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1、大学英语四级模拟试卷 430及答案与解析 一、 Part I Writing (30 minutes) 1 For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Using Electronic Dictionaries. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below: 1.很多学生在英语学习中使用电子词 典 2. 使用电子词典的缺点 3. 我的建议 二、 Part II Reading Comprehens

2、ion (Skimming and Scanning) (15 minutes) Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions attached to the passage. For questions 1-7, mark: Y (for YES) if the statement agrees with the information given in the passage; N (for NO) if the state

3、ment contradicts the information given in the passage; NG (for NOT GIVEN) if the information is not given in the passage. 1 Secrets of Strong Families A group of American marriage and family counselors once placed a brief notice in four dozen newspapers in 25 states. “If you live in a strong family,

4、 please contact us. We know a lot about what makes families fail; we need to know more about what make them succeed.“ Letters poured in; then a questionnaire was mailed to each family who responded and more than 3,000 families participated. One of the most surprising things to emerge is that six key

5、 qualities for making a strong family function were mentioned time and again by many families. Those qualities are. Commitment Crucial to any familys success is an investment of time, energy, spirit and heart, an investment otherwise known as commitment. The family comes first. Family members are de

6、dicated to promoting each others welfare and happiness-and they expect the family to endure. For strong families, commitment and sexual fidelity (忠诚 ) are so closely linked that an extramarital affair (婚外恋 ) is regarded as the ultimate threat to a marriage. “An affair does terrible things to your pa

7、rtners self-esteem,“ one woman wrote, “It says, you are replaceable.“ Some families have seen commitment eroded by a more subtle enemy-work, and its demand on time attention and energy. Time Together When 1,500 children were asked “What do you think makes a happy family?“ they didnt list money, cars

8、, or fine homes. They replied: doing things together. Members of strong families agree. They spend lots of time together working, playing, attending religious services, and eating meals together. What you do isnt as important, they say, as doing it. What about quality versus quantity of time? Strong

9、 families realize the time they spend together needs to be good time. It also needs to be sufficient; quality interaction isnt likely to develop in a few minutes together. A working mother wrote, “To excuse myself for spending so little time with my daughter by saying, It was only 15 minutes, but it

10、 was high quality, is a cop-out.“ Appreciation Feeling appreciated by others is one of the most basic of human needs. Questionnaires and interviews showed that the quantity of appreciation family members expressed to one another was even greater than anticipated. One mother wrote: “Each night we go

11、into the childrens bedrooms and give each a big hug and kiss. Then we say, you are really good kids and we love you very much. We think it is important to leave that message with them at the end of that day.“ A wife said “When my husband comes home he says, I see youve been busy with boys today and

12、you got your hair cut and did the marketing. He doesnt mention the weedy garden. And when he comes in, disappointed over a sale he missed, I remind him of the three he made last week. Weve conditioned ourselves to look at what we have rather than what we lack.“ Communication Psychologists know that

13、good communication helps to create a sense of belonging, and case frustration as well as full-blown crises. Strong families emphasize that good communication does not necessarily happen; it takes time and practice. Good communication means clearing up misunderstandings. Strong families work at expla

14、ining one anothers messages. A new Mexico husband wrote: “My wife would say, Are there any good movies downtown? and shed mean, Id like to go to a movie. Id answer the question literally, by telling what was playing. Rarely did I suggest going to a show. Then Id be surprised when she was unhappy. Ev

15、entually we figured this pattern out. She is better now about saying Id like to instead of hinting, and Im better about checking to be sure I understand what she really means.“ Spiritual Wellness Spiritual wellness was defined by strong families as a caring center within each of us that promotes sha

16、ring, love and compassion for others. For many, the desire of their spiritual nature is expressed by church or synagogue(宗教 )membership. For others, spirituality proves itself as a concern for those around them, or adherence to a moral code. Strong families express their spiritual nature in daily li

17、fe. They literally practice what they preach(宣扬 ). “Our family,“ one participant wrote, “has certain values-honesty, responsibility and tolerance, to name a few. But we have to practice those in everyday life. I cant talk about honesty and cheat on my income tax return. I cant yell responsibility an

18、d turn my back on a neighbor who needs help. Id know I was a hypocrite(伪君子 ), and so would the kids and everyone else.“ Coping with Crisis Strong families are not without problems. But they have the ability to surpass lifes inevitable challenges when they arise. Many of the tools these families iden

19、tified as necessary for coping with crisis have touched on communication, spiritual resources. Another significant tool is adaptability. All strong families know, a healthy family is a place we enter for comfort, development and regeneration; a place from which we go forth renewed and charged with p

20、ower for positive living. As one woman said, “I put love into my family as an investment in their future, my future, our future. Its the best investment I can make. “ Dont Forget to Forgive For many, the ultimate deposit to the emotional bank account comes in forgiving. When you forgive, you open th

21、e channels for trust and unconditional love. You cleanse your heart. You also remove a major obstacle that keeps others from changingbecause when you dont forgive, you put yourself between people and their energy on work with their own conscience, they spend it defending and justifying their behavio

22、r to you. In everything you do for your family, keep in mind the miracle of the Chinese bamboo. After the seed is planted, new, taller shoots appear until the bamboo reaches full height. But the most dramatic growth is underground, where a root like structure creates an intricate interlocking system

23、. Using this system as support, the bamboo can grow to more than 35 metres! The emotional bank account can be like that. As you begin to make deposits, you may see positive results immediately. More often it will take weeks, months, even years, but results will come, and you will be astonished at th

24、e changes. 2 Many families mentioned the five key qualities for making a strong family function time and again. ( A) Y ( B) N ( C) NG 3 The number-one threat to a marriage is extramarital affair, for commitment and sexual fidelity are so closely linked. ( A) Y ( B) N ( C) NG 4 Commitment means a hus

25、band or a wife just invests money to the family. ( A) Y ( B) N ( C) NG 5 Strong families can enjoy high quality of time just by spending little time together. ( A) Y ( B) N ( C) NG 6 Feeling appreciated by others is the most basic of human needs. ( A) Y ( B) N ( C) NG 7 Of all the secrets, the last

26、one is the most important according to the author. ( A) Y ( B) N ( C) NG 8 Strong families are without problems at all. ( A) Y ( B) N ( C) NG 9 Good communication means _. 10 Strong families need _ as a caring center to promote sharing, love and compassion for each other. 11 For many, the ultimate d

27、eposit to the emotional bank account comes in _. Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only

28、once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A, B, C and D, and decide which is the best answer. ( A) Borrow the money for the first two months rent. ( B) Look for a less expensive apartment. ( C) Ask his landlord to reassure the owners of

29、the apartment. ( D) Write a letter to the owner of the apartment. ( A) It is too late for the man to go to the concert. ( B) The man must wait for two hours to buy a ticket. ( C) People have already been standing in line for two hours. ( D) The man can buy a standing-room ticket tomorrow. ( A) He tu

30、rned suddenly and ran into a tree. ( B) He was hit by a fallen box from a truck. ( C) He drove too fast and crashed into a truck. ( D) He was trying to overtake the truck ahead of him. ( A) Dr. Smiths class is already full. ( B) The reserved spaces are for faculty only. ( C) He will give the student

31、 a chance after she waits a while. ( D) No exceptions can be made with regard to registration policy. ( A) A professor and a student. ( B) A customer and a cashier. ( C) An editor and an author. ( D) A lawyer and his client. ( A) The woman will stay in New York for six hour. ( B) She will be here fo

32、r a quarter. ( C) She will stay here for about 50 minutes. ( D) She will stay in New York for 40 minutes. ( A) Dont use ice cubes. ( B) Lose some weight. ( C) Boil the water first. ( D) Be nice. ( A) The announcer should try to sound nervous. ( B) The woman should get on the plane. ( C) The plane wi

33、ll land at nine-thirty. ( D) The woman should not worry. ( A) A satellite. ( B) An ordinary plane. ( C) A space plane. ( D) A space rocket. ( A) A space plane is bigger than an ordinary plane. ( B) A space plane looks totally different from an ordinary plane. ( C) A space plane carries more passenge

34、rs than an ordinary plane. ( D) A space plane travels much faster than an ordinary plane. ( A) A space rocket can only be used once. ( B) The pilot can fly a space plane just like an ordinary plane. ( C) A space rocket travels much faster than a space plane. ( D) Both A and B. ( A) The purpose of la

35、ughter. ( B) The cause of laughter and its effects. ( C) Why and when people laugh. ( D) The origin of laughter. ( A) It is a survival technique for babies. ( B) It can ease hostilities between parents and children. ( C) It can make parents fell relaxed to take care of children. ( D) It can help chi

36、ldren to fight diseases. ( A) She can hear them crying very loudly at the zoo. ( B) She has heard them panting and was told it was laughter. ( C) She has read about it from Darwin. ( D) She used to work at a zoo. ( A) He has some pet apes in his apartment. ( B) He is worried that the chicken he left

37、 out will spoil. ( C) He is worried that his roommates will eat all the chicken. ( D) He is worried that he will miss out on his dinner. Section B Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions

38、 will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D. ( A) Business corporation. ( B) The universe as a hole. ( C) A society of legal professionals. ( D) An association of teachers and scholars. ( A) Its largest expansion to

39、ok place during that period. ( B) Its role in society went through a dramatic change. ( C) Small universities combined to form bigger ones. ( D) Provincial colleges were taken over by larger universities. ( A) Private donations. ( B) Government funding. ( C) Grants from corporations. ( D) Fees paid

40、by students. ( A) Because Japanese preschools cost less than those in America. ( B) Because Japanese children have high academic achievement. ( C) Because Japanese preschools pay much attention to the overall development of children. ( D) Because there are only a few preschools in America. ( A) Prep

41、aring children academically. ( B) Developing childrens artistic interest. ( C) Tapping childrens potential. ( D) Shaping childrens character. ( A) They can be instructed by better teachers there. ( B) They can accumulate more group experience there. ( C) They can be individually oriented when they g

42、row up. ( D) They can have better chances of getting a first-rate education. ( A) Men spend more nights in their friendshome than women ( B) Women are much more talkative than men ( C) Women enjoy more and better friendships than men ( D) Men have more difficulty remembering names than women ( A) A

43、male friend ( B) A female friend ( C) Her parents ( D) Her husband ( A) Men tend to keep their innermost feelings to themselves ( B) Women are more serious than men about marriage ( C) Men often take sudden action to end their marriage ( D) Women depend on others in making decisions ( A) Happy and s

44、uccessful marriages ( B) Friendships of men and women ( C) Emotional problems in marriage ( D) Interactions between men and women Section C Directions: In this section, you will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea.

45、 When the passage is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks numbered from 36 to 43 with the exact words you have just heard. For blanks numbered from 44 to 46 you are required to fill in the missing information. For these blanks, you can either use the exact words you have

46、just heard or write down the 36 One night in April 1912, a huge new ocean liner, the Titanic, was crossing the Atlantic She was just about the most【 B1】 _ship that had ever been built She was going very fast, which was【 B2】 _because there were icebergs in that【 B3】 _and it was very dark that night T

47、he passengers were all having a good time when the ship suddenly【 B4】_one of the icebergs The giant ship began to sink slowly but【 B5】 _ The entire ocean liner was in【 B6】_ All the passengers were trying to【 B7】 _, but there were not enough lifeboats【 B8】 _on the ship since nobody thought they would

48、 be necessary Eight white rockets were fired into the air in order to get help Another ship, the Californian, was passing nearby An officer and another sailor on it saw the rockets, hut they thought perhaps people were having a party on board of the ship and were just firing the rockets for fun Anyw

49、ay they did wake the captain But【 B9】 _ When the Titanic finally went down,【 B10】 _.They were trying tu keep the passengers calm through their heroic deeds【 B11】 _。 37 【 B1】 38 【 B2】 39 【 B3】 40 【 B4】 41 【 B5】 42 【 B6】 43 【 B7】 44 【 B8】 45 【 B9】 46 【 B10】 47 【 B11】 Section A Directions: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choic

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