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1、大学英语六级模拟试卷 43及答案与解析 一、 Part I Writing (30 minutes) 1 For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Computer Game Addiction. You should write at least 150 words, and base your composition on the outline given in Chinese below: 1 13:00 起床,吃中饭 14:00 去网吧玩网络游戏 17:00 晚饭网吧叫外

2、卖;开始通宵练级 9:00 next morning 回宿舍休息 上述安排为高校一个大学生的作息时间表,说明反映的现象 2产生这一现象的原因及其危害 3如何解决该问题 Computer Game Addiction 二、 Part II Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning) (15 minutes) Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions attached to the

3、 passage. For questions 1-4, mark: Y (for YES) if the statement agrees with the information given in the passage; N (for NO) if the statement contradicts the information given in the passage; NG (for NOT GIVEN) if the information is not given in the passage. 2 Sleep Sleep is one of those funny thing

4、s about being a human beingyou just have to do it. Have you ever wondered why? And what about the crazy dreams, tike the one where a bad person is chasing you and you cant run or yell. Does that make any sense? Characteristics of Sleep We all know how sleep lookswhen we see someone sleeping, we reco

5、gnize the following characteristics: -If possible, the person will lie down to go to sleep. -The persons eyes are closed. -The person doesnt hear anything unless it is a loud noise. -The person breathes in a slow, rhythmic pattern. -The persons muscles are completely relaxed. If sitting up, the pers

6、on may fall out of his or her chair as sleep deepens. -During sleep, the person occasionally rolls over or rearranges his or her body. This happens approximately once or twice an hour. This may be the bodys way of making sure that no part of the body or skin has its circulation cut off for too long

7、a period of time. In addition to these outward signs, the heart slows down and the brain does some pretty frightening things. In other words, a sleeping person is unconscious to most things happening in the environment. The biggest difference between someone who is asleep and someone who has fainted

8、 or gone into a coma is the fact that a sleeping person can be aroused if the stimulus is strong enough. If you shake the person, yell loudly or flash a bright light, a sleeping person will wake up. For any animal living in the wild, it just doesnt seem very smart to design in a necessary eight-hour

9、 period of near-total unconsciousness every day. Yet that is exactly what evolution has done. So there must be a pretty good reason for it! Who Sleeps? Reptiles(爬行动物 ), birds and mammals all sleep. That is, they become unconscious to their surroundings for periods of time. Some fish and amphibians r

10、educe their awareness but do not ever become unconscious like the higher vertebrates(脊椎动物 ) do. Insects do not appear to sleep, although they may become inactive in daylight or darkness. By studying brainwaves, it is known that reptiles do not dream. Birds dream a little. Mammals all dream during sl

11、eep. Different animals sleep in different ways. Some animals, like humans, prefer to sleep in one long session. Other animals (dogs, for example) like to sleep in many short bursts. Some sleep at night, while others sleep during the day. Sleep and the Brain If you attach an electroencephalograph(脑电图

12、仪 ) to a persons head, you can record the persons brainwave activity. A waking and relaxed person generates alpha waves, which are consistent vibrations at about 10 cycles per second. An alert person generates beta waves, which are about twice as fast. During sleep, two slower patterns called theta

13、waves and delta waves take over. Theta waves have oscillations in the range of 3.5 to 7 cycles per second, and delta waves have oscillations of less than 3.5 cycles per second. As a person falls asleep and sleep deepens, the brainwave patterns slow down. The slower the brainwave patterns, the deeper

14、 the sleepa person deep in delta wave sleep is hardest to wake up. REM Sleep At several points during the night, something unexpected happensrapid eye movement (REM) sleep occurs. Most people experience three to five intervals of REM sleep per night, and brainwaves during this period speed up to awa

15、ke levels. If you ever watch a person or a dog experiencing REM sleep, you will see their eyes flickering back and forth rapidly. In many dogs and some people, arms, legs and facial muscles will twitch(抽搐 ) during REM sleep. Periods of sleep other than REM sleep are known as NREM (non-REM) sleep. RE

16、M sleep is when you dream, ff you wake up a person during REM sleep, the person can vividly recall dreams. If you wake up a person during NREM sleep, generally the person will not be dreaming. You must have both REM and NREM sleep to get a good nights sleep. A normal person will spend about 25 perce

17、nt of the night in REM sleep, and the rest in NREM. A REM sessiona dreamlasts five to 30 minutes. Medicine can hamper your ability to get a good nights sleep. Many medicines, including most sleeping medicines, change the quality of sleep and the REM component of it. Why Sleep? No one really knows wh

18、y we sleep. But, there are all kinds of theories, including these: -Sleep gives the body a chance to repair muscles and other tissues, replace aging or dead cells, etc. -Sleep gives the brain a chance to organize and store memories. Dreams are thought by some to be part of this process. -Sleep lower

19、s our energy consumption, so we need three meals a day rather than four or five. Since we cant do anything in the dark anyway, we might as well “turn off“ and save the energy. -According to Science News Online: Napless cats awaken interest in adenosine(腺苷 ), sleep may be a way of recharging the brai

20、n, using adenosine as a signal that the brain needs to rest: “Since adenosine secretion(分泌物 ) reflects brain cell activity, rising concentrations of this chemical may be how the organ judges that it has been burning up its energy reserves and needs to shut down for a while.“ Adenosine levels in the

21、brain rise during wakefulness and decline during sleep. What we all know is that, with a good nights sleep, everything looks and feels better in the morning. Both the brain and the body are refreshed and ready for a new day. Dreams Why do we have such crazy, odd dreams? Why do we dream at all for th

22、at matter? According to Joel Achenbach in his book Why Things Are: The brain creates dreams through random electrical activity. Random is the key word here. About every 90 minutes the brain stem sends electrical impulses throughout the brain, in no particular order or fashion. The analytic portion o

23、f the brainthe forebrainthen desperately tries to make sense of these signals. It is like looking at a Rorschach test, a random splash of ink on paper. The only way of comprehending it is by viewing the dream (or the inkblot) metaphorically, symbolically, since theres no literal message. This doesnt

24、 mean that dreams are meaningless or should be ignored. How our forebrains choose to “analyze“ the random and discontinuous images may tell us something about ourselves, just as what we see in an inkblot can be revelatory. And perhaps there is a purpose to the craziness: Our minds may be working on

25、deep-seated problems through these circuitous and less threatening metaphorical dreams. Here are some other things you may have noticed about your dreams: -Dreams tell a story. They are like a TV show, with scenes, characters and props. -Dreams are egocentric. They almost always involve you. -Dreams

26、 incorporate things that have happened to you recently. They can also incorporate deep wishes and fears. -A noise in the environment is often worked into a dream in some way, giving some credibility to the idea that dreams are simply the brains response to random impulses. -You usually cannot contro

27、l a dreamin fact, many dreams emphasize your lack of control by making it impossible to run or yell. Dreaming is important. In sleep experiments where a person is woken up every time he/she enters REM sleep, the person becomes increasingly impatient and uncomfortable over time. 2 The author thinks s

28、leep is a funny thing as it is necessary for human life. ( A) Y ( B) N ( C) NG 3 While sleeping, people might turn and toss if they are physically or mentally ill. ( A) Y ( B) N ( C) NG 4 A sleeping person and a fainted one are similar in that both can be waken by strong stimulus. ( A) Y ( B) N ( C)

29、 NG 5 When insects sleep, they may become inactive no matter whether it is in the day or at night. ( A) Y ( B) N ( C) NG 6 Unlike humans who tend to have one long sleep, dogs prefer to sleep in _. 7 While awake, people can produce _ waves in their brains. 8 If the eyes of a sleeping person flicker b

30、ack and forth rapidly, that means he or she is in _. 9 According to some theory, we only need breakfast, lunch and supper every day but no more because while sleeping, we can consume _. 10 According to Joel Achenbach, while dreaming, our brains experience _. 11 Our dreams tend to involve recent happ

31、enings to us and our _. Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question

32、 there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A, B, C and D, and decide which is the best answer. ( A) She is not a very famous actress. ( B) She is not very much tempted by big money. ( C) She has no idea of how to make advertisements. ( D) She is not so fortunate

33、as other actresses. ( A) He does not have a good healing. ( B) He has been driving madly for a year. ( C) He never takes what she says seriously. ( D) He is always impatient with her. ( A) She is worried about the errors made. ( B) She has been doing things in a correct way. ( C) She needs someone t

34、o lend her a hand. ( D) She is still searching for directions. ( A) The woman should apply for the advertised job. ( B) The woman can help him with his work in the next two weeks. ( C) He is the right person to help her to post an ad. ( D) He can find a better paying job for the woman. ( A) She is s

35、tubborn. ( B) She is lonely. ( C) She is not easy-going. ( D) She is hopeless. ( A) Todays seminar was too badly scheduled. ( B) Both speakers are enthusiastic about the seminars. ( C) Next weeks seminar is on a different topic. ( D) There will be two seminars in the next week. ( A) Its dull. ( B) I

36、ts exciting. ( C) Its simple. ( D) Its complicated. ( A) $2.75. ( B) $1.25. ( C) $1.50. ( D) $3.9. ( A) Because he cant find an ideal date. ( B) Because he is too common a person. ( C) Because he has failed to realize his dreams. ( D) Because he is deceived by Mrs. Right. ( A) Entering a large compa

37、ny without application. ( B) Programming human feelings into machines. ( C) Deciding ones best partner through a computer. ( D) Matching up people with questionnaires. ( A) It isnt reliable. ( B) It needs checking. ( C) It is definitely trustworthy. ( D) It wont hurt to try. ( A) Many of her books a

38、re bestsellers. ( B) She is a shrewd bookstore owner. ( C) She is promoting her book in person. ( D) She is a salesperson at the bookstore. ( A) It has been the bestseller for weeks. ( B) It advises people to change themselves. ( C) It is being sold at a very, low price. ( D) It distinguishes co-ope

39、rators. ( A) A man careful with money. ( B) A book-lover. ( C) A noisy reader. ( D) A trouble-maker. ( A) Someone who always talks about himself. ( B) The most violent type of co-workers. ( C) Someone who stabs your back. ( D) The most common annoying type of people. Section B Directions: In this se

40、ction, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D. ( A) She was asked to lead a group of i

41、nexperienced cavers there. ( B) It was the first cave that she had ever visited. ( C) Clearly marked trails made it easy to explore. ( D) She hoped to make a discovery. ( A) Its easy to locate. ( B) Its in a very windy area. ( C) Its exceptionally beautiful. ( D) Its partially covered by water. ( A)

42、 They are more likely to damage the cave. ( B) Its hard for them to stay awake. ( C) They tend to break their equipment. ( D) They may imagine seeing things that arent really there. ( A) They used bricks and they are too heavy. ( B) They used bricks that were too expensive. ( C) Steel was in short s

43、upply. ( D) The benefits of steel were unknown to them. ( A) Its strength. ( B) Its heaviness. ( C) Its durability. ( D) Its cheap cost. ( A) They stopped using bricks in their future construction. ( B) They always used steel when building buildings. ( C) Buildings got higher in Chicago. ( D) Jenny

44、became rich by his discovery. ( A) Working too long. ( B) Accumulated stress. ( C) Bad sleeping habits. ( D) Anti-social lifestyles. ( A) A third. ( B) Almost half. ( C) Less than three-fifths. ( D) More than three-fifths. ( A) It is not as bad as it used to be. ( B) Americans do not want to give up

45、 any more sleep. ( C) Americans guarantee to change the sleeping habits. ( D) Americans want to know just how bad it is to their health. ( A) Bringing in a guest expert on the show. ( B) Discussing how to change the situation. ( C) Getting feedback from listeners who call the show. ( D) Discussing w

46、hether this is a trend in all developing countries. Section C Directions: In this section, you will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the passage is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the

47、 blanks numbered from 36 to 43 with the exact words you have just heard. For blanks numbered from 44 to 46 you are required to fill in the missing information. For these blanks, you can either use the exact words you have just heard or write down the 37 A new era is upon us: the service economy, the

48、 information age, the knowledge society. It all translates to a (36)_ change in the way we work. The (37)_ of people who earn their living by making things has fallen (38)_ in the Western World. Today the (39)_ of jobs in America, Europe and Japan(two thirds or more in many of these countries) are i

49、n the service industry. There are more part-time jobs. More people are self-employed. But the breadth of the economic transformation cant be (40)_ by numbers alone. Long-held notions about jobs and careers, the skills needed to succeed, even the relation between individuals and employersall these are being (41)_. We have only to look behind us to get some sense of what may lie ahead. No one looking ahead 20 years possibly could have (42)_

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