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1、大学英语六级模拟试卷 264及答案与解析 一、 Part I Writing (30 minutes) 1 Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Smoking in Public Places Should (Not) Be Banned. You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below: 1. 提出你的立场和理由 2提出可能的反对理由 3给予相应的反驳,或提出合理的建

2、议 二、 Part II Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning) (15 minutes) Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions attached to the passage. For questions 1-4, mark: Y (for YES) if the statement agrees with the information given in the p

3、assage; N (for NO) if the statement contradicts the information given in the passage; NG (for NOT GIVEN) if the information is not given in the passage. 1 Does Genetic Research Threaten Our Civil Liberties? The Current Genetic Research The science of genetics is a flourishing new industry, nourished

4、 in large part by the federally funded Human Genome Project. The goal of this ambitious research endeavor is to identify every gene found in the human body, perhaps 100,000 in all. Several months ago, the U.S. government and a private corporation announced that they had “completed“ the “map“ of the

5、genome, although actually there are still many gaps. Much related research focuses on genetic diagnostics- tests designed to identify genes thought to be associated with various medical conditions. More than 50 new genetic tests have been identified in the past five years alone. The increasing speed

6、, sophistication, affordability, and interconnectivity of computer systems allow the rapid monitoring and matching of many millions of records. A 1994 benchmark study by the ACLU found that “concerns about personal privacy run deep among the American people“. The promotion of an ideology of genetici

7、zation fosters the belief that genes are determinative of an individuals behavior, character, and future. Capitalist economic relations have created a scramble (争夺 ) for venture capital, the altering of patent laws, and calls for mass genetic testing by researchers who trade on the old image of the

8、altruistic scientist to mask their conflicts of interest in testing labs, patents, consulting contracts, etc. The Technological Society Technologies are not value-neutral; they usually embody the perspectives, purposes, and political objectives of powerful social groups. The dominant ideology in Wes

9、tern society proclaims that science and technology are value-neutral, and the only problems caused by technologies are either “externalities“ (unintended side effects) or abuses. However, because technologies are the result of human interventions into the otherwise natural progression of activities

10、(and not acts of God or of nature), they are themselves actually imbued with human intentions and purposes. Current technologies do not equally benefit all segments of society (and indeed are not intended to do so), although to maximize public support for these developments and to minimize potential

11、 opposition, their proponents rarely acknowledge these distributional ramifications (分歧 ). The United States is a society in which the differential access to wealth and power has been exacerbated during recent years. Thus, those people with more power can determine the kinds of technological develop

12、ments that are researched and implemented. Because of their size, scale, and requirements for capital investments and for knowledge, modem technologies are powerful interventions into the natural order. They tend to be the mechanisms by which already powerful groups extend, manifest, and further con

13、solidate their powers. Thus, technologies themselves are not neutral; they are social and political phenomena. Genetic technologies and computerization exhibit these characteristics, and reflect power differentials in the society. The results of technological advancement appear to offer a good futur

14、e capabilities of enhanced surveillance (监视 ) and control over people and events, as well as promises of perfectionism (thus leading to both a loss of privacy and increased opportunities for discrimination by powerful entities). Predictability will replace a tolerance for natural variation and diver

15、sity. Loss of Privacy Genetic privacy, like medical privacy in general, involves notions of the dignity and integrity of the individual. Is data accurate? Can individuals access their own files? Can the donor correct inaccurate data? Are the custodians faithful and are technical security systems pro

16、tecting the data where possible? Does the individual have control over which third parties are allowed access, and under what conditions? Infant blood tests are stored in database. The U.S. Department of Defense insists on taking DNA samples from all its personnel, ostensibly for identification of t

17、hose killed in action and body parts from military accidents - despite the fact that the samples are to be kept for 50 years (long after people have left active duty). The program includes civilian employees. The agency refuses to issue regulations barfing all third party use, and the Department wil

18、l not accept waivers (弃权声明 ) from the next of kin (最近的亲属 ) of subjects not wanting to donate tissues. The FBI has been promoting the genetic screening of criminals to establish state DNA identification data banks to be used in criminal investigations; indeed, Federal legislation penalizes states fis

19、cally if they dont participate, and now all do. Yet the data includes samples from those whose crimes have low recidivism (累犯 ) rates or dont leave tissue samples; in some states people merely accused are forced into the program, and in others there are politicians calling for an expansion along the

20、se lines, despite the Constitutional presumption of innocence. Infant blood samples, from the heel-sticks used to determine blood type and test for PKU, are stored as “Guthrie blots“. California alone has more than seven million in its repository. The American Civil Liberties Union advocates that “t

21、he decision to undergo genetic screening is purely personal“ and it should not be “subject to control or compulsion by third parties“ or the government. And “where a person has intentionally undergone genetic screening procedures there must be no disclosure of findings to third parties without the e

22、xpress and informed consent of the subject given after the results of the screening are made known to the subject and upon such times and conditions as the subject may require.“ Yet patients records “are commodities for sale,“ in the words of the New York Times a few years ago, and a panel of the U.

23、S. National Research Council has warned that the computerized medical records of millions of citizens are open to misuse and abuse. Genetic Discrimination Genetic discrimination is the other major civil liberty threatened by genetic research. Scientists working with the Council for Responsible Genet

24、ics have documented hundreds of cases where healthy people have been denied insurance or employment based on genetic “predictions.“ Of course, relatively few genetic diseases are deterministic; most tests (which have inherent limits themselves) cannot tell us if a genetic mutation will become manife

25、st; if it does do so, it cannot tell us when in life this will occur; and if it happens, how severe the condition will be. In addition, many genetic conditions can be controlled or treated by interventions and environmental changes. The growth of the mania (狂热 ) for testing in the U.S. is a manifest

26、ation of class relationships, through new technological possibilities: Employers test employees, insurance companies and health organizations test patients, college officials test students, legislators pass bills to test a variety of disempowered groups (welfare recipients, prisoners, immigrants and

27、 the like). Such indignities are never foisted upon the ruling class by the masses. Federal rules for medical privacy (including genetic information) were announced in August 2000, after weaker proposals by the Clinton Administration received a great deal of criticism. While providing standards for

28、the disclosure of bio-information, the rules require that the patient only receive notice, not give consent; thus, there still would not be full patient control over sensitive information. The President has also announced his support of a Federal bill which would prohibit health insurance providers

29、from using any type of genetic information for making decisions about whether to cover a person or what premium to charge. This legislation would address some of the discrimination problems which have been occurring. And he has issued an Executive Order barring genetic discrimination in Federal empl

30、oyment. Conclusion Beyond the risks of discrimination and loss of privacy, however, societys fascination with genetic determinism has other social and political consequences. An overemphasis on the role of genes in human health neglects environmental and social factors, thus contributing to the imag

31、e of people with “defective“ genes as “damaged goods“. This, in effect, encourages a “blame the victim“ mindset, directly contrary to the public policy embodied in the Americans with Disabilities Act, now 10 years old. Economic and social resources end up being diverted into finding biomedical “solu

32、tions“ while social measures get badly needed. Although new technologies claim to offer us more “freedom“, they really can threaten our civic values. This is certainly true of the new biology. 2 New technologies do not benefit everyone equally. ( A) Y ( B) N ( C) NG 3 The U.S. Department of Defense

33、bars third-party use of employees DNA samples. ( A) Y ( B) N ( C) NG 4 FBI criminal data includes DNA samples collected from the convicted as well as the accused. ( A) Y ( B) N ( C) NG 5 Genetic engineering technology is helpful to improve peoples health conditions. ( A) Y ( B) N ( C) NG 6 The goal

34、of the Human Genome Project is to _. 7 Technologies are not value-neutral but are _ phenomena. 8 Genetic privacy is as real a concern as _ for the dignity and integrity of the individual. 9 Many healthy people have been denied insurance or employment because of _. 10 The growing fascination with gen

35、etic testing in the U.S. partly reflects _. 11 Besides genes, _ factors also play a role in our fate. Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both th

36、e conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A, B, C and D, and decide which is the best answer. ( A) She is not interested in the article. ( B) She has given the man much trouble. ( C) S

37、he would like to have a copy of the article. ( D) She doesnt want to take the trouble to read the article. ( A) He saw the big tower he visited on TV. ( B) He has visited the TV tower twice. ( C) He has visited the TV tower once. ( D) He will visit the TV tower in June. ( A) The woman has trouble ge

38、tting along with the professor. ( B) The woman regrets having taken up much of the professors time. ( C) The woman knows the professor has been busy. ( D) The woman knows the professor has run into trouble. ( A) He doesnt enjoy business trips as much as he used to. ( B) He doesnt think he is capable

39、 of doing the job. ( C) He thinks the pay is too low to support his family. ( D) He wants to spend more time with his family. ( A) He cant find the ticket. ( B) He prefers to stand. ( C) The ball is expected to be crowded. ( D) He wants to sit close to the stage. ( A) His new job is disappointing. (

40、 B) He wanted to hire someone to do the job for him. ( C) He hasnt made an appointment for the interview. ( D) Hes discouraged as he didnt get the job. ( A) The article was actually longer. ( B) The newspaper printed his other paper. ( C) Hes just begun writing for the newspaper. ( D) The article de

41、als with books. ( A) Everyone has left. ( B) There are no tickets for the early show. ( C) The tickets have been sold. ( D) The ticket line is on the left. ( A) 15,000. ( B) 10,500. ( C) 14,000. ( D) 16,000. ( A) Four. ( B) Five. ( C) Three. ( D) Seven. ( A) Next month. ( B) Next week. ( C) Two days

42、 later. ( D) Ten days later. ( A) Purchase her plane ticket. ( B) Change her plane ticket. ( C) Pick up a passport application form. ( D) Arrange for her accommodations in Europe. ( A) She doesnt have time to move. ( B) She would have difficulty finding another apartment nearby. ( C) Shes paid her r

43、ent for the summer in advance. ( D) She doesnt want to paint another apartment. ( A) Hes spoken to him on the phone. ( B) He stayed in his apartment one summer. ( C) He went on a summer trip with him. ( D) He used to work with him. ( A) Three weeks. ( B) One month. ( C) Three months. ( D) Over a yea

44、r. Section B Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D. ( A)

45、 Almost the same through the ages. ( B) Showing different representative styles through the ages. ( C) Developing from pictures and signs. ( D) Developed by great calligraphers. ( A) Six or seven thousand years ago. ( B) Later than calligraphy. ( C) Earlier than calligraphy. ( D) Earlier than what w

46、e know. ( A) Have the same origin with the calligraphy. ( B) Share some common features with poetry. ( C) Combine traditional Chinese painting techniques with those of the West. ( D) Evolve from pictures and signs. ( A) They eat huge amounts of food. ( B) They usually eat twice a day. ( C) They usua

47、lly eat to their hearts content. ( D) They eat much less than people assume. ( A) When it is breeding. ( B) When it feels threatened by humans in its territory. ( C) When its offspring is threatened. ( D) When it is suffering from illness. ( A) They are not as dangerous as people think. ( B) They ca

48、n be as friendly to humans as dogs. ( C) They attack human beings by nature. ( D) They are really tame sea animals. ( A) You need to learn the basics of English. ( B) You need to learn the advanced English. ( C) You need to read a wide range of books in English. ( D) You need to master English gramm

49、ar well. ( A) Beginners. ( B) Intermediate learners. ( C) Learners of special English. ( D) Beginners knowing ABC. ( A) Airline pilots must start to learn English in 21st century. ( B) As a bank clerk he should learn special English to meet the needs of his work. ( C) People can benefit from intermediate level of English in their own field. ( D) Teachers with intermediate level of English can teach their students well. ( A) English literature. ( B) Business English. ( C) General English. ( D) Sp

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