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1、大学英语六级模拟试卷 571及答案与解析 一、 Part I Writing (30 minutes) 1 For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled My View on Mass Blessing Messages. You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below. 1现在很多人使用群发短信的形式传 递节日祝福 2产生这种现象的原因和可能带来的结果 3我的观点 My View on Mass Bl

2、essing Messages 二、 Part II Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning) (15 minutes) Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions attached to the passage. For questions 1-4, mark: Y (for YES) if the statement agrees with the information

3、given in the passage; N (for NO) if the statement contradicts the information given in the passage; NG (for NOT GIVEN) if the information is not given in the passage. 1 Disney World: Cities of Simulation as Postmodern Utopias (乌托邦 ) What is the essence of Disney World? Much of it revolves around Dis

4、neys effort to create the illusion for visitors that they have entered a perfect world, which more closely conforms to their desires. Disney creates this “perfect world“ in various ways. For example, it encourages visitors to see the park through the eyes of a child and defines itself as a place tha

5、t “brings dreams to life“. But most essentially it creates a fictionalized version of a perfect world by inviting visitors to escape their containment in physical reality so they are no longer limited by time, distance, size and physical laws. Disney World is centered on Main Street USA; surrounding

6、 this small town sentiment are the four worlds:Fantasyland,Frontierland, Adventureland and Tomorrowland. The idea is that even in a small town atmosphere there are no limitations to reality, space, odyssey (冒险征程 ) or time. This small town construct offers us a vision of an America that never was, an

7、d the possibility of tomorrow that may never be. It occurs in a time of the Utopian representations of yesterday and tomorrow. Tourists are suspended, in amid very different times,between worlds that do not exist in real time. In various attractions,visitors seem to float through the human body and

8、through DNA; they travel to the past and future,and leave the earth. On the thrill rides,they defy gravity,moving at speeds and in ways that seem to violate what common sense tells them that should be possible. Disney World also invites visitors to escape the fallen state of society and the self. It

9、 creates idealized visions of American capitalism and political history, and draws visitors into a world of perpetual celebration,full of parades and fireworks,with costumed performers and endless invitations to fun. The effect is not unlike participating in a 365-day-a-year holiday, in which negati

10、ve emotions are banished from life. When you put all this together,it becomes obvious that Disney World offers visitors the fictionalized realization of humanitys deepest dream: transcendence (超越 ). In Disney World, we go beyond the mundane (世俗 ). In place of the world we normally find ourselves in,

11、 in which most opportunities are closed to us and most human motives are concealed, we go on a journey through symbolic worlds that are objective and material, but seemingly as weightless, carefree and fantastic as the imagination. In all this,Disney undoes the dry “scientism“ of the world view of c

12、ontemporary societies. It was the German sociologist Max Weber who said that in the modern age we are witnessing the disappointment of the world with the rise of science and the declining influence of religion. The creations of simulation culture, such as Disney, seem to be attractive again for us w

13、ith the new promise that art and technology can re-create our surroundings in the form of an updated version of contemporary romance stories, with myths of space flight,aliens,time travel and lost worlds. But Disney doesnt only offer objectified fantasies. Through the power of simulation, it also sh

14、ows us the way technology will give us power over and freedom from, the world. Disney takes the various possibilities of technology that one day we will go into outer space or travel freely across the globe or evolve a perfect society and it creates the simulation of these things so we can enjoy in

15、fictional form, now,the powers we hope to enjoy later,in reality. These qualities make Disney World the ultimate showcase for the way technology will lead to transcendence of the earthly world. In place of the promise of modernism, which told us that we could realistically hope that technology would

16、 bring in an age of wealth, power over nature, and rationality, it reveals a “postmodern“ promise that has emerged out of modernism,in which we are told that technology will allow us to escape the conditions of society and the physical world. We can thus see in Disney two trends that define the age:

17、 the desire to escape the constraints of life through the new magic wand of technology and the desire to pretend that we have done so in invented worlds of simulation. One might say that if the great myth or “meta-story“ of America is the story of progress, then Disney World is a place that masquera

18、des (化妆舞会 ) as the happy ending,in which progress culminates in a utopia of transcendence that undoes the fallen state of nature, society and ourselves. These characteristics place Disney World in a long line of utopias invented by Western civilization. But unlike most others, which were rendered in

19、 fiction or put into practice in small communities, in Disney, a perfect world is seemingly brought to life with simulation and offered as a vacation paradise. There are excessive signs throughout the park that indicate tourists where to take pictures. These signs are usually located in front of att

20、ractions or rides, so that tourists equate their good time with specific places, and the Disney memory will linger with the pictures that tourists treasure and integrate into their real lives. Whenever they crave (渴望 )happy times,they automatically envision a specific place or location at Disney. On

21、e of the ironies in all this is that Disney World misrepresents our desire for a better world, even as it expresses it. On the one hand,it expresses our desire for an idealized existence that is innocent of evil and imperfection. But it does so by inviting us to degenerate to a state of happiness be

22、fore the fall from childhood, with simplified visions of life that filter out the difficult truths of the self and society. The contradictions inherent in Disney World are deepened by the fact that it is only able to show us its vision of Utopia by turning us into passive consumers who are taken for

23、 rides. Thus, we can see a danger that is at the essence of our relationship to technology. In the way it does everything for us and encourages us to both think of ourselves as children and lose ourselves in images and fantasy;Disney reveals the way technology can promote narcissistic (自我陶醉的 ) perso

24、nality traits in those who use it. In Disney,there is the ultimate attempt to rely on technology,in which even experiences are manufactured for us by machines. Disney World is a cautionary tale that shows us, not only the wonders of the future, but the danger that progress might cause humanity to de

25、generate, allowing it to lose itself in an environment of automation, simulation and reassuring intellectual illusions. 2 Disney World creates a fictionalized “perfect world“ mostly by_. ( A) bringing visitors childhood dreams to life ( B) offering visitors illusions of past and future ( C) stimulat

26、ing visitors own imagination ( D) confusing visitors sense of time and space 3 How does Disney let visitors escape the fallen state of society and the self? ( A) By building an America of glorious past and future. ( B) By immersing visitors in endless joy and fun. ( C) By keeping visitors away from

27、realistic emotions. ( D) By distorting history to create an illusionary paradise. 4 Compared with the real world we normally live in,Disney World seems_. ( A) as objectified and as material ( B) as innocent and pure as a dream ( C) devoid of any worldly matters ( D) more exquisite and sophisticated

28、5 The Disney simulation culture attracts the world again with_. ( A) the illusion of humanity and technology ( B) the beauty of art and technology ( C) past romance stories and myths ( D) artistic world view and refined scientism 6 Why is Disney the ultimate showcase for technologys transcending us

29、of the earthly world? ( A) It makes future possibilities come true by simulation. ( B) All the technologies in Disney are art. ( C) It uses simulation to show technology will set man free. ( D) It realizes peoples dreams and hopes with technology. 7 Disney World represents the characteristic trend i

30、n our age to_. ( A) free of lifes constraints and live happily ever after ( B) escape all the worldly matters and go beyond ( C) live in a Utopia that undoes the present fallen state ( D) lead a pre-realized version of unconstrained life 8 Disney World is different from other Western Utopias because

31、_. ( A) its philosophy and purpose are based on science and technology ( B) it is materialized by technology and can be readily experienced ( C) it is promoted by means of fairy tales and romantic stories ( D) it is put into practice in real world and open to various outsides 9 One of the ironies in

32、 all the glory of Disney World is that it distorts tourists desire for_. 10 The author thinks the Disney World encourages us to degenerate to childhood and lost ourselves in_. 11 Disney World is a cautionary tale that shows us that progress may lead to mans degradation by automation , simulation and

33、_. Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a paus

34、e. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A, B, C and D, and decide which is the best answer. ( A) The service was good although they were busy. ( B) The steak was well done. ( C) The chicken was not tender enough. ( D) The salad was massive. ( A) A vacation. ( B) A budget. ( C) A c

35、ompany policy. ( D) A conference. ( A) British people prefer wine to beer. ( B) Wine is becoming more popular among British people. ( C) British people dont like beer any more. ( D) Wine sales in UK have been decreasing in the past few years. ( A) The total of the test score is wrong. ( B) Some part

36、s are marked wrong. ( C) Some parts should be marked right. ( D) He has no idea how the test score is wrong. ( A) The man wants to buy some drinks from the machine. ( B) The man needs to push the button before putting in money. ( C) The man has to try again if the money is not taken in the first tim

37、e. ( D) The machine always works when taking in the money. ( A) The woman doesnt need to pay for it. ( B) The hairstyle doesnt fit the woman. ( C) He will try to make improvement. ( D) He cannot decide if the woman needs to pay. ( A) Take a physical examination. ( B) Drive back to home. ( C) Travel

38、abroad. ( D) Pedal cross-country. ( A) The woman will throw a party for herself. ( B) They are going to have a party on Saturday evening. ( C) People attending the party need to bring food and drinks themselves. ( D) The man is not available to attend the party. ( A) She left her adoptive family. (

39、B) She wrote to her birth mother. ( C) She looked for birth family members. ( D) She applied to work in an adoption agency. ( A) The policy said that twins must be adopted separately. ( B) The adoptive family only wanted to accept one child. ( C) Their birth mother asked for separate adoption. ( D)

40、Some researchers were studying on them. ( A) Foster families of adopted children. ( B) Only the woman and her twin sister. ( C) Several twins in adoptive families. ( D) Adopted childrens birth parents. ( A) To celebrate traditional holidays. ( B) To display dazzling art crafts. ( C) To worship the s

41、ouls of ancestors. ( D) To expel evil supernatural beings. ( A) Sparks and flames. ( B) Smoke and fires. ( C) Flecks and powders. ( D) Gas and sparks. ( A) By combining various chemical components. ( B) By changing the combination of gunpowder. ( C) By mixing different types of gunpowder together. (

42、 D) By adding some other elements in gunpowder. ( A) Lots of gas in a very short period. ( B) Great lifting charges of fireworks. ( C) A fountain of sparks,gas and smoke. ( D) Flames burning on the top only. Section B Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each pa

43、ssage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D. ( A) Because they are important for the balance of ecosystem. ( B) Because parts of them can be mad

44、e into delicious food. ( C) Because some parts of their bodies are good for peoples health. ( D) Because they are helpful for the research of undersea creatures. ( A) Putting food in the water. ( B) Making sound. ( C) Wearing colorful clothes. ( D) Using things with strong smell. ( A) Sharks want to

45、 get food from people. ( B) Exciting films may increase public interest. ( C) People hope to save the victims of sharks. ( D) Close contact may increase peoples relationship with sharks. ( A) The development of babies language ability. ( B) The development of babies brain. ( C) The ways of babies co

46、mmunicating with adults. ( D) The rules of babies language. ( A) The first year is the most important period for babies to learn a language. ( B) Babies cry because they know crying will bring food and attention. ( C) Babies can recognize their native language the time they are born. ( D) Most child

47、ren are able to make sounds when they are three months old. ( A) Say a few simple words. ( B) Understand the meaning of their words. ( C) Form simple statements or sentences. ( D) Understand the rules of language. ( A) She chose to learn medicine. ( B) She helped cancer patients. ( C) She worked in

48、a foundation for agricultural land. ( D) She set up an organization to remove landmines. ( A) Its cheaper to make a landmine than to remove it. ( B) To place a landmine is more difficult than to produce it. ( C) Its easy to check the location of landmines. ( D) Most landmines are made of metal mater

49、ials. ( A) To dig holes to bury bombs. ( B) To find the zones where there are bombs. ( C) To replace people to explode the bombs. ( D) To remove bombs from underground. ( A) They help destroy the landmines. ( B) They take the landmines for study. ( C) They change these lands into forests. ( D) They provide jobs to landmine victims. Section C Directions: In this section, you will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea.

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