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本文([外语类试卷]大学英语六级(阅读)模拟试卷1及答案与解析.doc)为本站会员(王申宇)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、大学英语六级(阅读)模拟试卷 1及答案与解析 一、 Part II Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning) (15 minutes) Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions attached to the passage. For questions 1-4, mark: Y (for YES) if the statement agrees with the infor

2、mation given in the passage; N (for NO) if the statement contradicts the information given in the passage; NG (for NOT GIVEN) if the information is not given in the passage. 0 How Can We Prevent Medical Errors For more than 20 years, trial lawyer Rick Boothman defended doctors and hospitals in malpr

3、actice(治疗不当 )lawsuits. The job taught him plenty about the disconnect between the defensive behavior practiced by the medical establishment and the humane treatment patients want. So when the University of Michigan Health System needed a new in-house attorney in 2001, Boothman made an offer: hire me

4、 and revolutionize your approach. Well be up front with patients when medical errors happen, and well pay quickly when a case warrants it, rather than dragging everybody into court. “Its the decent thing to do, “ says Boothman. A new study published in August found that since Michigan adopted Boothm

5、ans program of disclosure and compensation, lawsuits have declined and legal-defense costs have dropped by 61 percent. Theres no proof that acknowledging mistakes led directly to savings, but it didnt cause a malpractice frenzy either. Boothmans approach is part of an expanding push nationwide to ta

6、ckle one of medicines most complicated and painful blights(摧残 ). In 1999 the Institute of Medicines report found that as many as 98,000 Americans die every year from preventable medical errors a number many experts now believe is conservative. Since then, incorrect diagnoses, needless infections, dr

7、ug mix-ups, and surgical accidents have piled up as doctors face an onslaught(猛攻 )of patients, an abundance of imperfect information, and an ill-served tradition of shaming and blaming individual practitioners when things go wrong. “Health care,“ says Dr. Lucian Leape, a pioneer in patient safety an

8、d chair of the Lucian Leape Institute at the National Patient Safety Foundation in Boston, “remains fundamentally unsafe. “ The debate over health-care reform spotlighted major weaknesses in the U. S. medical system, including errors. Even before the laws passage, the Centers for Medicare and Medica

9、id Services now headed by Dr. Donald Berwick announced it would no longer reimburse(补偿 )hospitals for the cost of preventable complications, such as wrong-type blood transfusions. Twenty-eight states now require hospitals to report infection rates to the public. And the reform law mandates that hosp

10、itals with high infection rates will see their Medicare payments reduced by 1 percent starting in 2015. What is clear is that the culture of medicine must change. Books recently published by Harvards Dr. Atul Gawande(The Checklist Manifesto)and Johns Hopkinss Dr. Peter Pronovost(Safe Patients, Smart

11、 Hospitals)are calling on doctors and hospitals to institute checklists modeled on the aviation industry to improve safety. Patients are exposing harmful experiences and mobilizing on the Internet. Some doctors are humanizing the problem by talking publicly about mistakes they committed, defying the

12、 pervasive fear of lawsuits and professional shame. And hospitals are creating educational programs for staff. Harvards Institute for Professionalism and Ethical Practice developed an interactive workshop focused on the difficult conversations that arise after mistakes occur; more than 500 doctors,

13、nurses, and other specialists have been trained so far, and the program is now being offered to other health systems nationwide. “Everybody is interested in learning how to dp better, “ says Dr. Robert Truog, the institutes executive director. “Were still very much on the steep part of the learning

14、curve. “ Undoing a culture is hard, especially one steeped in hierarchy(等级制度 ), where doctors tend to reign supreme and nurses, pharmacists, and technicians fall into the ranks below. “What underlies it is arrogance, “says Pronovost, an anesthesiologist(麻醉学家 )and director of Hopkinss Quality and Saf

15、ety Research Group. In his book he describes a run-in with a surgeon who refused to switch from latex(胶乳 )to non-latex gloves during an operation, despite Pronovosts concern that the patient was having a potentially fatal latex-allergy reaction. It was only after a nurse picked up the phone to call

16、the hospital president that the surgeon relented(变温和 ). This is not a rare event. Even when there are clear directions for safety, doctors tend to continue completing tasks in the way theyre used to. Take the insertion of central-line catheters(中央线导管 ), which deliver medications to sick patients. Th

17、e Centers for Disease Control and Prevention developed guidelines for preventing infections triggered by the procedure, but obedience is spotty. Every year some 80, 000 patients develop central-line infections and about 30,000 die, at a cost of more than $ 2 billion. “For decades, harm has been view

18、ed as inevitable rather than preventable, “ says Pronovost. “Weve learned to tolerate it. “ In 2001 Pronovost created a five-point central-line checklist boiled down from the CDCs lengthy guidelines which includes washing hands and removing catheters when theyre no longer needed. One year after it w

19、as instituted at Hopkins, infection rates had dropped to almost zero. A network of Michigan hospitals that adopted the checklist slashed infections by two thirds, saving more than 1,500 lives and $200 million in the first 18 months. Still, a survey released this summer by the Association for Profess

20、ionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology says the battle to reduce central-line infections continues because hospitals arent dedicating the time and educational resources necessa-ry, and health-care leaders arent committed to solving the problem. When Pronovost asks nurses if theyd speak up if a

21、 senior physician isnt complying with the checklist, “I am uniformly laughed at,“ he says, “They say, Are you nuts?“ After he became CEO of Virginia Mason Medical Center in Seattle, Dr. Gary Kaplan mandated a simple but critical reform to make his hospital a patient-driven, not physician-driven, ins

22、titution. Based on techniques learned at Toyotas production-system plants in Japan, where factory workers pull a cord to stop a production-line error, Kaplan and his team instituted a “patient safety alert“ system. All staff members, even medical students, are instructed to report concerns, whether

23、theyre major mistakes or near misses. The most serious errors must be deemed “mistake-proofed“ steps have been taken to prevent them altogether not just by medical professionals, but by public board members, too. Today, errors are considered a flaw in the system, not an individual weakness. These ar

24、e lessons that doctors must learn from the start. But medical school curricula are jammed full with the details of science and the latest technology; the cultivation of social and emotional sensitivity and teamwork is lacking. Thats deemed to be “the soft stuff,“ says Denise Murphy, vice president f

25、or quality and patient safety at Main Line Health System in suburban Philadelphia. And yet, she says, a breakdown in communication and collaboration can lead to horrible events that result in harm or death. “We have to change our thinking, “ she says. Earlier this year, Leape published a report sayi

26、ng medical schools are failing to teach future physicians the most urgent lessons about why mistakes happen and how to prevent them. The report calls on schools to teach patient safety as a basic science, to train students to work in teams with nurses and pharmacists, and to have “zero tolerance“ fo

27、r disrespectful or abusive behavior, which can lead to mistakes. “On the surface, this seems pretty obvious, and yet this is a radical idea, “ says Leape. “Its a big cultural change.“ It can be done. Five years ago, Dr. David Mayer, an anesthesiologist and associate dean for education at the Univers

28、ity of Illinois College of Medicine, launched an annual roundtable meeting with safety leaders, policymakers, and patients to brainstorm better training. Students must now take workshops on risk reduction and simulate tasks in a hospitallike setting so that they can craft both their technical skills

29、 and their interaction with team members. A culture of openness makes sense to Mengyao Liang, a fourth-year student. “Its not a sign of weakness to say I made a mistake, “ he says, “I think our generation will say, Why are you not questioning me? I think thats going to be a huge change. “ One that c

30、ant come soon enough. 1 What should hospitals do if medical errors happen, according to Boothman? ( A) Hire a lawyer to defend them in court. ( B) Pay the patients as much as they demand. ( C) Revolutionize their approach. ( D) Be open and honest and compensate the patients. 2 What punishment will h

31、ospitals with high infection rates receive by the reform law? ( A) They wont be reimbursed for the cost of preventable complications. ( B) They will get less Medicare payments from 2015. ( C) They will be fined for quite a lot of money. ( D) They will be required to report infection rates to the pub

32、lic. 3 What does Dr. Robert Truog mean by saying “ on the steep part of the learning curve“? ( A) There will be more and more people joining the interactive workshop. ( B) The number of people having been trained reaches the highest point. ( C) The number of people coming to the workshop begins to d

33、ecline. ( D) Most of people still dont like to be trained in the interactive Workshop. 4 The doctor who took latex gloves during the operation was_towards the patient. ( A) concerned ( B) neglected ( C) sympathetic ( D) resentful 5 Many patients die from central-line infections every year because_.

34、( A) there are no clear directions for preventing such infections ( B) this kind of harm to patients is inevitable ( C) the skill of the insertion of central-line catheters is immature ( D) doctors dont do their tasks as what the guidelines require 6 Why does the battle to reduce central-line infect

35、ions continue according to the survey by the Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology? ( A) Because the five-point central-line checklist doesnt work very well. ( B) Because hospitals have no time and no educational resources for the checklist. ( C) Because hospitals and h

36、ealth-care leaders dont want to make much effort. ( D) Because the nurses dont supervise senior physicians. 7 In a patient-driven hospital,_. ( A) staff members pull a cord to stop an error ( B) serious errors must not happen ( C) errors are considered an individual weakness ( D) errors are viewed a

37、s a flaw in the system 8 Pronovost_by the nurses without exceptions when he asks them whether they would point out a senior physicians improper operation. 9 According to Denise, if there is a problem in_, patients may be harmed innocently. 10 Thanks to_, according to Mengyao Liang, people no longer

38、feel embarrassed about the mistakes. 10 Multilingualism on the Internet In recent years, American culture has increased its worldwide influence through international trade and Hollywood productions. As the Internet reaches into ever more remote corners of the globe, an obvious question arises: Will

39、it amplify this trend, so that English is used everywhere? Or will a diversity of languages enrich the online universe? Some observers predict that local languages will not survive online: English will rule. Such a sweeping dominance will have drawbacks. Most people use English as a second language,

40、 and their grasp of it may be quite elementary sufficient only for understanding basic information such as the weather report, and sometimes not even that. For more in-depth discussions, almost everyone tends to fall back on his or her native language. If the Internet does not allow multilingual con

41、versations, its role as a facilitator of international communication will be severely limited. Mistakes and mis-understandings will become rampant, and many users will be cut but of the tremendous opportunities that international communication has to offer. Several forces will affect the diversity o

42、f languages most likely to be found on the network in the future. At present, about 60 percent of the Internets host computers are located in the U. S. Almost in every corner of the globe, the worlds connections to the Internet are very popular. Furthermore computers everywhere are becoming increasi

43、ngly linked. As the cost of installing communications networks continues to fall, the distribution of Internet users will come to resemble that of computers. With its low cost and theoretically easy-to-use technology, the Internet allows some writers particularly those using Latin alphabets to publi

44、sh or exchange messages in their own tongue. Some promoters of native languages have already used the medium to their advantage. For instance, roughly 30 percent of all World Wide Web pages published in French come from Quebec, even though French Canadians represent only 5 percent of all French spea

45、kers. But the worldwide reach of the Internet also favors a language that can be, at least superficially, understood by the largest number of people. As a result, I believe the Internet will support many languages for local communications and English for limited international discourse. Of course, t

46、he technical difficulties of communicating in the majority of the worlds languages are not trifling. Hardware and software were first designed to process English text. But difficulties linger even with standard Latin characters. In the early days of the Arpanet the predecessor of the Internet only e

47、lectronic-mail messages coded with seven-bit ASCII text could be sent.(In this code, each of 128 characters is specified by a string of seven binary digits.)Nowadays the Extended Simple Mail Transport Protocol permits the processing of the eight bits required for communicating in ISO-Latin, prescrib

48、ed by the International Organization for Standardization. ISO-Latin allows for 256 characters, so that the diacritical signs(such as acute and grave accent marks)of all western European languages can be displayed. But because many interlinked computers on the network have outdated software, the eigh

49、th bit sometimes gets dropped, rendering the message almost incomprehensible. Out of 12,000 users who received the daily French news that I sent out at a time via the Internet, 8,500 asked to receive a version coded in seven-bit ASCII rather than the crippled ISO-Latin version. Although some recent programs can express their output in many different scripts, most are essentially bilingual: the software can deal with only one local language, such as Japanese, and English.

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