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本文([外语类试卷]大学英语六级改革适用(段落翻译)模拟试卷99及答案与解析.doc)为本站会员(outsidejudge265)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、大学英语六级改革适用(段落翻译)模拟试卷 99及答案与解析 一、 Part Translation 1 重庆位于中国西南部,长江上游。它是一座举世闻名的山城,最突出的特点是地形起伏有致,立体感强。重庆凭借长江 “黄金水道 ”之便,依托丰富的资源和广阔的市场,从汉代起就已成为长江上游的工商业重镇,如今更发展为集重工业、轻工业、贸易等为一体的经济、政治和文化中心。重庆处处都有中国传统文化的印痕。历代诗人如李白、陆游等,都在这里写有许多脍炙人口的名篇佳句。重庆还是川菜的主要代表地域之一。 2 梁山伯与祝英台传说是我国四大民间传说之一,是中华文化的瑰宝。千百年来,它以提倡求知、崇尚爱情、歌颂生命生生不

2、息的鲜明主题深深打动着人们的心灵;以曲折动人的情节、鲜明的人物性格、奇巧的故事结构而受到民众的广泛喜爱。梁祝传说和以梁祝传说为内容的其他艺术形式所展现的艺术魅力,使其成为中国民间文学艺术之林中的一朵奇葩。梁祝传说自 1 600年前的晋代形成以来,主要流传于宁波、上虞、杭州、宜兴、济宁、汝南等地,并向中国的各个地区、各个民族流传辐射。在流传的过程中,各地人民又不断丰富发展传说的内容,甚至还兴建了众 多以梁祝传说为主题的墓碑和庙宇等建筑。此外,梁祝传说还流传到越南、缅甸、日本、新加坡和印度尼西亚等国家,其影响之大在中国民间传说中实属罕见。 3 银川市是宁夏回族自治区的首府,是一个多民族聚居区,包括

3、汉、回、满、蒙、朝鲜等民族。银川市自然景观独特,旅游资源丰富,是国务院公布的 123个历史文化名城之一。这里有被誉为 “中国金字塔 ”的西夏王陵,有伊斯兰建筑风格的南关清真寺等。远郊还有风景迷人的贺兰山苏峪口原始森林保护区、沙湖旅游区,以及引人人胜的镇北堡电影城。银川市城内还有高山、大漠、黄河、草原等多种 自然景观,湖泊和湿地星罗棋布,素有 “塞上湖城 ”的美誉。近年来,银川市在全国的知名度不断提高,使这块土地充满了无限商机和希望。银川市瑰丽迷人的塞外风光,优异的生态环境,近年来也已成为旅游观光和度假的热点。 4 澳门是一个国际化的都市。几百年来,它一直是中西文化融合共存的地方。东西文化在此地

4、相互交融,留下了许多历史文化遗产,使澳门成为一个独特的城市。澳门是一个适宜徒步游览的城市。这座城市地方虽小,却充满了万花筒般的诱惑,因此,游人难免会有意无意地脱离既定的游览路线。澳门地方不大,却是一个饮食文化十分 发达的城市。目前,全澳门约有 300多家较具规模的酒楼、饭店和西餐厅。至于遍布大街小巷的大排档、甜品屋、小吃店,那就更多了。 5 中国在经济发展的过程中非常重视环境保护,并且把环境保护作为一项基本国策。中国的环境保护教育起步较晚,它是随着中国环境保护事业的发展而发展起来的。中国是一个发展中国家,与发达国家一样,也面临着较大规模的经济开发活动。大规模的经济开发活动影响了环境和生态平衡,

5、这一问题引起了政府、人民以及科技与教育工作者的极大关注。我国的环保工作,可以说是喜忧参半。一方面,环保工作取得了成效 ;另一方面,也有令人忧虑的地方。 大学英语六级改革适用(段落翻译)模拟试卷 99答案与解析 一、 Part Translation 1 【正确答案】 Chongqing is a well-known mountain city that lies in the Southwest China in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River. Its most outstanding characteristic is that the te

6、rrain rises and falls and causes strong three-dimensional effect. Relying on the convenience of the “golden waterway“ of the Yangtze River and the abundant resources as well as the broad markets, Chongqing has become an important industrial and commercial strategic place in the upper reaches of the

7、Yangtze River from Han Dynasty. Now, it has even developed into a key city of economy, politics and culture incorporated with heavy industry, light industry, commerce, etc. into an organic whole. There are traces of traditional Chinese culture everywhere in Chongqing. Poets of every dynasty such as

8、Li Bai and Lu You had all written a lot of immensely popular and beautiful articles and lines here. Chongqing is also one of the major representative areas of Sichuan Cuisine. 【知识模块】 汉译英 2 【正确答案】 The romance of Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai, the butterfly lovers, looms as one of the four major legend

9、s of China and one precious masterwork of Chinese culture. For thousands of years, it has remained enduringly impressive among people for the exploration of knowledge, pursuit of love, and tribute to life. The thrilling plot, remarkable characters, and ingenuity of structure are well received by the

10、 masses. The artistic charisma revealed in the legend and other artistic adaptations have enabled it to become a rarity of the Chinese folklore literature. Ever since it took shape in the Jin Dynasty 1 600 years ago, the Legend of Butterfly Lovers has been circulating in Ningbo, Shangyu, Hangzhou, Y

11、ixing, Jining, Runan and so on while spreading further to other areas and ethnic groups of the country. Through the ages, the content has got enriched by people in various regions with even many tombstones engraved and temples built for the butterfly lovers. In addition, the legend has spread to Vie

12、tnam, Burma, Japan, Singapore and Indonesia, etc. The widespread influence is hardly seen among the Chinese folk tales indeed. 【知识模块】 汉译英 3 【正确答案】 Yinchuan is the provincial capital of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, which is a multiethnic community, owning nationalities such as Han, Hui, Manchu, Mon

13、gol and Korea etc. The natural landscape of Yinchuan is unique, the tourist resources are abundant, and it is one of the 123 historical and cultural cities which the State Council announced. There are the emperors Tombs of Xixia Dynasty which are praised as “Chinese Pyramids“. Besides, there is the

14、Islamic-architectural-style Nanguan Mosque, etc. In the outer suburbs, there are the picturesque Suyu Valley Virgin Forest Protection Zone on Helan Mountain, Sand Lake Tourist Zone and the fascinating Film City in Zhenbei Town. There are many kinds of natural landscapes such as high mountains, deser

15、ts, the Yellow River and grassland in the intra-area of Yinchuan. Besides, lakes and wetlands spread all over the place. The city has been enjoying the good reputation of “Lake City Beyond the Great Wall“. In recent years, Yinchuan has become more and more popular in China and this makes the land fu

16、ll of limitless business opportunities and hope. The magnificent and pleasant northern-frontier scene of Yinchuan and its excellent ecological environment have become a hot spot of sightseeing and vacationing in recent years. 【知识模块】 汉译英 4 【正确答案】 Macao is an international city. For several hundred ye

17、ars, it has been a place where Chinese and Western cultures merge and coexist. Owing to the constant blending of the cultures of both the East and the West, a lot of historical and cultural legacies have come into being and make Macao a unique city. Macao is a city that is suitable for visiting on f

18、oot. Although the area of this city is small, it is filled with enticement like a kaleidoscope, so visitors will unconsciously break away from the set line of touring. Though Macao is not a big city, yet, it is a city with very developed cooking culture, and there are about over 300 restaurants, hot

19、els and Western-style food restaurants that are relatively large at present. As for the sidewalk snack booths, dessert rooms, snack bars, there are many of them spreading over the streets and lanes. 【知识模块】 汉译英 5 【 正确答案】 China attaches great importance to environmental protection in the course of eco

20、nomic development and it has made environmental protection a basic state policy. Chinas environmental education started quite late, and it has been developing with the development of Chinas environmental protection. China is a developing country, and like developed countries, it also faces large-sca

21、le economic activities. The large-scale economic activities have affected environment and ecological balance. The issue has drawn great attention from the government, ordinary people and workers in the fields of technology and education. It could be said that environmental protection in China has experienced success and setbacks. On the one hand, great achievement has been made in environmental protection; on the other hand, there are worrying problems too. 【知识模块】 汉译英

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