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1、大学英语六级模拟试卷 634及答案与解析 一、 Part I Writing (30 minutes) 1 For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Moral Cultivation in Higher Education. You should write at least 150 words according to the outline given below. 1各大学正加强大学 生的道德教育 2道德教育的意义 3我的看法 Moral Cultivation in Higher

2、 Education 二、 Part II Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning) (15 minutes) Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions attached to the passage. For questions 1-4, mark: Y (for YES) if the statement agrees with the information given

3、 in the passage; N (for NO) if the statement contradicts the information given in the passage; NG (for NOT GIVEN) if the information is not given in the passage. 1 Suggestions for Improving Reading Speed Improvement of Reading Rate It is safe to say that almost anyone can double his or her speed of

4、reading while maintaining equal or even better comprehension. In other words, you can improve the speed with which you get what you want from your reading. The average college student reads between 250 and 350 words per minute on fiction and non-technical materials. A “good“ reading speed is around

5、500 to 700 words per minute, but some people can read 1,000 words per minute or more on these materials. What makes the difference? There are three main factors involved in improving reading speed: (1) the desire to improve, (2) the willingness to try new techniques and (3) the motivation to practic

6、e. Learning to read rapidly and well presupposes that you have the necessary vocabulary and comprehension skills. When you have advanced on the reading comprehension materials to a level at which you can understand college-level materials, you will be ready to practice speed reading in earnest. The

7、Role of Speed in the Reading Process Understanding the role of speed in the reading process is essential. Research shows a close relation between speed and understanding-although it is the opposite of what you might expect! Among thousands of individuals taking reading training, in most cases an inc

8、rease in rate was accompanied by an increase in comprehension and a decrease in rate brought decreased comprehension with it. It appears that plodding or word-by-word analysis inhibits rather than increases understanding. Most adults are able to increase their reading rate considerably and rather qu

9、ickly without lowering their comprehension. These same individuals usually show a decrease in comprehension when they reduce their rate. Such results, of course are heavily dependent upon the method used to gain the increased rate. Simply reading more rapidly without actual improvement in basic read

10、ing habits usually results in lowered comprehension. Factors that Reduce Reading Rate Some of the factors which reduce reading rate: 1. Limited perceptual span (word-by-word reading); 2. Slow perceptual reaction time (slow recognition and response to the material) 3. Vocalization (reading aloud) 4.

11、Faulty eye movements (including inaccuracy in placement of the page, in return sweep, in rhythm and regularity of movement, etc.); 5. Regression (needless or unconscious re-reading) 6. Faulty habits of attention and concentration (including simple inattention during the reading act and faulty proces

12、ses of retention) 7. Lack of practice in reading-use it or lose it! 8. Fear of losing comprehension, causing the person to deliberately read more slowly; 9. Habitual slow reading, in which the person cannot read faster because he or she has always read slowly; 10. Poor evaluation of which aspects ar

13、e important and which are unimportant; 11. The effort to remember everything rather than to remember selectively. Since these conditions also tend to reduce comprehension, increasing the reading rate by eliminating them is likely to produce increased comprehension, too. This is entirely different fr

14、om simply speeding up the rate of reading-which may actually make the real reading problem more severe. In addition, forced acceleration may destroy confidence in ones ability to read. The obvious solution, then, is to increase rate as a part of a total improvement of the whole reading process, as s

15、pecial training programs in reading do. Basic Conditions for Increasing Reading Rate A well-planned program prepares for maximum increase in rate by establishing the necessary conditions. Four basic conditions include: 1. Have your eyes checked. Often, very slow reading is related to uncorrected eye

16、 defects. Before embarking on a speed reading program, make sure that any correctable eye defects you may have are taken care of. 2. Eliminate the habit of pronouncing words as you read. If you sound out words in your throat or whisper them, your reading rate is slowed considerably. You should be ab

17、le to read most materials at least two or three times faster silently than orally, because you can get meaning from phrases without reading each word individually. If you are aware of sounding or “hearing“ words as you read, try to concentrate on key words and meaningful ideas as you force yourself

18、to read faster. 3. Avoid regressing (rereading). The average student reading at 250 words per minute regresses or rereads about 20 times per page. Rereading words and phrases is a habit which will slow your reading speed down to a snails pace. Usually, it is unnecessary to reread words, for the idea

19、s you want are explained and elaborated more fully later. Furthermore, the slowest reader usually regresses most frequently. Because he reads slowly, his mind has time to wander and his rereading reflects both his inability to concentrate and his lack of confidence in his comprehension skills. 4. De

20、velop a wider eye-span. This will help you read more than one word at a glance. Since written material is less meaningful if read word by word, this will help you learn to read by phrases or thought units. Rate Adjustment Poor results are inevitable if the reader attempts to use the same rate for al

21、l types of material and for all reading purposes. He must learn to adjust his rate to his purpose in reading and to the difficulty of the material. The fastest rate works on easy, familiar, interesting material or in reading to gather information on a particular point; A slower rate is better for ma

22、terial which is unfamiliar in content and language structure or which must be thoroughly digested. The effective reader adjusts his rater the ineffective reader always uses the same. Rate may be adjusted overall for an entire article, or internally for parts of an article. As an analogy, imagine tha

23、t you plan to take a 100-mile mountain trip. Since this trip will include hills, curves, and a mountain pass, you estimate it will take three hours for the total trip, averaging about 35 miles an hour. This is your overall rate adjustment. In actual driving, however, you may slow down to no more tha

24、n 15 miles per hour on some curves and hills, while speeding up to 50 miles per hour or more on relatively straight and level sections. This is your internal rate adjustment. Similarly, there is no set rate which the good reader follows inflexibly in reading a particular selection, even though he ha

25、s set himself an overall rate for the total job. Reading rate should vary according to your reading purpose. To understand information, for example, skim or scan at a rapid rate. To determine the value of material or to read for enjoyment, read rapidly or slowly according to your feeling. To read an

26、alytically, read at a moderate pace to permit you to interrelated ideas. The nature and difficulty of the material also calls for adjustments in rate. Obviously, level of difficulty depends greatly on the particular readers knowledge. While Einsteins theories may be extremely difficult for most laym

27、en, they would be very simple and clear to a professor of physics. Hence, the layman and the physics professor will read the same material at different rates. Generally, difficult material will entail a slower rater simpler material will permit a faster rate. In general, decrease speed when you find

28、 the following: 1. Unfamiliar terminology. Try to understand it in context at that point; otherwise, read on and return to it later. 2. Difficult sentence and paragraph structure. Slow down enough to enable you to untangle them and get accurate context for the passage. 3. Unfamiliar or abstract conc

29、epts. Look for applications or examples of your own as well as studying those of the writer. Take enough time to get them clearly in mind. 4. Detailed, technical material. This includes complicated directions, statements of difficult principles, and materials on which you have scant background. 5. M

30、aterial on which you want detailed retention. In general, Increase speed when you meet the following: 1. Simple material with few ideas which are new to you. Move rapidly over the familiar ones; spend most of your time on the unfamiliar ideas. 2. Unnecessary examples and illustrations. Since these a

31、re included to clarify ideas, move over them rapidly when they are not needed. 3. Detailed explanation and idea elaboration which you do not need. 4. Broad, generalized ideas and ideas which are restatements of previous ones. These can be readily grasped, even with scan techniques. 2 A person with a

32、 good reading speed usually reads between 250 and 350 words per minute on fiction and non-technical materials. ( A) Y ( B) N ( C) NG 3 If one attempts to remember everything rather than to remember selectively during reading, he/she may have a comparatively slow reading rate. ( A) Y ( B) N ( C) NG 4

33、 The writer proposes to use the same rate for all types of material and for all reading purposes. ( A) Y ( B) N ( C) NG 5 Knowledgeable people read faster. ( A) Y ( B) N ( C) NG 6 If one has the desire to improve his reading speed, the motivation to practice and, he may improve his reading speed. 7

34、A precondition for a reader to learn to read rapidly and well is that he must have the necessary _. 8 Different from what most people expect, the research shows that an increase in reading rate may lead to _. 9 To avoid destroying confidence in ones ability to read, one should speed up the rate of r

35、eading as apart of _. 10 Rereading of a slow reader reflects both his _ and his lack of confidence in his comprehension skills. 11 An effective reader usually adjusts his rate to his purpose in reading and to the difficulty of the material while an ineffective reader always _. Section A Directions:

36、In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you

37、must read the four choices marked A, B, C and D, and decide which is the best answer. ( A) She is eager to be accepted by the university. ( B) She is waiting to see if she could get the job from Coles. ( C) She is expecting to see if Cole would lend her some cash. ( D) She has no idea about whether

38、she can afford the university tuition. ( A) Write Daisy a note of apology., ( B) Return Daisys notes in a few days. ( C) Apologize when Daisy is less angry. ( D) Let her talk to Daisy about the situation. ( A) Robert survived the plane crash. ( B) All the passengers were killed in the plane crash. (

39、 C) Robert was killed in the air crash. ( D) Robert is a wonder-working person. ( A) Because she feels very hot in the room. ( B) Because she wants to avoid meeting people. ( C) Because she wants to smoke a cigarette outside. ( D) Because she doesnt like the smell of smoke inside. ( A) The graduate

40、students could understand the lecture. ( B) The undergraduate students could understand the lecture. ( C) Both the undergraduate and the graduate students understand the lecture. ( D) Neither the undergraduate nor the graduate students could understand the lecture. ( A) They both enjoyed watching th

41、e game. ( B) People were surprised at their winning the game. ( C) They both felt good about the results of the game. ( D) The man thought the results were beyond their expectations. ( A) He thinks David is not reliable. ( B) Hes willing to trust David. ( C) He has told his doubts to David. ( D) He

42、thinks David will benefit from this experience. ( A) By going on a diet. ( B) By doing physical exercise. ( C) By having fewer meals. ( D) By eating fruit and vegetables. ( A) The CPU is broken. ( B) The screen is flashing ( C) It doesnt w0rk. ( D) It dropped to the floor. ( A) The company will comp

43、ensate the customer. ( B) The company will refund the customers money. ( C) The company will replace it. ( D) The company will do nothing about it. ( A) Exchange the computer for the woman. ( B) Refund the womens money. ( C) Give the woman anything she likes in the store. ( D) Give the woman a store

44、 credit with which she can buy anything in the store. ( A) To make an appointment to look at a house. ( B) To get information about special housing. ( C) To ask about getting a loan to buy a house. ( D) To renew his housing contract. ( A) With his grandparents. ( B) In student housing. ( C) With his

45、 wifes parents. ( D) In his own apartment. ( A) He has more than one child. ( B) His wife is a graduate student. ( C) He is a full-time student. ( D) He works at the university housing office. ( A) She isnt there in the morning. ( B) Her assistant isnt there in the morning. ( C) She wont have the fo

46、rms he needs until the afternoon. ( D) She isnt as busy in the afternoon. Section B Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must

47、choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D. ( A) Careerists spend more time and energy on their jobs. ( B) Careerists dont like their jobs. ( C) Workaholics have different reasons for their work pattern. ( D) Workaholics are more successful than careerists. ( A) Work itself. (

48、 B) Career advancement. ( C) The symbols of success. ( D) Social identity. ( A) To help careerists and workaholics move to comprehensive development. ( B) To urge careerists and workaholics to work harder. ( C) To combine careerists and workaholics work together. ( D) To alarm careerists and workaho

49、lics. ( A) It limited their supply of food. ( B) It made their eggshells to fragile. ( C) It destroyed many of their nests. ( D) It killed man baby bald eagles. ( A) They found ways to speed up the reproduction of bald eagles. ( B) They developed new types of feed for baby bald eagles. ( C) They explored new ways to hatch baby bald eagles. ( D) They brought in bald eagles from Canada. ( A) Pollution of the environment. ( B) A new generation of pest killers. ( C) Over-killing by hunters. ( D) Destruction of

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