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本文([外语类试卷]大学英语四级改革适用(阅读)模拟试卷22及答案与解析.doc)为本站会员(吴艺期)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、大学英语四级改革适用(阅读)模拟试卷 22及答案与解析 Section B 0 Dont Say Its Global Warming A)As Texas endures the slow, agonizing death of our entire agricultural sector by drought, a check of our media and political leaders shows we are also suffering from a bizarre silence on a topic that could be described as “the caus

2、e that dare not speak its name“. B)Local newspapers have responded heroically to the heat wave that has now killed more than 120 Texans, unleashing a torrent of efforts to help those most in peril. The one topic they have not addressed is: Why is this happening? C)Of the few articles on the subject,

3、 all are limited to the answer “El Nino“, which is half right. According to climatologists, this is an El Nino drought: El Nino shifted the jet stream just enough to hold the high that normally sits over the Rockies in the summertime east over Texas, so we are not getting the clouds and cooling that

4、 normally give us some relief. But the other half of the answer, global warming, has gotten little or no attention. D)A recent Dallas Morning News article gives the flavor of what little coverage global warming has gotten: “What did skies over Texas and a Washington debate about global warming share

5、 this week ? An unusual amout of hot air, Say experts on both meteorology and politics.“ Heh-heh. E)The media are doing so poorly on this issue that it s an embarrassment to the profession, and we are being hoisted partly by the petard of our infamous among scientists. It is not. F)What we mistake f

6、or a “debate“ is actually a public relations campaign by the American Petroleum Institute, which has recruited and funded a few scientists who question the entire phenomenon. They, in turn, are given equal weight by the media, as though they were precisely as objective as the 2500 scientists who wor

7、k with the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. G)According to USA Today, when 14 energy industry lobbyists gathered in April to work out the details of a $6 million lobbying plan on global warming, they targeted Congress, the news media, the public and schoolchildren. “Informin

8、g teacher/students about uncertainties in climate science will begin to erect a barrier against further efforts to impose Kyoto-like measure in the future,“ says a memo obtained by the National Environmental Trust. H)The notion that the IPCC is some group of fear-mongering enviros is easily disprove

9、d by study of any of its cautious work or the testimony of its chairman, Robert T. Watson. On the other hand, the API s notorious PR campaign is designed, in the words of its own strategy documents, to “reposition global warming as theory rather than fact.“ I)In addition, a number of conservative th

10、ink tanks have been churning out dubious studies allegedly proving that doing much of anything about global warming will cost each and every citizen a small fortune and “radically“ affect all our lives. These studies have been given solemn coverage by the press. J)Among the most important developmen

11、ts this year is the formation of a coalition of major companies including Sun Co., 3M, British Petroleum, Lockheed, Maytag, United Technologies, Boeing, etc. that not only accept climate change as a serious threat but also believe that action is necessary and can be taken without economic damage. K)

12、Meanwhile, the Republican Party of Texas has adopted the flat statement: “We oppose the theory of global warming and the Kyoto Agreement.“ That certainly takes care of that, as far as Texas Republicans are concerned. 1 According to the local newspaper, more than 120 Texans have died of the heat wave

13、. 2 The so-called “debate“ was organized by the American Petroleum Institute to further research the phenomenon. 3 Recently, an article on Dallas Morning News gave little space to global warming. 4 Texas, suffering from a heavy drought, was visited and checked by our media and political leaders. 5 I

14、n April, some energy industry lobbyist gathered to make a lobbying plan, in which the target groups are various. 6 Local newspapers haven t covered the cause of the heave wave. 7 The formation of a coalition of major companies will not bring any economic loss. 8 Several articles have talked about th

15、e drought in Texas, but they just attributed this disaster to “El Nino“, overlooking the other cause global warming. 9 API s documents stress the relocations of theory on global warming. 10 It is reported by the newspaper that to fight against global warming will greatly affect our lives. 10 Beauty

16、and Body Image in the Media A)Images of female bodies are everywhere. Women and their body parts sell everything from food to cars. Popular film and television actresses are becoming younger, taller and thinner. Some have even been known to faint on the set from lack of food. Women s magazines are f

17、ull of articles urging that if they can just lose those last twenty pounds, theyll have it all the perfect marriage, loving children, great sex, and a rewarding career. B)Why are standards of beauty being imposed on women, the majority of whom are naturally larger and more mature than any of the mod

18、els? The roots, some analysts say, are economic. By presenting an ideal difficult to achieve and maintain, the cosmetic and diet product industries are assured of growth and profits. And its no accident that youth is increasingly promoted, along with thinness, as an essential criterion of beauty. If

19、 not all women need to lose weight, for sure theyre all aging, says the Quebec Action Network for Womens Health in its 2001 report. And, according to the industry, age is a disaster that needs to be dealt with. C)The stakes are huge. On the one hand, women who are insecure about their bodies are mor

20、e likely to buy beauty products, new clothes, and diet aids. It is estimated that the diet industry alone is worth anywhere between 40 to 100 billion(U.S.)a year selling temporary weight loss(90% to 95% of dieters regain the lost weight). On the other hand, research indicates that exposure to images

21、 of thin, young, air-brushed female bodies is linked to depression, loss of self-esteem and the development of unhealthy eating habits in women and girls. D)The American research group Anorexia Nervosa others play golf,“ he explains, “I studied sperm.“ With no scientific or medical training, Schou s

22、et out to make himself an expert,poring over the scientific literature and consulting specialists about different methods for freezing sperm. His goal: to establish “the best sperm bank in the world.“ B)Schou s single-minded devotion has paid off. Cryos, the company he founded in 1987 in the Danish

23、city, Aarhus, claims to be the worlds largest sperm bank, with more than 200 active donors and revenues nearing $1 million. In the high-tech world of modern reproduction, sperm is becoming a controversial business, and with his aggressive entrepreneurial flair, Schou is something of a trailblazer. L

24、ast year Cryos signed a special agreement with British authorities that will allow the firm to make bulk exports to a Scottish clinic that cannot find donors to meet its tough standards. Schou, 45, estimates that British sales could eventually bring the company more than $2 million annually. C)Cryos

25、 has benefited from a bewildering patchwork of European rules governing sperm donation. In Britain, for example, the law dictates that a single donor can father only 10 children. In Denmark, whose population of 5 million is less than one-tenth of Britains, the limit is 25. In Austria and Sweden, law

26、s allow children conceived through sperm donation to seek the identity of their parents when the children reach age 18. Denmark, however, has more sweeping protection of donor anonymity: Cryos does not maintain a record of its donor s names, using a coded identification number instead. According to

27、Schou, the Swedish law has resulted in such a severe donor shortage that hundreds of Swedish couples seek help each year in Denmark. Attracting donors is not much of a problem in Aarhus, which has a large university population. But only about 10% of those who apply make it through the screening proc

28、ess, which includes a psychological assessment as well as a battery of medical tests to rule out HIV, hepatitis and other diseases. D)Cryos does not maintain the exhaustive profiles of donor characteristics used by U.S. Sperm banks. The company limits its data to such fundamentals as hair and eye co

29、lor, height and ethnic classification, which, says Schou, is the main difference from what he calls the “couture style“ U.S. system of merchandising sperm. He is critical of the U.S. Reliance on “positive eugenics“ his term for the penchant for selecting donors based on detailed genetic, physical an

30、d psychological profiles. E)Schou believes sperm banks should practice “negative eugenics“ testing for disease and severe genetic defects only to the extent that an average couple would. On the other hand, to supply a global marketplace, he is having to bend his principles. Cryos now supplies a few

31、U.S. Clinics with sperm, and in those cases has begun to provide more extensive donor profiles. To serve increasing demand for non-Scandinavian ethnic types, Schou cooperates with a handful of overseas sperm banks. F)Cryos appears likely to continue to dominate Europe s commercial sperm-donor indust

32、ry, and its growing success is provoking some criticism. Charles Sims, a clinical pathologist who co-founded California Cryobank, the best-known U.S. Sperm bank, thinks Cryos claims of market dominance are misplaced. “Sperm is not a commodity,“ he says. “It s not something you re selling like aspiri

33、n. “But Ole Schou shrugs off those views. He is passionate about his companys mission to help thousands of would-be parents. In fact, he and his wife are about to become first-time parents the old-fashioned way. “We ve been working at it for many years, and believe me, it s not that easy“. 21 Cryos

34、differs from U.S. Sperm banks in the aspect of donor characteristics. 22 There were over 200 active sperm donors when Cryos was founded in 1987. 23 Schou is criticized that his claims of market dominance are not appropriate. 24 In Denmark, donor s privacy is protected by a coded identification numbe

35、r. 25 It was 20 years ago that Schou began to be obsessed with the study of sperm. 26 Cryos has begun to provide more donor characteristics in order to supply a global marketplace. 27 It is estimated that the sperm exports to a Scottish clinic will bring an income of more than $2 million every year.

36、 28 Ole Schou doesnt care about Charles Simss criticism and keeps enthusiastic about his career. 29 When Schou decided to make himself a sperm expert, he had no any experience of scientific training. 30 In Aarhus, only 10% of willing donors meet the tough standards. 大学英语四级改革适用(阅读)模拟试卷 22答案与解析 Sectio

37、n B 【知识模块】 长篇阅读 1 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 题干:根据地方报纸的报道, 120多名得克萨斯州的人已经死于本次热浪。题干关键词是 local newspaper, 120 Texans和 heat wave。文中 B段第一句提到,当地报纸对这股热浪进行了报道,已有 120多德州人死亡,并不遗余力地帮助困境中的人们。与题干意思吻合,故选 B。 【知识模块】 长篇阅读 2 【正确答案】 F 【试题解析】 题干:这个所谓的 “辩论 ”是由美国石油学会组织的,目的是进一步研究此现象。题干关键词是 debate和 the American Petroleum Institute。文

38、中 F段第一句提到,我们误以为真的 “辩论 ”实际上就是一场由美国石油学会组织的公共关系活动,旨在招募和资助质疑整个现象的科学家。与题干意思一致,故选 F。 【知识模块】 长篇阅读 3 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 题干:最近,达拉斯晨报上的一篇文章用只言片语描写了全球变暖现象。题干关键词是 an article和 Dallas Morning News。文中 D段第一句提到,达拉斯晨报最近发表的文章里嗅到了全球变暖的味道。与题干意思吻合,故选 D。 【知识模块】 长篇阅读 4 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 题干:得克萨斯州正遭受着一场严重的干旱,我们的媒体和政府领导人到场进行了视察。题干

39、关键词是 Texas, drought和 political leaders。文中 A段提到,干旱为农业区带来的危害使得克萨斯州正在承受缓慢、痛苦的死亡,媒体和政府领导人的视察工作也显示出我们正在遭受一场异常的沉默。与题干意思一致,故选 A。 【知识模块】 长篇阅读 5 【正确答案】 G 【试题解析】 题干:四月,一些能源产业的说客聚集在一起制定了一个游说计划,指定的目标人群层次不一。题干关键词是 in April, lobbyist和 gathered。文中 G段第一句提到,据今日美国报道, 4月份 14名能源行业的游说人士集会,旨在商讨针对全球变暖的 600万美元的游说计划他们将目标直指国

40、会、新闻媒体、公众和学生。可见,目标人群多种多样,与题干意思吻合,故选 G。 【知识模块】 长篇阅读 6 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析 】 题干:地方报纸没有报道引起这次热浪的原因。题干关键词是localnewspapers, cause和 heave wave。文中 B段提到,当地报纸对这股热浪进行了报道,还没有解决的话题是:为什么会这样 ?与题干意思一致,故选 B。 【知识模块】 长篇阅读 7 【正确答案】 J 【试题解析】 题干:大公司联盟的形成不会带来任何经济损失。题干关键词是coalition, major companies和 economic loss。文中 J段提到,今年最重要

41、的发展是大公司联盟的形成,这样做不仅承认气候变化 是一项严重威胁,并且可以在无经济损失的情况下采取必要行动。与题干意思吻合,故选 J。 【知识模块】 长篇阅读 8 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 题干:有几篇文章讨论了得克萨斯州的干旱情况,但是它们都将这场灾难归咎于厄尔尼诺现象,却忽视了另外一个原因 全球变暖。题干关键词是 severalarticles, El Nino和 the other cause。文中 C段提到,关于这个话题的几篇文章,答案均局限于 “厄尔尼诺现象 ”,这种解释只对了一半,但是,另一部分原因 全球变暖,却未引起人们注意。与题 干意思一致,故选 C。 【知识模块】 长篇

42、阅读 9 【正确答案】 H 【试题解析】 题干:美国石油协会的文件强调对全球变暖理论的重新定位。题干关键词是 API, documents和 theory。文中 H段第二句提到, API臭名昭著的公关活动的设计采用自身的策略文件 “重新定位全球变暖理论而不是立足于事实 ”。与题干意思吻合,故选 H。 【知识模块】 长篇阅读 10 【正确答案】 I 【试题解析】 题干:据报纸报道,与全球变暖现象作斗争将会极大地影响我们的生活。题干关键词是 fight against, affect和 our lives。文中 I段提到,一些保守的智囊团已经推出质疑性的研究,断言改善全球变暖现状将花费每个公民一笔

43、财产, “从根本上 ”影响我们的生活。这些研究已得到新闻的郑重报道。与题干意思一致,故选 I。 【知识模块】 长篇阅读 【知识模块】 长篇阅读 11 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 题干:大众媒体促进了化妆品和减肥产品行业的发展。题干关键词为 improvement和 cosmetic and the diet industries。文中 B段,第三句提到,通过展示一些很难达到和保持的理想身材,化妆品和减肥产品行业一定能够得到发展,并且获得利润。而这些理想的模型正是通过大众媒体呈现的。与题干意思吻合,故选 B。 【知识模块】 长篇阅读 12 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 题干:有些影视女演员

44、甚至因为吃得太少而在拍摄现场昏倒。题干关键词 film and television actresses和 faint。文中 A段第三句提到有些人因为饮食过少,而在拍摄现场晕倒。与题干意思吻合,故选 A。 【知识模块】 长篇阅读 13 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 题干:女性不健康的饮食习惯与接触年轻苗条的女性形象有关。题干关键词 unhealthy eating habits和 thin and young bodies。文中 C段最后一句提到,另一方面,调查显示展示苗条、年轻的女性形象和抑郁、缺乏自信,不健康的饮食习惯有关。与题干意思吻合,故选 C。 【知识模块 】 长篇阅读 14 【正

45、确答案】 E 【试题解析】 题干:如果一个女人的身材比例和芭比娃娃一样,那么她最终会因为营养不良而死。题干关键词 Barbie-doll proportions和 die from malnutrition。文中只有 E段提到了芭比娃娃,前两句写了对芭比娃娃身体的研究。第三句提到,如果一个真正的女人有那样的身材的话,会遭受慢性腹泻的困扰并且最终会因为营养不良而死。与题干意思吻合,故选 E。 【知识模块】 长篇阅读 15 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 题干:青少 年杂志上的一项报道称,有 50到 70体重正常的女孩认为自己需要减肥。题干关键词 50 to 70, normal weight和

46、lose weight。 D段倒数第三句提到,在 2003年,青少年杂志报道,有 35的 6到12岁的女孩在节食,有 50到 70的体重正常的女孩觉得自己超重了。与题干意思吻合,故选 D。 【知识模块】 长篇阅读 16 【正确答案】 I 【试题解析】 题干:过度关注外表,使改变不正常的风气的可能性几乎为零。题干关键词 concern with appearance, impossible to change和 abnormal trend。文中 I段最后一句提到,对于美丽和性感的关注,实际上摧毁了任何有助于改变这种风气的意识和行动的可能性。与题干意思吻合,故选 I。 【知识模块】 长篇阅读 1

47、7 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 题干:根据一些分析家的观点,将美丽的标准强加到女性身上的根本原因是经济利益。题干关键词 fundamental reason, standards of beauty和economic profits。文中 B段第一句问,为什么会把美丽的标准强 加到女性身上,而大多数女性生来就比模特要胖要成熟 ?接下来提到,一些分析家认为,根源是因为经济利益。与题干意思吻合,故选 B。 【知识模块】 长篇阅读 18 【正确答案】 G 【试题解析】 题干:有几年, Quebec杂志坚持在其时尚页面上刊登正常身材的女性形象,以抵制这种潮流。题干关键词 The Quebec ma

48、gazine和 full-sized women。文中提到该杂志的段落出现在 G段。 G段第一、二句提到,杂志业有人正在努力抵制这种潮流。几年来 Ouebec杂志坚持在其时尚页面上刊登正常身材的女性形象。与题干意思吻合,故选 G。 【知识模块】 长篇阅读 19 【正确答案】 F 【试题解析】 题干:据报道,超过四分之三的女性杂志封面至少包含了一条关于如何改变女性身材的方法。题干关键词 three-quarters和 at least one message。文中 F段第一句提到研究人员公布说女性杂志上宣传减肥的广告和文章所占的比重比男性杂志高 10 5倍。超过四分之三的女性杂志封面至少包含了一

49、条关于如何改变女性身材的信息 诸如节食、运动或者整容手术。与题干意思吻合,故选 F。 【知 识模块】 长篇阅读 20 【正确答案】 H 【试题解析】 题干:连续 6年,白人女性都占据了主流女性杂志的大量篇幅。题干关键词 6 years和 mainstream womens magazines。文中 H段最后一句提到,从1999年到 2004年。虽然有色妇女的代表在增加。但是主流杂志上大部分仍是白人女性。与题干符合,故选 H。 【知识模块】 长篇阅读 【知识模块】 长篇阅读 21 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 题干:克瑞奥斯公司在捐献者的个人特征方面不同于美国的精子银行。题干 关键词是 differs, U S Sperm banks和 donor characteristics。文中 D段第一二句提到,克瑞奥斯公司不保留像美国精子银行对捐献者特征的详尽信息。该公司限制对如头发,眼睛颜色,身高和种族这些基本的信息。休乌说,这是该公司与他称之为美国 “服装风格 ”销售精子体制主要的不同之处。与题干意思吻合,故选 D。 【知识模块】 长篇阅读 22 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 题干:克瑞奥斯公司在 1987年刚成

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