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本文([外语类试卷]大学英语四级改革适用(段落翻译)模拟试卷35及答案与解析.doc)为本站会员(testyield361)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、大学英语四级改革适用(段落翻译)模拟试卷 35及答案与解析 一、 Part Translation 1 轿子( sedan chair)是中国古代很重要的交通工具,主要由人来肩扛手抬。汉代的权贵( bigwig)们坐在由人像背包那样背着的轻便竹椅中行进。在北魏和南北朝时期,山水卷轴中出现了绑在竹竿上的木制轿子。轿子在种类上有官轿、民轿和喜轿等。轿子最重要的用途可能就是用作喜轿了。传统的中国婚礼上,新娘子被雇来的人用轿子抬到婚礼现场。喜轿装饰华丽、喜庆( jubilant),通常这些轿子还装饰有一个由红 色丝绸制成的帘子,用来防止新娘子的闺容被旁观者看见。 2 孔子( Confucius)是春秋

2、时期( the Spring and Autumn Period)的大思想家、大教育家和儒家学派( Confucianism)的创始人,是古代中国人心目中的圣人。孔子的言论和生平活动记录在由他的弟子或再传弟子编成的论语( The Analects)一书中。论语是中国古代文化的经典著作。在孔子之后几千年的中国历史上,没有哪一位思想家、文学家和政治家不受论语的影响。不研究论语,就不能真正把握中国几千年的传统 文化。 3 王安石,北宋宰相、政治家、文学家、江西临川人。 1042年,王安石考中进士,踏上了仕途,从此积极投身于改革大业。他曾给宋仁宗写了一封万字的谏书( remonstrance),主张朝

3、廷全面改革法度,却没有得到重视。直到宋神宗时,王安石才得以有计划制定新的法度,大刀阔斧地展开以富国强兵为目的的变法运动。这就是中国历史上著名的 “王安石变法 ”。 4 景泰蓝( cloisonn)是驰名中外的传统工艺,它集青铜艺术、瓷器和雕刻诸种工艺制作技巧于一身,是一门地道的北京绝活。它是收藏家收藏的佳品,也是人们居家使用的精美物品。这项工艺始创于明代景泰年间,初创时的颜色主要是蓝色,故得名 “景泰蓝 ”。到了成化年间,景泰蓝技术进一步成熟,这个时期的作品沉稳凝重又透明灵动,而且铜胎也极为讲究。 5 编钟( Bianzhong)是中国传统的乐器,由青铜铸成,它由不同的钟依照大小排列。这些钟悬

4、挂在一个巨大的木制钟架上。这些编钟曾被用作和弦乐器( polyphonic musical instruments),其中一些钟的历史可以追溯到 2,000到 3,000年前。迄今为止最重要的一套编钟在挖掘曾侯乙( Marquis Yi)的古墓时出土,它由 65个大小编钟组成,保存完好。曾侯乙编钟铸造于两千五百多年前的战国时代( Warring States),制作精美,总重量达到两千五百多公斤,今天它仍然能够演奏乐曲,在这世界文化史上也是极为罕见的。 大学英语四级改革适用(段落翻译)模拟试卷 35答案与解析 一、 Part Translation 1 【正确答案】 The sedan cha

5、ir can be regarded as a crucial vehicle of ancient China. It mainly has the virtue of lifting with shoulders and hands. In Han Dynasty, the bigwigs travelled in light bamboo seats supported on a carriers back like a backpack. In the Northern Wei Dynasty and the North and South Song dynasties, wooden

6、 carriages on bamboo poles appeared in painted landscape scrolls. As for its kind, the sedan chair can be classified into three types: sedan chair for officials, the civilian and weddings. The chair with perhaps the greatest importance was the bridal chair. A traditional bride is carried to her wedd

7、ing ceremony by a “shoulder carriage”, usually hired. These were richly ornamented and jubilant, and were equipped with red silk curtains to screen the bride from onlookers. 【知识模块】 段落翻译 2 【正确答案】 As a great thinker, educator and founder of Confucianism during the Spring and Autumn Period, Confucius i

8、s a sage to the ancient Chinese people. His words and life story were recorded by his disciples and their students in The Analects. As an enduring classic of Chinese culture, The Analects has influenced all thinkers, writers and politicians in the thousand years Chinese history after Confucius. No s

9、cholar could truly understand this long-standing culture or the inner world of the ancient Chinese without this book. 【知识模块】 段落翻译 3 【正确答案】 Born in Linchuan, Jiangxi province, Wang Anshi was a statesman, poet and prose writer in the Song Dynasty. In 1042, Wang Anshi outstood others in the feudal exam

10、 and became a Jinshi, marking his first step in his political career and the beginning of his commitment to the reform. He once wrote a remonstrance of ten thousand characters to Emperor Renzong, advocating an all-out reform of the feudal laws and systems. The letter, however, was neglected. It was

11、not until the reign of Emperor Shenzong that he finally got the opportunity to carry out the reform aimed to strengthen the countrys power. This is the famous “Wang Anshis Reform” in the Chinese history. 【知识模块】 段落翻译 4 【正确答案】 Cloisonn is a traditional art widely known in and outside China. It is a ki

12、nd of superb local expertise form of Beijing, which combines the skills of bronze art, porcelain, carving and other types of folk arts. It is deemed valuable in the eyes of collectors, as well as refined ornaments for daily use. The making of cloisonn first appeared during the Jingtai reign of the M

13、ing Dynasty, with the main colour used being blue, hence the name “Jingtai Blue” as it became known later on. By the time of the Chenghua reign, the techniques for making cloisonn were further developed, with products of this period looking heavy and dignified yet not lacking in eloquence or vividne

14、ss. Moreover, its cast was always made of choice copper. 【知识模块】 段落翻译 5 【正确答案】 Bianzhong is an ancient Chinese musical instrument consisting of a set of bronze bells which are placed by size and hung in an enormous wooden frame. These sets of chime bells were used as polyphonic musical instruments an

15、d some of these bells can be dated back to 2,000 to 3,000 years ago. Among the most important sets of Bianzhong discovered are a complete ceremonial set of 65 zhong bells, found in a near-perfect state of preservation during the excavation of the tomb of Marquis Yi of Zeng. Made in the Warring States about 2,500 years ago, the bells of Marquis Yi of Zeng which feature exquisite workmanship and have a total weight of over 2,500 kilograms can still be played today, which is rare even in the history of world culture. 【知识模块】 段落翻译

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