任,而

4、是国家、社会、企业以及每个人的共同职责。只有全社会共同努力,食品安全问题才能从根本上得到解决。 大学英语六级改革适用(段落翻译)模拟试卷 123答案与解析 一、 Part Translation 1 【正 确答案】 Project Hope is a public good project launched in 1989, the goal of which is to help young dropouts in poverty-stricken areas. The two major tasks of Project Hope are to help build Hope Primar

5、y Schools and fund poor students. China is still a developing country, thus shortage of education fund in poverty-stricken areas is still a severe problem. Because of poverty, more than 30 million children between the ages of 6-14 are unable to attend school or are forced to drop out. The implement

6、of Project Hope changes the fate of a large number of dropouts and improves the school facilities in poverty-stricken areas. The development of basic education is thus greatly enhanced and the fine tradition of taking pleasure in helping others is also promoted. 【知识模块】 段落翻译 2 【正确答案】 The Dragon Boat

7、Festival falls on the fifth day of the fifth month of the Chinese lunar calendar. It is an ancient traditional festival with a history of over 2000 years. There are many different versions regarding its origin. But the most widely accepted one is commemorating the death of the patriotic poet. Qu Yua

8、n, who committed suicide by drowning himself in a river. It is said that his death made a lot of people extremely sorrowful. Some rowed a boat to look for his body, while some threw food such as rice and eggs to the river to feed fish and shrimps in case of Qus body being bitten by them. Thus the cu

9、stom of dragon-boat race and eating Zongzi has come into existence. In addition, there are many other celebrations in different places, such as wearing sachet and drinking realgar wine. 【知识模块】 段落翻译 3 【正确答案】 Traditionally in Chinese families, adult children live with their elderly parents under the s

10、ame roof. Since China implemented the one-child policy in 1974, Chinese families have experienced many changes. One of them is the dominance of the nuclear family in China. When the only child leaves home for university or marriage, the parents are in their forties or fifties. Parents suffer from em

11、pty-nest syndrome earlier than those with more children in some other countries. They suddenly feel lonely, sad, useless and depressive. All these social, psychological and biological changes happen simultaneously, which worsens parents living quality. Life becomes more challenging and tough for the

12、m. 【知识模块】 段落翻译 4 【正确答案】 Food safety is a social problem concerning the vital interests of millions of people. But major food safety incidents in China occur frequently, making the problem increasingly serious. In the pursuit of maximum profit, some dishonest businessmen add various illegal chemical

13、additives to the food people eat every day, thus the health of people is seriously harmed. Food safety is not the duty of a single person, but the shared responsibility of the country, society, enterprises and individuals. Only if the whole society makes a joint effort can food safety problem be solved fundamentally. 【知识模块】 段落翻译

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