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1、大学英语六级模拟试卷 134及答案与解析 一、 Part I Writing (30 minutes) 1 1. 目前,国久 “汉语热 ”持续升温 2. 出现这种现象的主要原因 3. “汉语热 ”给我的启示 On Foreigners Learning Chinese 二、 Part II Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning) (15 minutes) Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer th

2、e questions attached to the passage. For questions 1-4, mark: Y (for YES) if the statement agrees with the information given in the passage; N (for NO) if the statement contradicts the information given in the passage; NG (for NOT GIVEN) if the information is not given in the passage. 2 The Power of

3、 Words: Advertising Tricks The effect that words can have is incredible: to inform, persuade, hurt or ease pain, end war or start one killing thousands or even millions of people. They can get your point across, or destroy any hope of your ideas ever being understood. A major element of advertising

4、is the words, which ones and in what order. The following is several of the specific tricks that are commonly used in advertising. Black/White Trick The black/white, or either/or, trick is making a statement that provides insufficient options to your argument. “Love it or leave it“ was a big slogan

5、of the 1960s, and it sounds logical. Nevertheless, it provides no other possible options, such as“ Love it, or dont love it, stay or not, you dont have to agree with me if you dont want to. “ The reason this fallacy is often called the black/white fallacy is that it denies any other choices on an is

6、sue or idea. Using it gives the impression that everything can be seen in terms of yes or no, true or false, on or off, with no maybes or both true and false depending on circumstances allowed. This fallacy is particularly popular and effective in slogans like“ Love it or leave it“, “If youre not fo

7、r me, youre against me“, “My country, right or wrong“. Note that all of the above actually have other options, but the statements do not allow for them. A common way in which this trick is used in advertising is by presenting two situations, one with the product and the other without. The one with t

8、he product shows circumstances that the advertiser presumes the target audience would like to be in, and vice versa for the situation without the product. For example, you have two groups of people: the first is young, beautiful, fit, happy, fun-loving and active; the second is old, ugly, miserable,

9、 and passive. The first uses the product; the second doesnt. The assumption is that the purchase of the product makes you a member of the first, that the absence of the product makes you the second. Since most people would rather be the first, and the product is a part of being the first, then peopl

10、e should buy the product. And they do. Genetic Fallacy The genetic fallacy makes a prediction about something based on where it came from or its origins. For example, saying“ He wouldnt do that-hes from a good family“ is making a genetic fallacy. “You cant expect any better from her-shes from the sl

11、ums“ is also using a genetic fallacy. Note that in neither case is there any reference to the individuals personal abilities or lack thereof; only to where they came from. In advertising, this fallacy is used often: “If its made by company,it must be good“ is an example. Weasel(含糊其辞的 )Words Weasel w

12、ords are those words that are tossed into a sentence that change the actual meaning of the sentence while leaving an impression that is different. Its the easiest way to avoid having to take any responsibility for anything you say, or seem to say. For example, the sentence “Our canned corn is as goo

13、d as fresh cooked corn“. The impression given is that the canned corn is as good (whatever that means) as corn on the cob(玉米穗轴 ) right off the stalk. However, the phrase contains a weasel word:“ cooked“. Thus, the sentence actually says that the canned corn is as good as corn that has been cooked; n

14、ow you need to cook it again to serve it. Note the sentence does not say that the canned corn is as good as fresh corn; its as good as fresh cooked corn. A favorite weasel word is one of the shortest: if. “If the whole wide world can enjoy use, buy, desire, etc. whatever the product is, then so can

15、you“ says absolutely nothing about the product, or even if anyone at all enjoys uses, buys, desires, etc. the product. It simply says “if“, applied to a totally hypothetical, nonexistent state of being. Another common way of using weasel words is using passive verb phrases. For example, instead of s

16、aying“ I think that“(active verb phrase), you can say “It would seem that“( passive verb phrase). In the first instance, ff anyone challenges your statement, you need to defend your position. In the second, however, if anyone challenges you, you can avoid any responsibility for defending the stateme

17、nt by explaining that you only said“ it would seem that“ ,not that you agree or that the statement had any validity in the first place. You can duck responsibility since you never actually said its what you think, even if, at the time, it was. Dangling Comparative A dangling comparative is a stateme

18、nt which seems to be comparing one thing to another, but in actuality never actually states what the thing being compared is being compared to. What generally happens is that the comparison is left up to the audience to complete. For example,“ Our tires stop 25% faster“. Note that the statement neve

19、r says what the tires stop faster than. The audience would naturally expect it to be other tires, and would mentally finish the statement“ Our tires stop 25% faster than other tires“. However, that is not what was said. The comparison is left open, and could be other tires (in which case, it would b

20、e strong6r to actually say so), but it probably isnt other tires. It could just as easily be doughnuts. Complex Question A complex question is one that appears to be asking for a yes or no answer, but is in reality two yes-or-no questions that are usually contradictory. A well-known example is, “Are

21、 you still beating your wife? “It seems to be asking for a yes or no answer, but no matter how its answered, it condemns the respondent. Answer yes, and hes still beating his wife; say no, and he used to. Another example is, “Are you still cheating on your income tax?“ Again, no matter how you answe

22、r, you cant win. Buzz Words Buzz words are words that seem to say something, but what? They are extremely popular in advertising. For example,“ natural“ is a big buzz word, particularly applied to food and drink. However, what exactly is“ natural“? Definitions of the word include“ produced by nature

23、“,“ not artificial“, or “not cultivated or civilized“. Thus what does the word mean when applied to, say, beer? If a beer is natural, is it produced by nature? That somewhere in the Amazon forest, there exists a beer tree that need merely be tapped and bottled? Unlikely; beer is produced in brewerie

24、s and does not exist in nature. Is natural beer not artificial? Artificial means“ made by humans“. Since :humans make the beer in breweries(啤酒厂 ) ,then beer is definitely artificial. Is natural beer not cultivated or civilized? The behavior of beer drinkers is occasionally not cultivated or civilize

25、d, but beer is one of the first achievements of civilization. Then what exactly does it mean for beer to be natural? In effect, the word natural applied to any product that doesnt exist in a finished state in nature is a buzz word. Thus we can see that buzz words have little or no meaning in and of

26、themselves. What meaning they do have is based on the connotations(言外之意 )people give them (which often come from the way the people using them give them) rather than their actual denotative meanings. 2 The misunderstanding of a word could even affect the way a war ended. 3 The black/white trick can

27、provide people with more than two choices for their argument. 4 In case of the black/white trick in advertising, many people would buy the product for its good quality. 5 For the genetic fallacy, there is reference to the individuals personal abilities. 6 In advertising the advertiser can avoid any

28、responsibility for his statement by using _. 7 To say“ It would seem that“ instead of saying“ I think that“ is a common way of using weasel words with using _. 8 The comparison in a dangling comparative is often left _. 9 “Are you still beating your wife?“ is in reality two questions that are usuall

29、y _. 10 “Natural“ is a big buzzword which usually can be found in the advertisement of _. 11 The meaning of buzz words, if they have, is based on connotations instead of _. Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each convers

30、ation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A, B, C and D, and decide which is the best answer. ( A) Shes having a

31、hard time following the professors lectures. ( B) She doesnt like the way the professor lectures. ( C) She is not interested in the course. ( D) Shes having difficulty with the heavy reading assignments. ( A) The man was confused about the date of the appointment. ( B) The man wants to change the da

32、te of the appointment. ( C) The man is glad hes got in touch with the doctor. ( D) The man cant come for the appointment at 4:15. ( A) Wait for him until he finishes his class. ( B) Invite Judie to play instead. ( C) Cancel the game and stay at home. ( D) Go to attend the class with him. ( A) She wa

33、s considerate. ( B) She was unforgiving, ( C) She was apologetic. ( D) She was sympathetic. ( A) Their parents cut back the loan to them. ( B) The woman doesnt want to take another English course. ( C) They cant afford the rent of this month. ( D) The womans boss refused to give her a raise. ( A) Sh

34、e doesnt follow the teacher. ( B) She has been given too much work. ( C) She has no interest at the beginning. ( D) She isnt used to English teaching. ( A) It is totally different this time. ( B) It has nothing to do with the textbook. ( C) Most of the questions arent from the textbook. ( D) Half of

35、 the questions are in the textbook. ( A) He cant afford to buy the ticket. ( B) He needs a break from the math problem. ( C) He doesnt want to go to the opera. ( D) Hell meet the woman when he has finished the math problem. ( A) To be a keen photographer is too costly. ( B) She has to develop 10 rol

36、ls of films. ( C) All her films were vanished. ( D) After the trip, she was too tired to choose a good one. ( A) Spending more money. ( B) Complaining to the manager. ( C) Fighting for them. ( D) Waiting for a sale. ( A) Because she is the woman. ( B) Because she is clever. ( C) Because she protects

37、 her right through the law. ( D) Because she gets a lot of money. ( A) On the train there would be no cheap tickets. ( B) The company is not paying their travel expenses. ( C) They would have to leave home very early to catch it. ( D) That train wouldnt arrive in Aberdeen until 6:00. ( A) Its far to

38、o expensive. ( B) The service between London and Aberdeen isnt frequent. ( C) She thinks its dangerous. ( D) For some reason she doesnt like flying. ( A) He wouldnt be able to sleep at all because of the stops. ( B) It isnt much cheaper than the tram anyway. ( C) Hes worried about arriving late for

39、the interview. ( D) It would be uncomfortable to be sitting for so long. ( A) The tickets are only available on unpopular times. ( B) They want people to travel when trains are not normally full. ( C) They want to encourage business people to travel at midday. ( D) They want to make people think all

40、 trains are cheap. Section B Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A,

41、B, C and D. ( A) His moms support. ( B) His wifes suggestion. ( C) His terrible experience in the hotel. ( D) His previous business success of various levels. ( A) Careful, helpful and beautiful. ( B) Strict, sensitive and supportive. ( C) Modest, helpful, and hard-working. ( D) Loving, supportive a

42、nd strong-willed. ( A) Self-confidence, hard work, higher education and a poor family. ( B) Moms encouragement, clear goals, self-confidence and hard work. ( C) Clear goals, moms encouragement, a poor family and higher education. ( D) Moms encouragement, a poor family, higher education and opportuni

43、ties. ( A) To make a comparison between Dave and other films. ( B) To discuss the Americans ideas about the President. ( C) To tell readers about the American government. ( D) To introduce a new film to the reader. ( A) Sigourney Weaver. ( B) Bill Mitchell. ( C) Kevin Kline. ( D) Ivan Reitman. ( A)

44、The author makes fun of the President. ( B) The author thinks highly of the film. ( C) The author is a fan of Hollywood comedies. ( D) The author wishes to become the American President. ( A) How the President proposes new laws. ( B) How a bill is passed by lawmakers in Congress. ( C) How the Presid

45、ent can reject a proposed law. ( D) How lawmakers can force the President to sign a bill. ( A) Why the President opposes a bill. ( B) How lawmakers want to revise a bill. ( C) Why a deadline has not been met. ( D) When lawmakers plan to end their session. ( A) They send the message to the President

46、within ten days. ( B) They officially state reasons for rejecting the message. ( C) They meet with the President. ( D) They revise the vetoed bill. ( A) The bill becomes law immediately. ( B) The bill cant become law unless the whole process begins again. ( C) Lawmakers must review the bill within t

47、en days. ( D) The President must sign the bill if its passed again. Section C Directions: In this section, you will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the passage is read for the second time, you are require

48、d to fill in the blanks numbered from 36 to 43 with the exact words you have just heard. For blanks numbered from 44 to 46 you are required to fill in the missing information. For these blanks, you can either use the exact words you have just heard or write down the 37 Now we travel to the north cen

49、tral part of the United States. We are in the state of South Dakota. The land is big and mostly fiat with many 【 B1】 of corn, wheat and soybeans. But as we travel west, the cropland gives way to wild grasses. A strong dry wind blows 【 B2】 from the west. Suddenly, the land becomes 【 B3】 and rocky, dry and dusty-no longer green and gold. It is now a light red-brown color. All around are broken 【 B4】 forms. There are hills and valleys of all sizes and strange

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