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1、大学英语六级改革适用(阅读)模拟试卷 121及答案与解析 Section A 0 When studying human talent, the temptation is usually to concentrate on the upper reaches. Understandably so: we all admire the Einsteins and Mozarts of this world and【 C1】 _to imitate them. In comparison, studying the opposite end of the spectrum might seem

2、pointless, patronizing(摆出恩赐态度的 )or downright tasteless. Lack of intelligence is shameful enough without treating people like lab rats. Yet it often takes a different viewpoint to find new insights into an old problem. Stupidity is too important and interesting to ignore. The science of stupidity is

3、producing results that【 C2】 _our concepts of intelligence and that should be humbling for many of the smart people who run the world. It turns out that a tendency for entertaining【 C3】 _, foolish or illogical ideas is not necessarily the result of a low IQ. This measure of intelligence is largely【 C

4、4】_of rationality. Just because you score on the high end of one scale doesnt mean that you wont fall at the bottom of the other. Importantly, no one is【 C5】 _to the biases that lead to stupid decisions. Yet our respect for IQ and education means that it is easy to rest on the laurels(桂冠 )of our qua

5、lifications and assume that we are, by definition, not stupid. That can be【 C6】 _on a personal level: regardless of IQ, people who score badly on rationality tests are more likely to have unplanned pregnancies(怀孕 )or fall into serious debt. Large-scale stupidity is even more damaging. Business cultu

6、res that inadvertently encourage it, for example, may have contributed to the economic crisis. Indeed, the effects may have been so damaging precisely because banks assumed that intelligent people act【 C7】 _while at the same time rewarding rash behavior based on intuition rather than【 C8】 _As one re

7、searcher puts it: “The more intelligent someone is, the more disastrous the results of their stupidity“. The same surely applies to politicians: the tenth anniversary of the invasion of Iraq serves as a【 C9】 _that clever people can do monumentally stupid things. If we want to avoid making similar mi

8、stakes in the future, everybody especially the most intelligent and powerful would do well to humbly【 C10】 _their own weaknesses. To quote Oscar Wilde: “There is no sin except stupidity. “ A)immune I)nomination B)perpetually J)independent C)challenge K)damaging D)acknowledge L)commemorate E)recipien

9、t M)reminder F)deliberation N)rash G)aspire O)negligible H)logically 1 【 C1】 2 【 C2】 3 【 C3】 4 【 C4】 5 【 C5】 6 【 C6】 7 【 C7】 8 【 C8】 9 【 C9】 10 【 C10】 Section B 10 Sales Techniques AYou have your sales team screened, hired, and trained on the features and benefits of your product and now its time to

10、 put their “ feet on the street!“ But what about their sales approach? Did you think through the possible sales techniques and make an informed choice about what would work most effectively for your product and market? If not, your team may not be off to the fast break(快攻 )you hope for. Take the tim

11、e to think about what approach would work best for the sales environment your reps will be facing. BIf youre in a consulting or service-oriented business you know that its going to require a relationship building process, but a product sales environment may require the same thing. The art of selling

12、 is not as straight forward as you may think. If you havent been out there and sold before(as many new business owners havent)then you may benefit from going through this workshop and identifying what you think might work for your business. If youre a seasoned sales professional now in a sales manag

13、ement position there may also be a thing or two for you. CEarly books about sales techniques(were talking about the early 1900s)included key words like ethics, service, relationships, hard work, doing the best job possible, and loyalty to your company. These all led to the idea of building a friends

14、hip and relationship with your customers so they would keep coming back.(Sound familiar?)After about 10 years, other ideas began to surface. Door-to-door salesmen discovered that they could increase their sales by using specific words and specific persuasion methods. This led to the perfecting and p

15、roliferation(激增 )of sales techniques that focused not on the customers needs or building a relationship, but on closing techniques and methods that rated a one-time sale, which was their only interest. DThe foundations of most modern sales techniques lie in five stages of action. These began in the

16、1950s and include;(1)Attention; You have to get the attention of your prospect through some advertising or prospecting method.(2)Interest; Build their interest by using an emotional appeal such as how good they will look to their boss when they make this deal that will save the company thousands of

17、dollars!(3)Desire: Build their desire for your product by showing them its features and letting them sample or test-drive it.(4)Conviction: Increase their desire for your product by statistically proving the worth of your product. Compare it to its competitors. Use testimonials(推荐书 )from happy custo

18、mers.(5)Action; Encourage the prospect to act. This is your closing. Ask for the order. If they object, address their objections. EThere are then many variations of closing techniques that can help get the business. There is a plethora(过剩 )of closing techniques that range from hard sell to soft sell

19、 and everything in-between. Some of these include:(1)A Direct Close-Simply ask for the order when you are sure your prospect is ready.(2)A Deal/ Concession(让步 )Close Using this closing technique gives the prospect the feeling that they are making a smart choice and saving money(or getting more value

20、). Use it with phrases like “ Order today and I can add this other module for only 10 percent more. “(3)A Time-Driven Close This one works well with statements like, “ prices are going up next week, so you should go ahead and let me place your order today. “ FMany more closing techniques exist, but

21、were going to focus on one of the more successful techniques for building a large and loyal customer base. That focus is, once again, Relationship Selling. GDid you know that it costs more than five times as much to get a new customer as it does to keep an existing customer? That in itself should he

22、lp you understand the value of building a relationship with your customers and turning them into both repeat buyers and spokespeople for your company. Word of mouth referrals are still one of the best ways to make new sales. If Joe tells Ed he got a great deal from Joanna at XYZ company, then Ed is

23、more likely to go to Joanna and also buy(or at least be receptive if Joanna calls him to set up an appointment.) HRelationship selling is all about building a friendship or relationship with your prospects and listening to their needs. Once youve built that relationship, shown you care, and earned t

24、heir trust, you are on the road to making them a customer. Knowing their needs and finding out their secret fears(for example, your client may confide to you, “ If I cant make this project work within budget, my boss will probably replace me!“)can help you find solutions for them that are exactly on

25、-target with their needs and build an even stronger relationship. With a relationship in place, working out details is a breeze. Those details become obstacles if you dont have the existing relationship. IAs a client, some of my best experiences with sales people were with those who honestly listene

26、d to my needs, and showed an interest in more than just the business. They came in with a low pressure, open, and honest approach and won my business. I didnt mind setting up appointments for their visits. I looked forward to them. It was in low pressure and friendly. My company received good servic

27、e, good prices, and everyone was happy. I knew they would react quickly if I had problems or emergency needs. So, when competitors called, I quickly told them we were happy with our current vendoreven if they may have been able to give us a better price! Thats part of the power of relationship selli

28、ng! JMost people react negatively to high pressure sales. In relationship selling, high pressure is not typically part of the equation, simply because its hard to have a friendly relationship with a client who feels pressured by you. In relationship selling, you become a form of support for your cli

29、ents. Your services or products become something they depend on, and the more you can suit their needs and make their jobs easier, the better they will respond to additional sales offers. Youll also find that relationship selling benefits companies that offer products in very competitive markets par

30、ticularly if there isnt a lot of difference between products! KPart of relationship selling involves maintaining regular contact. If you neglect a client who has trust in your integrity as a person and as a salesperson, that client may finally be forced to turn to your competitor(who has probably be

31、en calling regularly to get their business). So, make sure you not only build the relationship, but keep regular contact and keep all channels of communication open. Make available several methods of contact for any type of emergency need. Or you may find that, in an emergency, your client was force

32、d to contact that persistent competitor and discovered that, “ Hey, he/shes a nice person too! And their product is maybe even a little better! Hmmmm!“ So, the lesson is, make sure you maintain contact and are always accessible to your clients, or you may find yourself having to replace them! LAn im

33、portant part of relationship selling is also having the technology available to manage and maintain those relationships. That often comes in the form of contact management software or a good Customer Relationship Management(CRM)system. 11 Arousing potential customers attention is the first action am

34、ong the five stages of sales techniques. 12 After the sales team is built up, the representatives should know the products first. 13 As a customer, the most successful visits of a salesman should be friendly with free stress. 14 Using the technique Deal/Concession Close, you can let your potential c

35、ustomers feel that they are saving money. 15 In order not to lose your clients, you should contact with the clients frequently and make yourself always accessible(to them). 16 If you havent got any experience of selling, the author suggests that this article may be helpful. 17 Keeping relationship w

36、ith your customer is worthwhile partly because he may speak for your company, which is helpful in making new sales. 18 It is helpful for you to find solutions when knowing your customers specific needs. 19 At the turn of the 20th century, sales techniques emphasized building relationship and closing

37、 techniques. 20 Relationship selling not only makes your clients dependent on you, but also helps your company win in competitive markets. Section C 20 If Johnny cant write, one of the reasons may be a conditioning based on speed rather than respect for the creative process. Speed is neither a valid

38、 test of nor a proper preparation for competence in writing. It makes for vagueness, insincerity, and disorganization. It takes the beauty out of the language. It rules our respect for the reflective thought that should precede expression. It runs counter to be finely knit. This is not to minimize t

39、he value of genuine facility. With years of practice, a man may be able to put down words swiftly and expertly. But it is the same kind of swiftness that enables a cellist, after having invested years of efforts, to negotiate an intricate passage from Haydn. Speed writing is for stenographers(速记员 )a

40、nd court reporters, not for anyone who wants to use a language with precision and distinction. Thomas Mann was not ashamed to admit that he would often take a full day to write 500 words, and another day to edit them, out of respect for the most difficult art in the world. Flaubert would ponder a pa

41、ragraph for hours. Did it say what he wanted it to say not approximately but exactly? Did the words turn into one another with proper rhythm and grace? Were they artistically and securely fitted together? Were they briskly alive, or were they full of fuzzy and ragged edges? Were they likely to make

42、things happen inside the mind of the reader, igniting the imagination and touching off all sorts of new anticipations? These questions are relevant not only for the established novelist but for any one who attaches value to words as a medium of expression and communication. E. B. White, whose respec

43、t for the environment of good writing is exceeded by no word artist of our time, would rather have his fingers cut off than to be guilty of handling words lightly. No sculptor chipping away at a granite(花岗岩 )block in order to produce a delicate curve or feature has labored more painstakingly than Wh

44、ite in fashioning a short paragraph. Obviously, we cant expect our schools to make every Johnny into a White or a Flaubert or a Mann, but it is not unreasonable to expect more of them to provide the conditions that promote clear, careful and competent expression. Certainly the cumulative effort of t

45、he school experience should have to be undone in later years. 21 The main purpose of this passage is to_. ( A) present an original idea about writing ( B) describe a new writing process ( C) argue against an established writing practice ( D) comment on writing skills and techniques 22 According to t

46、he passage, competence in writing is_. ( A) an art that takes practice ( B) a skill that requires dexterity ( C) a born ability that few people have ( D) a technique that is easy to learn 23 It can be inferred that the author values good literature primarily for its ability to_. ( A) provide individ

47、uals with skills for success ( B) accurately describe events as they occur ( C) prevent disorder in language ( D) communicate ideas and experience 24 In describing White as a “word artist“, the author means that White_. ( A) was colorful in his descriptions ( B) illustrated his stories ( C) had arti

48、stic background ( D) was a great writer 25 According to the passage, our schools should_. ( A) provide proper conditions for good writing ( B) stress writing speed on a test ( C) give easy tests rather than multiple choice tests ( D) teach good early writings 25 Care for children and older people ha

49、s recently hit the headlines. Government announcements on funding reforms have put care firmly on the agenda for the next election. But what do the announcements tell us about government priorities and the way childcare and eldercare are viewed and treated? There are some striking parallels. Despite the austerity(紧缩 )cuts, improving care has been prioritized(优先考虑 )as an issue that affects most families in Britain. But with spending tight, fun

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