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本文([外语类试卷]大学英语四级改革适用(听力)模拟试卷83及答案与解析.doc)为本站会员(sofeeling205)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、大学英语四级改革适用(听力)模拟试卷 83及答案与解析 Section A ( A) Finding a quiet flat out of the campus. ( B) Changing to another dormitory. ( C) Requesting the dormitory council to solve the problem. ( D) Asking her roommates to be quiet. ( A) $30. ( B) $15. ( C) $10. ( D) $5. ( A) Take another course to graduate. ( B)

2、Graduate at a later date. ( C) Enroll in the section marked “staff. “ ( D) Find out who teaches the course. ( A) Policeman and policewoman. ( B) Bus driver and passenger. ( C) Policeman and witness. ( D) Policeman and victim. ( A) The woman has to leave because she forgot to bring her ticket. ( B) T

3、he woman has to stand here because there are no seats left. ( C) Latecomers are not allowed to go to their seats during an act. ( D) The woman has to stand because she got the wrong ticket. ( A) The mans application will be accepted. ( B) The man should have turned in his application earlier. ( C) T

4、he man should have completed his application ( D) The mans application has already been rejected. ( A) The experiment turned out to be well. ( B) He had no time to do the experiment. ( C) The experiment took him more time than he had expected. ( D) He did only part of the experiment that day. ( A) H

5、e thinks its good for health to have some ice cream. ( B) He cant eat any snacks because of his toothache. ( C) He only believes in what his doctor says. ( D) He cant eat ice cream though he feels hot now. ( A) How the Great Canyon came into being. ( B) The fantastic views in the Great Canyon. ( C)

6、The wonderful trip to Arizona. ( D) Colorado River and its branches. ( A) Losses of soil. ( B) Humans destruction of nature. ( C) Outbreak of an earthquake. ( D) Volcanic eruption. ( A) The canyon is more than 140 feet in height. ( B) The canyon was formed 37 000 years ago. ( C) Colorado River was o

7、nce more than 140 feet higher than its water level today. ( D) Animals could make fire from wood thousands of years ago. ( A) He thinks it a good opportunity to get some work experience. ( B) He has to earn his college expense for next semester. ( C) Many of his friends have got a part-time job. ( D

8、) He wants to earn some money for his family. ( A) Renting the house to students. ( B) Watching a familys children in their house. ( C) Looking after a house while the owner is away. ( D) Taking care of pets and the garden. ( A) From the Students Union. ( B) From his classmates. ( C) From the woman.

9、 ( D) From the notices in the student dorms. ( A) Prepare a short self-introduction. ( B) Make a phone call to the house owner. ( C) Be interviewed by the future employer. ( D) Tell about the experience of the past job. Section B ( A) Stormy. ( B) Extremely cold. ( C) Mild. ( D) Rainy. ( A) Most par

10、ts across the country will get temperatures below average. ( B) Southern Rockies are expected for temperatures above average. ( C) Temperatures in the northern Plains will reach 20 degrees. ( D) The average temperature is about 20 degrees. ( A) There may be ice in southern Great Lakes. ( B) Heavy ra

11、in will spread into Carolinas. ( C) The western Plains are expected for light snow. ( D) Heavy snow is likely to fall in the mountains of Utah. ( A) It often causes teachers to play tricks during the process. ( B) It may work as an effective way for teachers improvement. ( C) It can provide objectiv

12、e assessment of teachers performance. ( D) It should be totally denied and replaced by the new system. ( A) Too frequent observations disturbed teachers teaching. ( B) The observers are too strict during the observation. ( C) The observers are not sufficiently trained and qualified. ( D) There is li

13、ttle competition among teachers. ( A) Teachers are observed several times every year by the same people. ( B) Evaluators participate in the observation committee. ( C) Teachers get prompt feedback on observations. ( D) Excellent teachers are well rewarded. ( A) Some of them are always overcharged. (

14、 B) Some of them often get mad at bargaining. ( C) Some of them think they overpaid for the car. ( D) Some of them always paid too less. ( A) It supplies paid service to car customers. ( B) It is an online car service founded by Scott Painter. ( C) It is the most popular website of car buying. ( D)

15、It has much in common with other car sites. ( A) It gathers information on car buying from various sources. ( B) It provides data about the average price of a car model. ( C) It helps customers fully prepare to bargain with the dealers. ( D) It bargains with car dealers for the customers. ( A) To ma

16、ke car customers trust the dealers. ( B) To promote car sales for car dealers. ( C) To help customers save money when buying cars. ( D) To help car customers buy satisfactory cars. Section C 25 For many singles, the New Year signifies a new beginning. It lands with the anticipation of the relationsh

17、ip they have always【 B1】 _ but with the same limited understanding of how to attract it. Here are some tips for the singles to attract love into their life! As the New Year changes, you must change your【 B2】 _and expectations on relationships. If you expect to be hurt or【 B3】 _, it will happen every

18、 time. If you expect that you deserve to be treated with【 B4】 _and unconditional love, this will show up for you. Remove comes after the expectation. You are single because there is an【 B5】_barrier that most likely is standing in your way of receiving love. In order to open your life up to love, it

19、is important to 【 B6】 _your belief systems and fears that push love away. A relationship coach is the perfect solution for helping you identify what that barrier is. You can never【 B7】 _ anything without the commitment to succeed, and attracting a healthy relationship is no different. Make a commitm

20、ent today that you will do whatever it takes to attract love into your life. When committing to lose weight, most people hire a trainer who can help them identify behaviors that keep them from their weight lost goals. Why not commit today to hire a certified【 B8】 _& relationship coach to help you do

21、 the same thing in your love life? When love finally shows up at your door and it will if you do the work 【 B9】_ it, move the barrier and commit to doing what it takes to get it. Just receive it with open arms while using wisdom to【 B10】 _that it is actually the real deal! 26 【 B1】 27 【 B2】 28 【 B3】

22、 29 【 B4】 30 【 B5】 31 【 B6】 32 【 B7】 33 【 B8】 34 【 B9】 35 【 B10】 大学英语四级改革适用(听力)模拟试卷 83答案与解析 Section A 1 【听力原文】 W: I didnt expect the dormitory to be so noisy. There must be something we could do about it. M: Maybe we could request the dormitory council to have it soundproofed. Q: What does the man s

23、uggest doing? 1 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 校园生活类,请求建议题。女士说她没想到宿舍里这么吵,应该 想办法解决。男士回答说或许可以请求宿舍管理委员会安装隔音设备。由此可见,男士建议请求宿舍管理委员解决这个问题。 【知识模块】 听力 2 【听力原文】 W: I thought this hat was on sale for half price, but it still costs ten dollars. M: You are mistaken. If you buy one, the second one will be half-priced. Q: How mu

24、ch will two hats cost? 2 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 生活交际类事实细节题。女士说她以为帽子是半价出售,没想到还是 10美元,男士回答说女士弄错了,买两件时第二件才半价。由此可知,买两顶帽子要花费 15美元。 【知识模块】 听力 3 【听力原文】 M: So the course is closed. This is terrible. I have to take it to graduate. W: Dont worry. There is another section thats still open, but nobody knows who teache

25、s it. Its marked “staff. “ Q: What will the man probably do? 3 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 校园生活类,行动计划患。男士说这门课停了,这太糟糕了,因为他必须选这门课才能毕业,女士让男士不必担心,因为这门课还有一部分在开课,只是由普通老师授课。由此可见,接下来男士最有可能会报名参加由普通老师授课的那一部分课程。 【知识模块】 听力 4 【听力原文】 M: When you saw the accident, did you ring us immediately? W: Yes. The first thing that stru

26、ck me was to call the police. Q: What is the probable relationship between the speakers? 4 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 旅行交通类,身份关系题。男士问女士看到车祸后是否第一时间给他们打了电话,女士回答说 ,看到车祸想到的第一件事情就是打电话报警。由此可见,两人的关系是警察与车祸目击者。 【知识模块】 听力 5 【听力原文】 W: Excuse me, I dont want to miss any more of the first act. Can you show me to my seat, p

27、lease? M: Im sorry, madam. You have to stand here until the first act is over. Q: What can we learn from the conversation? 5 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 生活交际类,弦外之音题。女士说她不想错过第一幕的其他部分,并恳请男士指引她到座位上,男士回答说很抱歉,女士必须在此等待直至第一幕结束。由此可见,迟到的观众不能在演出过程中就位。 【知识模块】 听力 6 【听力原文】 M: Im nervous. I hope they could accept my applicat

28、ion to medical school. W: Well, your application was sent out five days after the deadline, and now its too late to do anything. Q: What does the woman mean? 6 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 校园生活类,语义理解题。男士说希望医学院能够接受他的申请,女士回答说男士在最后期限五天之后寄出申请,太晚了。由此可见,女士认为男士应该提早递交申请。 【知识模块】 听力 7 【听力原文】 W: Was that the assignment giv

29、en by Professor Brown? I dont think you have much trouble doing the experiment. M: No, but I didnt realize it would take me most of the day. Q: What does the man mean? 7 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 校园生活类,语义理解题。女士说男士完成教授的实验任务应该不会有困难,男士回答说没有,但是没想 到做这个实验花了他大半天时间。由此可见,男士做实验花费的时间比他预料的要多。 【知识模块】 听力 8 【听力原文】 W: God, w

30、hat a dry day! The radio said it would reach 95F in the noon. Why not stop and get some ice cream? M: I desperately need that to cool down, but my dentist warned me not to be close to that kind of things. Q: What does the man mean? 8 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 生活交际类。语义理解题。女士说天气太干燥了,并提议去吃冰淇淋。男士说他非常需要冰淇淋来凉爽一下,但是

31、牙医建议他不要离那些东西太近。由此可知,男士的意思是他现在不能吃冰淇淋。 【知识模块】 听力 9 【听力原文】 M: Its good to see you back. How was your trip to Arizona? Did you see the Great Canyon? W: Yes, it was fantastic. Now I know why it is listed together with the Nile River as one of the greatest natural wonders in the world. Here, do you have i

32、nterest to see the pictures I took there? M: Oh, what a splendid view! It is even bigger than I had imagined. I remember reading about the Great Canyon and(9)I think it said that it was formed suddenly when the outer crust of the earth split open during an earthquake. W:(9)Well, not that quickly. Lo

33、ok, here is the picture of the Colorado River. See the way down at the bottom of the canyon? That river and its branches have been wearing the canyon floor away for ten million years. M:(10)Then the canyon is the result of soil losses. Ill bet geologists have made some interesting discoveries there.

34、 W: Not only the geologists, archaeologists have also found the bones of some extinct animals in caves in the canyon walls. In a cave 140 feet above the river, they found driftwood that dated back as far as 37 000 years. M:(ll)That means the river must have been 140 feet higher when it carried the d

35、riftwood into the cave. W: Its very possible, but of course who knows. The Great Canyon is full of mysteries. Wouldnt you like to go to Arizona some day? M: You bet I would. 9. What are the two speakers mainly talking about? 10. Whats the main cause of the Great Canyons formation according to the co

36、nversation? 11. What does the driftwood found in the cave indicate? 9 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 主旨大意题。本题问的是男女双方主要在谈论什么。对话前半部分男士提到大峡谷是地震时地壳裂开骤然形成的,接着男士和女士一直就这个话题进行讨论。因此对话主要是在讨论大峡谷的形成。 【知识模块】 听力 10 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 事实细节题。本题问的是大峡谷形成的主要原因。对话中女士提到科罗拉多河及其支流不断带走大峡谷的表层土壤,因此男士下结论说大峡谷是土壤流失的结果。 【知识模块】 听力 11 【正确答案】 C 【试题解

37、析】 推 理判断题。本题问的是在山洞中发现的漂流木表明什么。对话后半部分女士提到地质学家在大峡谷岩壁的山洞里发现了灭绝动物的骨头,在科罗拉多河上面 140多英尺的山洞里发现了 37 000年前的漂流木,因此男士下结论说,那意味着科罗拉多河把漂流木带进山洞的时候的水位要比现在高出 140多英尺。 【知识模块】 听力 12 【听力原文】 M: Hi, Susan! W: Hi, Mike! Whats going on? You look rather worried. M:(12)My parents just called me and said they couldnt afford my

38、tuition next semester. I have to earn that by myself, but Im not sure if I can find work this summer vacation. There arent many jobs for inexperienced workers like me. W: Im sorry to hear that. After all its a big sum of money for a sophomore. Have you been to the Students Union? I hear they are col

39、lecting employment information for job hunters. M: Actually I have, but theres no job offer at the moment. They say they will inform me as soon as they get vacancies. W: Well, have you heard about house-sitting? My friends have ever tried that.(13)That is, a house owner will travel for his holiday,

40、and doesnt want to leave his house empty. He may get a reliable person to live in and take care of the house. M: It sounds great. Is it a paid job? W: Yes, you will be well-paid, I think. M: OK, Ill take any job that pays. How can I get this job? W: There are a few notices posted(14)in the student d

41、orms. M: So I just call and tell them I want the job? W: Not exactly.(15)First you will be interviewed by the house owners. If they think you are the right person, you can get the job. M: Well, Id like to try. I think I can do this kind of job well. W: Good luck. 12. Why does the man want to get a p

42、art-time job? 13. What is house-sitting? 14. Where can the man get the information about the job of house-sitting? 15. What should the applicant do before being hired as a house-sitter? 12 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 原因目的题。本题问的是为什么男士想得到一份兼职工作。对话开始女士问男士为什么看起来很担忧,男士回答说父母支付不起他的下学期学费 ,他必须自己赚钱。 【知识模块】 听力 13 【正确答案】 C

43、 【试题解析】 事实细节题。本题问什么是 house-sitting。对话中女士向男士提议试试 house-sitting这一工作,并解释这份工作是在主人外出时帮助照看房屋。 【知识模块】 听力 14 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 事实细节题。本题问的是男士在哪里可以得到代人照看房屋这份工作的信息。对话后半部分男士问怎样才能得到这类工作的信息,女士回答说在学生宿舍,有一些海报会发布这类信息。 【知识模块】 听力 15 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 事实细节题。本题问的是在成为 house-sitter之前申请者应该做什么。女士提议男士试试代人照看房屋后,男士问是不是打个电话就能得到这一工作

44、,女士回答说首先房屋主人要面试,对方觉得合适才可以。 【知识模块】 听力 Section B 16 【听力原文】 Here is the national weekend weather forecast from USA TODAY. I am Doyle Rice.(16)A remarkably quiet, calm weather pattern is on tap across the USA for the first full weekend of January. No extremely cold air or powerful winter storms are like

45、ly anywhere. There will just be some rain showers in the Southeast and light snow in the Rockies, and it will still be mild in the east. Temperatures will continue to be quite mild across the country for early January. Above-average temperatures are expected for most of the nation, except for parts

46、of the southern Rockies and in northern New England.(17)Highs will rise into the 40s as far north as the northern Rockies and northern Plains, which is about 20 degrees above average. Only a few spots around the northern Great Lakes and northern New England will have temperatures below freezing Satu

47、rday and Sunday. Scattered showers are likely this weekend in the Deep South. By Sunday, the showers will also spread east into the Carolinas, and thunderstorms will be possible in the Gulf Coast. The rain is not forecast to be heavy enough to trigger any flooding.(18)Mostly light snow will fall in

48、the central Rockies Saturday and the southern Rockies and western Plains Sunday. Little accumulation is expected, although a few inches are possible in the mountains of Utah, Colorado and New Mexico. 16. What will the weather be like on the first weekend of January? 17. What can be learned from the

49、forecast of early January? 18. How will be the weather on Sunday? 16 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 事实细节题。本题问的是一月第一个周末的天气状况。短文开始提到美国一月的第一个周末将会呈现出相当安静、平和的天气状况。 【知识模块】 听力 17 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析 】 推理判断题。本题问的是从一月初的天气预报可以得到什么信息。短文中提到一月初将会继续温和的天气。除了落基山脉南部地区和新英格兰北部,大部分地区温度高于平均值。落基山脉北部和北部平原温度将高达 40度,高于平均值大约 20度。由此可见,一月初的平均温度大约为 20度。 【知识模块】 听力 18 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 事实细节题。本题问的是周日的天气状况。短文后半部分提到周六和周日只有五大湖区北部和新英格兰北部部分地区温度达到零下;周日阵雨将会到达卡罗莱纳州;周日小雪可能降落到落基山脉南部 和西部平原;虽然犹他州、卡罗莱纳州和新墨西哥州的山区降雪可能达到几英寸,但是几乎不会有积雪。 【知识模块】 听力 19 【听力原文】 The old-fas

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