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本文([外语类试卷]大学英语六级改革适用(段落翻译)模拟试卷190及答案与解析.doc)为本站会员(brainfellow396)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、大学英语六级改革适用(段落翻译)模拟试卷 190及答案与解析 一、 Part Translation 1 早在文字出现之前,就有人发明了风筝,因此关于它的起源有各种各样的说法。中国人拥有制造风筝最基本的材料一一丝绸和竹子,而且中国人是最早用文字记录风筝的。据记载,公元前 478年中国的一位 哲学家 (philosopher)墨子花了三年时间用木头做成了一只会飞的鸟。有很多说法解释风筝是怎样被发明出来的,有一个说法是有个中国人的帽子被风吹掉了,但是挂在了 衣领(neckband)上,于是就在风中飞了起来;还有一个说法是为了让高处的旗帜更醒目。 2 纸的发明对世界文化和国际交流是一个重大的贡献。最

2、早的汉字是刻在动物的骨头或乌龟壳上的。 战国时期 (the Warring States Period),文字开始被刻在竹简 (bamboo slips)上。然而,骨头、竹片和木头都非常重,不便于携带。到了西汉时期,当时的 贵族 (noble caste)用的是丝绸或棉花做的薄纸。这种纸不仅便于书写,还特别适合作画。但是其造价太高,平民百 姓根本承受不起。公元 105年,东汉官员蔡伦在学习总结前人造纸方法的基础上发明了一种新型的低成本植物 纤维 (fiber)纸。 3 现在,世界上大约有超过 40个国家种植茶叶,而亚洲国家的产茶量占到了全球的 90。其他国家的茶树来源,都直接或间接地源自中国。

3、许多国家用于指茶叶或者茶水的词都是汉字 “茶 ”的 衍生物 (derivatives)。要想泡一壶好茶,必须要特别注意水的质量、水的温度、茶叶的用量以及 茶壶 (teapot)的类型。喝茶的习惯是公元 6世纪传到日本的,但 直到 17到 18世纪才传到欧、美。现在,世界上喝茶的人数众多,并且仍在增加。 4 每年农历第一天开始,持续数周的春节在中国人看来是最宏大、最重要的年度节日,这就好比西方人眼中的圣诞节。为了庆祝家庭团圆,同时也表达了人们对即将到来的春天和百花盛开充满了新的希望,春节的庆祝活动丰富多彩。不同地区和不同民族的人庆祝春节的方式也不一样。除夕之夜,不论身处何方每个人都会尽量赶回家吃

4、团圆饭。一家人整晚都在一起聊天,看着特别制作的电视节目。为了表示对祖先的尊敬,有的家庭还会 烧香敬祖 (burn incense and worship the ancestors)。 5 赛龙舟 (Dragon Boat Race)的习俗起源于中国南方。他们选择五月初五进行 图腾庆典 (totem ceremony)。图腾上最主要的象征是龙,因为中国人认为自己是龙的传人,因此他们还做了龙舟。后来中国人将这一习俗与端午节联系起来。这是唯一一个源自中国南方的活动,这也许就是为什么今天龙舟比赛并不是在全中国都盛行的原因。现在,龙舟比赛已经成为一项国际运动。这项运动在美国、加拿大、澳大利亚和新 加坡

5、等地都很流行。 大学英语六级改革适用(段落翻译)模拟试卷 190答案与解析 一、 Part Translation 1 【正确答案】 As kites were invented before the written words, many versions of how they originated have been emerged. The Chinese had the basic available materials to make kitessilk and bamboo, and the Chinese were the first people to write about

6、 kites in words. In 478 B. C. , it was recorded that a Chinese philosopher. Mo Zi, spent 3 years making a bird from wood which could fly. There are many sayings as to how the kite was inventedone is that a Chinese mans hat may have been blown off and was caught by the neckband which made it fly in t

7、he wind. Another saying is that it can make a high banner more visible. 【试题解析】 1第一句中,句子结构紧凑,翻译成英文最好也用一句话,根据语义之间的关系,前半部分译为 as引导的原因状语从句较好。 2第二句中, “用文字 ”可以翻译为 in words。 3第三句中, “据记载 ”可译为 it was recorded that 。 4第四句为无主句,可以翻译为 there be句型。翻译时用破折号引出风筝起源的两种说法,起到解释、说明的作用。 【知识模块】 汉译英 2 【正确答案】 The invention of

8、paper making is a great contribution to the worlds cultural development and international communication. The earliest Chinese characters were carved on animals bones or tortoises shells. During the Warring States Period, bamboo slips were used instead. However, bones, bamboo slips and woods were too

9、 heavy to carry. During the Western Han Dynasty, the noble caste wrote on thin paper made of silk or cotton. Its easy to write and even excellent for painting on this kind of paper. However, it was so expensive that the civilians couldnt afford. In 105 A. D. , Cai Lun, a high-ranking official in the

10、 Eastern Han Dynasty, learned from the old way of paper making and invented a new cheap plant fiber paper. 【试题解析】 1第一句中, “对 是一个重大的贡献 ”翻译为 a great contribution to 。 2第二句中, “刻在 上 ”译为 were carved on 。 3第三句中, “文字开始被刻在竹简上 ”的句子结构和上一句相同,翻译时可以用instead代替相同的句子结构。 4第四句中, “非常重,不便于携带 ”可以理解为 “太重了以至于不能携带 ”,所以可使用 t

11、ooto 句型。 5最后一句中, “在学习总结 发明了 ”可以翻译为两个并列的谓语,即learned from和 invented。 【知识模块】 汉译英 3 【正确答案】 At present, more than 40 countries in the world grow tea, with Asian countries accounting for 90% of the worlds total output. The origin of all tea trees in other countries, either directly or indirectly, is China

12、. The words for tea leaves or tea as a drink in many countries are derivatives from the Chinese character “cha“. To make a good pot of tea, special attention must be paid to the water quality, water temperature, the amount of tea leaves used and the type of teapot. The habit of drinking tea was spre

13、ad to Japan in 6 A. D. , but was not introduced to Europe and America until the 17th and 18th centuries. Now, the number of tea drinkers in the world is large and still increasing. 【试题解析】 1第一句中, “而亚洲国家的产茶量占到了全球的 90%” 为次要信息,可翻 译为 with引导的伴随状语。 2第二句中, “都直接或间接地 ”是修饰句子谓语 “源自 ”的,可放在动词之前,译为 either directly

14、 or indirectIy。 3第三句中, “ 的衍生物 ”翻译为 are derivatives from 。 4第四句中, “要想泡一壶好茶 ”表目的,翻译为 To make a good pot of tea。 5第五句中, “传到 ”就是 “引进到 ”的意思,翻译为 was introduced to 比较合适。 【知识模块】 汉译英 4 【正确答案】 Each year, held on the first day of the lunar calendar and lasting for weeks, the Spring Festival is regarded by the

15、Chinese people as the grandest and most important annual festival, which is similar to the Christmas Day for Westerners. In order to celebrate family reunion, also express new hopes with the advent of spring and flowers blossoming, Spring Festival is full of rich and colorful celebration activities.

16、 People from different regions and nationalities celebrate it in their unique ways. On New Years Eve, no matter where he is, every member will try his best to come back home to enjoy the family reunion. Family members chat or watch special TV programs all night. To show respect for their ancestors,

17、some families burn incense and worship the ancestors. 【试题解析】 1第一句中,主语是 “春节 ”, “在 看来是 ” 可译为固定搭配 be regarded byas 。 2第二句中,因为汉语是讲求意合的,所以没有主语,可是在英语表达中,主语绝对不能缺少,所以根据句意,需添加 Spring Festival作主语。 3第三句中,因为 “春节 ”在前文已经出现过很多次了,这句可以用 it来替代。 4第四句中, “不论 ” 可以译作状语从句,后半句处理为主句。 5第六句中, “为了 ” 表目的,这里可以用 In order to 表示,亦可直

18、接用To 。 【知识模块】 汉译英 5 【正确答案】 The custom of Dragon Boat Race began from the Southern China. They selected the 5th lunar day of the 5th lunar month as the totem ceremony. The dragon was the main symbol in the tome, because Chinese people thought they were the descendants of the dragon. They also made dr

19、agon-like canoe. Later, the Chinese connected this custom with the Dragon Boat Festival. This was the only event originating from the Southern China, which might be the reason why Dragon Boat Race doesnt prevail in the entire China today. Now, the Dragon Boat Race becomes an international event, whi

20、ch is popular in the USA, Canada, Australia, Singapore, etc. 【试题解析】 1第一句中, “起源于 ”在这里强调一个开端,所以译为 began from较为合适。 2第二句中, “五月初五 ”是阴历,所以正确的表述为 the 5th lunar day of the 5th lunar month。 3第三句中, “龙的传人 ”译为 the descendants of the dragon。 4第四句中, “将 与 联系起来 ”翻译为英语中的固定搭配,即connectedwith 。 5第六、七句可以合译为一个定语从句,用 which指代第六句的具体内容。 【知识模块】 汉译英

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