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1、大学英语六级模拟试卷 805及答案与解析 一、 Part I Writing (30 minutes) 1 For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled The Safety of Food. You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below: 1目前食品安全的状况 2产生这些食品质量问题的原因 3我们 应该怎么做 The Safety of Food 二、 Part II Reading Compreh

2、ension (Skimming and Scanning) (15 minutes) Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions attached to the passage. For questions 1-4, mark: Y (for YES) if the statement agrees with the information given in the passage; N (for NO) if the st

3、atement contradicts the information given in the passage; NG (for NOT GIVEN) if the information is not given in the passage. 1 What Will We Do for Work I believe that 90% of white-collar jobs in the U. S. will be either destroyed or altered beyond recognition in the next 10 to 15 years. Thats a cata

4、strophic prediction, given that 90% of us are engaged in white-collar work of one sort or another. Even most manufacturing jobs these days are connected to such white-collar services as finance, human resources and engineering. I talked to an old London loader some time back. He allowed that in 1970

5、 it took 108 guys about five days to unload a timber ship. Then came containerization. The comparable task today takes eight folks one day. That is, a 98. 5% reduction in man-days, from 540 total to just eight. This time the productivity aims to reconstructmake that deconstructthe white-collar world

6、. In fact, I see a five-sided movement that will bring to my apparently fantastic “90% in 10 years“ prediction. FIRST the Destructive Nature of the Current Flavor of Competition, Dotcom Company. Sure, most will fail. But the survivors will exert enormous pressurefast!on the Big Guys. When an Amazon

7、or a Charles Schwab moves into your neighborhood, youve got moments to react. Or take king entrepreneur Jim Clark of Netscape fame. His latest venture, Healtheon/WebMD, intends to squeeze hundreds of billions of dollars of waste out of the health-care system. These new firms aim to create nothing le

8、ss than havoc in the theaters in which they operate. SECOND Enterprise Software. Its a name for the tools that will hook up every aspect of a businesss innards internal organspersonnel, production, sales, accountingand then hook up all that hooked-up stuff to the rest of the “family“ of suppliers an

9、d the suppliers suppliers and wholesalers and retailers and end users. They are your nightmare, these “white-collar robots.“ The complex products from German software giant SAP will do to your companys internal organs exactly what robots and containerization did to the blue-collar world in 1960. Ins

10、talling these tools is not easy. The technical part is distressing)the politics are dreadful. When the blue-collar robots arrived, the unions revolted against it. This time its management official who are opposing technological change. Why? These tools threaten their comfortable status, carefully cr

11、afted over several generations. But the robots did come. And they triumphed. THIRD Outsourcing. M. I. T.s No. 1 computer professor, Michael Dertouzos, said India could easily boost its GDP by a trillion dollars in the next few years performing secret white-collar tasks for Western companies. He gues

12、sed that 50 million jobs from the white-collar West could go south to India, whose population hit 1 billion last week. The average annual salary for each of those 50 million new Indian workers: $ 20,000. FOURTH the Web. Ford, GM and DaimlerChrysler announce a rare combination. They will link all the

13、ir tens of thousands of suppliers into a single, Internet-based network. This entity will include $250 billion annually of suppliers products(and perhaps an additional $500 billion of those suppliers products). In short, every penny of waste will be compressed from the huge procurement system. The o

14、rder cycle will speed up dramatically. Medibuy aims for the same hat trick in medical supplies, Digital Think in training, Car Station in the auto-body-shop world. This is the white-hot world of B2B(business to business)electronic commerce, which will soon encompass trillions of dollars in transacti

15、ons. FIFTH Time Compression. It took 37 years for the radio to get to 50 million homes. The Web got there in four. Hence my belief that while it took about a century to revolutionize blue-collar job practices, this brave new white-collar social system will be mostly installed in a tenth of that time

16、10 years. Each of these five forces is fact, not image. Each influences the others multiplicatively. Therefore I am unwilling to withdraw my predictions about the power of the white-collar storm bearing down on us. Upsetting madness is in process. These forces are liberating. Blue-collar robots work

17、 out of factory and warehouse. The same will happen to white-collar work. My dad did it for 41 years at the Baltimore Gas N (for NO) if the statement contradicts the information given in the passage; NG (for NOT GIVEN) if the information is not given in the passage. 2 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 细节题。由题目中的 in th

18、e next 10 to 15 years找到第一段第一句 I believe that 90 of white-collar jobs in the U S will be either destroyed or altered beyond recognition in the next 10 to 15 years (我认为在未来的 10到 15年,美国 90的白 领工作将会被取消或转换。 )可以在原文中直接找到答案是90,答案是 B。 3 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 细节题。由题目中的 98 5找到第二段第三和第五句, Then came containerization That

19、 is, a 98 5%reduction in man-days, from 540 total to just eight (集装箱运输的到来使得原先需要 540人的工作,现在只需要 8个人就可以完成,相当于节省 98 5的人力。 )根据这句话可以直接找到答案containerization,答案是 A。 4 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 细节题。由题目中的 Healtheon WebMD找到小标题 First下第四、第五句 Or take king entrepreneur JimClark of Netscape fame His latest venture, Healtheon

20、WebMD, intends to squeeze hundreds of billions of dollars of waste out of the health-care system (是 Jim Clark的项目 Healtheon WebMD减少了医疗系统的浪费。 )答案是 D。 5 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 推理判断题由题目中的 management official找到小标题 Second下第二段后四句 When the blue-collar robots arrived, the unions revolted against it This time its ma

21、nagement official who are opposing technological change Why? These tools threaten their comfortable status (当蓝领机器人到来时,工会反对它而这一次是管理人员反对技术改革。为什么 ?因为这次改革将会影响管理人员的地位 )根据上下文,可以推测出转折的语气,所以多年前,管理人员是支持蓝领机器人的技术改革的答案是 C 6 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 细节题。由题目中的 Michael Dertouzos找到小标题 Third下第一句 M I T s No 1 computer profess

22、or, Michael Dertouzos, said India could easily boost its GDP by a trillion dollars in the next few years performing secret white-collar tasks for Western companies (麻省理工学院世界第一的电脑专家Michael Dertouzos说,印度在未来几年能够通过西方国家的外包业务而将其 GDP提高很多。 )因此可以知道答案是 A。 7 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 细节题 。由题目中的 Ford, GM and DaimlerChrys

23、ler找到小标题Fourth下第四句 In short, every penny of waste will be compressed from the huge procurement system (简而言之,供应系统的浪费将缩减到最小。 )答案是 C 8 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 细节题。由题目中的 new white-collar world找到小标题 Fifth下第一段第三旬, Hence my belief that while it took about a century to revolutionize blue-collar job practices, this

24、brave new white-collar social system will be mostly installed in a tenth of that time一 10 years (因此,我认为蓝领工作改革花费了一个世纪的时间,而这次新的白领社会系统将会花费蓝颁工作改革一百年的十分之一,即十年。 )答案是 B。 9 【正确答案】 the cavemen began bartering 【试题解析】 细节题。由题目中的 Arnold Baker找到小标题 Fifth后第三段第二句 The head economist Sendia National Laboratories, Arn

25、old Baker, said its the“biggest change since the cavemen began bartering ”(Arnold Baker认为它是洞穴人开始物物交换后最大的变革。 )由此可得答案。 10 【正确答案】 the web 【试题 解析】 细节题由题目中的 Icon Woman找到小标题 Fifth,中间部分用了一系列的排比句介绍了女强人是怎么工作的,每一项工作都少不了 Web(网络 ),而且最后总结道: She manages her career on the Web And she has a personal website!(她在网络上进

26、行她的事业。她有个人网站 !)由此可得答案。 11 【正确答案】 the new communication and connection media 【试题解析】 推理判断题由题目可以找 到最后一段最后一句 to not just“cope”but to exploit the new communication and connection media ( 我不仅仅是应付而且是探索这个新的交流联系媒介。 )题目中的 take full advantage和not just“cope”but exploit属同义。由此可得答案。 Section A Directions: In this s

27、ection, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read

28、 the four choices marked A, B, C and D, and decide which is the best answer. 12 【听力原文】 W: The red carpet matches the furniture well, doesnt it? M: But I still wish wed bought the brown one. Q: What does the man mean? 12 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 推理判断题。选项表明对话内容与谈论说话人对买什么颜色的地毯有关。选项 A是说他们已经买褐色的地毯,表明对话过去发生的事情;选项

29、C是说他们有褐色的家具,此项目与其他选项谈论的地 毯内容不符合,故可以排除 选项 D是说红色的地毯和家具比较合适。故听音重点放在男士的回答上 But I still wish wed bought the brown one (但是我还是希望买褐色的地毯。 )这是一个典型的虚拟语气句型,表明男士还是比较中意褐色的地毯,但他却没有买。所以答案是 B。 13 【听力原文】 M: Hi, Janet. You are so lucky to be done with your final exams and test papers. W: I still have 2 more final exam

30、s to take. M: Really? W: Yeah. What are you doing this summer? Anything special? M: Well, actually yes. My parents have always liked taking my sister and me to different places in the United States, you know, places with historical significance. W: I guess they wanted to reinforce the stuff you lear

31、ned in school about history. M: Maybe. And so even though we are older now, they still do it once in a while. W: Oh, so where are you going this summer? M: Well, this summer its finally going to be Gettysburg. W: Finally? You mean they never took you yet? I mean Gettysburg. Its probably the most fam

32、ous Civil War site in this country, and its only a couple of hours away. I think that would be one of the first places theyve taken you to. I have been there a couple of times. M: We were going to go there about ten. well. no. it was exactly ten years ago, but something happened. I cannot remember t

33、hat. W: Something changed your plans? M: Yeah, dont ask me what it was, but we ended up not going anywhere that year. I hope that doesnt happen again this year. Question: 19. Whats the man going to do this summer? 20. What does the woman find surprising about the man? 21. What is the man unable to r

34、emember? 13 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 细节题。女士问男士 “今年 夏天有什么打算 ?”男士回答父母要带他和妹妹 to different places in the United Statesplaces with historical significance(去参观美国具有历史意义的名胜古迹 ),选项 A是说参加英语夏令营;选项 B是说绕整个欧洲旅行;选项 C是说在贫苦地方教书,均与原文不符。答案为 D。 14 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 推断题。男士说自己今年会去 Gettysburg,女士说 Finally? You mean they never took yo

35、u yet?(你是说他们从未带你们去过 Gettysburg?)从女士的语气可知女士对男士还没去过 Gettysburg感到惊奇所以答案是 A。 15 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 细节题。男士说 10年前 something happened,所以他们取消了去Gettysburg的计划,但他却想不起来到底是因为什么事情了,与选项 B的内容相符合。 A选项是为什么他的父母想去 Gettysburg; C是说他们一家 10年前去哪里度假了; D选项是说他们一家上次旅行是什么时候。所以答案是 B 16 【听力原文】 W: Hi, Ralf, how are you doing? M: Hi, S

36、amantha, Im fine, but I am not happy about the new 15% increase in bus transportation fares. I dont think it is fair to students, poor people, and old people on fixed incomes. Transportation is now a major consideration in my budget. W: You know how to get the student discount, dont you, Ralf? M: Wh

37、at student discount, Samantha? W: Its only for full-time students. Are you full time? M: Yes, I am a full-time student. W: Well then, you would qualify. Take your student card to the Derbyshire Building on Johnson Road. The Metro Pass is available there to all students from our university. The Stude

38、nt Union made a deal with them last yearI think part of our student union dues may be involved, but I am not sure. Anyway, you can get a monthly student pass that gives you unlimited, all zone access to public transit anywhere in the greater regional district for half price $ 50 a month. M: Really?

39、Only 50 dollars? Why didnt I know about that? W: There was a page on it in “the Information for New Student Packet“ that the Student Union sends welcoming to all students. M: Oh, I remember that package. It included a welcome letter and a bunch of advertisements. W: Yes, but one of the ads was from

40、City Metro, explaining it all. M: I just threw the whole envelope out. I am so sick of looking at advertisements. It annoys me that so much paper is wasted on material that is of no interest to me. W: Well, I am sure if you go to the Derbyshire Building, there will be lots of information there. How

41、many zones do you travel? M: I have to go 3 zones. It takes me over an hour to get home. W: Well, this pass would be especially good for you. It has the same cost regardless of how many zones you travel. I use it on weekends sometimes to visit my grandparentsthey are 5 zones from my place so its rea

42、lly cheap. M: I am so glad you told me about this. I have been so worried about all my expenses since starting college that I hardly ever have a doughnut with my coffee. I think I will celebrate this news this afternoon, and buy a doughnut with my coffee. Can I invite you to join me? This tip you ga

43、ve me is worth a lot, Id like to buy you a coffee. W: That is very nice of you, but no need. I am glad I could help. I am going swimming after class today. Im trying out for the college swim team. The coach is excellent. M: Yes, I have heard that. Well, thank you so much, Samantha. I shall head over

44、 to the Derbyshire Building right now. W: I forgot to mention this pass is only good until the end of the term, then you have to renew and the line-ups can get quite long. During the summer, it is not available. Also, when you pay, they dont take personal checks. I made that mistake when I went the

45、first timethey accept credit cards and cash only. I doubt there will be any line-up today. Questions: 22. Where can the man get the Metro Pass? 23. Why did the man miss the information on the Metro Pass? 24. Why does the woman say that the Metro Pass is especially good for the man? 25. How should th

46、e students pay for the pass? 16 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 细节题。女士说 Take your student card to the Derbyshire Building on Johnson Road The Metro Pass is available there to all students from our university (拿学生证到 Johnson Road的 Derbyshire Building。那里为我们学校所有学生办理 Metro Pass。 )因此正确答案为 D。 17 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 细节题。女士说在学生

47、会欢迎新生时发给学生的信息包里有一页关于办理 Metro Pass的说明。男士想起来了。这个包里有封欢迎信和一些广告。因为不喜欢读浪费时间的广告,他连信封一起都扔了,所以就没有看到关于办理Metro Pass的广告。 B是正确答案。 18 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 细节题。男士说他要经过 3个街区,因此女士说 Well, this pass would be especially good for you It has the same cost regardless of how many zones you travel (那这个通票对你就更合适了,无论几个区间票价都是一样的。 )因

48、此 D是正确答案。 19 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 细节题。女士提醒男士说 when you pay, they dont take personal checks I made that mistake when I went the first timethey accept credit cards and cash only (付钱时他们不收私人支票,只收现金和信用卡 ,我第一次去办理的时候就犯了这个错误。 )所以 C是正确答案。 Section B Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only

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