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本文([外语类试卷]大学英语六级改革适用(段落翻译)模拟试卷69及答案与解析.doc)为本站会员(hopesteam270)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、大学英语六级改革适用(段落翻译)模拟试卷 69及答案与解析 一、 Part Translation 1 过去两千年,书法是最享有威望的一种艺术,它是用毛笔把中国语言的特点写在丝或者纸上。生于公元四世纪的书法家王羲之,虽然其作品没有保留,但仍被公认为最伟大的早期书法家之一。书法在前唐时期被认为是书画的一个分支,因长期与文人的迫求有关,所以在元朝时特别受人喜爱。同诗歌及音乐一样,书法是学者学习的重要对象之一;通常在纪念的仪式上会把书写的样式让朋友欣赏或是表示其热情好客。 2 剪纸是中国最受欢迎和 有特色的民间艺术之一。它以纸作为材料,用剪刀或雕刻刀作为工具。其传统能追溯至公元六世纪。但是它应该是在

2、几个世纪前就已经出现了。剪纸主要用作装饰和图案,亦有宗教和装饰的目的。剪纸是用手工做的,分为两种制作方法,分别可以用剪刀和刀片来制作。如果使用剪刀来剪的话,可以把数张纸叠在一起,把需要的图案剪出来;如果使用刀片刻的话,那么很多层纸就可放在软垫子上一起刻,艺术家根据图样用锋利的刀垂直切割。这样使用刀片制作剪纸比使用剪刀效率更高。 3 最初风筝是用作军事用途的,而不是当作玩具。历史记录表明,这些风筝很大,非 常有力,甚至可以承载一个人飞上天去观察敌军的行动,或是用来对敌军散发宣传纸张。在唐朝 (公元 618年至公元 907年 ),人们开始把一些竹条绑在风筝上,当风筝翱翔在高空时,竹条会发生振动并发

3、出响声,很像是弦乐器筝的声音。从那以后,风筝就有了现在这个众人皆知的名称。 4 在众多中国音乐类型里,有一种音乐戏剧的形式,称为中国戏曲。以前,这些戏曲是根据英雄事迹和传说故事改编的,现在大多表现为共产党员的革命故事,或是近年来的重大历史事件。京剧最初分为两类:文戏和武戏。文戏是一些关于民生的话题,跟社会生活关系密切;武戏 是一些关于军事题材的话题,跟战争、叛乱和阴谋有关。京剧的动作表演具有很大的象征性,步法和其他身体动作代表着不同的动作含义,如:开门、上楼梯或爬山。 5 京剧中的眼神、嘴巴或手指的轻微动作都具有相对应的不同意义,没有什么动作是随随便便做出来的,京剧的每个表演动作都是非常巧妙的

4、象征符号。由于中国戏曲最初是露天表演的,因此厚重和明亮的化妆夸张地应用在男女演员们的脸上。在戏曲的一些服装与明朝的服装有着一定的相似程度,所有的演出服装色彩鲜艳,上面绣有华丽的图案,每一个角色都有着特别的服装。京剧的道具是现实生活中所 用器具的加工版本,每一件都做得非常精致。 大学英语六级改革适用(段落翻译)模拟试卷 69答案与解析 一、 Part Translation 1 【正确答案】 For the last 2,000 years, the single art form that has enjoyed the greatest prestige has been calligrap

5、hy, that is, writing the characters of the Chinese language with a brush on silk or paper. The calligrapher Wang Xizhi, who lived during the 4th century, is remembered as one of the greatest early practitioners of this art, although virtually no traces of his work survive. Calligraphy had been a rec

6、ognised branch of painting since pre-Tang times. It was especially popular in the Yuan dynasty due to its long association with the pursuits of the man of letters. Along with poetry and music, calligraphy was considered an important part of the scholar-gentlemans training; examples of writing were c

7、ommonly given to friends to commemorate an occasion or to acknowledge hospitality. 【知识模块】 翻译 2 【正确答案】 Paper-cutting is one of Chinas most popular and characteristic folk arts. It takes paper as the material and scissors or an engraving knife as the tool. This tradition can be traced back to the 6th

8、century, and possibly emerged a few centuries earlier than that. Paper-cuts are mainly used as decorations and patterns, and for religious and decorative purposes. Paper-cuts are produced by hand, not by machine, and mere are two methods of manufacture: scissor cutting or knife cutting. The former a

9、re fashioned with scissors. Several pieces of paper are fastened together. Then, artists cut the motif with sharp, pointed scissors. In knife cutting, artists put several layers of paper on a relatively soft foundation. Following a pattern, the artist holds a sharp knife vertically and cuts the moti

10、f into the paper. So considerably more papercuttings can be made in one operation with knife cuttings than with scissor cuttings. 【知识模块】 翻译 3 【正确答案】 Instead of being playthings, early kites were used for military purposes. Historical records say they were large in size; some were powerful enough to

11、carry men up in the air to observe enemy movements, and others were used to scatter propaganda leaflets over hostile forces. During the Tang dynasty (618-907), people began to fix onto kites some bamboo strips which, when high in the air, would vibrate and ring in the breeze like a zheng (a stringed

12、 instrument). Since then, the popular Chinese name for the kite has become fengzheng (wind zheng). 【知识模块】 翻译 4 【正确答案】 Among the streams of Chinese music there is a form of music drama called Chinese opera. Formerly these operas were based on old tales of heroes and the supernatural. Today the storie

13、s often deal with heroes of the Communist revolution or with great historical events of the recent past. Beijing opera falls primarily under two categories, the “wenxi“ and the “wuxi“ . The “wenxi“ are plays on civil themes, dealing with social life; the “wuxi“ are plays on martial subjects, concern

14、ing war, rebellion and intrigue. The acting in Beijing opera is symbolic: footwork and other body movements represent the actions of opening a door, going up stairs or climbing a bill. 【知识模块】 翻译 5 【正确答 案】 In Chinese opera the slightest movement of the eyes, mouth or finger is significant. Nothing is

15、 done casually. Each performance of Beijing opera is a highly refined play of symbols. Owing to its origins as an open-air show, heavy and bright makeup is applied all over the performers faces in a most exaggerated way. Some of the present operatic clothing has a resemblance to that worn during the Ming dynasty. All the costumes are brightly coloured, with magnificent embroideries. There are special costumes for each role. Props in Beijing opera are refined versions of objects from real life, and each prop is an exquisite work of art. 【知识模块】 翻译

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