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本文([外语类试卷]大学英语四级改革适用(阅读)模拟试卷124及答案与解析.doc)为本站会员(terrorscript155)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、大学英语四级改革适用(阅读)模拟试卷 124及答案与解析 Section B 0 Highlighting Is a Waste of Time A)In a world as fast-changing and full of information as our own, every one of us from schoolchildren to college students to working adults needs to know how to learn well. Yet evidence suggests that most of us dont use the lea

2、rning techniques that science has proved most effective. Worse, research finds that learning strategies we do commonly employ, like rereading and highlighting, are among the least effective. B)The scientific literature evaluating these techniques stretches back decades and across thousands of articl

3、es. Its far too extensive and complex for the average parent, teacher or employer to survey. Fortunately, a team of five leading psychologists have now done the job for us. In a comprehensive report released on Jan. 9 by the Association for Psychological Science, the authors, led by Kent State Unive

4、rsity professor John Dunlosky, closely examine 10 learning strategies and rate each from high to low utility on the basis of the evidence theyve collected. Here is a quick guide to the reports conclusions: The Worst C)Highlighting and underlining led the authors list of ineffective learning strategi

5、es. Although they are common practices, studies show they offer no benefit beyond simply reading the text. Some research even indicates that highlighting can get in the way of learning; because it draws attention to individual facts, it may hamper(阻碍 )the process of making connections and drawing in

6、ferences. Nearly as bad is the practice of rereading, a common exercise that is much less effective than some of the better techniques you can use. Lastly, summarizing, or writing down the main points contained in a text, can be helpful for those who are skilled at it, but again, there are far bette

7、r ways to spend your study time. Highlighting, underlining, rereading and summarizing were all rated by the authors as being of “low utility. “ The Best D)In contrast to familiar practices like highlighting and rereading, the learning strategies with the most evidence to support them arent well know

8、n outside the psych lab. Take distributed practice, for example. This tactic involves spreading out your study sessions, rather than engaging in one marathon. Cramming information at the last minute may allow you to get through that test or meeting, but the material will quickly disappear from memor

9、y. Its much more effective to look through the material at intervals over time. And the longer you want to remember the information, whether its two weeks or two years, the longer the intervals should be. E)The second learning strategy that is highly recommended by the reports authors is practice te

10、sting. Yes, more tests but these are not for a grade. Research shows that the mere act of calling information to mind strengthens that knowledge and aids in future retrieval(记忆恢复 ). While practice testing is not a common strategy despite the best evidence supporting it there is one familiar approach

11、 that captures its benefits: using flash cards. And now flash cards can be presented in digital form, via apps(应用程序 )like Quizlet, StudyBlue and FlashCardMachine. Both spaced-out learning, or distributed practice, and practice tests were rated as having “high utility“ by the authors. The Rest F)The

12、remainder of the techniques evaluated by Dunlosky and his colleagues fell into the middle ground not useless, but not especially effective either. These include mental imagery, or coming up with pictures that help you remember text(which is time-consuming and only works with text that lends itself t

13、o images); elaborative interrogation, or asking yourself “why“ as you read(which is kind of annoying, like having a 4-year-old tugging at your sleeve); self-explanation, or forcing yourself to explain the text in detail instead of passively reading it over(its effectiveness depends on how complete a

14、nd accurate your explanations are); interleaved practice, or mixing up different types of problems(there is not much evidence to show that this is helpful, outside of learning motor tasks); and lastly the keyword memory skills, or associating new vocabulary words, usually in a foreign language, with

15、 an English word that sounds similar so, for example, learning the French word for key, la clef, by imagining a key on top of a cliff(which is a lot of work to remember a single word). G)All these techniques were rated of “moderate“ to “low“ utility by Dunlosky et al because either there isnt enough

16、 evidence yet to be able to recommend them or theyre just not a very good use of your time. Much better, say the authors, to spread out your learning, ditch your highlighter and get busy with your flash cards. 1 Summarizing sometimes is beneficial to those who are good at summarizing itself. 2 Accor

17、ding to some research, learning strategies we use in our daily life are the least effective. 3 In the rest of learning strategies, self-explanation can help if the learners can make it complete and accurate. 4 Benefits of practice testing is similar to that of using flash cards. 5 Excellent psycholo

18、gists conducted a survey to complete a comprehensive report. 6 If learners cram much knowledge hastily for a test, they may forget it quickly. 7 According to the reports authors, practice testing was rated as a highly useful learning strategy. 8 The research that evaluated peoples learning technique

19、s can date back decades. 9 It takes a lot of work to associate a new word in a foreign language with an English word in similar pronunciation. 10 Highlighting and underlining are the least effective learning strategies. Section C 10 People in their sixties should go to university to retrain because

20、they will be expected to work for longer before retirement, the Government has suggested. Older workers who take courses to keep their skills up to date will be more likely to keep their jobs, claims David Willetts, the higher education minister. Mr. Willetts said the age limit on student loans to c

21、over tuition fees had been lifted, making a degree course “great value“ for older people. This would help them cope with the pressure they would face to keep up to date as they worked well into their sixties, he suggested. His comments followed a government report which found that the countrys futur

22、e economic success would depend on the skills and contributions of older workers. Campaigners for the elderly voiced doubts that prospective pensioners would be willing to commit to challenging degree courses and increased levels of debt to continue working. One in four people will be older than 65

23、by 2033 and economists have warned that the ageing population will place an unsustainable burden on taxpayers unless more people work for longer. The state pension age is to rise to 67 by 2028. Ministers have warned that they have no idea when younger workers in their thirties will be able to retire

24、. Mr. Willetts, urged workers older than 60 to give further education serious consideration. “There is certainly a pressure for continuing to get retrained and upskilled,“ he said. “Higher education has an economic benefit in that if you stay up to date with knowledge and skills you are more employa

25、ble.“ “Education is such a good thing it is not reserved for younger people,“ he said. “There will be people of all ages who will want to study. There is great value in lifelong learning.“ Under previous rules, students in England were eligible(符合条件的 )for a loan to cover tuition fees only if they we

26、re younger than 54. Latest figures showed that only 1 940 undergraduates starting courses last year were older than 60, out of a total of 552 240 students in Britain. Some 6 455 were aged between 50 and 60, according to the Higher Education Statistics Agency. 11 Why is it “great value“ for older peo

27、ple to take a degree course? ( A) Because they can get training without paying student loans. ( B) Because they can cover the college tuition fees by themselves. ( C) Because they are allowed to apply for student loans. ( D) Because they face the age limit when applying for the tuition fees. 12 Who

28、will most probably refuse to continue to work through taking a degree course? ( A) Elderly workers. ( B) Prospective pensioners. ( C) Mature taxpayers. ( D) Young students. 13 According to the economists, how can the ageing population problem be solved? ( A) Taxpayers should pay more taxes. ( B) Mor

29、e people should work longer. ( C) The state birth rate should increase. ( D) The state pension age should be raised. 14 According to Mr. Willetts, what is the advantage of higher education? ( A) It allows people at various ages to get good education paying no tuition fees. ( B) Younger people have m

30、ore chances to achieve a higher degree than the old. ( C) Older workers can take the opportunity to fulfill their dreams of learning. ( D) Up-to-date knowledge and skills can increase peoples probability of being hired. 15 It can be inferred from the last paragraph that_. ( A) People older than 54 n

31、ow cant apply for student loans to cover their tuition fees. ( B) Older people who are willing to get retrained now are becoming fewer and fewer. ( C) The older people become, the fewer of them will receive higher education. ( D) Undergraduates older than 50 account for more than 7% of students in B

32、ritain. 15 Our tale begins two decades ago, when a group of Dutch women set out to find an explanation for the antisocial behavior of the males in their family. As well as having learning difficulties, these men and boys were prone to outbursts of aggression and were racking up a list of serious off

33、ences, including attempted rape and murder. Suspecting that the behavior might be hereditary, the women approached geneticist Hans Brunner at the University Hospital in Nijmegen, the Netherlands. Eventually, in 1993, he tracked down the crime: a dead variant of a gene called monoamine oxidase A(单胺氧化

34、酶A)(MAOA), located on the X chromosome. Understandably, the announcement created a sensation. It was the first time a gene had been linked to human aggression and MAOA seemed to be responsible for a history of violence stretching back five generations. In the following years, evidence poured in to b

35、olster the connection between MAOA and aggression. Then, in 2004, journalist Ann Gibbons sealed the link by giving MAOA the headline-friendly label “warrior gene“. The nickname stuck, raising the profile of MAOA, and at the same time making misconceptions about how our behavior is affected by our ge

36、netic make-up. Explaining the interaction between genes and behavior is one of the toughest tasks in biology. The publication of the entire human genetic code, a decade ago, dispelled any illusions that having the genetic blueprint of our species would give a clear insight into our nature. Instead,

37、what became clear is that we have far fewer genes than anyone imagined, and that understanding how these shape us as individuals is going to be a huge task. Genes simply make proteins. So for behavioral geneticists the question is how, when and why they influence our behavior. Clearly, this involves

38、 a complex tango(探戈舞 )between genes and environments. Working out the exact steps is extremely difficult, and conveying the findings to those without a scientific background is just as problematic. 16 The main purpose of Hans Brunners study is to_. ( A) help a group of Dutch women improve their righ

39、ts ( B) prove men are more aggressive than women ( C) find the links between the aggressive behavior and genes ( D) prove how important monoamine oxidase A is 17 From MAOAs nickname “warrior gene“ given by Ann Gibbons, we can see_. ( A) people are born with aggressive characteristics ( B) the nickna

40、me makes us pay less attention to MAOA ( C) previous ideas about our behavior are incorrect ( D) there are some connections between MAOA and aggression 18 The publication of the entire human genetic code_. ( A) proves human nature completely ( B) proves the interaction between genes and behavior ( C

41、) cannot explain clearly the way how genes shape our individuals ( D) shows a genetic blueprint of our societies 19 According to the last paragraph, we can infer that_. ( A) it is difficult to find the rough interplay between genes and behavior ( B) genes can make proteins to provide some energy for

42、 our body ( C) MAOA has made the genes in our body out of order ( D) there are potential links between genes and environments to some extent 20 What is the main idea of this passage? ( A) Men are more likely to break laws than women. ( B) There may be some links between our behavior and genes. ( C)

43、MAOA has an immense influence on our characteristics. ( D) The entire human genetic code can deal with all the genetic problems. 大学英语四级改革适用(阅读)模拟试卷 124答案与解析 Section B 【知识模块】 阅读 1 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 细节归纳题。由定位句可知,总结或者说写下文章主要大意,对于擅长总结的人来讲有益处,但如果想促进学习,可以采取其他很多更好的方法。题干是对定位句的概括归纳,故 C)为正确答案。 【知识模块】 阅读 2 【正确答案

44、】 A 【试题解析】 同义转述题。由定位句可知,研究表明,我们通常使用的诸如重复阅读和强调等学习策略有效 性最差。题干是对定位句的同义转述,故正确答案为A)。 【知识模块】 阅读 3 【正确答案】 F 【试题解析】 同义转述题。由定位句可知,自我解释,即强迫自己详细解释文章而不是被动地阅读,其有效性取决于解释的完整性和准确性。题干是对定位句的同义转述,故正确答案为 F)。 【知识模块】 阅读 4 【正确答案】 E 【试题解析】 同义转述题。由定位句可知,练习性测试并不是一种常见的学习策略,尽管强有力的例证可以证明它的高效性,但更为人熟知的方法莫过于使用闪卡,它有同样的长处。题干是对 定位句的同

45、义转述,故 E)为正确答案。 【知识模块】 阅读 5 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 细节推断题。由定位句可知,幸好五位顶尖的心理学家组队展开调查研究并发布了调研结果。题干是对定位句的推断总结,故 B)为正确答案。 【知识模块】 阅读 6 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 同义转述题。由定位句可知,如果为了通过考试或者会议而在最后一刻把大量信息灌人大脑的话,这些材料最终会很快从记忆中消失。题干是对定位句的同义转述,故正确答案为 D)。 【知识模块】 阅读 7 【正 确答案】 E 【试题解析】 细节归纳题。由定位句可知,报告作者大力推荐的另一种学习策略是练习性测试,而且分散式练习和练习性测试被作者

46、归为 “高实用性 ”学习策略。题干是对定位句的概括总结,故 E)为正确答案。 【知识模块】 阅读 8 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 同义转述题。由定位句可知,这一研究学习策略的科学指南可以追溯到几十年前并在数千篇文章中有过论述。题干是定位句的同义转述,由此可知B)为正确答案。 【知识模块】 阅读 9 【正确答案】 F 【试题解析】 同义转述题。由定位句可知,关键词记忆法,或者说是联想记忆法就是把目标语言中的新单词和英语语言中具有相似发音的单词联系起来。通过举例说明要记住一个单词很费劲,即把外语中某个新单词和英语中具有类似读音的单词联系起来这种学习方法费时耗力。题干是对定位句的同义转述,故正确

47、答案为 F)。 【知识模块】 阅读 10 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 同义转述题。由定位句可知,研究者把强调和加下划线列为最没有效果的学习策略之首。题干是定位句的同义转述,由此可知 C)为正确答案。 【知识模 块】 阅读 Section C 【知识模块】 阅读 11 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 细节辨认题。由定位句可知,用于支付学费的助学贷款的申请年龄上限已经取消,这使得老年人学习学位课程 “超值 ”,即由于年龄限制的取消,老年人也可以申请助学贷款,故正确答案为 C)。 【知识模块】 阅读 12 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 细节辨认题。由定位句可知,老年人权益活动家对老年人继续工作

48、表示怀疑:那些潜在的养老金领取者会为了继续工作而学习学位课程,并承担更多的债务吗 ?由此可以推断 ,那些有可能成为养老金领取者的人很可能不会为了继续工作而承担学习学位课程而使自己深陷债务的风险,故 B)为正确答案。 【知识模块】 阅读 13 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 细节辨认题。由定位句可知,由于到 2033年英国将有四分之一的人年龄超过 65岁,经济学家警告称,如果没有更多的人延长工作时间,人口老龄化问题将使纳税人难以承受,故正确答案为 B)。 【知识模块】 阅读 14 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 推理判断题。由定位段可知, Willetts先生希望 60岁以上的工作者接 受继续教

49、育,原因是虽然继续接受培训和提高职业技能有些压力,但是如果工作者能够在知识和技能方面与时俱进,那么他们会更容易胜任工作。这也是高等教育所能创造的经济效益。 Willetts先生还认为教育不是年轻人独享的,终生教育会使所有人受益。由此可以推断,高等教育通过为学习者提供适时的教育内容让他们有更多的就业机会,故正确答案为 D)。 【知识模块】 阅读 15 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 推理判断题。定位段第一句说明,按照以前的规定, 54岁以下的学生才能申请助学贷款,由上文得知,现在年龄上限已取 消。第二句表明 60岁以上的大学生占学生总数的比率低,但并未指出数量越来越少。本段阐明 60岁以上的大学生有 1 940人, 50岁到 60岁之间的大学生有 6 455人,通过计算可知,两者占学生总数不到 2。由于 50岁到 60岁之间的大学生有 6 455人,而 60岁以上的大学生只有 1 940人,因此可以判断,老年人年龄越大,他们之中越少的人会接受高等教育,故正确答案为 C)。 【知识模块】 阅读 【知识模块】 阅读 16 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 细节辨认题。由定位句可知,一群荷兰妇女对家庭男性 的攻击性行为产生疑问,一直在找寻答案,便向 Hans B

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