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1、大学英语六级模拟试卷 506及答案与解析 一、 Part I Writing (30 minutes) 1 For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on the topic of Should Foreign Abbreviations Be Banned on TV? You should write at least 150 words according to the outline given below. 目前有些电视台禁止在节目中使用外来缩略语 1对这种做法有人表示支持 2有人并不赞成 3我认

2、为 Should Foreign Abbreviations Be Banned on TV? _ 二、 Part II Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning) (15 minutes) Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions attached to the passage. For questions 1-4, mark: Y (for YES) if the stat

3、ement agrees with the information given in the passage; N (for NO) if the statement contradicts the information given in the passage; NG (for NOT GIVEN) if the information is not given in the passage. 1 Whats the right activity for me? Whoever you are, theres an activity for you to maintain a “keep

4、fit“ lifestyle. And just as getting fitter doesnt have to mean pushing yourself to the limits of your endurance, you dont have to be technically brilliant at a particular sport to derive pleasure and health benefits from it. Some people hold back from getting fit because they feel self-conscious abo

5、ut their ability or body and want to find an activity they can do on their own, but organized classes and sports clubs can provide you with support and motivation, as well as a chance to make new friends. If youre interested in football, hockey or other team sports, for example, many local clubs wil

6、l have several teams of varying abilities, while there are plenty of aerobics (有氧健身 ) or yoga classes specifically designed to cater for beginners. Youre never too old to learn to swim, or you can take classes to improve your technique if thats whats holding you back. But many activities can be done

7、 by yourself, and require neither technical expertise nor much in the way of equipment or expense -just your willingness to give it a go. Here are some of the best, easiest and most popular ways to start getting fit, as well as some suggestions for alternatives, that get you started. Walking Most of

8、 us walk at some point each day but we do it far less than we used to. The government calculates theres been a decline of more than 20 percent in the number of miles walked since the mid - 1980s. But walking is the simplest and cheapest of all exercises, and making it a regular activity and focusing

9、 on the intensity or distance covered can greatly increase your fitness. Walking improves the condition of your heart and lungs and works the muscles of the lower body. Its a weight-bearing activity, so it may improve bone density, yet its also low-impact, putting less stress on the joints than some

10、 other forms of exercise. Aside from the health benefits of walking, some of the countrys most beautiful scenery can only be accessed on foot, so if you dont try walking, think what youre denying yourself. If youre a beginner, go in groups or as part of an organized outing via a ramblers club. Walki

11、ng up hills expends more energy - even walking down again uses more energy than walking on the flat, but if you dont think youre ready for the hills yet, boost your fitness by walking just about anywhere. You could try power walking in the park, for example. The idea is to walk at such a fast pace t

12、hat it would actually be easier to break into a run. You burn more calories walking at this speed than you would running at the same pace. Running/jogging Running might just be the ultimate way to get fit: its cheap, can be done anywhere, at any time and, most importantly, is very effective. Theres

13、really no difference between running and jogging, although jogging is often used to describe running at a slow pace. Whatever you call it, all you need is a good pair of running shoes and a little enthusiasm. As long as youre healthy and take it easy to start with, anyone can run. If you have a hist

14、ory of certain diseases like chest pain, high blood pressure, or have had recent surgery or are pregnant, consult a doctor first. As a high-impact activity, running may maintain or increase bone density. But it can also put more stress on your joints than lower-impact activities such as walking and

15、cycling, especially if youre overweight. Again, if youre concerned, consult your doctor. As with all exercise, you must warm up first. Start by walking at a brisk pace, then gradually break into a slow jog. Run at a pace at which you can still hold a conversation, but which definitely feels harder t

16、han walking. If youre getting too breathless to talk, slow down or walk for a while until youre breathing more easily. To begin with, aim to run/walk in this way for ten minutes in total. Do this every second or third day, gradually reducing the walking time and increasing the running until you can

17、run for the full ten minutes. At the end of each session, warm down by finishing with a slow jog or brisk walk until your heart rate and breathing have returned to more normal levels. Stretch while your muscles are still warm. Next, start to increase the total duration of your run by a minute or two

18、 every third session, until you can manage 30 minutes three times a week. Even if youre feeling good, dont be tempted to increase your running time by more than ten per cent each week. Many people are put off running because they find it boring. For this reason, it is important to get a bit of varie

19、ty in your running. There are many different sorts of running - road running, cross-country running, fell running (running in the hills), or you could run at your local athletics track, or even on a treadmill at the gym (though running on a moving treadmill uses less energy). Swimming Swimming is an

20、other popular way to start getting fit because most towns have a pool, its still relatively inexpensive and you need even less kit than you do for running. Most pools also offer lessons if youre a non-swimmer, or you havent swum for years and want to improve your technique. Swimming is a great way t

21、o tone up and trim down, because to swim you need to move your body against the resistance of the water. Just swimming a few lengths involves most of the major muscle groups, giving your body a good workout. And if you gradually increase the pace, youll get a brilliant aerobic workout, too. Swimming

22、 is also an effective form of fat-burning exercise: because you can swim at your own pace, slowly if you wish, you can keep swimming for long periods, and maintaining your staying power is a vital goal in fat-burning exercise. The other big advantage is that water supports your weight and takes the

23、stress off your joints, so you can put your body through a good workout without your knees, hips or spine paying the price. Research shows that exercising in waist-deep water reduces the pressure on joints by 50 percent, while exercising in chest-deep water reduces it by as much as 75 percent. This

24、can also make it a great exercise if youre recovering from an injury that means you cant run or play your normal sport. Gym The gym can be a good place to work on overall aerobic fitness and build muscle strength, or just somewhere to exercise on days when you cant face the cold or the rain. Gym-bas

25、ed activities include aerobic exercise such as running, rowing or cycling machines, weight training, and classes, such as aerobics or aerobic dance. All ages and fitness levels are catered for and improvements can be measured and exercise programs tailored to your needs. Check your instructor is qua

26、lified to recognized standards, especially if youre weight training. Incorrect technique can easily lead to injuries or make existing problems worse. For advice, take a look at the Register of Exercise Professionals. 2 What is the passage mainly about? ( A) Techniques in physical exercises. ( B) Exe

27、rcise that you can do by yourself. ( C) Local sports clubs and gyms. ( D) Suggestions for organized sport classes. 3 Why are some people unwilling to get fit? ( A) The expenses of organized classes are too great for them. ( B) There is no activity they can take with their friends. ( C) They are afra

28、id that the activities are beyond their abilities. ( D) There are few sports clubs or gyms available in the community. 4 According to the passage, one health benefits of walking is that _. ( A) your bone density will be decreased ( B) you will lose weight in an easy and quick way ( C) you will enjoy

29、 better heart condition ( D) you will have stronger upper body muscles 5 Power walking is different from running at the same pace in that _. ( A) it uses more energy ( B) it burns much less calories ( C) it is restricted to the park ( D) it requires special equipment 6 When talking about running, th

30、e author suggests that people who had some diseases _. ( A) give up running ( B) run at a lower pace ( C) run at their will ( D) seek medical advice 7 What should people do during the warming-up exercise for running? ( A) Try to run at a breathless speed. ( B) Increase the pace in a gradual way. ( C

31、) Keep talking with their companions. ( D) Warm up the muscles by stretching. 8 Which of the following is not a big advantage of swimming according to the passage? ( A) Water reduces the pressure on peoples joints. ( B) Swimming works most of the major muscles. ( C) Water can greatly increase people

32、s fitness. ( D) Swimming can burn the fat quite effectively. 9 A good exercise for people who are regaining a normal condition after an injury may be _. 10 One can turn to _ if he wants to exercise in a raining day. 11 To avoid potential injuries when doing gym-based activities, you need to make sur

33、e that you get _ instructor. Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each que

34、stion there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A, B, C and D, and decide which is the best answer. ( A) Attend the orientation. ( B) Reschedule a meeting. ( C) Meet with a customer. ( D) Train the new sales staff. ( A) The shipment has been lost. ( B) The shipme

35、nt has been held up. ( C) The buyer is not satisfied with the goods. ( D) They have violated customs regulations. ( A) To the factory. ( B) To see a doctor. ( C) To keep his appointment. ( D) To get some lunch. ( A) By keeping the files for ten years. ( B) By putting the files in the computer. ( C)

36、By finding a bigger space. ( D) By discarding the files. ( A) It has been expanded. ( B) It has been simplified. ( C) It has been corrected. ( D) It has been illustrated. ( A) Look for a manual. ( B) Clean out a cabinet. ( C) Purchase new software. ( D) Borrow a manual. ( A) Tour the harbor. ( B) Fi

37、nd accommodations. ( C) Check out of a hotel. ( D) Pay a bill. ( A) She doesnt like it. ( B) She is tired of it. ( C) She doesnt want to spend a lot. ( D) The restaurant is too far away. ( A) Planning a sightseeing tour. ( B) Arranging his class schedule. ( C) Writing to an old friend in France. ( D

38、) Looking through a French book. ( A) He plans to go to Canada on his own. ( B) He plans to take a short leave for Boston. ( C) He plans to leave Montreal to visit his uncle. ( D) He plans to run an engineering department in Rome ( A) Arrange for his credits transfer first. ( B) Think twice before h

39、e goes. ( C) Transfer his credits later on. ( D) Ask advice from Susan. ( A) Many of her books are bestsellers. ( B) She is a shrewd bookstore owner. ( C) She is promoting her book in person. ( D) She is a salesperson at the bookstore. ( A) It has been the bestseller for weeks. ( B) It advises peopl

40、e to change themselves. ( C) It is being sold at a very low price. ( D) It distinguishes co-operators. ( A) A man careful with money. ( B) A book-lover. ( C) A noisy reader. ( D) A trouble-maker. ( A) Someone who always talks about himself. ( B) The most violent type of co-workers. ( C) Someone who

41、stabs your back. ( D) The most common annoying type of people. Section B Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the

42、best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D. ( A) New drugs. ( B) Settled debate. ( C) Skillful surgeons. ( D) Advanced equipment. ( A) The shortage of willing donors. ( B) The obtaining of moral approval. ( C) The complex technical procedure. ( D) The rejection from the immune system. (

43、A) They are willing to donate their faces. ( B) They are concerned about moral problems. ( C) They would accept the idea of face transplant. ( D) They have no clue what face transplant means. ( A) To show its new movies. ( B) To have more innovations. ( C) To invite more people to its parks. ( D) To

44、 give incentives and bonus to all its employees. ( A) He often attended television programs to propose ideas. ( B) He invited over 40 people to show their ideas in a period. ( C) He would evaluate the ideas along with his top assistants. ( D) He devoted a day to listening to ideas every three months

45、. ( A) They invite new ideas with great enthusiasm. ( B) They choose good ideas through a strict process. ( C) They give quick reactions to proposals and ideas. ( D) They have no standard regulations on assessing suggestions. ( A) He thinks neither of the work patterns is good. ( B) He believes that

46、 longer working hours is better. ( C) He prefers shorter working hours to longer ones. ( D) He says nothing certain about which pattern is better. ( A) Spain. ( B) France. ( C) America. ( D) Germany. ( A) Americans are happier than Europeans. ( B) The GDP of Europe is higher than that of America. (

47、C) People all over the world choose to work less when they are richer. ( D) Two possible reasons are given for working longer hours in the US. ( A) Staying at Home ( B) Work and Happiness ( C) Work and Productivity ( D) Americans and Europeans Section C Directions: In this section, you will hear a p

48、assage three times. When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the passage is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks numbered from 36 to 43 with the exact words you have just heard. For blanks numbered from 44 to 46 y

49、ou are required to fill in the missing information. For these blanks, you can either use the exact words you have just heard or write down the 36 Scotland is a unique place. It has some of the most beautiful cities in Europe, a living evidence of a splendid and proud past. Its peoples ancient love to the hard land and their struggle against nature are【 36】 within the walls of the Angus Folk Museum. You are able to get a feel of the【 37】 rural atmosphere of times past from the eve

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