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本文([外语类试卷]大学英语六级改革适用(段落翻译)模拟试卷94及答案与解析.doc)为本站会员(deputyduring120)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、大学英语六级改革适用(段落翻译)模拟试卷 94及答案与解析 一、 Part Translation 1 自中国实行社会主义市场经济以来,中国人的生活水平快速提高,中国人的传统观念和价值观随之发生了巨大的变化。人们已开始接受许多现代观念,如私有企业的观念,私有和利润的观念,自由民主、自力更生、机遇均等、平等竞争、物质财富、勤奋劳作的观念,经济全球化的观念。在日常生活中,人们的择业观念、消费观念以及婚姻家庭观念与生育观念也都在悄然改变。 2 当前中小学生普遍存在民族文化艺术鉴赏力 (ability to appreciate the art forms representingour nation

2、al culture)下降的问题。为传承民族优秀文化,教育部对九年制义务教育阶段的音乐课程标准进行了修订,增加了有关京剧 (Peking Opera)的教学内容,并在 10个省、市、自治区各选 20所中小学进行试点。开设京剧课后,教师不能仅满足于演唱技巧的教授,而且应该将曲目 (aria)背后的故事,如何理解京剧这种传统艺术形式作为教学的主要目标。京剧走进课堂,就是让学生了解一些基本的京剧知识,帮助 他们学习欣赏京剧的韵律之美和独特魅力。 3 中国实施九年制义务教育 (compulsory schooling system),也就是说,所有的孩子都必须上学读九年书,完成小学和初中的学业。小学是

3、六年制。在学校里,学生上语文、初等算术和德育等课程。此外还有体育课和课外活动 (extracurricular activities)。外语,如英语,在小学高年级是选修课。中学教育分两个阶段,即三年初中和三年高中。从初中开始,学生就学习像化学、物理和生物等理科课程和历史、地理、外语等文科课程。并且,学校大力 提倡体育活动。高中教育是初中的继续,学生要上文、理科各种指定的课程。 4 推行各种便民措施 (convenience-for-people measures)是城镇化重要的一步。一方面,城镇化不是简单地把农村居民迁移到城市,而是要让为城市作出巨大贡献的外来务工者 (migrantworke

4、r)享受到城市居民的社会福利。另一方面,城镇化中重要的问题是户籍制度改革 (thereform of household registration system),国家非常重视,这次的便民措施在户籍改革上是一个突破和 表率。城镇化的理想,就是全国社会养老、社会医疗、失业保障、文化教育一视同仁,这样才能给中国经济注入新的活力,消除城乡二元经济 (urban and rural dual economy)。 5 新出台的旅游法 (Tourism Law)的立法主旨之一是为了保护游客的合法权益。据了解,近年来自由行的游客 (free walker)比例一直在不断增加。业内人士表示,之前自由行 (DI

5、Y travel)存在不少问题,而在新法中多个条款都规定了旅行社之外的其他旅游经营者的义务,这将使自由行游客的权益得到更好 的保障。旅游法在消费者知情权方面作出很多具体规定。在充分知情的情况下,旅游者所有的选择才是自己的真实意愿。 大学英语六级改革适用(段落翻译)模拟试卷 94答案与解析 一、 Part Translation 1 【正确答案】 Since China began to carry out a socialist market economy, as the living standards of Chinese people have kept improving rapid

6、ly, traditional Chinese concepts and values have also changed greatly. People start to accept many modern concepts such as private enterprise, privacy and profit, freedom and democracy, self-reliance, equality of opportunity, fair competition, material wealth, hard work, and economic globalization.

7、Peoples concepts of daily life such as the concepts of selecting a profession, consumption, marriage and family and bearing a child, are changing unnoticeably. 【知识模块】 汉译英 2 【正确答案】 At present the primary and middle school students are showing a decline in ability to appreciate the art forms represent

8、ing our national culture. The Ministry of Education has revised the standards of the music course of the 9-year compulsory schooling system by adding in Peking Opera, with the view of inheriting and enhancing the national culture. Twenty primary and middle schools each have been chosen as pioneers i

9、n ten provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions for trying out the pilot program. With the institution of Peking Opera course, the teacher should not stop at just imparting skills of singing these arias, but he/she should also tell the students of the story behind each aria, and the way to be

10、tter understand Peking Opera, a traditional art form, and take these as the major objective of the teaching program. The education on Peking Opera aims at imparting to the students the rudimentary knowledge of Peking Opera, helping them learn and appreciate the beauty of these arias for their rhythm

11、 and unique charm. 【知识模块】 汉译 英 3 【正确答案】 China has adopted a nine-year compulsory schooling system, which means all children are required to attend school for at least nine years. Students have to complete both the primary school program and the junior school program. Primary school requires six year

12、s. Pupils are required to take a variety of subjects such as the Chinese language, fundamental mathematics and moral education from school. They also take part in sports and extracurricular activities. Foreign languages such as English are optional courses in the senior years of the primary educatio

13、n. High school education has two parts, 3-year junior high school program and 3-year senior high school program. From junior high school, students begin to learn a variety of science subjects such as chemistry, physics and biology and humanity subjects such as history, geography, and foreign languag

14、es. Furthermore, physical education is enthusiastically encouraged. Senior high school education is a continuation of junior high school. Students take specific subjects in either science or humanity subjects. 【知识模块】 汉译英 4 【正确答案】 An important step of Chinese urbanization is to implement various type

15、s of convenience-for-people measures. On the one hand, urbanization is not just to move the rural residents to cities but to make the migrant workers, who make great contributions to cities, have equal access to the social welfare of urban residents. On the other hand, central government pays high a

16、ttention to the reform of household registration system, which is crucial to urbanization. The implemented convenience-for-people measures are breakthrough and example of the reform of household registration system. The goal of urbanization is to give equal access to social pension, social medical t

17、reatment, unemployment security and culture and education to all, so that new vitality will be injected to Chinese economy and urban and rural dual economy will be eliminated. 【知识模块】 汉译英 5 【正确答案】 One of the legislative purposes of the new Tourism Law is to protect the lawful rights and interests of

18、tourists. It is said that the proportion of free walkers keeps rising. Some insiders believe that as there were many problems in DIY travel in the past, the free walkers rights and interests will be better guaranteed since many terms in the new Tourism Law stipulate the obligations of tourism operators besides travel agency. The Tourism Law makes many specific stipulations for consumers right of information. All the travelers choice will be what they really want in the case that they are fully informed. 【知识模块】 汉译英

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